
453 lines
20 KiB

#include "coloquinte/legalizer.hxx"
#include "coloquinte/optimization_subproblems.hxx"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
namespace coloquinte{
namespace dp{
void get_result(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement const & dpl, placement_t & gpl){
for(index_t c=0; c<circuit.cell_cnt(); ++c){
if( (circuit.get_cell(c).attributes & XMovable) != 0)
gpl.positions_[c].x = dpl.plt_.positions_[c].x;
if( (circuit.get_cell(c).attributes & YMovable) != 0)
gpl.positions_[c].y = dpl.plt_.positions_[c].y;
if( (circuit.get_cell(c).attributes & XFlippable) != 0)
gpl.orientations_[c].x = dpl.plt_.orientations_[c].x;
if( (circuit.get_cell(c).attributes & YFlippable) != 0)
gpl.orientations_[c].y = dpl.plt_.orientations_[c].y;
struct cell_to_leg{
int_t x_pos, y_pos;
index_t original_cell;
int_t width;
index_t nbr_rows;
bool operator<(cell_to_leg const o) const{ return x_pos < o.x_pos; }
cell_to_leg(int_t x, int_t y, index_t ind, int_t w, index_t rows)
: x_pos(x), y_pos(y),
legalizable_task<int_t> task() const{ return legalizable_task<int_t>(width, x_pos, original_cell); }
struct fixed_cell_interval{
int_t min_x, max_x;
index_t cell_ind;
bool operator<(fixed_cell_interval const o) const{ return min_x > o.min_x; }
fixed_cell_interval(int_t mn, int_t mx, index_t ind) : min_x(mn), max_x(mx), cell_ind(ind){}
struct cell_leg_properties{
int_t x_pos;
index_t row_pos;
index_t ind;
cell_leg_properties(int_t x, int_t r, index_t i) : x_pos(x), row_pos(r), ind(i){}
std::vector<cell_leg_properties> simple_legalize(
std::vector<std::vector<fixed_cell_interval> > obstacles, std::vector<cell_to_leg> cells,
std::vector<std::vector<index_t> > & rows,
int_t x_min, int_t x_max, int_t y_orig,
int_t row_height, index_t nbr_rows
std::vector<int_t> first_available_position(nbr_rows, x_min);
// Sort the cells by x position
std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end());
std::vector<cell_leg_properties> ret;
for(cell_to_leg C : cells){
// Dumb, quick and dirty best-fit legalization
bool found_location = false;
// Properties of the current best solution
int_t best_x=0;
int_t best_cost=0;
index_t best_row=0;
// Helper function
auto check_row_cost = [&](index_t r, cell_to_leg const cell, int_t additional_cost){
// Find where to put the cell in these rows
// Simple method: get a range where we can put the cell
assert(r + cell.nbr_rows <= nbr_rows);
assert(additional_cost >= 0);
// First position where we can put it
int_t cur_pos = *std::max_element(first_available_position.begin() + r, first_available_position.begin() + r + cell.nbr_rows);
int_t max_lim = x_max - cell.width;
int_t interval_lim;
interval_lim = max_lim;
// For each row, test if obstacles prevent us from putting a cell here
// Until we find a correct position or are beyond the maximum position
for(index_t i = 0; i<cell.nbr_rows; ++i){
// Find the first obstacle which is after this position
// TODO: use lower/upper bound
auto it=obstacles[r+i].rbegin();
for(; it != obstacles[r+i].rend() && it->max_x <= cur_pos; ++it){
if(it != obstacles[r+i].rend()){ // There is an obstacle on the right
assert(it->min_x < it->max_x);
int_t cur_lim = it->min_x - cell.width; // Where the obstacles contrains us
interval_lim = std::min(cur_lim, interval_lim); // Constraint
if(cur_lim < cur_pos){ // If this particular obstacle constrained us so that it is not possible to make it here, we increment the position
cur_pos = std::max(it->max_x, cur_pos);
// Do it again until we find a solution
// TODO: continue until we can't find a better solution (currently sticks before the first obstacle if there is enough whitespace)
}while(interval_lim < cur_pos and interval_lim < max_lim and cur_pos < max_lim); // Not admissible and we encountered an obstacle and there is still hope
if(interval_lim >= cur_pos){ // An admissible solution is found (and if cell.x_pos is between cur_pos and interval_lim it is optimal)
int_t row_best_x = std::min(interval_lim, std::max(cur_pos, cell.x_pos));
int_t row_cost_x = std::abs((float)(row_best_x - cell.x_pos));
if(not found_location or row_cost_x + additional_cost < best_cost){
found_location = true;
best_cost = row_cost_x + additional_cost;
best_x = row_best_x;
best_row = r;
// The row where we would prefer the cell to go
if(C.nbr_rows > nbr_rows) throw std::runtime_error("Impossible to legalize a cell spanning more rows than are available\n");
index_t central_row = std::min( (index_t) std::max( (C.y_pos - y_orig) / row_height, 0), nbr_rows-C.nbr_rows);
// Try every possible row from the best one, until we can't improve the cost
for(index_t row_dist = 0;
(central_row + row_dist < nbr_rows or central_row >= row_dist)
and (not found_location or (int_t) row_dist * row_height * C.width < (int_t) row_height + best_cost);
if(central_row + row_dist < nbr_rows - C.nbr_rows){
int_t add_cost = C.width * std::abs((float)static_cast<int_t>(central_row + row_dist) * static_cast<int_t>(row_height) + y_orig - C.y_pos);
check_row_cost(central_row + row_dist, C, add_cost);
if(central_row >= row_dist){
int_t add_cost = C.width * std::abs((float)static_cast<int_t>(central_row - row_dist) * static_cast<int_t>(row_height) + y_orig - C.y_pos);
check_row_cost(central_row - row_dist, C, add_cost);
if(not found_location){ // We didn't find any whitespace to put the cell in
throw std::runtime_error("Didn't manage to pack a cell due to dumb algorithm\n");
assert(best_x + C.width <= x_max and best_x >= x_min);
// Update the occupied rows
for(index_t r = best_row; r < best_row + C.nbr_rows; ++r){
// Include the obstacles
while(not obstacles[r].empty()
and obstacles[r].back().max_x <= best_x){
assert(obstacles[r].empty() or obstacles[r].back().min_x >= best_x + C.width);
first_available_position[r] = best_x + C.width;
ret.push_back(cell_leg_properties(best_x, best_row, C.original_cell));
// Finally, push the remaining fixed cells
for(index_t r=0; r<nbr_rows; ++r){
while(not obstacles[r].empty()){
return ret;
// A better legalization function which is able to push already legalized cells
std::vector<cell_leg_properties> good_legalize(
std::vector<std::vector<fixed_cell_interval> > obstacles, std::vector<cell_to_leg> cells,
std::vector<std::vector<index_t> > & rows,
int_t x_min, int_t x_max, int_t y_orig,
int_t row_height, index_t nbr_rows
// Two possibilities:
// * Single OSRP (group of movable cells) at the current end of the row of standard cells
// * Multiple OSRPs, between each pair of obstacles
// -> allows pushing cells past obstacles
// -> tricky with multiple standard cell heights
// Therefore I chose single OSRP, which gets cleared and pushed to the final state whenever
// * we encounter a multiple-rows cell
// * a new standard cell gets past an obstacle
// The current group of standard cells on the right of the row
std::vector<OSRP_leg<int_t> > single_row_problems(nbr_rows);
for(index_t r=0; r<nbr_rows; ++r){
single_row_problems[r] = OSRP_leg<int_t>(x_min, obstacles[r].empty() ? x_max : obstacles[r].back().min_x);
// Sort the cells by x position
std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end());
std::vector<cell_leg_properties> ret;
for(cell_to_leg C : cells){
// Dumb, quick and dirty best-fit legalization
bool found_location = false;
// Properties of the current best solution
int_t best_cost=0;
index_t best_row=0;
index_t obstacles_passed = 0;
// Helper function
auto check_row_cost = [&](index_t r, cell_to_leg const cell, int_t additional_cost){
// Find where to put the cell in these rows
// Check if we can put it in the current ranges and at what cost; if not or if the optimal position is beyond an obstacle, try after this obstacle too
assert(cell.nbr_rows > 0);
assert(r + cell.nbr_rows <= nbr_rows);
assert(additional_cost >= 0);
// Where can we put a standard cell if we allow to move the cells?
if(cell.nbr_rows == 1){
int_t cur_cost = 0;
// Can we simply add it to the single row problem?
bool found_here = single_row_problems[r].remaining_space() >= cell.width;
int_t loc_obstacles_passed = 0;
// Check the cost of pushing it here with possible displacement
cur_cost = single_row_problems[r].get_cost(cell.task()); // Don't update the row
// Other positions where we can put it, without moving other cells this time
if(not found_here or cur_cost > 0){
index_t obstacles_to_throw = 0;
auto it = obstacles[r].rbegin();
while(it != obstacles[r].rend()){
++ obstacles_to_throw;
auto prev_it = it++;
int_t region_end = it != obstacles[r].rend() ? it->min_x : x_max;
if(region_end >= prev_it->max_x + cell.width){
int_t loc_x = std::min(region_end - cell.width, std::max(prev_it->max_x, cell.x_pos));
int_t loc_cost = cell.width * std::abs((float)(cell.x_pos - loc_x));
if(not found_here or cur_cost > loc_cost){
found_here = true;
cur_cost = loc_cost;
loc_obstacles_passed = obstacles_to_throw;
if(found_here and (not found_location or cur_cost + additional_cost < best_cost)){
found_location = true;
//std::cout << "Found with displacement cost " << cur_cost << " and total cost " << cur_cost + additional_cost << std::endl;
best_cost = cur_cost + additional_cost;
best_row = r;
obstacles_passed = loc_obstacles_passed;
if(loc_obstacles_passed > 0) assert(not obstacles[r].empty());
// If it is a fixed cell, we use fixed locations
std::cerr << "cell.nbr_rows:" << cell.nbr_rows << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("I don't handle fucking macros (good_legalize)\n");
// The row where we would prefer the cell to go
if(C.nbr_rows > nbr_rows) throw std::runtime_error("Impossible to legalize a cell spanning more rows than are available\n");
index_t central_row = std::min( (index_t) std::max( (C.y_pos - y_orig) / row_height, 0), nbr_rows-C.nbr_rows);
// Try every possible row from the best one, until we can't improve the cost
for(index_t row_dist = 0;
(central_row + row_dist < nbr_rows or central_row >= row_dist)
and (not found_location or (int_t) row_dist * row_height * C.width < (int_t) row_height + best_cost);
if(central_row + row_dist < nbr_rows - C.nbr_rows){
int_t add_cost = C.width * std::abs((float)static_cast<int_t>(central_row + row_dist) * static_cast<int_t>(row_height) + y_orig - C.y_pos);
check_row_cost(central_row + row_dist, C, add_cost);
if(central_row >= row_dist){
int_t add_cost = C.width * std::abs((float)static_cast<int_t>(central_row - row_dist) * static_cast<int_t>(row_height) + y_orig - C.y_pos);
check_row_cost(central_row - row_dist, C, add_cost);
if(not found_location){ // We didn't find any whitespace to put the cell in
throw std::runtime_error("Didn't manage to pack a cell: leave more whitespace and avoid macros near the right side\n");
//std::cout << "Cell " << C.original_cell << " of width " << C.width << " targetting row " << central_row << " and position " << C.x_pos << " put at row " << best_row << " with displacement " << best_cost / C.width << " with " << obstacles_passed << " obstacles passed" << std::endl;
// If the cell spans multiple rows, it becomes fixed
// In this case or if the cell goes after an obstacle, push everything before the cell to the fixed state
if(C.nbr_rows == 1){
if(obstacles_passed == 0){ // Ok; just update the old single row problem
single_row_problems[best_row].push(C.task()); // Push it to the row
assert(obstacles_passed > 0);
// Empty the single row problem
for(auto p : single_row_problems[best_row].get_placement()){
ret.push_back(cell_leg_properties(p.second, best_row, p.first));
// Find where to put it
int_t region_begin = x_min;
for(index_t i=0; i<obstacles_passed; ++i){
assert(not obstacles[best_row].empty());
region_begin = obstacles[best_row].back().max_x;
int_t region_end = obstacles[best_row].empty() ? x_max : obstacles[best_row].back().min_x;
single_row_problems[best_row] = OSRP_leg<int_t>(region_begin, region_end);
assert(region_end - region_begin >= C.width);
single_row_problems[best_row].push(C.task()); // Push this only cell to the single row problem
throw std::runtime_error("I don't handle fucking macros (here)\n");
for(index_t r=0; r<nbr_rows; ++r){
// Finally, push the remaining standard cells in the row
for(auto p : single_row_problems[r].get_placement()){
ret.push_back(cell_leg_properties(p.second, r, p.first));
// And the fixed cells
while(not obstacles[r].empty()){
return ret;
detailed_placement legalize(netlist const & circuit, placement_t const & pl, box<int_t> surface, int_t row_height){
if(row_height <= 0) throw std::runtime_error("The rows' height should be positive\n");
index_t nbr_rows = (surface.y_max - surface.y_min) / row_height;
// The position of the ith row is surface.y_min + i * row_height
std::vector<std::vector<fixed_cell_interval> > row_occupation(nbr_rows);
std::vector<cell_to_leg> cells;
placement_t new_placement = pl;
std::vector<index_t> placement_rows(circuit.cell_cnt());
std::vector<index_t> cell_heights(circuit.cell_cnt());
for(index_t i=0; i<circuit.cell_cnt(); ++i){
auto cur = circuit.get_cell(i);
// Assumes fixed if not both XMovable and YMovable
if( (cur.attributes & XMovable) != 0 && (cur.attributes & YMovable) != 0){
// Just truncate the position we target
point<int_t> target_pos = pl.positions_[i];
index_t cur_cell_rows = (cur.size.y + row_height -1) / row_height;
cells.push_back(cell_to_leg(target_pos.x, target_pos.y, i, cur.size.x, cur_cell_rows));
cell_heights[i] = cur_cell_rows;
// In each row, we put the index of the fixed cell and the range that is already occupied
int_t low_x_pos = pl.positions_[i].x,
hgh_x_pos = pl.positions_[i].x + cur.size.x,
low_y_pos = pl.positions_[i].y,
hgh_y_pos = pl.positions_[i].y + cur.size.y;
new_placement.positions_[i] = point<int_t>(low_x_pos, low_y_pos);
if(hgh_y_pos <= surface.y_min or low_y_pos >= surface.y_max or hgh_x_pos <= surface.x_min or low_x_pos >= surface.x_max){
placement_rows[i] = null_ind;
cell_heights[i] = 0;
assert(low_x_pos < hgh_x_pos and low_y_pos < hgh_y_pos);
int_t rnd_hgh_x_pos = std::min(surface.x_max, hgh_x_pos);
int_t rnd_hgh_y_pos = std::min(surface.y_max, hgh_y_pos);
int_t rnd_low_x_pos = std::max(surface.x_min, low_x_pos);
int_t rnd_low_y_pos = std::max(surface.y_min, low_y_pos);
index_t first_row = (rnd_low_y_pos - surface.y_min) / row_height;
index_t last_row = (index_t) (rnd_hgh_y_pos - surface.y_min + row_height - 1) / row_height; // Exclusive: if the cell spans the next row, i.e. pos % row_height >= 0, include it too
assert(last_row <= nbr_rows);
placement_rows[i] = first_row;
cell_heights[i] = last_row - first_row;
for(index_t r=first_row; r<last_row; ++r){
row_occupation[r].push_back(fixed_cell_interval(rnd_low_x_pos, rnd_hgh_x_pos, i));
for(std::vector<fixed_cell_interval> & L : row_occupation){
std::sort(L.begin(), L.end()); // Sorts from last to first, so that we may use pop_back()
// Doesn't collapse them yet, which may make for bigger complexities
for(index_t i=0; i+1<L.size(); ++i){
if(L[i].min_x < L[i+1].max_x) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Coloquinte::dp::legalize(): Sorry, I don't handle overlapping fixed cells yet ";
message << " i:" << i << " max_x: " << L[i].max_x << " > min_x:" << L[i+1].min_x << "\n";
throw std::runtime_error(message.str());
std::vector<std::vector<index_t> > cells_by_rows;
auto final_cells = good_legalize(row_occupation, cells, cells_by_rows,
surface.x_min, surface.x_max, surface.y_min,
row_height, nbr_rows
for(cell_leg_properties C : final_cells){
new_placement.positions_[C.ind] = point<int_t>(C.x_pos, static_cast<int_t>(C.row_pos) * row_height + surface.y_min);
placement_rows[C.ind] = C.row_pos;
return detailed_placement(
surface.x_min, surface.x_max,
nbr_rows, row_height
} // namespace dp
} // namespace coloquinte