99 lines
4.1 KiB
99 lines
4.1 KiB
import sys
from Hurricane import DataBase, NetExternalComponents, Net, \
DbU, Point, Box, Horizontal, Vertical, Contact, RoutingPad, \
from CRL import AllianceFramework, Catalog
from helpers import l
from helpers.overlay import UpdateSession
def doBreak ( level, message ):
"""Put a breakpoint into the script."""
Breakpoint.stop( level, message )
def buildInvertor ( editor ):
"""Build step by step an invertor standard cell."""
with UpdateSession():
cell = AllianceFramework.get().createCell( 'invertor' )
cell.setTerminalNetlist( True )
cell.setAbutmentBox( Box( l(0.0), l(0.0), l(15.0), l(50.0) ) )
if editor:
editor.setCell( cell )
technology = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology()
metal1 = technology.getLayer( "METAL1" )
poly = technology.getLayer( "POLY" )
ptrans = technology.getLayer( "PTRANS" )
ntrans = technology.getLayer( "NTRANS" )
pdif = technology.getLayer( "PDIF" )
ndif = technology.getLayer( "NDIF" )
contdifn = technology.getLayer( "CONT_DIF_N" )
contdifp = technology.getLayer( "CONT_DIF_P" )
nwell = technology.getLayer( "NWELL" )
contpoly = technology.getLayer( "CONT_POLY" )
ntie = technology.getLayer( "NTIE" )
with UpdateSession():
net = Net.create( cell, "nwell" )
Vertical.create( net, nwell, l(7.5), l(15.0), l(27.0), l(51.0) )
vdd = Net.create( cell, "vdd" )
vdd.setExternal( True )
vdd.setGlobal ( True )
h = Horizontal.create(vdd, metal1, l(47.0), l(6.0), l(0.0), l(15.0) )
NetExternalComponents.setExternal( h )
Contact.create ( vdd, contdifn, l(10.0), l(47.0), l( 1.0), l( 1.0) )
Contact.create ( vdd, contdifp, l( 4.0), l(45.0), l( 1.0), l( 1.0) )
Vertical.create( vdd, pdif , l( 3.5), l( 4.0), l(28.0), l(46.0) )
Vertical.create( vdd, ntie , l(10.0), l( 3.0), l(43.0), l(48.0) )
doBreak( 1, 'Done building vdd.' )
with UpdateSession():
vss = Net.create( cell, "vss" )
vss.setExternal( True )
vss.setGlobal ( True )
h = Horizontal.create(vss, metal1, l(3.0), l(6.0), l(0.0), l(15.0))
NetExternalComponents.setExternal( h )
Vertical.create( vss, ndif , l(3.5), l(4.0), l(4.0), l(12.0) )
Contact.create ( vss, contdifn, l(4.0), l(5.0), l(1.0), l( 1.0) )
doBreak( 1, 'Done building vss.' )
with UpdateSession():
i = Net.create( cell, "i" )
i.setExternal( True )
v = Vertical.create ( i, metal1, l(5.0), l(2.0), l(10.0), l(40.0) )
NetExternalComponents.setExternal( v )
Vertical.create ( i, ptrans , l( 7.0), l( 1.0), l(26.0), l(39.0) )
Vertical.create ( i, ntrans , l( 7.0), l( 1.0), l( 6.0), l(14.0) )
Vertical.create ( i, poly , l( 7.0), l( 1.0), l(14.0), l(26.0) )
Horizontal.create( i, poly , l(20.0), l( 3.0), l( 4.0), l( 7.0) )
Contact.create ( i, contpoly, l( 5.0), l(20.0), l( 1.0), l( 1.0) )
doBreak( 1, 'Done building i.' )
with UpdateSession():
nq = Net.create ( cell, "nq" )
nq.setExternal( True )
v = Vertical.create( nq, metal1, l(10.0), l(2.0), l(10.0), l(40.0) )
NetExternalComponents.setExternal( v )
Vertical.create( nq, pdif , l(10.0), l( 3.0), l(28.0), l(37.0) )
Vertical.create( nq, ndif , l(10.0), l( 3.0), l( 8.0), l(12.0) )
Contact.create ( nq, contdifp, l(10.0), l(35.0), l( 1.0), l( 1.0) )
Contact.create ( nq, contdifp, l(10.0), l(30.5), l( 1.0), l( 1.0) )
Contact.create ( nq, contdifn, l(10.0), l(10.0), l( 1.0), l( 1.0) )
doBreak( 1, 'Done building q.' )
AllianceFramework.get().saveCell( cell, Catalog.State.Views )
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
"""The mandatory function to be called by Coriolis CGT/Unicorn."""
editor = None
if 'editor' in kw and kw['editor']:
editor = kw['editor']
buildInvertor( editor )
return True