332 lines
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332 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2016, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | Alliance / Hurricane Interface |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./RoutingGauge.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "hurricane/Commons.h"
#include "hurricane/ViaLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "crlcore/XmlParser.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingLayerGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h"
namespace {
const char* dupLayerGauge =
"RoutingGauge::AddLayerGauge() :\n\n"
" Attempt to re-define layer gauge %s in routing gauge %s.\n";
} // End of anonymous namespace.
namespace CRL {
using Hurricane::JsonTypes;
using Hurricane::JsonArray;
using Hurricane::DataBase;
using Hurricane::ViaLayer;
using Hurricane::getCollection;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "RoutingGauge".
const size_t RoutingGauge::nlayerdepth = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
RoutingGauge::RoutingGauge ( const char* name )
: _name (name)
, _layerGauges()
, _viaLayers ()
, _technology (DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology())
{ }
RoutingGauge::RoutingGauge ( const RoutingGauge& gauge )
: _name (gauge._name)
, _layerGauges()
, _viaLayers ()
, _technology (gauge._technology)
// Make a deep copy of the map.
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<gauge._layerGauges.size() ; i++ )
addLayerGauge ( RoutingLayerGauge::create
( gauge._layerGauges[i]->getLayer()
, gauge._layerGauges[i]->getDirection()
, gauge._layerGauges[i]->getType()
, gauge._layerGauges[i]->getDepth()
, gauge._layerGauges[i]->getDensity()
, gauge._layerGauges[i]->getOffset()
, gauge._layerGauges[i]->getPitch()
, gauge._layerGauges[i]->getWireWidth()
, gauge._layerGauges[i]->getViaWidth() )
RoutingGauge* RoutingGauge::create ( const char* name )
RoutingGauge* gauge = new RoutingGauge ( name );
return gauge;
void RoutingGauge::_preDestroy () {
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_layerGauges.size() ; i++ )
_layerGauges[i]->destroy ();
void RoutingGauge::destroy() {
_preDestroy ();
delete this;
RoutingGauge::~RoutingGauge ()
RoutingGauge* RoutingGauge::getClone () const
return new RoutingGauge ( *this );
RoutingLayerGauge* RoutingGauge::getLayerGauge ( const Layer* layer ) const
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _layerGauges.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( _layerGauges[i]->getLayer() == layer )
return _layerGauges[i];
return NULL;
unsigned int RoutingGauge::getLayerType ( const Layer* layer ) const
RoutingLayerGauge* layerGauge = getLayerGauge(layer);
if ( !layerGauge ) return 0;
return layerGauge->getType();
unsigned int RoutingGauge::getLayerDirection ( const Layer* layer ) const
RoutingLayerGauge* layerGauge = getLayerGauge(layer);
if ( !layerGauge ) return 0;
return layerGauge->getDirection();
size_t RoutingGauge::getViaDepth ( const Layer* layer ) const
const Layer* bottomLayer = layer;
const Layer* viaLayer = dynamic_cast<const ViaLayer*>(layer);
if (viaLayer) bottomLayer = viaLayer->getBottom();
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _layerGauges.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( _layerGauges[i]->getLayer()->getMask() == bottomLayer->getMask() )
return i;
return nlayerdepth;
size_t RoutingGauge::getLayerDepth ( const Layer* layer ) const
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _layerGauges.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( _layerGauges[i]->getLayer()->getMask() == layer->getMask() )
return i;
return nlayerdepth;
RoutingLayerGauge* RoutingGauge::getLayerGauge ( size_t depth ) const
if ( depth >= _layerGauges.size() ) return NULL;
return _layerGauges[depth];
const Layer* RoutingGauge::getRoutingLayer ( size_t depth ) const
if ( depth >= _layerGauges.size() ) return NULL;
return _layerGauges[depth]->getLayer();
Layer* RoutingGauge::getContactLayer ( size_t depth ) const
if ( depth >= _viaLayers.size() ) return NULL;
return _viaLayers[depth];
const vector<RoutingLayerGauge*>& RoutingGauge::getLayerGauges () const
return _layerGauges;
void RoutingGauge::addLayerGauge ( RoutingLayerGauge* layerGauge )
if ( getLayerGauge(layerGauge->getLayer()) != NULL )
throw Error ( dupLayerGauge, getString(layerGauge->getLayer()->getName()).c_str()
, getString(_name).c_str() );
_layerGauges.push_back ( layerGauge );
size_t gaugeSize = _layerGauges.size();
if ( gaugeSize > 1 ) {
Layer* viaLayer = _technology->getViaBetween(_layerGauges[gaugeSize-2]->getLayer()
if ( !viaLayer ) {
cerr << Error("Can't find a VIA between Gauge layers %s and %s."
,getString(_layerGauges[gaugeSize-1]).c_str()) << endl;
_viaLayers.push_back ( viaLayer );
void RoutingGauge::checkConnexity () const
if ( _layerGauges.empty() ) return;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_viaLayers.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( !_viaLayers[i] ) {
cerr << Error("Gap in %s: %s and %s are not contiguous."
,getString(_layerGauges[i ]->getLayer()).c_str()
,getString(_layerGauges[i+1]->getLayer()).c_str()) << endl;
if ( _layerGauges[i+1]->getType() == Constant::PinOnly ) {
cerr << Error("In %s: only first layer can be PinOnly.\n"
" (%s at depth %d)"
,i+1 ) << endl;
string RoutingGauge::_getTypeName () const
return "CRL::RoutingGauge";
string RoutingGauge::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<" << "RoutingGauge " << _name << ">";
return ( os.str() );
Record* RoutingGauge::_getRecord ( Record* record ) const
if ( record == NULL )
record = new Record ( getString(this) );
record->add ( getSlot("_name" , _name ) );
record->add ( getSlot("_gauges" ,&_layerGauges) );
return ( record );
void RoutingGauge::toJson ( JsonWriter* w ) const
jsonWrite( w, "@typename", "RoutingGauge" );
jsonWrite( w, "_name" , _name );
jsonWrite( w, "+routingLayerGauges", getCollection(getLayerGauges()) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "JsonRoutingGauge"
Initializer<JsonRoutingGauge> jsonRoutingGaugeInit ( 0 );
void JsonRoutingGauge::initialize ()
{ JsonTypes::registerType( new JsonRoutingGauge (JsonWriter::RegisterMode) ); }
JsonRoutingGauge::JsonRoutingGauge( unsigned long flags )
: JsonObject(flags)
add( "_name" , typeid(string) );
add( "+routingLayerGauges", typeid(JsonArray) );
string JsonRoutingGauge::getTypeName () const
{ return "RoutingGauge"; }
JsonRoutingGauge* JsonRoutingGauge::clone ( unsigned long flags ) const
{ return new JsonRoutingGauge ( flags ); }
void JsonRoutingGauge::toData ( JsonStack& stack )
check( stack, "JsonRoutingGauge::toData" );
AllianceFramework* af = get<AllianceFramework*>( stack, "_framework" );
string name = get<string> ( stack, "_name" );
RoutingGauge* rg = NULL;
if (stack.issetFlags(JsonWriter::TechnoMode)) {
if (af) {
if (not name.empty()) {
rg = RoutingGauge::create( name.c_str() );
af->addRoutingGauge( rg );
} else {
cerr << Error( "JsonRoutingGauge::toData(): Missing \"_framework\" in stack context." ) << endl;
} else {
rg = af->getRoutingGauge( name );
update( stack, rg );
} // End of CRL namespace.