984 lines
32 KiB
984 lines
32 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2021-2021, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | E t e s i a n - A n a l y t i c P l a c e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./FlattenPower.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include "hurricane/configuration/Configuration.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
#include "hurricane/BasicLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/RegularLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/Pad.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/Rectilinear.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/NetExternalComponents.h"
#include "hurricane/NetRoutingProperty.h"
#include "hurricane/Instance.h"
#include "hurricane/Plug.h"
#include "hurricane/Path.h"
#include "hurricane/Query.h"
#include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "etesian/EtesianEngine.h"
namespace {
using namespace std;
using namespace Hurricane;
using CRL::AllianceFramework;
using CRL::RoutingGauge;
using CRL::RoutingLayerGauge;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local Functions.
void destroyRing ( Net* net )
for( RoutingPad* rp : net->getRoutingPads() ) {
bool allMasters = true;
vector<Hook*> ring;
for( Hook* hook : rp->getBodyHook()->getHooks() ) {
if (not hook->isMaster()) { allMasters = false; break; }
ring.push_back( hook );
if (allMasters) {
for ( auto hook : ring ) {
hook->_setNextHook( hook );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::GlobalNetTable".
class GlobalNetTable {
GlobalNetTable ( Cell* );
inline Cell* getTopCell () const;
Net* getRootNet ( const Net*, Path ) const;
inline Net* getVdd () const;
inline Net* getVss () const;
inline Net* getBlockage () const;
inline void setBlockage ( Net* );
bool guessGlobalNet ( const Name&, Net* );
uint32_t _flags;
Name _vddCoreName;
Name _vssCoreName;
Net* _vdd;
Net* _vss;
Net* _blockage;
Cell* _topCell;
inline Cell* GlobalNetTable::getTopCell () const { return _topCell; }
inline Net* GlobalNetTable::getVdd () const { return _vdd; }
inline Net* GlobalNetTable::getVss () const { return _vss; }
inline Net* GlobalNetTable::getBlockage () const { return _blockage; }
inline void GlobalNetTable::setBlockage ( Net* net ) { _blockage=net; }
GlobalNetTable::GlobalNetTable ( Cell* topCell )
: _flags (0)
, _vddCoreName()
, _vssCoreName()
, _vdd (NULL)
, _vss (NULL)
, _blockage (NULL)
, _topCell (topCell)
if (_topCell == NULL) return;
cmess1 << " o Looking for powers/grounds & clocks." << endl;
for( Net* net : _topCell->getNets() ) {
Net::Type netType = net->getType();
if (NetRoutingExtension::isManualDetailRoute(net)) continue;
if (NetRoutingExtension::isManualGlobalRoute(net)) continue;
if (netType == Net::Type::POWER) {
if (_vddCoreName.isEmpty()) {
_vddCoreName = net->getName();
_vdd = net;
} else {
cerr << Error("Second power supply net <%s> net at top block level will be ignored.\n"
" (will consider only <%s>)"
, getString(net ->getName()).c_str()
, getString(_vdd->getName()).c_str()
) << endl;
if (netType == Net::Type::GROUND) {
if (_vssCoreName.isEmpty()) {
_vssCoreName = net->getName();
_vss = net;
} else {
cerr << Error("Second power ground net <%s> net at top block level will be ignored.\n"
" (will consider only <%s>)"
, getString(net ->getName()).c_str()
, getString(_vss->getName()).c_str()
) << endl;
if (_vdd == NULL) cerr << Error("Missing POWER net at top block level." ) << endl;
else destroyRing( _vdd );
if (_vss == NULL) cerr << Error("Missing GROUND net at top block level." ) << endl;
else destroyRing( _vss );
bool GlobalNetTable::guessGlobalNet ( const Name& name, Net* net )
if (name == _vddCoreName) {
cmess1 << " - Using <" << net->getName() << "> as core (internal:vdd) power net." << endl;
_vdd = net;
return true;
if (name == _vssCoreName) {
cmess1 << " - Using <" << net->getName() << "> as core (internal:vss) ground net." << endl;
_vss = net;
return true;
return false;
Net* GlobalNetTable::getRootNet ( const Net* net, Path path ) const
cdebug_log(159,0) << " getRootNet:" << path << ":" << net << endl;
if (net == _blockage) return _blockage;
if (net->getType() == Net::Type::POWER ) return _vdd;
if (net->getType() == Net::Type::GROUND) return _vss;
return NULL;
class Rails;
class Plane;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::Rail".
class Rail {
Rail ( Rails*, DbU::Unit axis, DbU::Unit width );
inline DbU::Unit getAxis () const;
inline DbU::Unit getWidth () const;
inline Rails* getRails () const;
inline uint32_t getDirection () const;
inline RoutingLayerGauge* getLayerGauge () const;
inline Net* getNet () const;
inline const Layer* getLayer () const;
void merge ( DbU::Unit source, DbU::Unit target );
void doLayout ( const Layer* );
string _getString () const;
Rails* _rails;
DbU::Unit _axis;
DbU::Unit _width;
list<Interval> _chunks;
void Rail::merge ( DbU::Unit source, DbU::Unit target )
Interval chunkToMerge ( source, target );
cdebug_log(159,0) << " Rail::merge() "
<< ((getDirection()==Constant::Horizontal) ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical")
<< " " << chunkToMerge << endl;
cdebug_log(159,0) << " | " << _getString() << endl;
list<Interval>::iterator imerge = _chunks.end();
list<Interval>::iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
while ( ichunk != _chunks.end() ) {
if (imerge == _chunks.end()) {
if (chunkToMerge.getVMax() < (*ichunk).getVMin()) {
cdebug_log(159,0) << " | Insert before " << *ichunk << endl;
imerge = _chunks.insert( ichunk, chunkToMerge );
if (chunkToMerge.intersect(*ichunk)) {
cdebug_log(159,0) << " | Merge with " << *ichunk << endl;
imerge = ichunk;
(*imerge).merge( chunkToMerge );
} else {
if (chunkToMerge.getVMax() >= (*ichunk).getVMin()) {
(*imerge).merge( *ichunk );
cdebug_log(159,0) << " | Absorb (erase) " << *ichunk << endl;
ichunk = _chunks.erase( ichunk );
} else
if (imerge == _chunks.end()) {
_chunks.insert( ichunk, chunkToMerge );
cdebug_log(159,0) << " | Insert at end " << DbU::getValueString(_axis) << " " << chunkToMerge << endl;
cdebug_log(159,0) << " | " << _getString() << endl;
void Rail::doLayout ( const Layer* layer )
cdebug_log(159,0) << "Doing layout of rail: "
<< " " << layer->getName()
<< " " << ((getDirection()==Constant::Horizontal) ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical")
<< " @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis) << endl;
cdebug_log(159,0) << _getString() << endl;
Net* net = getNet();
RoutingLayerGauge* rg = getLayerGauge();
Segment* segment = NULL;
DbU::Unit extension = layer->getExtentionCap();
cdebug_log(159,0) << " (pitch:" << DbU::getValueString(rg->getPitch())
<< " , ww/2:" << DbU::getValueString(rg->getHalfWireWidth())
<< ")" << endl;
// if ( type == Constant::PinOnly ) {
// cdebug_log(159,0) << " Layer is PinOnly." << endl;
// return;
// }
if ( getDirection() == Constant::Horizontal ) {
list<Interval>::iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
list<Interval>::iterator ichunknext = ichunk;
for ( ; ichunk != _chunks.end() ; ++ichunk, ++ichunknext ) {
if (ichunknext != _chunks.end()) {
if ((*ichunk).intersect(*ichunknext))
cerr << Error( "Overlaping consecutive chunks in %s %s Rail @%s:\n"
" %s"
, getString(layer->getName()).c_str()
, ((getDirection()==Constant::Horizontal) ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical")
, DbU::getValueString(_axis).c_str()
, _getString().c_str()
) << endl;
cdebug_log(159,0) << " chunk: [" << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMin())
<< ":" << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMax()) << "]" << endl;
segment = Horizontal::create ( net
, layer
, _axis
, _width
, (*ichunk).getVMin()+extension
, (*ichunk).getVMax()-extension
if ( segment and net->isExternal() )
NetExternalComponents::setExternal ( segment );
} else {
list<Interval>::iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
for ( ; ichunk != _chunks.end() ; ichunk++ ) {
cdebug_log(159,0) << " chunk: [" << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMin())
<< ":" << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMax()) << "]" << endl;
segment = Vertical::create ( net
, layer
, _axis
, _width
, (*ichunk).getVMin()+extension
, (*ichunk).getVMax()-extension
if ( segment and net->isExternal() )
NetExternalComponents::setExternal ( segment );
string Rail::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<Rail " << ((getDirection()==Constant::Horizontal) ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical")
<< " @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis) << " "
<< " w:" << DbU::getValueString(_width) << " ";
list<Interval>::const_iterator ichunk = _chunks.begin();
for ( ; ichunk != _chunks.end() ; ++ichunk ) {
if (ichunk != _chunks.begin()) os << " ";
os << "[" << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMin())
<< " " << DbU::getValueString((*ichunk).getVMax()) << "]";
os << ">";
return os.str();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::RailCompare" & "::RailMatch".
class RailCompare {
bool operator() ( const Rail* lhs, const Rail* rhs );
inline bool RailCompare::operator() ( const Rail* lhs, const Rail* rhs )
if ( lhs->getAxis () < rhs->getAxis () ) return true;
if ( lhs->getWidth() < rhs->getWidth() ) return true;
return false;
class RailMatch : public unary_function<Rail*,bool> {
inline RailMatch ( DbU::Unit axis, DbU::Unit width );
inline bool operator() ( const Rail* );
DbU::Unit _axis;
DbU::Unit _width;
inline RailMatch::RailMatch ( DbU::Unit axis, DbU::Unit width )
: _axis(axis)
, _width(width)
{ }
inline bool RailMatch::operator() ( const Rail* rail )
{ return (rail->getAxis() == _axis) and (rail->getWidth() == _width); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::Rails".
class Rails {
Rails ( Plane*, uint32_t direction, Net* );
~Rails ();
inline Plane* getPlane ();
inline uint32_t getDirection () const;
inline RoutingLayerGauge* getLayerGauge () const;
inline Net* getNet () const;
void merge ( const Box& );
void doLayout ( const Layer* );
Plane* _plane;
uint32_t _direction;
Net* _net;
vector<Rail*> _rails;
// Delayed "::Rail" functions.
Rail::Rail ( Rails* rails, DbU::Unit axis, DbU::Unit width )
: _rails (rails)
, _axis (axis)
, _width (width)
, _chunks()
cdebug_log(159,0) << " new Rail "
<< " @" << DbU::getValueString(axis)
<< " " << getLayer()->getName()
<< " " << getRails()->getNet()
<< " " << ((getDirection()==Constant::Horizontal) ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical")<< endl;
inline DbU::Unit Rail::getAxis () const { return _axis; }
inline DbU::Unit Rail::getWidth () const { return _width; }
inline Rails* Rail::getRails () const { return _rails; }
inline uint32_t Rail::getDirection () const { return _rails->getDirection(); }
inline RoutingLayerGauge* Rail::getLayerGauge () const { return _rails->getLayerGauge(); }
inline Net* Rail::getNet () const { return _rails->getNet(); }
// Delayed "::Rail" functions.
Rails::Rails ( Plane* plane, uint32_t direction , Net* net )
: _plane (plane)
, _direction (direction)
, _net (net)
, _rails ()
cdebug_log(159,0) << " new Rails @"
<< " " << getLayerGauge()->getLayer()->getName()
<< " " << net
<< " " << ((getDirection()==Constant::Horizontal) ? "Horizontal": "Vertical") << endl;
Rails::~Rails ()
while ( not _rails.empty() ) {
delete (*_rails.begin());
_rails.erase ( _rails.begin() );
inline Plane* Rails::getPlane () { return _plane; }
inline uint32_t Rails::getDirection () const { return _direction; }
inline Net* Rails::getNet () const { return _net; }
void Rails::merge ( const Box& bb )
DbU::Unit axis;
DbU::Unit width;
DbU::Unit sourceU;
DbU::Unit targetU;
if (getDirection() == Constant::Horizontal) {
axis = bb.getYCenter();
width = bb.getHeight();
sourceU = bb.getXMin();
targetU = bb.getXMax();
} else {
axis = bb.getXCenter();
width = bb.getWidth();
sourceU = bb.getYMin();
targetU = bb.getYMax();
vector<Rail*>::iterator irail = find_if ( _rails.begin(), _rails.end(), RailMatch(axis,width) );
Rail* rail = NULL;
if ( irail == _rails.end() ) {
rail = new Rail(this,axis,width);
_rails.push_back ( rail );
stable_sort ( _rails.begin(), _rails.end(), RailCompare() );
} else {
rail = *irail;
rail->merge ( sourceU, targetU );
void Rails::doLayout ( const Layer* layer )
cdebug_log(159,0) << "Doing layout of rails: " << layer->getName()
<< " " << ((_direction==Constant::Horizontal) ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical")
<< " " << _net->getName() << endl;
for ( size_t irail=0 ; irail<_rails.size() ; irail++ )
_rails[irail]->doLayout ( layer );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::Plane".
class Plane {
typedef map<Net*,Rails*,Net::CompareById> RailsMap;
Plane ( const Layer*, RoutingLayerGauge* );
~Plane ();
inline const Layer* getLayer () const;
inline uint32_t getDirection () const;
inline RoutingLayerGauge* getLayerGauge () const;
inline uint32_t getPowerDirection () const;
void merge ( const Box&, Net* );
void doLayout ();
const Layer* _layer;
RoutingLayerGauge* _layerGauge;
RailsMap _horizontalRails;
RailsMap _verticalRails;
uint32_t _powerDirection;
// Delayed ::Rails function.
inline const Layer* Rail::getLayer () const { return _rails->getPlane()->getLayer(); }
inline RoutingLayerGauge* Rails::getLayerGauge () const { return _plane->getLayerGauge(); }
// Delayed ::Rails function.
Plane::Plane ( const Layer* layer, RoutingLayerGauge* layerGauge )
: _layer (layer)
, _layerGauge (layerGauge)
, _horizontalRails()
, _verticalRails ()
, _powerDirection (layerGauge->getDirection())
cdebug_log(159,0) << "New Plane " << _layer->getName() << " " << _layerGauge << endl;
// Hard-coded SxLib gauge.
if (_layerGauge->getDepth() == 0) _powerDirection = Constant::Horizontal;
Plane::~Plane ()
RailsMap::iterator irail = _horizontalRails.begin();
for ( ; irail != _horizontalRails.end() ; ++irail ) {
delete (*irail).second;
irail = _verticalRails.begin();
for ( ; irail != _verticalRails.end() ; ++irail ) {
delete (*irail).second;
inline const Layer* Plane::getLayer () const { return _layer; }
inline RoutingLayerGauge* Plane::getLayerGauge () const { return _layerGauge; }
inline uint32_t Plane::getDirection () const { return _layerGauge->getDirection(); }
inline uint32_t Plane::getPowerDirection () const { return _powerDirection; }
void Plane::merge ( const Box& bb, Net* net )
Rails* rails = NULL;
cdebug_log(159,0) << " Plane::merge() " << net->getName() << " " << bb << endl;
uint32_t direction = getDirection();
if ( (net->getType() == Net::Type::POWER) or (net->getType() == Net::Type::GROUND) )
direction = getPowerDirection();
if (direction == Constant::Horizontal) {
RailsMap::iterator irails = _horizontalRails.find(net);
if ( irails == _horizontalRails.end() ) {
rails = new Rails( this, Constant::Horizontal, net );
_horizontalRails.insert ( make_pair(net,rails) );
} else
rails = (*irails).second;
rails->merge ( bb );
} else {
RailsMap::iterator irails = _verticalRails.find(net);
if ( irails == _verticalRails.end() ) {
rails = new Rails( this, Constant::Vertical, net );
_verticalRails.insert ( make_pair(net,rails) );
} else
rails = (*irails).second;
cdebug_log(159,0) << " Vertical Merging" << endl;
rails->merge ( bb );
void Plane::doLayout ()
cdebug_log(159,0) << "Doing layout of plane: " << _layer->getName() << endl;
RailsMap::iterator irails = _horizontalRails.begin();
for ( ; irails != _horizontalRails.end() ; ++irails ) {
irails = _verticalRails.begin();
for ( ; irails != _verticalRails.end() ; ++irails ) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::PowerRailsPlanes".
class PowerRailsPlanes {
typedef map<const BasicLayer*,Plane*,BasicLayer::CompareByMask> PlanesMap;
PowerRailsPlanes ( Cell*, RoutingGauge* );
~PowerRailsPlanes ();
inline Net* getRootNet ( Net*, Path );
bool hasPlane ( const BasicLayer* );
inline void setBlockageNet ( Net* );
bool setActivePlane ( const BasicLayer* );
inline Plane* getActivePlane () const;
inline Plane* getActiveBlockagePlane () const;
void merge ( const Box&, Net* );
void doLayout ();
Cell* _topCell;
GlobalNetTable _globalNets;
PlanesMap _planes;
Plane* _activePlane;
Plane* _activeBlockagePlane;
PowerRailsPlanes::PowerRailsPlanes ( Cell* topCell, RoutingGauge* rg )
: _topCell (topCell)
, _globalNets (topCell)
, _planes ()
, _activePlane (NULL)
, _activeBlockagePlane(NULL)
for ( RoutingLayerGauge* lg : rg->getLayerGauges() ) {
cdebug_log(159,0) << "Gauge: [" << lg->getDepth() << "] " << lg << endl;
const BasicLayer* basicLayer = dynamic_cast<const BasicLayer*>( lg->getLayer() );
if (not basicLayer)
basicLayer = dynamic_cast<const RegularLayer*>( lg->getLayer() )->getBasicLayer();
_planes.insert( make_pair(basicLayer,new Plane(lg->getLayer(),lg)) );
//if (lg->getType() == Constant::PinOnly) continue;
const BasicLayer* blockageLayer = dynamic_cast<const BasicLayer*>( lg->getBlockageLayer() );
if (not blockageLayer) continue;
_planes.insert( make_pair(blockageLayer,new Plane(blockageLayer,lg)) );
PowerRailsPlanes::~PowerRailsPlanes ()
while ( not _planes.empty() ) {
delete _planes.begin()->second;
_planes.erase ( _planes.begin() );
inline Net* PowerRailsPlanes::getRootNet ( Net* net, Path path )
{ return _globalNets.getRootNet(net,path); }
bool PowerRailsPlanes::hasPlane ( const BasicLayer* layer )
{ return (_planes.find(layer) != _planes.end()); }
inline void PowerRailsPlanes::setBlockageNet ( Net* blockageNet )
{ _globalNets.setBlockage( blockageNet ); }
bool PowerRailsPlanes::setActivePlane ( const BasicLayer* layer )
PlanesMap::iterator iplane = _planes.find(layer);
if (iplane == _planes.end()) return false;
_activePlane = iplane->second;
_activeBlockagePlane = NULL;
if (layer->getMaterial() != BasicLayer::Material::blockage) {
BasicLayer* blockageLayer = layer->getBlockageLayer();
PlanesMap::iterator ibplane = _planes.find(blockageLayer);
if (ibplane != _planes.end())
_activeBlockagePlane = ibplane->second;
return true;
inline Plane* PowerRailsPlanes::getActivePlane () const
{ return _activePlane; }
inline Plane* PowerRailsPlanes::getActiveBlockagePlane () const
{ return _activeBlockagePlane; }
void PowerRailsPlanes::merge ( const Box& bb, Net* net )
if (not _activePlane) return;
Net* topGlobalNet = _globalNets.getRootNet( net, Path() );
if (topGlobalNet == NULL) {
cdebug_log(159,0) << "Not a global net: " << net << endl;
if ( (topGlobalNet == _globalNets.getBlockage()) and (_activeBlockagePlane != NULL) )
_activeBlockagePlane->merge( bb, topGlobalNet );
_activePlane->merge( bb, topGlobalNet );
void PowerRailsPlanes::doLayout ()
PlanesMap::iterator iplane = _planes.begin();
for ( ; iplane != _planes.end() ; iplane++ )
iplane->second->doLayout ();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::QueryPowerRails".
class QueryPowerRails : public Query {
QueryPowerRails ( Cell*, RoutingGauge* );
virtual bool hasGoCallback () const;
virtual void setBasicLayer ( const BasicLayer* );
virtual bool hasBasicLayer ( const BasicLayer* );
inline Net* getBlockageNet () const;
virtual void goCallback ( Go* );
virtual void rubberCallback ( Rubber* );
virtual void extensionGoCallback ( Go* );
virtual void masterCellCallback ();
void addToPowerRail ( const Go* go
, const BasicLayer* basicLayer
, const Box& area
, const Transformation& transformation
virtual void doQuery ();
inline void doLayout ();
inline uint32_t getGoMatchCount () const;
AllianceFramework* _framework;
Cell* _topCell;
Net* _blockageNet;
RoutingGauge* _routingGauge;
PowerRailsPlanes _powerRailsPlanes;
bool _isBlockagePlane;
uint32_t _goMatchCount;
QueryPowerRails::QueryPowerRails ( Cell* topCell, RoutingGauge* rg )
: Query ()
, _framework (AllianceFramework::get())
, _topCell (topCell)
, _blockageNet (topCell->getNet("blockagenet"))
, _routingGauge (rg)
, _powerRailsPlanes(topCell,rg)
, _isBlockagePlane (false)
, _goMatchCount (0)
setCell ( topCell );
setArea ( topCell->getAbutmentBox() );
setBasicLayer ( NULL );
setFilter ( Query::DoTerminalCells|Query::DoComponents );
if (not _blockageNet) {
_blockageNet = Net::create( topCell, "blockagenet" );
_blockageNet->setType( Net::Type::BLOCKAGE );
_powerRailsPlanes.setBlockageNet( _blockageNet );
cmess1 << " o Building power rails." << endl;
inline uint32_t QueryPowerRails::getGoMatchCount () const
{ return _goMatchCount; }
inline Net* QueryPowerRails::getBlockageNet () const
{ return _blockageNet; }
inline void QueryPowerRails::doLayout ()
{ return _powerRailsPlanes.doLayout(); }
bool QueryPowerRails::hasBasicLayer ( const BasicLayer* basicLayer )
{ return _powerRailsPlanes.hasPlane ( basicLayer ); }
void QueryPowerRails::setBasicLayer ( const BasicLayer* basicLayer )
_isBlockagePlane = (basicLayer) and (basicLayer->getMaterial() == BasicLayer::Material::blockage);
_powerRailsPlanes.setActivePlane ( basicLayer );
Query::setBasicLayer ( basicLayer );
void QueryPowerRails::doQuery ()
Plane* activePlane = _powerRailsPlanes.getActivePlane();
if (not activePlane) return;
cmess1 << " - PowerRails in " << activePlane->getLayer()->getName() << " ..." << endl;
void QueryPowerRails::masterCellCallback ()
{ }
bool QueryPowerRails::hasGoCallback () const
{ return true; }
void QueryPowerRails::goCallback ( Go* go )
//ltrace(80) << "QueryPowerRails::goCallback() " << go->getId() << ":" << go
// << " " << getPath().getName() << endl;
addToPowerRail ( go, getBasicLayer(), getArea(), getTransformation() );
void QueryPowerRails::addToPowerRail ( const Go* go
, const BasicLayer* basicLayer
, const Box& area
, const Transformation& transformation
cdebug_log(159,0) << "addToPowerRail: go=" << go << endl;
const Component* component = dynamic_cast<const Component*>( go );
if (component) {
if ( _framework->isPad(getMasterCell())
and ( (_routingGauge->getLayerDepth(component->getLayer()) < 2)
or (component->getLayer()->getBasicLayers().getFirst()->getMaterial()
!= BasicLayer::Material::blockage) ) )
Net* rootNet = _blockageNet;
if (not _isBlockagePlane) {
rootNet = _powerRailsPlanes.getRootNet(component->getNet(),getPath());
if (not NetExternalComponents::isExternal(component)) return;
if (not rootNet) {
cdebug_log(159,0) << " rootNet is NULL, not taken into account." << endl;
cdebug_log(159,0) << " rootNet " << rootNet << " "
<< go->getCell() << " (" << go->getCell()->isTerminal() << ")" << endl;
const Segment* segment = dynamic_cast<const Segment*>( component );
if (segment) {
cdebug_log(159,0) << " Merging PowerRail element: " << segment << endl;
Box bb = segment->getBoundingBox( basicLayer );
transformation.applyOn( bb );
_powerRailsPlanes.merge( bb, rootNet );
} else {
const Contact* contact = dynamic_cast<const Contact*>( component );
if (contact) {
Box bb = contact->getBoundingBox( basicLayer );
transformation.applyOn( bb );
cdebug_log(159,0) << " Merging PowerRail element: " << contact << " bb:" << bb
<< " " << basicLayer << endl;
_powerRailsPlanes.merge( bb, rootNet );
} else {
const Pad* pad = dynamic_cast<const Pad*>( component );
if (pad) {
Box bb = pad->getBoundingBox( basicLayer );
transformation.applyOn( bb );
cdebug_log(159,0) << " Merging PowerRail element: " << pad << " bb:" << bb
<< " " << basicLayer << endl;
_powerRailsPlanes.merge( bb, rootNet );
} else {
const Rectilinear* rectilinear = dynamic_cast<const Rectilinear*>( component );
if (rectilinear and (rectilinear->getPoints().size() == 5)) {
Box bb = rectilinear->getBoundingBox( basicLayer );
transformation.applyOn( bb );
cdebug_log(159,0) << " Merging PowerRail element: " << rectilinear << " bb:" << bb
<< " " << basicLayer << endl;
_powerRailsPlanes.merge( bb, rootNet );
void QueryPowerRails::rubberCallback ( Rubber* )
{ }
void QueryPowerRails::extensionGoCallback ( Go* )
{ }
} // anonymous namespace.
namespace Etesian {
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using Hurricane::DataBase;
using Hurricane::Technology;
using Hurricane::BasicLayer;
void EtesianEngine::flattenPower ()
string gaugeName = Cfg::getParamString("anabatic.routingGauge","sxlib")->asString();
RoutingGauge* rg = AllianceFramework::get()->getRoutingGauge( gaugeName );
if (not rg)
throw Error( "EtesianEngine::falttenPower(): No routing gauge named \"%s\"", gaugeName.c_str() );
//DebugSession::open( 150, 160 );
Technology* technology = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology();
QueryPowerRails query ( getCell(), rg );
query.setStopCellFlags( Cell::Flags::AbstractedSupply );
for ( BasicLayer* layer : technology->getBasicLayers() ) {
if ( (layer->getMaterial() != BasicLayer::Material::metal)
and (layer->getMaterial() != BasicLayer::Material::blockage) )
if (not query.hasBasicLayer(layer)) continue;
query.setBasicLayer( layer );
query.doQuery ();
cmess1 << " - " << query.getGoMatchCount() << " power rails elements found." << endl;
getCell()->setFlags( Cell::Flags::AbstractedSupply );
} // Etesian namespace.