Layer / Design rule,CD,,space,,Comment
MOSFET width,0.135,,,,FOMSE
MOSFET width in standard cells,0.075,,,,FOMSESC
Spacing of poly on field to diff,,,0.065,,PFDSE
Spacing of poly on field to tap,,,0.005,,PFTSE
Enclosure of tap by nwell for pwell res,,,0.22,,PTAP_NWL_SP
Grid conversion rounding factor,,,0.005,,GRCF
Licon enclosure rounding,,,0.02,,LICENCLR
LI1CD add/drop,0.01,,0.04,,
Huge metal X min. W and L,3,,,,HugeM
Min Nsdm area ,0.265,,,,MinNsdmArea
Min Psdm area,0.255,,,,MinPsdmArea
Min N/Psdm hole area ,0.265,,,,MinNPsdmHole
Large waffle size must be divisible by 4,7.2,,,,waffle_large
P1M additional CD control,0.011,,,,P1MCDcontrol
Li1 proximity correction,,,0.25,,LI1PROXSpace
"Serif added to nwell convex corner (SXX-572, 573)",0.22,,,,NwellCvxSerif
"Serif added to nwell concave corner (SXX-572, 573)",0.12,,,,NwellCveSerif
NWM extension beyond nwell edge straddling de_nFet_source (for GSMC; QZM-133),0.075,,,,NvhvNwellExt
Min enclosure of pad by pmm for Cu inductor (JNET-80) ,0,,,,padPMMEncInd
Min enclosure of pmm by cu1m for Cu inductor (JNET-80) ,10.75,,,,pmmCu1mEncInd
Min enclosure of pbo by cu1m per DECA 000348 Rev S,10,,,,pboCu1mEnc
Min enclosure of pmm by pmm2 for radio flow in the die (JNET-80) ,13,,,,pmmPmm2EncInd
Min enclosure of pmm by pmm2 inside frame,7.5,,,,pmmPmm2EncIndFrame
Min space between pmm2 and Inductor.dg ,,,7.5,,pmm2IndSpc
Min cu1m PD across full chip,0.35,,,,MinCU1Mpd
Max cu1m PD across full chip,0.45,,,,MaxCU1Mpd
Spacing between RDL and outer edge of seal ring,15,,,,RdlSealSpc
Spacing between RDL and pmm2,6.16,,,,RdlPmm2Spc
Enclosure of etest module in die by cpmm2,0,,,,EtestCpmm2Enc
"Keepout of active, poly, li and metal to NSM (TCS-2253)",,,1,,NSMKeepout
"3 um keepout of active, poly, li and metal to areaid.dt/areaid.ft (TCS-2253)",,,3,,NSMKeepout_3um
pnp_emitter sizing (S8P GSMC flow),,,0.05,,PnpEmitterSzGSMC
pnp_emitter sizing (other flows),,,0.03,,PnpEmitterSz
MiM Capacitor aspect ration,20,,,,MiM_AR
Min NCM space to be used to preserve NCM CL algorithm (avoid LVL error),,,1.27,,NCM_0LVL
Min space of NCM between core and periphery due to existing layout restriction,,,0.96,,NcmCorePeriSP
Multiplication factor,,,0.01,,S8LVconv
Minimum scribe width,50,,,,scribew
spacing of p-well  outside deep n-well to deep n-well mask edge,,,0.12,,NWDNWENCL
p-well in deep n-well to p-sub,,,1.2,,NWDNWOL
Field oxide etchback after P1ME before implants,,,0.04,,WFDEL