Version Number Format --------------------- Version numbers for both the PDK and the supplied libraries are fully specified by a 3-digit version number followed by a git commit count and a git commit short hash. The 3-digit-number will be tagged in the associated git repository as ``vX.Y.Z`` and the fully specified value can be found by running |git-describe|_ tool inside the correct git repository. .. |git-describe| replace:: ``git describe`` .. _git-describe: The version number is broken down as ``vX.Y.Z-AAA-gHHHHH``; * The letter ``v``. * ``X`` = The "Milestone Release" Number * **0** indicates **"alpha"** level. The IP has **not** undergone full qualification. Parts of the IP **may be immature and untested**. * **1** indicates **"beta"** level. The IP has undergone qualification testing but has **not** been hardware verified. * **2** indicates **production** level. The IP has passed qualification testing and has been hardware verified. * ``Y`` = The "Major Release" Number * ``Z`` = The "Minor Release" Number * A single hyphen character ``-`` * ``AAA`` = The `git commit count `_ since the version number was tagged. * A single hyphen character followed by the letter g ``-g`` * ``HHHH`` = A `git commit short hash `_ which uniquely identifies a specific git commit inside the associated git repository.