
336 lines
17 KiB

# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "technology.conf<common>" -*-
# Those settings are common to all the symbolic technologies.
from Hurricane import BasicLayer
from helpers import l, u, n
from helpers.Technology import TypeRegular
from helpers.Technology import TypeDiffusion
from helpers.Technology import TypeTransistor
from helpers.Technology import TypeContact
from helpers.Technology import TypeVia
#viewerConfig = { 'precision':2, 'gridstep':1.0 }
# The informations here are extracted from the Alliance ".rds" file,
# and must be coherent with it.
# Format of <realLayerTable>:
# The third parameter must be present only for blockage material.
# Note: concerning the LayerMask, real layers are implementeds as BasicLayer,
# and are associated to exactly one bit of the mask. Symbolic layers
# then combine BasicLayer to create composite objects, an thus can have
# a mask which have multiple bits set. Getting the mask from a layer
# is straigthforward, but the reverse is not true. One mask may match
# multiple symbolic layers. To overcome this ambiguity we introduce the
# concept of "working layer", which, for one given mask tells the layer
# that will be returned (generally the symbolic one).
realLayersTable = \
( ('nWell' , BasicLayer.Material.nWell ) # Non-Routing Layers.
, ('pWell' , BasicLayer.Material.pWell )
, ('nImplant' , BasicLayer.Material.nImplant)
, ('pImplant' , BasicLayer.Material.pImplant)
, ('active' , )
, ('poly' , BasicLayer.Material.poly )
, ('poly2' , BasicLayer.Material.poly )
, ('cut0' , BasicLayer.Material.cut ) # Routing Layers & VIA Cuts.
, ('metal1' , BasicLayer.Material.metal ) # WARNING: order *is* meaningful.
, ('cut1' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal2' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
, ('metcap' , BasicLayer.Material.other )
, ('cut2' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal3' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
, ('cut3' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal4' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
, ('cut4' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal5' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
, ('cut5' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal6' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
, ('cut6' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal7' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
, ('cut7' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal8' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
, ('cut8' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal9' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
, ('cut9' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
, ('metal10' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
#, ('topmim6' , BasicLayer.Material.other ) # For Capacitances & Pads.
, ('metbot_r' , BasicLayer.Material.other )
#, ('padopen' , BasicLayer.Material.other )
#, ('alucap' , BasicLayer.Material.other )
, ('text.cell' , BasicLayer.Material.other ) # Misc. non-physical layers.
, ('text.instance', BasicLayer.Material.other ) # Used by the software for visualization
, ('SPL1' , BasicLayer.Material.other ) # purposes only.
, ('AutoLayer' , BasicLayer.Material.other )
, ('blockage1' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal1') # Blockages
, ('blockage2' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal2')
, ('blockage3' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal3')
, ('blockage4' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal4')
, ('blockage5' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal5')
, ('blockage6' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal6')
, ('blockage7' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal7')
, ('blockage8' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal8')
, ('blockage9' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal9')
, ('blockage10' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, 'metal10')
, ('gmetalh' , BasicLayer.Material.metal ) # Special BasicLayers for Knik & Kite Routers.
, ('gcut' , BasicLayer.Material.cut ) # *Must be after all others*
, ('gmetalv' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
# Format of <compositeLayersTable>:
# The length of the list of real layers depends on the type.
# In some case, the last of the list may be optional, it must be
# sets to None and not left empty.
compositeLayersTable = \
( ('NWELL' , TypeRegular , ('nWell' ,))
, ('PWELL' , TypeRegular , ('pWell' ,))
, ('NTIE' , TypeDiffusion , ('nImplant' , 'active', 'nWell'))
, ('PTIE' , TypeDiffusion , ('pImplant' , 'active', 'pWell'))
, ('NDIF' , TypeDiffusion , ('nImplant' , 'active', None ))
, ('PDIF' , TypeDiffusion , ('pImplant' , 'active', None ))
, ('GATE' , TypeDiffusion , ('poly' , 'active', None ))
, ('NTRANS' , TypeTransistor, ('nImplant' , 'active', 'poly', None ))
, ('PTRANS' , TypeTransistor, ('pImplant' , 'active', 'poly', 'nWell'))
, ('POLY' , TypeRegular , ('poly' ,))
, ('POLY2' , TypeRegular , ('poly2' ,))
, ('METAL1' , TypeRegular , ('metal1' ,))
, ('METAL2' , TypeRegular , ('metal2' ,))
, ('metcapdum' , TypeRegular , ('metcap' ,))
, ('metbot' , TypeRegular , ('metal2' ,))
, ('METAL3' , TypeRegular , ('metal3' ,))
, ('METAL4' , TypeRegular , ('metal4' ,))
, ('METAL5' , TypeRegular , ('metal5' ,))
, ('METAL6' , TypeRegular , ('metal6' ,))
, ('METAL7' , TypeRegular , ('metal7' ,))
, ('METAL8' , TypeRegular , ('metal8' ,))
, ('METAL9' , TypeRegular , ('metal9' ,))
, ('METAL10' , TypeRegular , ('metal10' ,))
, ('CONT_BODY_N', TypeContact , ('nImplant' , 'active', 'cut0', 'metal1', 'nWell'))
, ('CONT_BODY_P', TypeContact , ('pImplant' , 'active', 'cut0', 'metal1', 'pWell'))
, ('CONT_DIF_N' , TypeContact , ('nImplant' , 'active', 'cut0', 'metal1', None ))
, ('CONT_DIF_P' , TypeContact , ('pImplant' , 'active', 'cut0', 'metal1', None ))
, ('CONT_POLY' , TypeVia , ( 'poly' , 'cut0', 'metal1' ))
# VIAs for real technologies.
, ('via12' , TypeVia , ( 'metal1', 'cut1', 'metal2' ))
, ('via23' , TypeVia , ( 'metal2', 'cut2', 'metal3' ))
, ('via34' , TypeVia , ( 'metal3', 'cut3', 'metal4' ))
, ('via45' , TypeVia , ( 'metal4', 'cut4', 'metal5' ))
, ('via56' , TypeVia , ( 'metal5', 'cut5', 'metal6' ))
, ('via67' , TypeVia , ( 'metal6', 'cut6', 'metal7' ))
, ('via78' , TypeVia , ( 'metal7', 'cut7', 'metal8' ))
, ('via89' , TypeVia , ( 'metal8', 'cut8', 'metal9' ))
, ('via910' , TypeVia , ( 'metal9', 'cut9', 'metal10'))
# VIAs for symbolic technologies.
, ('VIA12' , TypeVia , ( 'metal1', 'cut1', 'metal2' ))
, ('VIA23' , TypeVia , ( 'metal2', 'cut2', 'metal3' ))
, ('VIA23cap' , TypeVia , ( 'metcap', 'cut2', 'metal3' ))
, ('VIA34' , TypeVia , ( 'metal3', 'cut3', 'metal4' ))
, ('VIA45' , TypeVia , ( 'metal4', 'cut4', 'metal5' ))
, ('VIA56' , TypeVia , ( 'metal5', 'cut5', 'metal6' ))
, ('VIA67' , TypeVia , ( 'metal6', 'cut6', 'metal7' ))
, ('VIA78' , TypeVia , ( 'metal7', 'cut7', 'metal8' ))
, ('VIA89' , TypeVia , ( 'metal8', 'cut8', 'metal9' ))
, ('VIA910' , TypeVia , ( 'metal9', 'cut9', 'metal10'))
, ('BLOCKAGE1' , TypeRegular , ('blockage1' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE2' , TypeRegular , ('blockage2' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE3' , TypeRegular , ('blockage3' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE4' , TypeRegular , ('blockage4' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE5' , TypeRegular , ('blockage5' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE6' , TypeRegular , ('blockage6' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE7' , TypeRegular , ('blockage7' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE8' , TypeRegular , ('blockage8' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE9' , TypeRegular , ('blockage9' , ))
, ('BLOCKAGE10' , TypeRegular , ('blockage10', ))
, ('gcontact' , TypeVia , ('gmetalh' , 'gcut', 'gmetalv'))
# Format of <symbolicLayersTable>:
# This is a simple list of Symbolic layers.
symbolicLayersTable = \
[ 'POLY', 'POLY2'
, 'METAL1' , 'METAL2' , 'METAL3' , 'METAL4' , 'METAL5' , 'METAL6' , 'METAL7' , 'METAL8' , 'METAL9' , 'METAL10'
, 'VIA12' , 'VIA23' , 'VIA34' , 'VIA45' , 'VIA56' , 'VIA67' , 'VIA78' , 'VIA89' , 'VIA910'
, 'gcut' , 'gmetalh' , 'gmetalv' , 'gcontact'
# Format of <layersExtensionsTable>:
# Each entry is a pair of (string, value).
# * string: a synthetic way to designate the real or symbolic layer on
# which it applies, an optional sub layer (BasicLayer) in case
# where there is more than one, and the dimension name.
# * value : the rule (dimension) value.
# Values/dimensions must be given using one of the following conversion
# function:
# * l(value) : value expressed in lambda (symbolic).
# * u(value) : value is expressed in microns.
# * n(value) : value is expressed in nanometers.
symbolicLayersExtensionsTable = \
[ ('NWELL.nWell.extention.cap' , l( 0.0))
, ('PWELL.pWell.extention.cap' , l( 0.0))
, ('NTIE.minimum.width' , l( 3.0))
, ('NTIE.nWell.extention.cap' , l( 1.5))
, ('NTIE.nWell.extention.width' , l( 0.5))
, ('NTIE.nImplant.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('NTIE.nImplant.extention.width' , l( 0.5))
, ('' , l( 0.5))
, ('' , l( 0.0))
, ('PTIE.minimum.width' , l( 3.0))
, ('PTIE.pWell.extention.cap' , l( 1.5))
, ('PTIE.pWell.extention.width' , l( 0.5))
, ('PTIE.pImplant.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('PTIE.pImplant.extention.width' , l( 0.5))
, ('' , l( 0.5))
, ('' , l( 0.0))
, ('NDIF.minimum.width' , l( 3.0))
, ('NDIF.nImplant.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('NDIF.nImplant.extention.width' , l( 0.5))
, ('' , l( 0.5))
, ('' , l( 0.0))
, ('PDIF.minimum.width' , l( 3.0))
, ('PDIF.pImplant.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('PDIF.pImplant.extention.width' , l( 0.5))
, ('' , l( 0.5))
, ('' , l( 0.0))
, ('GATE.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('GATE.poly.extention.cap' , l( 1.5))
, ('NTRANS.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('NTRANS.nImplant.extention.cap' , l(-1.0))
, ('NTRANS.nImplant.extention.width' , l( 2.5))
, ('' , l(-1.5))
, ('' , l( 2.0))
, ('PTRANS.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('PTRANS.nWell.extention.cap' , l(-1.0))
, ('PTRANS.nWell.extention.width' , l( 4.5))
, ('PTRANS.pImplant.extention.cap' , l(-1.0))
, ('PTRANS.pImplant.extention.width' , l( 4.0))
, ('' , l(-1.5))
, ('' , l( 3.0))
, ('POLY.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('POLY.poly.extention.cap' , l( 0.5))
, ('POLY2.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('POLY2.poly.extention.cap' , l( 0.5))
# Routing Layers (symbolic).
, ('METAL1.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL1.metal1.extention.cap' , l( 0.5))
, ('METAL2.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL2.metal2.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL3.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL3.metal3.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL4.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL4.metal4.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL4.minimalSpacing' , l( 3.0))
, ('METAL5.minimum.width' , l( 2.0))
, ('METAL5.metal5.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL6.minimum.width' , l( 2.0))
, ('METAL6.metal6.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL7.minimum.width' , l( 2.0))
, ('METAL7.metal7.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL8.minimum.width' , l( 2.0))
, ('METAL8.metal8.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL9.minimum.width' , l( 2.0))
, ('METAL9.metal9.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
, ('METAL10.minimum.width' , l( 2.0))
, ('METAL10.metal10.extention.cap' , l( 1.0))
# Contacts (i.e. Active <--> Metal) (symbolic).
, ('CONT_BODY_N.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('CONT_BODY_N.nWell.enclosure' , l( 1.5))
, ('CONT_BODY_N.nImplant.enclosure' , l( 1.5))
, ('' , l( 1.0))
, ('CONT_BODY_N.metal1.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('CONT_BODY_P.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('CONT_BODY_P.pWell.enclosure' , l( 1.5))
, ('CONT_BODY_P.pImplant.enclosure' , l( 1.5))
, ('' , l( 1.0))
, ('CONT_BODY_P.metal1.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('CONT_DIF_N.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('CONT_DIF_N.nImplant.enclosure' , l( 1.0))
, ('' , l( 0.5))
, ('CONT_DIF_N.metal1.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('CONT_DIF_P.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('CONT_DIF_P.pImplant.enclosure' , l( 1.0))
, ('' , l( 0.5))
, ('CONT_DIF_P.metal1.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('CONT_POLY.minimum.width' , l( 1.0))
, ('CONT_POLY.poly.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('CONT_POLY.metal1.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
# VIAs (i.e. Metal <--> Metal) (symbolic).
, ('VIA12.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA12.metal1.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA12.metal2.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA23.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA23.metal2.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA23.metal3.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA34.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA34.metal3.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA34.metal4.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA45.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA45.metal4.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA45.metal5.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA56.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA56.metal5.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA56.metal6.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA67.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA67.metal6.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA67.metal7.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA78.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA78.metal7.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA78.metal8.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA89.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA89.metal8.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA89.metal9.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA910.minimum.side' , l( 1.0))
, ('VIA910.metal9.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
, ('VIA910.metal10.enclosure' , l( 0.5))
# Blockages (symbolic).
, ('BLOCKAGE1.minimum.width' , l(1.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE1.blockage1.extention.cap' , l(0.5))
, ('BLOCKAGE2.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE2.blockage2.extention.cap' , l(0.5))
, ('BLOCKAGE3.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE3.blockage3.extention.cap' , l(0.5))
, ('BLOCKAGE4.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE4.blockage4.extention.cap' , l(0.5))
, ('BLOCKAGE5.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE5.blockage5.extention.cap' , l(1.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE6.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE6.blockage6.extention.cap' , l(1.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE7.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE7.blockage7.extention.cap' , l(1.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE8.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE8.blockage8.extention.cap' , l(1.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE9.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE9.blockage9.extention.cap' , l(1.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE10.minimum.width' , l(2.0))
, ('BLOCKAGE10.blockage10.extention.cap', l(1.0))