(via.1a),Min and max L and W of via outside :drc_tag:``,AL,0.150,µm
(via.1b),"Three sizes of square Vias allowed inside areaid:mt: 0.150um, 0.230um and 0.280um",AL,,
(via.2),Spacing of via to via,AL,0.170,µm
(via.3),Only min. square vias are allowed except die seal ring where vias are (Via CD)*L,,0.2*L,
(via.4a),0.150 µm Via must be enclosed by Met1 by at least …,,0.055,µm
(via.4b),"Inside :drc_tag:``, 0.230 µm Via must be enclosed by met1 by atleast",AL,0.030,µm
(via.4c),"Inside :drc_tag:``, 0.280 µm Via must be enclosed by met1 by atleast",AL,0.000,µm
(via.5a),0.150 µm Via must be enclosed by Met1 on one of two adjacent sides by at least …,,0.085,µm
(via.5b),"Inside :drc_tag:``, 0.230 µm Via must be enclosed by met1 on one of two adjacent sides by at least …",AL,0.060,µm
(via.5c),"Inside :drc_tag:``, 0.280 µm Via must be enclosed by met1 on one of two adjacent sides by at least …",AL,0.000,µm
(via.11),Min and max L and W of via outside :drc_tag:``,CU,0.180,µm
(via.12),Min spacing between vias,CU,0.130,µm
(via.13),Max of 5 vias within …,CU,0.350,µm
(via.14),0.180 µm Via must be enclosed by parallel edges of Met1 by at least …,CU,0.040,µm
(via.irdrop.1),"For 1 <= n <= 2 vias on the same connector, mcon area pre- and post- Cu conversion must differ by no more than…",CU IR,0.0,µm
(via.irdrop.2),"For 3 <= n <= 15 vias on the same connector, mcon area pre- and post- Cu conversion must differ by no more than…",CU IR,0.6,µm
(via.irdrop.3),"For 16 <= n <= 30 vias on the same connector, mcon area pre- and post- Cu conversion must differ by no more than…",CU IR,0.8,µm
(via.irdrop.4),"For n > 30 vias on the same connector, mcon area pre- and post- Cu conversion must differ by no more than…",CU IR,0.9,µm
(via.14a),0.180 µm Via must be enclosed by 45 deg edges of Met1 by at least …,CU,0.037,deg µm