
413 lines
15 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | B o r a - A n a l o g S l i c i n g T r e e |
// | |
// | Authors : Jean-Paul Chaput, Eric LAO |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./SlicingPlotWidget.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <QColor>
#include <QPen>
#include <QPalette>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <qwt_scale_draw.h>
#include <qwt_scale_map.h>
#include <qwt_scale_widget.h>
#include <qwt_symbol.h>
#include <qwt_plot_curve.h>
#include <qwt_plot_picker.h>
#include <qwt_legend.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/DbU.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/Graphics.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/DynamicLabel.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/AnalogCellExtension.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/Device.h"
#include "hurricane/analog/TransistorFamily.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "bora/SlicingPlotWidget.h"
namespace {
class SlicingScaleDraw : public QwtScaleDraw {
virtual QwtText label ( double value ) const;
QwtText SlicingScaleDraw::label ( double value ) const
{ return QString("%1").arg( value, 0, 'f', 1 ); }
} // Anonymous namespace.
namespace Bora {
using namespace std;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::DbU;
using Hurricane::DynamicLabel;
using Hurricane::Graphics;
using Analog::AnalogCellExtension;
using Analog::Device;
using Analog::TransistorFamily;
SlicingPlotWidget::SlicingPlotWidget ( QWidget* parent )
: QWidget (parent)
, _viewer (NULL)
, _plot (new QwtPlot ())
, _picker (new QwtPlotPicker( QwtPlot::xBottom // X Axis id.
, QwtPlot::yLeft // Y Axis id.
, QwtPicker::CrossRubberBand
, QwtPicker::ActiveOnly
, _plot->canvas()) )
, _gridDisplay (new QGridLayout())
, _gridLabel () // Label line 2: text
, _widths (NULL) // Coordinates X for STreeCurve
, _heights (NULL) // Coordinates Y for STreeCurve
, _widthSelected (NULL) // Coordinate X for selectedPoint
, _heightSelected(NULL) // Coordinate Y for selectedPoint
, _pareto ()
, _STreeCurve (new QwtPlotCurve("SlicingTree's dimensions")) // Blue dots : possible dimensions
, _paretoCurve (new QwtPlotCurve("Pareto")) // Black curve: pareto curve
, _selectedPoint (new QwtPlotCurve("Selected")) // Red dot : selected placement
_picker->setStateMachine(new QwtPickerClickPointMachine());
setStyleSheet ( "border: 0px" );
int ptSize = Graphics::isHighDpi() ? 2 : 2;
QwtText xTitle ( QString::fromUtf8("Width (µm)") );
QwtText yTitle ( QString::fromUtf8("Height (µm)") );
xTitle.setFont( Graphics::getFixedFont(QFont::Bold,false,false,-1) );
yTitle.setFont( Graphics::getFixedFont(QFont::Bold,false,false,-1) );
_plot->setAxisTitle ( QwtPlot::xBottom, xTitle );
_plot->setAxisTitle ( QwtPlot::yLeft , yTitle );
_plot->insertLegend ( new QwtLegend(), QwtPlot::BottomLegend );
_plot->setAxisFont ( QwtPlot::xBottom, Graphics::getFixedFont(QFont::Normal,false,false,-2) );
_plot->setAxisFont ( QwtPlot::yLeft , Graphics::getFixedFont(QFont::Normal,false,false,-2) );
QString styleSheet("color: black; background:rgb(255,255,221); padding: 5px");
_plot->legend()->setStyleSheet( QString("padding: 0px") );
QPen paretoPen ( Qt::green );
paretoPen.setWidth( Graphics::isHighDpi() ? 3 : 1 );
_paretoCurve->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::Lines );
_paretoCurve->setPen ( paretoPen );
_paretoCurve->attach ( _plot );
QPen dotPen ( Qt::blue );
dotPen.setWidth( ptSize );
_STreeCurve->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::Dots );
_STreeCurve->setPen ( dotPen );
_STreeCurve->attach ( _plot );
QwtSymbol* symbol = new QwtSymbol();
symbol->setStyle( QwtSymbol::Triangle );
symbol->setSize ( 6 );
symbol->setPen ( dotPen );
_STreeCurve->setSymbol( symbol );
QPen selectPen ( Qt::red );
selectPen.setWidth( ptSize+2 );
_selectedPoint->setStyle( QwtPlotCurve::Dots );
_selectedPoint->setPen ( selectPen );
_selectedPoint->attach ( _plot );
connect( _picker, SIGNAL(selected(const QPointF&)), this, SLOT(onPointSelect(const QPointF&)) );
QVBoxLayout* vLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
vLayout->addWidget ( _plot );
QHBoxLayout* line = new QHBoxLayout ();
DynamicLabel* dlabel = new DynamicLabel();
dlabel->setStaticText ( QString::fromUtf8("Width (µm):") );
dlabel->setDynamicWidth( 4, DynamicLabel::NoIndent );
dlabel->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( "0" ) );
_gridLabel.push_back( dlabel );
line->addWidget( dlabel );
dlabel = new DynamicLabel();
dlabel->setStaticText ( QString::fromUtf8("Height (µm):") );
dlabel->setDynamicWidth( 4, DynamicLabel::NoIndent );
dlabel->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( "0" ) );
_gridLabel.push_back( dlabel );
line->addWidget( dlabel );
vLayout->addLayout( line );
line = new QHBoxLayout ();
dlabel = new DynamicLabel();
dlabel->setStaticText ( "Occupation Area (%):" );
dlabel->setDynamicWidth( 4, DynamicLabel::NoIndent );
dlabel->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( "100" ) );
_gridLabel.push_back( dlabel );
line->addWidget( dlabel );
dlabel = new DynamicLabel();
dlabel->setStaticText ( "Ratio(W/H):" );
dlabel->setDynamicWidth( 4, DynamicLabel::NoIndent );
dlabel->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( "0" ) );
_gridLabel.push_back( dlabel );
line->addWidget( dlabel );
dlabel = new DynamicLabel();
dlabel->setStaticText ( QString::fromUtf8("Area (µm²):") );
dlabel->setDynamicWidth( 4, DynamicLabel::NoIndent );
dlabel->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( "0" ) );
_gridLabel.push_back( dlabel );
line->addWidget( dlabel );
vLayout->addLayout( line );
QFrame* separator = new QFrame ();
separator->setFrameShape ( QFrame::HLine );
separator->setFrameShadow ( QFrame::Sunken );
vLayout->addWidget ( separator );
vLayout->addLayout ( _gridDisplay );
setLayout( vLayout );
SlicingPlotWidget::~SlicingPlotWidget ()
delete _STreeCurve;
delete _paretoCurve;
delete _selectedPoint;
delete _plot;
if ( _widths != NULL ) delete [] _widths;
if ( _heights != NULL ) delete [] _heights;
void SlicingPlotWidget::setViewer ( CellViewer* viewer )
if (_viewer) {
disconnect( _viewer, 0, this , 0 );
disconnect( this , 0, _viewer, 0 );
_viewer = viewer;
void SlicingPlotWidget::setDatas ()
// Clear previous datas
if (_widths != NULL) delete [] _widths;
if (_heights != NULL) delete [] _heights;
_pareto = Pareto();
for ( size_t igrid = 5 ; igrid < _gridLabel.size() ; ++igrid )
delete _gridLabel[igrid];
_gridLabel.resize( 5 );
while ( _gridDisplay->count() ) {
_gridDisplay->removeItem( _gridDisplay->itemAt(0) );
if (_widthSelected != NULL) delete [] _widthSelected;
if (_heightSelected != NULL) delete [] _heightSelected;
SlicingNode* slicingtree = AnalogCellExtension::get<SlicingNode>( _viewer->getCellWidget()->getCell() );
if (not slicingtree) {
// Set new datas
_widths = new double [ slicingtree->getNodeSets()->size() ];
_heights = new double [ slicingtree->getNodeSets()->size() ];
size_t i = 0;
NodeSets* nodeSets = slicingtree->getNodeSets();
for (vector<BoxSet*>::iterator it = nodeSets->begin(); it != nodeSets->end(); it++){
_widths [i] = DbU::toPhysical ( (*it)->getWidth (), DbU::Micro );
_heights[i] = DbU::toPhysical ( (*it)->getHeight(), DbU::Micro );
_pareto.mergePoint( _widths[i], _heights[i] );
_STreeCurve->setSamples ( _widths , _heights , nodeSets->size() );
_paretoCurve->setSamples( _pareto.xs(), _pareto.ys(), _pareto.size() );
int ii = 0;
int jj = 0;
Cell* analogCell = _viewer->getCellWidget()->getCell();
vector<Instance*> instances = vector<Instance*>();
for( Instance* instance : analogCell->getInstances() ) {
Cell* model = instance->getMasterCell();
Device* device = dynamic_cast<Device*>( model );
if (device) instances.push_back( instance );
for( Instance* instance : instances ) {
Cell* model = instance->getMasterCell();
Device* device = dynamic_cast<Device*>( model );
if (device) {
TransistorFamily* tf = dynamic_cast<TransistorFamily*>( device );
if (tf) {
DynamicLabel* dlabel = new DynamicLabel();
dlabel->setDynamicWidth( 4, DynamicLabel::NoIndent );
dlabel->setStaticText ( QString("%1:").arg( instance->getName()._getString().c_str() ) );
dlabel->setDynamicText ( QString("%1" ).arg( 0 ) );
_gridDisplay->addWidget( dlabel, ii, jj );
_gridLabel.push_back( dlabel );
if (jj == 5){
jj = 0;
void SlicingPlotWidget::onPointSelect ( const QPointF& point )
// Clicking on SlicingTree's Pareto Graph:
// 1) Update slicing tree
// 2) Update selected point and labels
// 3) Update selected row
double distance = 0.0;
QwtScaleMap xMap = _plot->canvasMap( QwtPlot::xBottom );
QwtScaleMap yMap = _plot->canvasMap( QwtPlot::yLeft );
QPoint qpoint ( xMap.transform(point.x()), yMap.transform(point.y()) );
int iclosest = _STreeCurve->closestPoint( qpoint, &distance );
int dataSize = _STreeCurve->dataSize();
cdebug.log(539) << " Selection: [" << point.x() << " " << point.y() << "]" << endl;
if ( (iclosest >= 0) and (iclosest < dataSize) ) {
double x = _STreeCurve->sample( iclosest ).x();
double y = _STreeCurve->sample( iclosest ).y();
ostringstream message;
message << "(" << DbU::getValueString(x) << "," << DbU::getValueString(y) << ")";
cmess2 << " o Selecting analog placement" << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asInt ( " - Index" , iclosest ) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asString( " - Size (w,h)", message.str() ) << endl;
SlicingNode* slicingtree = AnalogCellExtension::get<SlicingNode>( _viewer->getCellWidget()->getCell() );
BoxSet* boxSet = slicingtree->getPairHW( DbU::fromPhysical(y, DbU::Micro)
, DbU::fromPhysical(x, DbU::Micro)
cdebug.log(539) << " iclosest: " << iclosest
<< " (" << DbU::getValueString(DbU::fromPhysical(x, DbU::Micro))
<< "," << DbU::getValueString(DbU::fromPhysical(y, DbU::Micro))
<< ")" << endl;
emit updatePlacement( boxSet );
updateSelectedPoint ( x, y );
emit updateSelectedRow( x, y );
} else {
cdebug.log(539) << " No closest point " << iclosest << endl;
void SlicingPlotWidget::updateSelectedPoint ( double x, double y )
// Clicking on SlicingTree's possible dimensions table:
// 1) Update selected point
// 2) Update labels
if (_widthSelected != NULL) delete [] _widthSelected;
if (_heightSelected != NULL) delete [] _heightSelected;
double* _widthSelected = new double [ 1 ];
double* _heightSelected = new double [ 1 ];
_widthSelected [0] = x;
_heightSelected[0] = y;
_selectedPoint->setSamples ( _widthSelected, _heightSelected, 1 );
SlicingNode* slicingtree = AnalogCellExtension::get<SlicingNode>( _viewer->getCellWidget()->getCell() );
_gridLabel[0]->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( DbU::getValueString(slicingtree->getWidth ()).c_str() ) );
_gridLabel[1]->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( DbU::getValueString(slicingtree->getHeight()).c_str() ) );
_gridLabel[2]->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( slicingtree->getOccupationArea() ));
if ( slicingtree->getHeight() != 0 ){
_gridLabel[3]->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( DbU::getPhysical( slicingtree->getWidth (), DbU::Micro )
/ DbU::getPhysical( slicingtree->getHeight(), DbU::Micro )
} else _gridLabel[3]->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg(0));
_gridLabel[4]->setDynamicText( QString("%1").arg( DbU::getPhysical( slicingtree->getWidth (), DbU::Micro )
* DbU::getPhysical( slicingtree->getHeight(), DbU::Micro )
Cell* analogCell = _viewer->getCellWidget()->getCell();
size_t i = 0;
vector<Instance*> instances;
for( Instance* iInstance : analogCell->getInstances() ) {
Cell* model = iInstance->getMasterCell();
Device* device = dynamic_cast<Device*>(model);
if (device) instances.push_back(iInstance);
for( Instance* iInstance : instances ) {
Cell* model = iInstance->getMasterCell();
Device* device = dynamic_cast<Device*>(model);
if (device) {
TransistorFamily* tf = dynamic_cast<TransistorFamily*>( device );
if (tf) {
_gridLabel[i+5]->setDynamicText ( QString("%1" ).arg( tf->getNfing() ) );
} // Bora namespace.