402 lines
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402 lines
25 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2006-2014, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | I s o b a r - Hurricane / Python Interface |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul Chaput |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./PyLayer.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyTechnology.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyLayerMask.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyBasicLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyRegularLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyContactLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyViaLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyDiffusionLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyTransistorLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyBasicLayerCollection.h"
namespace Isobar {
using namespace Hurricane;
extern "C" {
#define METHOD_HEAD(function) GENERIC_METHOD_HEAD(Layer,layer,function)
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyLayer" Python Module Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
#if defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__)
// +-------------------------------------------------------------+
// | "PyLayer" Attribute Methods |
// +-------------------------------------------------------------+
# define accessorDbuFromOptBasicLayer(FUNC_NAME,PY_SELF_TYPE,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* PY_SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PY_SELF_TYPE* self, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
trace << #PY_SELF_TYPE "_" #FUNC_NAME "()" << endl; \
DbU::Unit rvalue = 0; \
PyObject* arg0 = NULL; \
__cs.init (#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()"); \
if (PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "|O&:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", Converter, &arg0)) { \
if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == ":basiclayer" ) \
rvalue = cobject->FUNC_NAME( PYBASICLAYER_O(arg0) ); \
else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == "" ) \
rvalue = cobject->FUNC_NAME(); \
else { \
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError \
, "invalid parameter type for "#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
} else { \
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError \
, "Invalid number of parameters passed to "#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
return PyLong_FromLong(rvalue); \
# define accessorLayerFromLayer(FUNC_NAME,PY_SELF_TYPE,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* PY_SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PY_SELF_TYPE* self, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
trace << #PY_SELF_TYPE "_" #FUNC_NAME "()" << endl; \
Layer* rlayer = 0; \
PyObject* arg0 = NULL; \
if (PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &arg0)) { \
Layer* argLayer = PYLAYER_O(arg0); \
if (argLayer == NULL) { \
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError \
, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"(): Parameter is not of Layer type" ); \
return NULL; \
} \
rlayer = const_cast<Layer*>(cobject->FUNC_NAME( argLayer )); \
} else { \
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError \
, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"(): Parameter is not of Layer type" ); \
return NULL; \
} \
return PyLayer_LinkDerived(rlayer); \
# define accessorMaskFromVoid(FUNC_NAME,PY_SELF_TYPE,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* PY_SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PY_SELF_TYPE* self ) \
{ \
trace << #PY_SELF_TYPE "_" #FUNC_NAME "()" << endl; \
Layer::Mask mask = 0; \
mask = cobject->FUNC_NAME(); \
return PyLayerMask_Link(mask); \
# define accessorLayerFromOptBool(FUNC_NAME,PY_SELF_TYPE,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* PY_SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PY_SELF_TYPE* self, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
trace << #PY_SELF_TYPE "_" #FUNC_NAME "()" << endl; \
Layer* rlayer = NULL; \
PyObject* arg0 = NULL; \
bool useWorking = true; \
if (PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "|O:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &arg0)) { \
if (arg0 != NULL) { \
useWorking = PyObject_IsTrue(arg0); \
} \
} else { \
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError \
, "Invalid number of parameters passed to "#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
rlayer = const_cast<SELF_TYPE*>(cobject->FUNC_NAME(useWorking)); \
if (rlayer == NULL) Py_RETURN_NONE; \
return PyLayer_LinkDerived(rlayer); \
# define predicateFromVoid(FUNC_NAME,PY_SELF_TYPE,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* PY_SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PY_SELF_TYPE* self ) \
{ \
trace << #PY_SELF_TYPE "_" #FUNC_NAME "()" << endl; \
if (cobject->FUNC_NAME()) Py_RETURN_TRUE; \
# define updatorFromDbu(FUNC_NAME,PY_SELF_TYPE,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* PY_SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PY_SELF_TYPE* self, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
trace << #PY_SELF_TYPE "_" #FUNC_NAME "()" << endl; \
long dimension = 0; \
if (PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "l:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &dimension)) { \
cobject->FUNC_NAME( dimension ); \
} else { \
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError \
, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"(): Parameter is not of long (DbU) type" ); \
return NULL; \
} \
# define updatorFromBasicLayerDbu(FUNC_NAME,PY_SELF_TYPE,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* PY_SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PY_SELF_TYPE* self, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
trace << #PY_SELF_TYPE "_" #FUNC_NAME "()" << endl; \
PyObject* pyBasicLayer = NULL; \
long dimension = 0; \
if (PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "Ol:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &pyBasicLayer, &dimension)) { \
BasicLayer* layer = PYBASICLAYER_O(pyBasicLayer); \
if (layer == NULL) { \
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError \
, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"(): First parameter is not of BasicLayer type" ); \
return NULL; \
} \
cobject->FUNC_NAME( layer, dimension ); \
} else { \
PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError \
, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"(): Bad parameters types or numbers." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
static PyObject* PyLayer_getTechnology ( PyLayer *self ) {
trace << "PyLayer_getTechnology ()" << endl;
Technology* techno = NULL;
METHOD_HEAD ( "Layer.getTechnology()" )
techno = layer->getTechnology ();
return PyTechnology_Link(techno);
GetNameMethod (Layer, layer)
predicateFromLayer ( above ,PyLayer,Layer)
predicateFromLayer ( below ,PyLayer,Layer)
predicateFromLayer ( contains ,PyLayer,Layer)
predicateFromLayer ( intersect ,PyLayer,Layer)
predicateFromVoid ( isWorking ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorDbuFromOptBasicLayer( getEnclosure ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorDbuFromOptBasicLayer( getExtentionCap ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorDbuFromOptBasicLayer( getExtentionWidth,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorCollectionFromVoid ( getBasicLayers ,PyLayer,Layer,BasicLayer)
accessorMaskFromVoid ( getMask ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorMaskFromVoid ( getExtractMask ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorLayerFromVoid ( getBlockageLayer ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorLayerFromVoid ( getTop ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorLayerFromVoid ( getBottom ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorLayerFromLayer ( getOpposite ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorLayerFromOptBool ( getMetalAbove ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorLayerFromOptBool ( getMetalBelow ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorLayerFromOptBool ( getCutAbove ,PyLayer,Layer)
accessorLayerFromOptBool ( getCutBelow ,PyLayer,Layer)
DirectGetLongAttribute (PyLayer_getMinimalSize ,getMinimalSize ,PyLayer,Layer)
DirectGetLongAttribute (PyLayer_getMinimalSpacing,getMinimalSpacing,PyLayer,Layer)
SetNameMethod(Layer, layer)
updatorFromDbu (setMinimalSize ,PyLayer,Layer)
updatorFromDbu (setMinimalSpacing,PyLayer,Layer)
updatorFromBasicLayerDbu(setEnclosure ,PyLayer,Layer)
updatorFromBasicLayerDbu(setExtentionCap ,PyLayer,Layer)
// Standart destroy (Attribute).
DBoDestroyAttribute(PyLayer_destroy, PyLayer)
PyMethodDef PyLayer_Methods[] =
{ { "getTechnology" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getTechnology , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the technology owning the layer." }
, { "getName" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getName , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the name of the layer." }
, { "getMask" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getMask , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the mask (bits) of the layer." }
, { "getExtractMask" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getExtractMask , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the extract mask of the layer (for GDSII)." }
, { "getMinimalSize" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getMinimalSize , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the minimum width allowed for the layer." }
, { "getMinimalSpacing" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getMinimalSpacing , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the spacing allowed for the layer (edge to edge)." }
, { "getBasicLayers" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getBasicLayers , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the collection of BasicLayer the Layer is built upon." }
, { "getBlockageLayer" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getBlockageLayer , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the associated connector layer." }
, { "getTop" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getTop , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the top layer (in case of a muti-layer)." }
, { "getBottom" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getBottom , METH_NOARGS
, "Returns the bottom layer (in case of a muti-layer)." }
, { "getOpposite" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getOpposite , METH_VARARGS
, "Returns the layer opposite the one given." }
, { "getMetalAbove" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getMetalAbove , METH_VARARGS
, "Returns the metal layer above this one." }
, { "getMetalBelow" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getMetalBelow , METH_VARARGS
, "Returns the metal layer below this one." }
, { "getCutAbove" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getCutAbove , METH_VARARGS
, "Returns the cut layer above this one." }
, { "getCutBelow" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getCutBelow , METH_VARARGS
, "Returns the cut layer below this one." }
, { "getEnclosure" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getEnclosure , METH_VARARGS
, "Returns the enclosure (global or for one BasicLayer)." }
, { "getExtentionCap" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getExtentionCap , METH_VARARGS
, "Returns the extention cap (global or for one BasicLayer)." }
, { "getExtentionWidth" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_getExtentionWidth , METH_VARARGS
, "Returns the extention width (global or for one BasicLayer)." }
, { "above" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_above , METH_VARARGS
, "Tells if the layer is above the one passed as argument." }
, { "below" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_below , METH_VARARGS
, "Tells if the layer is below the one passed as argument." }
, { "contains" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_contains , METH_VARARGS
, "Tells if the layer fully contains the one passed as argument." }
, { "intersect" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_intersect , METH_VARARGS
, "Tells if the layer share some BasicLayer with the one passed as argument." }
, { "isWorking" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_isWorking , METH_NOARGS
, "Tells if the layer is the working one for this BasicLayer." }
, { "setName" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_setName , METH_VARARGS
, "Allows to change the layer name." }
, { "setWorking" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_setName , METH_VARARGS
, "Sets the layer as the working one." }
, { "setMinimalSize" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_setMinimalSize , METH_VARARGS
, "Sets the layer minimal size (width)." }
, { "setMinimalSpacing" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_setMinimalSpacing , METH_VARARGS
, "Sets the layer minimal spacing (edge to edge)." }
, { "setEnclosure" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_setEnclosure , METH_VARARGS
, "Sets the enclosure for the given BasicLayer sub-component." }
, { "setExtentionCap" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_setExtentionCap , METH_VARARGS
, "Sets the extention cap for the given BasiLayer sub-component." }
, { "setExtentionWidth" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_setExtentionWidth , METH_VARARGS
, "Sets the extention width for the given BasiLayer sub-component." }
, { "destroy" , (PyCFunction)PyLayer_destroy , METH_NOARGS
, "Destroy associated hurricane object The python object remains." }
, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// PyLayer Type Methods.
#else // End of Python Module Code Part.
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyLayer" Shared Library Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
// Link/Creation Method.
extern void PyLayer_postModuleInit ()
PyDict_SetItemString ( PyTypeLayer.tp_dict, "Mask", (PyObject*)&PyTypeLayerMask );
extern PyObject* PyLayer_LinkDerived ( Layer* object )
if (object == NULL) Py_RETURN_NONE;
BasicLayer* basicLayer = dynamic_cast<BasicLayer*>(object);
if (basicLayer) return PyBasicLayer_Link(basicLayer);
ContactLayer* contactLayer = dynamic_cast<ContactLayer*>(object);
if (contactLayer) return PyContactLayer_Link(contactLayer);
ViaLayer* viaLayer = dynamic_cast<ViaLayer*>(object);
if (viaLayer) return PyViaLayer_Link(viaLayer);
DiffusionLayer* diffusionLayer = dynamic_cast<DiffusionLayer*>(object);
if (diffusionLayer) return PyDiffusionLayer_Link(diffusionLayer);
RegularLayer* regularLayer = dynamic_cast<RegularLayer*>(object);
if (regularLayer) return PyRegularLayer_Link(regularLayer);
TransistorLayer* transistorLayer = dynamic_cast<TransistorLayer*>(object);
if (transistorLayer) return PyTransistorLayer_Link(transistorLayer);
#endif // End of Shared Library Code Part.
} // extern "C".
} // Isobar namespace.