403 lines
12 KiB
403 lines
12 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2009, All Rights Reserved
// ===================================================================
// $Id$
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
// | |
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./GCellRoutingSet.cpp" |
// | *************************************************************** |
// | U p d a t e s |
// | |
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
#include <limits>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Contact.h"
#include "hurricane/Segment.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "katabatic/AutoSegment.h"
#include "kite/GCell.h"
#include "kite/GCellGrid.h"
#include "kite/GCellRoutingSet.h"
#include "kite/DataNegociate.h"
namespace Kite {
using std::numeric_limits;
using std::queue;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::setprecision;
using Hurricane::roundfp;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::inltrace;
using Hurricane::ltracein;
using Hurricane::ltraceout;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Katabatic::getVectorString;
const char* usedGCellSeed =
"GCellRoutingSet::create() : %s is already in a GCellRoutingSet.\n";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "GCellRoutingSet".
GCellRoutingSet::GCellRoutingSet ( GCell* gcell, float expandStep, float minDensity )
: _order (numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
, _minDensity (minDensity)
, _minDensities (new float [gcell->getDepth()])
, _gcells (1,gcell)
, _borderSegments()
, _statistics ()
gcell->setInRoutingSet ( true );
if ( _minDensity > expandStep ) _minDensity -= expandStep;
else _minDensity = 0.0;
_minDensity = roundfp ( _minDensity );
for ( unsigned int i=0 ; i < gcell->getDepth() ; i++ ) {
_minDensities[i] = gcell->getDensity(i) * expandStep;
_minDensities[i] = roundfp ( _minDensities[i] );
ltrace(200) << getVectorString(_minDensities,gcell->getDepth()) << endl;
void GCellRoutingSet::_postCreate ()
ltrace(90) << "Kite::GCellRoutingSet::_postCreate() - " << (void*)this << " " << this << endl;
GCellRoutingSet::~GCellRoutingSet ()
delete [] _minDensities;
void GCellRoutingSet::_preDestroy ()
{ }
void GCellRoutingSet::destroy ()
_preDestroy ();
delete this;
GCellRoutingSet* GCellRoutingSet::create ( GCell* gcell, float expandStep )
if ( gcell->isInRoutingSet() )
throw Error ( usedGCellSeed, getString(gcell).c_str() );
GCellRoutingSet* rs = new GCellRoutingSet ( gcell
, expandStep
, gcell->getDensity()
rs->_postCreate ();
return rs;
void GCellRoutingSet::setRouted ( bool state )
for ( size_t igcell=0 ; igcell<_gcells.size() ; ++igcell )
_gcells[igcell]->setRouted ( true );
vector<TrackElement*>& GCellRoutingSet::getOwnedSegments ( vector<TrackElement*>& segments ) const
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_gcells.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( _gcells[i]->isRouted() ) continue;
const vector<TrackElement*>& gcellSegments = _gcells[i]->getOwnedSegments();
for ( size_t j=0 ; j<gcellSegments.size() ; j++ ) {
if ( !gcellSegments[j]->isFixed() )
segments.push_back ( gcellSegments[j] );
// segments.insert ( segments.end()
// , _gcells[i]->getOwnedSegments().begin()
// , _gcells[i]->getOwnedSegments().end()
// );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_borderSegments.size() ; i++ ) {
TrackElement* segment = _borderSegments[i]._segment;
DataNegociate* data = segment->getDataNegociate();
data->setGCellOrder ( _order );
segments.push_back ( segment );
return segments;
void GCellRoutingSet::expand ( GCellGrid* grid )
cerr << "Order: Expanding " << this << endl;
ltrace(200) << "Expanding: " << this << endl;
ltrace(200) << getVectorString(_minDensities,_gcells.front()->getDepth()) << endl;
queue<GCell*> densityQueue;
densityQueue.push ( _gcells.front() );
while ( !densityQueue.empty() ) {
GCell* current = densityQueue.front ();
GCell* neighbor = NULL;
densityQueue.pop ();
ltrace(200) << "Popping Density: " << current << endl;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ ) {
switch ( i ) {
case 0: neighbor = grid->getGCellLeft (current); break;
case 1: neighbor = grid->getGCellRight(current); break;
case 2: neighbor = grid->getGCellUp (current); break;
case 3: neighbor = grid->getGCellDown (current); break;
if ( neighbor ) {
cerr << "Order: Looking at neighbor " << neighbor << endl;
float densities[32];
neighbor->base()->getDensities ( densities );
ltrace(200) << "Neighbor: " << neighbor << " " << getVectorString(densities,5) << endl;
if ( neighbor and !neighbor->isInRoutingSet() ) {
if ( not neighbor->isAboveDensity(_minDensity)
and not GCell::areDensityConnex(current,neighbor) )
cerr << "Order: Agglomerate " << neighbor << endl;
ltrace(200) << "Agglomerating: " << neighbor << endl;
neighbor->setInRoutingSet ( true );
_gcells.push_back ( neighbor );
densityQueue.push ( neighbor );
// De-notching pass.
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_gcells.size() ; i++ ) densityQueue.push ( _gcells[i] );
while ( not densityQueue.empty() ) {
GCell* current = densityQueue.front();
GCell* neighbor = NULL;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ ) {
switch ( i ) {
case 0: neighbor = grid->getGCellLeft (current); break;
case 1: neighbor = grid->getGCellRight(current); break;
case 2: neighbor = grid->getGCellUp (current); break;
case 3: neighbor = grid->getGCellDown (current); break;
if ( not neighbor ) continue;
cerr << "Order: Denotching, looking at neighbor " << neighbor << endl;
if ( neighbor->isInRoutingSet() ) continue;
GCell* left = grid->getGCellLeft (neighbor);
GCell* right = grid->getGCellRight(neighbor);
GCell* up = grid->getGCellUp (neighbor);
GCell* down = grid->getGCellDown (neighbor);
bool hasLeft = (left) ? left ->isInRoutingSet() : true;
bool hasRight = (right) ? right->isInRoutingSet() : true;
bool hasUp = (up) ? up ->isInRoutingSet() : true;
bool hasDown = (down) ? down ->isInRoutingSet() : true;
if ( (not (hasLeft and hasRight)) and (not (hasUp and hasDown)) ) continue;
cerr << "Order: Denotching, Agglomerate " << neighbor << endl;
ltrace(200) << "Denotching, Agglomerating: " << neighbor << endl;
neighbor->setInRoutingSet ( true );
_gcells.push_back ( neighbor );
densityQueue.push ( neighbor );
ltrace(200) << "GCellRoutingSet (final): " << this << endl;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_gcells.size() ; i++ )
ltrace(200) << "| " << _gcells[i] << endl;
_statistics.setGCellsCount ( _gcells.size() );
_statistics.setSegmentsCount ( 0 );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_gcells.size() ; i++ ) {
const vector<TrackElement*>& gcellSegments = _gcells[i]->getOwnedSegments();
_statistics.incSegmentsCount ( gcellSegments.size() );
void GCellRoutingSet::loadBorder ( GCellGrid* grid )
ltrace(200) << "loadBorder() " << this << endl;
unsigned int order = _order;
TrackElement* segment = NULL;
DataNegociate* data;
for ( size_t igcell=0 ; igcell<_gcells.size() ; igcell++ ) {
if ( _gcells[igcell]->getOrder() < order ) continue;
GCell* neighbor = NULL;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<2 ; i++ ) {
switch ( i ) {
case 0: neighbor = grid->getGCellLeft (_gcells[igcell]); break;
case 1: neighbor = grid->getGCellRight(_gcells[igcell]); break;
if ( not neighbor or (neighbor->getOrder() <= order) ) continue;
neighbor->computeBorder ();
for ( size_t iRight=0 ; iRight<2 ; iRight++ ) {
segment = neighbor->getRightRp(iRight);
if ( segment == NULL ) break;
data = (segment) ? segment->getDataNegociate() : NULL;
if ( data ) {
if ( (i == 0) and (data->getGCellOrder() > order) and not data->isRing() ) {
ltrace(200) << "| border: [" << data->getGCellOrder()
<< " > " << order << "] " << segment << endl;
data->setRightBorder ( true );
_borderSegments.push_back ( BorderSegment(segment,data->getGCellOrder()) );
} else
for ( size_t iLeft=0 ; iLeft<2 ; iLeft++ ) {
segment = neighbor->getLeftRp(iLeft);
if ( segment == NULL ) break;
data = (segment) ? segment->getDataNegociate() : NULL;
if ( data ) {
if ( (i == 1) and (data->getGCellOrder() > order) and not data->isRing() ) {
ltrace(200) << "| border: [" << data->getGCellOrder()
<< " > " << order << "] " << segment << endl;
data->setLeftBorder ( true );
_borderSegments.push_back ( BorderSegment(segment,data->getGCellOrder()) );
} else
void GCellRoutingSet::freeBorder ()
for ( size_t j=0 ; j<_borderSegments.size() ; j++ ) {
DataNegociate* data = _borderSegments[j]._segment->getDataNegociate();
if ( not data->isBorder() ) continue;
data->resetBorder ();
data->setGCellOrder ( _borderSegments[j]._order );
Session::addRemoveEvent ( _borderSegments[j]._segment );
Session::revalidate ();
vector<BorderSegment>().swap ( _borderSegments );
unsigned int& GCellRoutingSet::loadRouting ( unsigned int& order )
_order = order;
//cerr << "RoutingSet order:" << order << endl;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_gcells.size() ; i++ )
_gcells[i]->loadRouting ( order );
return ++order;
string GCellRoutingSet::_getTypeName () const
{ return "GCellRoutingSet"; }
string GCellRoutingSet::_getString () const
ostringstream s;
s << "<o:" << ((_order!=numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) ? getString(_order) : "-")
<< " " << _gcells.front() << setprecision(9)
<< " [" << ":" << _minDensity
<< "] " << _gcells.size()
<< ">";
return s.str();
//return "<o:" + ((_order!=numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) ? getString(_order) : "-")
// + " " + getString(_gcells.front())
// + " [" + /*getString(_minDensity)*/ + ":" + getString(_minDensity)
// + "] " + getString(_gcells.size())
// + ">";
Record* GCellRoutingSet::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record ( getString(this) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_gcells" , &_gcells ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_order" , _order ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_minDensity", _minDensity ) );
return record;
} // End of Kite namespace.