1160 lines
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1160 lines
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# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2020-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/matrixplacer.py" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import traceback
import helpers
from helpers.io import ErrorMessage
from helpers.io import WarningMessage
from helpers.overlay import UpdateSession
from helpers import trace
import plugins
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import Box
from Hurricane import Net
from Hurricane import Cell
from Hurricane import Instance
from Hurricane import Transformation
from plugins.chip.configuration import GaugeConf
DIRECT = 0x0001
REVERSE = 0x0002
BACKLASH = 0x0004
def dictKeysStr ( dictionary ):
keys = dictionary.keys()
s = '{'
for i in range(len(keys)):
if i: s += ','
s += '{}'.format(keys[i])
s += '}'
return s
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : Signature.
class Signature ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, instance ):
self.instance = instance
self.rchilds = []
for plug in self.instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if masterNet.getDirection() != Net.Direction.OUT: continue
for outPlug in plug.getNet().getPlugs():
outInstance = outPlug.getInstance()
self.rchilds.append( outInstance.getMasterCell().getName() )
def __cmp__ ( self, other ):
if self.instance.getMasterCell().getName() < other.instance.getMasterCell().getName(): return -1
if self.instance.getMasterCell().getName() > other.instance.getMasterCell().getName(): return +1
if len(self.rchilds) < len(other.rchilds): return -1
if len(self.rchilds) > len(other.rchilds): return +1
#print( 'number of childs OK, {}' .format(len(self.rchilds)))
for i in range(len(self.rchilds)):
if self.rchilds[i] < other.rchilds[i]: return -1
if self.rchilds[i] > other.rchilds[i]: return +1
# print( 'rchilds[{}] OK'.format(i) )
#if self.instance.getId() < other.instance.getId(): return -1
#if self.instance.getId() > other.instance.getId(): return +1
return 0
def __str__ ( self ):
s = self.instance.getName() + ':' + str(self.rchilds)
return s
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : NetDatas.
class NetDatas ( object ):
Datas associated to a Net in a DAG.
REACHED = 0x0001
INLOOP = 0x0002
def __init__ ( self, net ):
self.net = net
self.flags = 0
self.depthSpan = [ -1, -1 ]
self._dtags = {}
self._rtags = {}
self.plugCount = 0
for plug in self.net.getPlugs(): self.plugCount += 1
trace( 500, '\tNew NetDatas:{}\n'.format(self) )
def id ( self ): return self.net.getId()
def rtags ( self ): return self._rtags
def dtags ( self ): return self._dtags
def krtags ( self ): return dictKeysStr(self._rtags)
def kdtags ( self ): return dictKeysStr(self._dtags)
def minDepth ( self ): return self.depthSpan[0]
def maxDepth ( self ): return self.depthSpan[1]
def updateDepth ( self, depth, direction ):
i = 0 if direction & DIRECT else 1
if self.depthSpan[i] < 0:
self.depthSpan[i] = depth
self.depthSpan[i] = min( self.depthSpan[i], depth )
def consolidateDepth ( self, dagDepth ):
self.depthSpan[1] = dagDepth-1 - self.depthSpan[1]
def reached ( self ): return self.flags & NetDatas.REACHED
def reached ( self, state ):
if state: self.flags |= NetDatas.REACHED
else: self.flags &= ~NetDatas.REACHED
def inloop ( self ): return self.flags & NetDatas.INLOOP
def inloop ( self, state ):
if state: self.flags |= NetDatas.INLOOP
else: self.flags &= ~NetDatas.INLOOP
def mergeTag ( self, tag, direction ):
if direction & BACKLASH:
tags = self._dtags if not(direction & DIRECT) else self._rtags
if not len(tags):
tags[tag] = 1
tags = self._dtags if direction & DIRECT else self._rtags
if tag in tags: tags[tag] += 1
else: tags[tag] = 1
def mergeTags ( self, tags, direction ):
for tag in tags.keys(): self.mergeTag( tag, direction )
def __str__ ( self ):
s = '{} {} [{}:{}]'.format( self.net
, self.plugCount
, self.depthSpan[0]
, self.depthSpan[1] )
return s
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : InstanceDatas.
class InstanceDatas ( object ):
Datas associated to an Instance in a DAG.
REACHED = 0x0001
REGISTER = 0x0004
NO_INPUTS = 0x0008
NO_OUTPUTS = 0x0010
def __init__ ( self, instance ):
self.instance = instance
self.flags = 0
self._dtags = {}
self._rtags = {}
self.depthSpan = [ -1, -1 ]
self._matchSets = []
self.signature = Signature( self.instance )
masterCell = instance.getMasterCell()
if masterCell.getName().startswith('sff'):
self.flags |= InstanceDatas.REGISTER
hasInputs = False
hasOutputs = False
for plug in instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if masterNet.isSupply() or masterNet.isClock(): continue
if masterNet.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirIn: hasInputs = True
if masterNet.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirOut: hasOutputs = True
if not hasInputs:
self.flags |= InstanceDatas.NO_INPUTS
if not hasOutputs:
self.flags |= InstanceDatas.NO_OUTPUTS
trace( 500, '\tNew InstanceDatas:{}\n'.format(self) )
def id ( self ): return self.instance.getId()
def dtags ( self ): return self._dtags
def rtags ( self ): return self._rtags
def krtags ( self ): return dictKeysStr(self._rtags)
def kdtags ( self ): return dictKeysStr(self._dtags)
def register ( self ): return self.flags & InstanceDatas.REGISTER
def noInputs ( self ): return self.flags & InstanceDatas.NO_INPUTS
def noOutputs ( self ): return self.flags & InstanceDatas.NO_OUTPUTS
def reached ( self ): return self.flags & InstanceDatas.REACHED
def reached ( self, state ):
if state: self.flags |= InstanceDatas.REACHED
else: self.flags &= ~InstanceDatas.REACHED
def inMatchSets ( self ): return len(self._matchSets)
def matchSets ( self ): return self._matchSets
def addToMatchSet ( self, matchSet ):
self._matchSets.append( matchSet )
def updateDepth ( self, depth, direction ):
i = 0 if direction & DIRECT else 1
if self.depthSpan[i] < 0:
self.depthSpan[i] = depth
self.depthSpan[i] = max( self.depthSpan[i], depth )
def consolidateDepth ( self, dagDepth ):
self.depthSpan[1] = dagDepth-1 - self.depthSpan[1]
def mergeTag ( self, tag, direction ):
if direction & BACKLASH:
tags = self._dtags if not(direction & DIRECT) else self._rtags
if not len(tags):
tags[tag] = 1
tags = self._dtags if direction & DIRECT else self._rtags
if tag in tags: tags[tag] += 1
else: tags[tag] = 1
def mergeTags ( self, tags, direction ):
for tag in tags.keys(): self.mergeTag( tag, direction )
def __cmp__ ( self, other ):
if self.depthSpan[0] < other.depthSpan[0]: return -1
if self.depthSpan[0] > other.depthSpan[0]: return +1
return cmp( self.signature, other.signature )
def __str__ ( self ):
s = '{} [{}:{}]'.format( self.instance
, self.depthSpan[0]
, self.depthSpan[1] )
return s
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : MatchSet.
class MatchSet ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, row, col, tags ):
self.row = row
self.col = col
self.tags = tags
self.instancesDatas = []
self._length = 0
def length ( self ):
if not self.instancesDatas or (self._length > 0): return self._length
for instanceDatas in self.instancesDatas:
if instanceDatas.inMatchSets > 1: continue
self._length += instanceDatas.instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
return self._length
def match ( self, cellDag ):
for instanceDatas in cellDag.directOrdereds:
matched = True
for tag in self.tags:
if not tag in instanceDatas.dtags \
and not tag in instanceDatas.rtags:
matched = False
if matched:
self.instancesDatas.append( instanceDatas )
instanceDatas.addToMatchSet( self )
def isIsomorph ( self, other ):
count = len( self.instancesDatas )
trace( 500, '{} vs. {}'.format(count,len(other.instancesDatas)) )
if count != len(other.instancesDatas): return False
iself = 0
iother = 0
while iself < len(other.instancesDatas) and iother < len(other.instancesDatas):
skip = False
if self.instancesDatas[iself].inMatchSets > 1:
iself += 1
skip = True
if other.instancesDatas[iother].inMatchSets > 1:
iother += 1
skip = True
if skip: continue
if self.instancesDatas[iself].signature != other.instancesDatas[iother].signature:
trace( 500, ' [{}]:{}'.format(iself,self.instancesDatas[iself]) )
trace( 500, ' [{}]:{}'.format(iother,other.instancesDatas[iother]) )
return False
iself += 1
iother += 1
return True
def show ( self ):
print( 'Match set for tags: {}'.format(self.tags) )
print( ' {} instances matcheds.'.format(len(self.instancesDatas)) )
for i in range(len(self.instancesDatas)):
print( ' | {:02}: {} {}+{}'.format( i
, self.instancesDatas[i]
, self.instancesDatas[i].kdtags
, self.instancesDatas[i].krtags) )
for i in range(len(self.instancesDatas)):
if self.instancesDatas[i].inMatchSets > 1:
print( '[WARNING] {} affectations for {} {}+{}.'.format( self.instancesDatas[i].inMatchSets
, self.instancesDatas[i]
, self.instancesDatas[i].kdtags
, self.instancesDatas[i].krtags ) )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : CellDag.
class CellDag ( object ):
Build a DAG from the Cell netlist.
def __init__ ( self, cell ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tCellDag.__init__() on {}\n'.format(cell) )
self.cell = cell
self.instancesDatas = {}
self.netsDatas = {}
self.orderedNets = []
self.orderedInstances = []
self.directOrdereds = []
self.reverseOrdereds = []
self.depth = 0
self.dagDepth = 0
self.direction = DIRECT
self.matchSets = []
for instance in self.cell.getInstances():
instanceDatas = InstanceDatas( instance )
self.instancesDatas[ instanceDatas.id ] = instanceDatas
for net in self.cell.getNets():
netDatas = NetDatas( net )
self.netsDatas[ netDatas.id ] = netDatas
if not net.isExternal() or not net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirIn:
trace( 500, '-' )
def consolidateDepth ( self ):
for datas in self.netsDatas.values():
datas.consolidateDepth( self.dagDepth )
for datas in self.instancesDatas.values():
datas.consolidateDepth( self.dagDepth )
def initDirect ( self ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tCellDag.initDirect() on {}\n'.format(self.cell) )
self.depth = 0
self.direction = DIRECT
self.orderedNets = []
self.orderedInstances = []
for instance in self.cell.getInstances():
instanceDatas = self.lookup( instance )
instanceDatas.reached = False
for net in self.cell.getNets():
netDatas = self.lookup( net )
if net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirIn:
netDatas.reached = True
netDatas.updateDepth( 0, self.direction )
self.addOrdered( netDatas, 0 )
trace( 500, '\tDAG input:{}\n'.format(netDatas) )
netDatas.reached = False
trace( 500, '-' )
def initReverse ( self ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tCellDag.initReverse() on {}\n'.format(self.cell) )
self.depth = 0
self.direction = REVERSE
self.orderedNets = []
self.orderedInstances = []
for instance in self.cell.getInstances():
instanceDatas = self.lookup( instance )
instanceDatas.reached = False
for net in self.cell.getNets():
netDatas = self.lookup( net )
if net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirOut:
netDatas.reached = True
netDatas.updateDepth( 0, self.direction )
self.addOrdered( netDatas, 0 )
trace( 500, '\tR-DAG input:{}\n'.format(netDatas) )
netDatas.reached = False
trace( 500, '-' )
def isInPropagateDirection ( self, net, direction=None ):
if direction is None: direction = self.direction
return not ( (direction & DIRECT and net.getDirection() != Net.Direction.OUT) \
or (direction & REVERSE and net.getDirection() != Net.Direction.IN ))
def lookup ( self, element ):
if isinstance(element,Net):
if element.getId() in self.netsDatas:
return self.netsDatas[element.getId()]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'CellDag.lookup(): Missing NetDatas for {}.'.format(element) )
if isinstance(element,Instance):
if element.getId() in self.instancesDatas:
return self.instancesDatas[element.getId()]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'CellDag.lookup(): Missing InstanceDatas for {}.'.format(element) )
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'CellDag.lookup(): {} has not Datas support.'.format(element) )
def isOrdered ( self, element ):
return self.lookup(element).reached
def addOrdered ( self, datas, depth ):
if isinstance(datas,NetDatas):
datas.reached = True
datas.updateDepth( depth, self.direction )
while len(self.orderedNets) < depth+1:
self.orderedNets.append( {} )
self.orderedNets[depth][datas.id] = datas
if isinstance(datas,InstanceDatas):
datas.reached = True
datas.updateDepth( depth, self.direction )
while len(self.orderedInstances) < depth+1:
self.orderedInstances.append( {} )
self.orderedInstances[depth][datas.id] = datas
if self.direction & DIRECT:
self.directOrdereds.append( datas )
self.reverseOrdereds.append( datas )
def addInstanceOutputs ( self, instance, depth, direction=None ):
for plug in instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if not self.isInPropagateDirection(masterNet,direction): continue
netDatas = self.lookup( plug.getNet() )
self.addOrdered( netDatas, depth )
def findStartInstances ( self ):
for instance in self.cell.getInstances():
datas = self.lookup( instance )
if datas.register:
trace( 500, '\tREGISTER:{}\n'.format(instance) )
self.addInstanceOutputs( instance, 0, DIRECT )
if self.direction & DIRECT and datas.noInputs:
trace( 500, '\tNO-INPUTS:{}\n'.format(instance) )
self.addInstanceOutputs( instance, 0 )
if self.direction & REVERSE and datas.noOutputs:
trace( 500, '\tNO-R-INPUTS:{}\n'.format(instance) )
self.addInstanceOutputs( instance, 0 )
def processNetDatas ( self, netDatas ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tCellDag.processNetDatas() {}\n'.format(netDatas) )
for plug in netDatas.net.getPlugs():
instance = plug.getInstance()
if self.isOrdered(instance): continue
self.processInstance( instance )
trace( 500, '-' )
def processInstance ( self, instance ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tCellDag.processInstance() {}\n'.format(instance) )
datas = self.lookup( instance )
if datas.reached:
trace( 500, '-' )
reached = True
for plug in instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if self.isInPropagateDirection(masterNet): continue
net = plug.getNet()
if not self.isOrdered(net):
trace( 500, '\tunordered:{}:{}\n'.format(net,masterNet) )
reached = False
trace( 500, '\tordered:{}:{}\n'.format(net,masterNet) )
if reached:
trace( 500, '\tORDERED:{}\n'.format(instance) )
self.addOrdered( datas, self.depth )
self.addInstanceOutputs( instance, self.depth+1 )
for plug in instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if not self.isInPropagateDirection(masterNet): continue
netDatas = self.lookup( plug.getNet() )
netDatas.updateDepth( self.depth+1, self.direction )
trace( 500, '-' )
def processNets ( self ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tCellDag.processNets() @depth:{}\n'.format(self.depth) )
for depth in range(self.depth+1):
for id in self.orderedNets[depth].keys():
trace( 500, '\t| orderedNets[{}][{}] = {}\n'.format(depth,id,self.orderedNets[depth][id]) )
trace( 500, '+' )
for netDatas in self.orderedNets[self.depth].values():
self.processNetDatas( netDatas )
trace( 500, '--' )
def build ( self ):
while len(self.orderedNets) > self.depth:
trace( 500, '+' )
self.depth += 1
trace( 500, '-' * self.depth )
self.dagDepth = max( self.dagDepth, self.depth )
while len(self.orderedNets) > self.depth:
trace( 500, '+' )
self.depth += 1
trace( 500, '-' * self.depth )
self.dagDepth = max( self.dagDepth, self.depth )
def showReverseCone ( self, reference, maxDepth ):
instance = None
if isinstance(reference,str):
instance = self.cell.getInstance( reference )
elif isinstance(reference,Instance):
instance = reference
elif isinstance(reference,InstanceDatas):
instance = reference.instance
if not instance: return
instanceDatas = self.lookup( instance )
if not instanceDatas:
trace( 500, '\t+ No datas for {}\n'.format(instance) )
s = 'dtags:{}'.format( instanceDatas.dtags )
s += ' rtags:{}'.format( instanceDatas.rtags )
trace( 500, ',+', '\t+ {} {}\n'.format(s,instance) )
for plug in instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if masterNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.IN \
and not (masterNet.isSupply() or masterNet.isClock()):
netDatas = self.lookup(plug.getNet())
s = 'dtags:{}'.format( netDatas.dtags )
s += ' rtags:{}'.format( netDatas.rtags )
trace( 500, '\t| {} input "{}" {}\n'.format(s,masterNet.getName(),netDatas.net) )
for driverPlug in plug.getNet().getPlugs():
if driverPlug == plug: continue
driverMasterNet = driverPlug.getMasterNet()
if driverMasterNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.OUT \
and not (driverMasterNet.isSupply() or driverMasterNet.isClock()):
driverInstance = driverPlug.getInstance()
driverDatas = self.lookup( driverInstance )
if driverDatas.register:
trace( 500, '\t| register {} \n'.format(driverInstance) )
if maxDepth > 0:
self.showReverseCone( driverInstance, maxDepth-1 )
trace( 500, '\t| Max depth {} \n'.format(driverInstance) )
trace( 500, '-' )
def showNetHistogram ( self ):
histogram = {}
for netDatas in self.netsDatas.values():
print( 'netDatas:{}'.format(netDatas) )
if netDatas.plugCount in histogram:
histogram[netDatas.plugCount] += 1
histogram[netDatas.plugCount] = 1
orderedKeys = histogram.keys()
for key in orderedKeys:
print( '[{}] = {}'.format(key,histogram[key]) )
def getConnectedInstances ( self, netDatas ):
instances = []
if isinstance(datas,NetDatas):
for plug in datas.net.getPlugs():
instanceDatas = self.lookup( plug.getInstance() )
instances.append( instanceDatas )
return instances
def show ( self ):
instancesNb = 0
for instance in self.cell.getInstances(): instancesNb += 1
instancesReacheds = 0
for datas in self.instancesDatas.values():
if datas.reached == True:
instancesReacheds += 1
print( 'CellDag.show() {}'.format(self.cell) )
print( 'instances reacheds: {} / {}'.format(instancesReacheds,instancesNb) )
depth = 0
for depthLayer in self.orderedInstances:
print( 'thickness of depth {}: {}'.format(depth,len(depthLayer)) )
for datas in self.orderedInstances[depth].values():
print( '[{0:03d}] {1}'.format(depth,datas.instance) )
depth += 1
print( 'nets ordereds:' )
depth = 0
for depthLayer in self.orderedNets:
print( 'thickness of depth {}: {}'.format(depth,len(depthLayer)) )
for datas in self.orderedNets[depth].values():
print( '[{0:03d}] {1}'.format(depth,datas) )
depth += 1
def addNetTag ( self, netName, tag ):
net = self.cell.getNet( netName )
if not net:
print( ErrorMessage(1, 'CellDag.addNetTag(): No net named "{}", ignored.'.format(netName)) )
if not net.isExternal():
print( Warning('CellDag.addNetTag(): Net "{}" is not external.'.format(netName)) )
direction = DIRECT
if net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirOut: direction = REVERSE
if net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirIn: direction = DIRECT
netDatas = self.lookup( net )
if netDatas: netDatas.mergeTag( tag, direction )
def directPropagate ( self, count, backlash=False ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tCellDag.directPropagate(): count:{}, backlash:{}\n'.format(count,backlash) )
direction = DIRECT
if backlash: direction |= BACKLASH
for iteration in range(count):
for instanceDatas in self.directOrdereds:
trace( 500, ',+', '\t+ direct:{}\n'.format(instanceDatas) )
for plug in instanceDatas.instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if masterNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.IN \
and not (masterNet.isSupply() or masterNet.isClock()):
netDatas = self.lookup(plug.getNet())
netTags = netDatas.dtags if not backlash else netDatas.rtags
instanceDatas.mergeTags( netTags, direction )
s = 'DTAGS:{}'.format( netTags )
s += ' rtags:{}'.format( netTags )
trace( 500, '\t| {} from {}\n'.format(s,netDatas.net) )
for plug in instanceDatas.instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if masterNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.OUT \
and not (masterNet.isSupply() or masterNet.isClock()):
netDatas = self.lookup(plug.getNet())
instanceTags = instanceDatas.dtags if not backlash else instanceDatas.rtags
netDatas.mergeTags( instanceTags, direction )
s = 'DTAGS:{}'.format( netTags )
s += ' rtags:{}'.format( netTags )
trace( 500, '\t> {} from {}\n'.format(s,netDatas.net) )
trace( 500, ',-' )
trace( 500, '-' )
def reversePropagate ( self, count, backlash=False ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tCellDag.reversePropagate(): count:{}, backlash:{}\n'.format(count,backlash) )
direction = REVERSE
if backlash: direction |= BACKLASH
for iteration in range(count):
for instanceDatas in self.reverseOrdereds:
trace( 500, ',+', '\t+ reverse:{}\n'.format(instanceDatas) )
for plug in instanceDatas.instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if masterNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.OUT \
and not (masterNet.isSupply() or masterNet.isClock()):
netDatas = self.lookup(plug.getNet())
netTags = netDatas.rtags if not backlash else netDatas.dtags
instanceDatas.mergeTags( netTags, direction )
s = 'dtags:{}'.format( netDatas.dtags )
s += ' RTAGS:{}'.format( netDatas.rtags )
trace( 500, '\t| {} from {}\n'.format(s,netDatas.net) )
s = 'dtags:{}'.format( instanceDatas.dtags )
s += ' RTAGS:{}'.format( instanceDatas.rtags )
trace( 500, '\t> {}\n'.format(s) )
for plug in instanceDatas.instance.getConnectedPlugs():
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if masterNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.IN \
and not (masterNet.isSupply() or masterNet.isClock()):
self.lookup(plug.getNet()).mergeTags( instanceDatas.rtags, direction )
netDatas = self.lookup(plug.getNet())
instanceTags = instanceDatas.rtags if not backlash else instanceDatas.dtags
netDatas.mergeTags( instanceTags, direction )
s = 'dtags:{}'.format( netDatas.dtags )
s += ' RTAGS:{}'.format( netDatas.rtags )
trace( 500, '\t| {} on {}\n'.format(s,netDatas.net) )
trace( 500, '-' )
trace( 500, '-' )
def createMatchSet ( self, row, col, tags ):
self.matchSets.append( MatchSet(row,col,tags) )
self.matchSets[-1].match( self )
return self.matchSets[-1]
def checkIsomorphy ( self ):
if len(self.matchSets) == 0: return False
reference = self.matchSets[0]
isomorphic = True
for i in range(len(self.matchSets)):
if not reference.isIsomorph(self.matchSets[i]):
print( Warning('CellDag.chackIsomorphy(): MatchSets {} and 0 differs.'.format(i)) )
isomorphic = False
return isomorphic
def showMultimatcheds ( self ):
count = 0
print( 'Multimatcheds instances:' )
for datas in self.directOrdereds:
if datas.inMatchSets < 2: continue
print( ' | {} {}+{}'.format(datas, datas.kdtags, datas.krtags) )
count += 1
print( 'Total multimatcheds instances: {}'.format(count) )
def showUnmatcheds ( self ):
count = 0
print( 'Unmatcheds instances:' )
for datas in self.directOrdereds:
if datas.inMatchSets > 0: continue
print( ' | {} {}+{}'.format(datas, datas.kdtags, datas.krtags) )
count += 1
print( 'Total unmatcheds instances: {}'.format(count) )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : Column.
class Column ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, size=0 ):
self.rows = []
self.rowCaps = []
self.bottomRows = []
self.bottomAlign = 0
self._colWidth = 0
self._capWidth = 0
self._valid = False
self.expand( size )
def __getitem__ ( self, row ):
return self.rows[row]
def __setitem__ ( self, row, element ):
self.addRow( row, element )
def _update ( self ):
if self._valid: return
for element in self.rows:
if not (element is None):
self._colWidth = max( self._colWidth, element.length )
self._capWidth = 0
for elements in self.rowCaps:
capWidth = 0
for element in elements:
capWidth += element.instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
self._capWidth = max( self._capWidth, capWidth )
self._valid = True
def width ( self ):
return self._colWidth + self._capWidth
def rowCount ( self ): return len(self.rows)
def expand ( self, size ):
self._valid = False
if size:
while len(self.rows) < size:
self.rows.append( None )
self.rowCaps.append( [] )
def addRow ( self, j, element=None ):
self._valid = False
self.expand( j+1 )
if isinstance(element,MatchSet):
self.rows[j] = element
def addRowCap ( self, element ):
self._valid = False
if not isinstance(element,InstanceDatas): return
tags = element.dtags.keys() + element.rtags.keys()
vtags = []
jspan = [ self.rowCount, 0 ]
for tag in tags:
if tag[0] == 'v': vtags.append( tag )
if tag[0] == 'h':
j = int(tag[1:])
jspan[0] = min( jspan[0], j )
jspan[1] = max( jspan[1], j )
if len(vtags) != 1:
print( ErrorMessage( 1, 'Column.addRowCap(): {} has not exactly *one* vertical tag ({}).'.format(element,vtags)) )
if jspan[0] > jspan[1]:
jspan = [ 0, self.rowCount ]
jinsert = jspan[0]
for j in range(jspan[0],jspan[1]+1):
if len(self.rowCaps[j]) < len(self.rowCaps[jinsert]):
jinsert = j
self.rowCaps[jinsert].append( element )
def addBottom ( self, element ):
if not isinstance(element,InstanceDatas): return
if not len(self.bottomRows): self.bottomRows.append( [] )
self.bottomRows[0].append( element )
def balanceBottomRows ( self ):
trace( 500, ',+', 'Column.balanceBottomrows()' )
if not len(self.bottomRows):
trace( 500, '-' )
bottomWidth = 0
for element in self.bottomRows[0]:
bottomWidth += element.instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
if bottomWidth > self.width:
splits = bottomWidth / self.width + 1
splitWidth = bottomWidth / splits #+ bottomWidth / (splits+1)
rowWidth = 0
elements = self.bottomRows[0]
trace( 500, '\t| column width: {}\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(self.width)) )
trace( 500, '\t| bottom width: {}\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(bottomWidth)) )
trace( 500, '\t| splits: {}\n'.format(splits) )
trace( 500, '\t| split width: {}\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(splitWidth)) )
self.bottomRows[0] = []
for element in elements:
abWidth = element.instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
if rowWidth+abWidth > splitWidth:
self.bottomRows.append( [] )
rowWidth = 0
self.bottomRows[-1].append( element )
rowWidth += abWidth
trace( 500, '-' )
def place ( self, xorigin, sliceHeight ):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tColumn.place() @{}\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(xorigin)) )
regRows = len( self.rows )
botRows = self.bottomAlign
allRows = regRows + botRows
for j in range(regRows):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tplacing row {} (colW:{}, capW:{})\n' \
.format( j
, DbU.getValueString(self._colWidth)
, DbU.getValueString(self._capWidth)) )
if (j+botRows)%2:
y = (allRows - j) * sliceHeight
orient = Transformation.Orientation.MY
y = (allRows - j - 1) * sliceHeight
orient = Transformation.Orientation.ID
x = xorigin
trace( 500, '\t+ Regular elements @{}\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(x)) )
for element in self.rows[j].instancesDatas:
if element.inMatchSets > 1: continue
element.instance.setTransformation ( Transformation(x,y,orient) )
element.instance.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
abWidth = element.instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
trace( 500, '\t| placed @({},{}) {}\n'.format( DbU.getValueString(x)
, DbU.getValueString(y)
, element.instance) )
x += abWidth
x = xorigin + self._colWidth
trace( 500, '\t+ Endcap elements @{}\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(x)) )
for element in self.rowCaps[j]:
element.instance.setTransformation ( Transformation(x,y,orient) )
element.instance.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
abWidth = element.instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
trace( 500, '\t| placed @({},{}) {}\n'.format( DbU.getValueString(x)
, DbU.getValueString(y)
, element.instance) )
x += abWidth
trace( 500, '-' )
for j in range(len(self.bottomRows)):
trace( 500, ',+', '\tplacing bottom row {} (colW:{}, capW:{})\n' \
.format( j
, DbU.getValueString(self._colWidth)
, DbU.getValueString(self._capWidth)) )
if j%2:
y = (allRows - j - regRows) * sliceHeight
orient = Transformation.Orientation.MY
y = (allRows - j - regRows - 1) * sliceHeight
orient = Transformation.Orientation.ID
x = xorigin
trace( 500, '\t+ Bottom elements @{}\n'.format(DbU.getValueString(x)) )
for element in self.bottomRows[j]:
element.instance.setTransformation ( Transformation(x,y,orient) )
element.instance.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
abWidth = element.instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
trace( 500, '\t| placed @({},{}) {}\n'.format( DbU.getValueString(x)
, DbU.getValueString(y)
, element.instance) )
x += abWidth
x = xorigin + self._colWidth
trace( 500, '-' )
trace( 500, '-' )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : MatrixPlacer.
class MatrixPlacer ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, cell ):
self.gaugeConf = GaugeConf()
self.cell = cell
self.columns = []
self.dag = CellDag( cell )
self.tagRows = {}
self.tagColumns = {}
def tagsToMatrix ( self, propagateSteps=2 ):
self.dag.directPropagate ( propagateSteps )
self.dag.reversePropagate( 1, True )
self.dag.reversePropagate( propagateSteps )
matchSets = []
for h in self.tagRows.keys():
for v in self.tagColumns.keys():
self.dag.createMatchSet( h, v, ['h{}'.format(h), 'v{}'.format(v)] )
self.addElement( v, h, self.dag.matchSets[-1] )
for instanceDatas in self.dag.instancesDatas.values():
if instanceDatas.inMatchSets < 2: continue
tags = instanceDatas.dtags.keys() + instanceDatas.rtags.keys()
vtags = []
for tag in tags:
if tag[0] == 'v': vtags.append( tag )
if len(vtags) != 1: continue
v = int( vtags[0][1:] )
self.addCapElement( v, instanceDatas )
for instanceDatas in self.dag.instancesDatas.values():
if instanceDatas.inMatchSets: continue
tags = instanceDatas.dtags.keys() + instanceDatas.rtags.keys()
print( 'Unmatched {} {}'.format(instanceDatas,tags) )
vtags = []
for tag in tags:
if tag[0] == 'v': vtags.append( tag )
if len(vtags) != 1: continue
v = int( vtags[0][1:] )
self.addBottomElement( v, instanceDatas )
def tagRow ( self, row, nets ):
if not row in self.tagRows:
self.tagRows[row] = []
self.tagRows[row] += nets
for net in nets:
self.dag.addNetTag( net, 'h{}'.format(row) )
def tagColumn ( self, column, nets ):
if not column in self.tagColumns:
self.tagColumns[column] = []
self.tagColumns[column] += nets
for net in nets:
self.dag.addNetTag( net, 'v{}'.format(column) )
def expand ( self, columnSize, rowSize ):
for column in self.columns:
column.expand( rowSize )
while len(self.columns) < columnSize:
self.columns.append( Column(rowSize) )
def addElement ( self, i, j, matchSet ):
self.expand( i+1, j+1 )
if not (self.columns[i][j] is None):
print( ErrorMessage(1, 'MatrixPlacer.addElement(): Redefinition of matrix element [{},{}]'.format(i,j)) )
self.columns[i][j] = matchSet
def addCapElement ( self, i, instanceDatas ):
self.columns[i].addRowCap( instanceDatas )
def addBottomElement ( self, i, instanceDatas ):
self.columns[i].addBottom( instanceDatas )
def finalizeBottom ( self ):
for i in range(len(self.columns)):
bottomAlign = 0
for i in range(len(self.columns)):
bottomAlign = max( bottomAlign, len(self.columns[i].bottomRows) )
for i in range(len(self.columns)):
self.columns[i].bottomAlign = bottomAlign
def place ( self ):
with UpdateSession():
xcolumn = 0
sliceHeight = self.gaugeConf.getSliceHeight()
for i in range(len(self.columns)):
self.columns[i].place( xcolumn, sliceHeight )
xcolumn += self.columns[i].width
self.cell.setAbutmentBox( Box( 0, 0, xcolumn, (self.columns[0].rowCount+self.columns[0].bottomAlign)*sliceHeight) )
def checkUnplaceds ( self ):
for instanceDatas in self.dag.instancesDatas.values():
if instanceDatas.instance.getPlacementStatus() != Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED:
print( ErrorMessage(1, 'MatrixPlace.checkUnplaceds(): Unplaced {}.'.format(instanceDatas)) )
def showTags ( self ):
print( 'MatrixPlacer on "{}"'.format(self.cell.getName()) )
print( ' Rows tags/nets: {}'.format(len(self.tagRows)) )
for item in self.tagRows.items():
print( ' | {:03} : {}'.format(item[0],item[1]) )
print( ' Columns tags/nets: {}'.format(len(self.tagColumns)) )
for item in self.tagColumns.items():
print( ' | {:03} : {}'.format(item[0],item[1]) )
def showGrid ( self ):
for ms in self.dag.matchSets:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call
def unicornHook ( **kw ):
kw['beforeAction'] = 'misc.alpha'
#plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute', 'P&&R', **kw )
plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'misc.alpha.matrixPlacer'
, 'Matrix Placer'
, 'Look for a Matrix-Like netlist strucure and place it'
, sys.modules[__name__].__file__
, **kw
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
rvalue = True
#helpers.setTraceLevel( 500 )
cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
matrix = MatrixPlacer( cell )
fuNb = 30
#fuNb = 4
gorwNb = 3
for fu in range(fuNb):
matrix.tagColumn( fu, ['readable_o({})'.format(fu)] )
matrix.tagColumn( fu, ['writable_o({})'.format(fu)] )
for gorwi in range(gorwNb):
matrix.tagRow( (fu*gorwNb + gorwi)*2 , ['gord{}_i({})'.format(gorwi+1,fu)] )
matrix.tagRow( (fu*gorwNb + gorwi)*2 + 1, ['gowr{}_i({})'.format(gorwi+1,fu)] )
matrix.tagsToMatrix( 2 )
if editor: editor.fit()
#Breakpoint.stop( 0, 'Showing cone' )
matrix.dag.showReverseCone( 'subckt_5_dm13_subckt_332_src3_c_63_subckt_112_sff1_x4', 10 )
return True
except Exception as e:
helpers.io.catch( e )
rvalue = False
return rvalue