212 lines
7.2 KiB
212 lines
7.2 KiB
# -*- mode:Python -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C o r i o l i s / C h a m s B u i l d e r |
# | |
# | Author : Damien Dupuis |
# | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./builder/CompileWidget.py" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import re
import subprocess
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt4.QtCore import QSettings
from PyQt4.QtGui import QFont
from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor
from PyQt4.QtGui import QPalette
from PyQt4.QtGui import QTextCharFormat
from PyQt4.QtGui import QWidget
from PyQt4.QtGui import QLabel
from PyQt4.QtGui import QPushButton
from PyQt4.QtGui import QCheckBox
from PyQt4.QtGui import QGroupBox
from PyQt4.QtGui import QButtonGroup
from PyQt4.QtGui import QVBoxLayout
from PyQt4.QtGui import QHBoxLayout
from PyQt4.QtGui import QGridLayout
from PyQt4.QtGui import QScrollArea
from PyQt4.QtGui import QComboBox
from PyQt4.QtGui import QLineEdit
from PyQt4.QtGui import QTextEdit
from PyQt4.QtGui import QFileDialog
from PyQt4.QtGui import QProgressBar
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
from builder.Highlighter import Highlighter
class CompileWidget ( QWidget ):
progress = pyqtSignal(int)
def __init__ ( self, parent=None ):
QWidget.__init__ ( self, parent )
self._options = None
self._conf = None
self._go = QPushButton( 'Go' )
self._go.setMaximumWidth( 100 )
font = self._go.font()
font.setPointSizeF( font.pointSizeF()*2.0 )
font.setWeight ( QFont.Bold )
self._go.setFont( font )
self._go.clicked.connect( self.go )
self._saveLog = QPushButton( 'Save' )
saveLogLabel = QLabel( 'Log File:' )
saveLogBrowse = QPushButton( '&Browse' )
saveLogBrowse.clicked.connect( self.browseSaveLog )
self._saveLogEdit = QLineEdit( '' )
gLayout = QGridLayout()
gLayout.addWidget( saveLogLabel , 0, 0, 1, 1, Qt.AlignRight )
gLayout.addWidget( self._saveLogEdit, 0, 1, 1, 6 )
gLayout.addWidget( saveLogBrowse , 0, 7, 1, 1 )
self._console = QTextEdit()
self._console.setLineWrapMode( QTextEdit.NoWrap )
self._console.setMinimumSize ( 800, 400 )
palette = self._console.palette()
palette.setColor( QPalette.Base, QColor.fromRgb(255,255,221) ) # ffffdd.
self._console.setPalette( palette )
font = QFont( 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', self._console.font().pointSize() )
self._console.setFont( font )
self._highlighter = Highlighter( self._console.document() )
self._progressBar = QProgressBar()
self._progressBar.setRange ( 0, 100 )
self._progressBar.setTextVisible( True )
hLayout = QHBoxLayout()
hLayout.addWidget( self._go )
hLayout.addWidget( self._saveLog )
vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
vLayout.addLayout( hLayout )
vLayout.addLayout( gLayout )
vLayout.addWidget( self._progressBar )
vLayout.addWidget( self._console )
self.setLayout( vLayout )
self.progress.connect( self._progressBar.setValue )
self._saveLog.clicked.connect( self.saveLog )
def _setOptions ( self, options ): self._options = options
def _setConf ( self, conf ): self._conf = conf
def _getOptions ( self ): return self._options
def _getConf ( self ): return self._conf
options = property( _getOptions, _setOptions )
conf = property( _getConf , _setConf )
def browseSaveLog ( self ):
self._saveLogEdit.setText( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self
,'Select Log File Report'
,'Report Files (*.log *.txt)') )
def saveLog ( self ):
if self._saveLogEdit.text():
fd = open( self._saveLogEdit.text(), 'w+' )
fd.write( self._console.toPlainText() )
def shellCommand ( self ):
command = [ self.conf.bootstrapDir+'/ccb.py' ]
for project in self.options.projects:
for tool in project.actives:
command += [ '--tool='+tool ]
toolsCount = len(command) - 1
if self.conf.rootDir: command += [ '--root=%s'%self.conf.rootDir ]
#if self.options.svnUpdate: command += [ '--svn-update' ]
#if self.options.svnStatus: command += [ '--svn-update' ]
if self.options.enableDoc: command += [ '--doc' ]
if self.options.devtoolset2: command += [ '--devtoolset-2' ]
if self.options.qt5: command += [ '--qt5' ]
if self.options.noCache: command += [ '--no-cache' ]
if self.options.rmBuild: command += [ '--rm-build' ]
if self.options.verbose: command += [ '--verbose' ]
if self.options.make:
makeArguments='install '+self.options.threads
command += [ '--make=%s'%makeArguments ]
if self.options.buildMode == 'Debug':
command += [ '--debug' ]
return toolsCount, command
def go ( self ):
rePercentage = re.compile(r'^\[\s*(?P<percent>\d+)%\].*')
reProcessTool = re.compile(r'^Processing tool:\s*"(?P<tool>.+)"')
if not self.options or not self.conf: return
toolsCount, command = self.shellCommand()
if not toolsCount: return
self._progressBar.setRange( 0, toolsCount*100 )
strCommand = command[0]
for arg in command[1:]:
strCommand += ' ' + arg
strCommand += '\n\n'
self._console.setFontItalic( True )
self._console.insertPlainText( strCommand )
self._console.setFontItalic( False )
toolsDone = -1
builderProcess = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
while True:
line = builderProcess.stdout.readline()
if line == '': break
m = rePercentage.match( line )
if m:
self.progress.emit( toolsDone*100+int(m.group('percent')) )
m = reProcessTool.match( line )
if m:
toolsDone += 1
self._console.insertPlainText( line )
scrollBar = self._console.verticalScrollBar()
scrollBar.setValue( scrollBar.maximum() )
if builderProcess.returncode == None:
def readSettings ( self ):
settings = QSettings()
self._saveLogEdit.setText( settings.value('compile/saveLog').toString() )
def saveSettings ( self ):
settings = QSettings()
settings.setValue( 'compile/saveLog', self._saveLogEdit.text() )