
246 lines
7.8 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2007-2023, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | T r a m o n t a n a - Extractor & LVX |
// | |
// | Algorithm : Christian MASSON |
// | First impl. : Yifei WU |
// | Second impl. : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./EquipotentialComponents.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "tramontana/EquipotentialComponents.h"
#include "tramontana/Equipotential.h"
namespace Tramontana {
using namespace std;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Path;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Tramontana::EquipotentialComponents".
EquipotentialComponents::EquipotentialComponents ()
: Super()
, _equipotential(nullptr)
{ }
EquipotentialComponents::EquipotentialComponents ( const Equipotential* equi )
: Super()
, _equipotential(equi)
{ }
EquipotentialComponents::EquipotentialComponents ( const EquipotentialComponents& other )
: Super()
, _equipotential(other._equipotential)
{ }
EquipotentialComponents& EquipotentialComponents::operator= ( const EquipotentialComponents& other )
_equipotential = other._equipotential;
return *this;
Collection<Occurrence>* EquipotentialComponents::getClone () const
{ return new EquipotentialComponents( *this ); }
Locator<Occurrence>* EquipotentialComponents::getLocator () const
{ return new Locator ( _equipotential ); }
string EquipotentialComponents::_getString () const
string s = "<EquipotentialComponents ";
if (_equipotential) {
s += " " + getString( _equipotential );
} else {
s += " NULL";
s += ">";
return s;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Tramontana::EquipotentialComponents::Locator".
EquipotentialComponents::Locator::Locator ()
: Super()
, _equipotential (nullptr)
, _state (Constructed)
, _componentsIterator()
, _netsIterator ()
, _childsIterator ()
, _childCompsLocator (nullptr)
, _componentsLocator (nullptr)
{ }
EquipotentialComponents::Locator::Locator ( const Equipotential* equi )
: Super()
, _equipotential (equi)
, _state (Constructed)
, _componentsIterator(equi->getComponents().end())
, _netsIterator (equi->getNets().end())
, _childsIterator (equi->getChilds().end())
, _childCompsLocator (nullptr)
, _componentsLocator (nullptr)
EquipotentialComponents::Locator::Locator ( const Locator& other )
: Super()
, _equipotential (other._equipotential)
, _state (other._state)
, _componentsIterator(other._componentsIterator)
, _netsIterator (other._netsIterator)
, _childsIterator (other._childsIterator)
, _childCompsLocator (nullptr)
, _componentsLocator (nullptr)
if (other._childCompsLocator) _childCompsLocator = other._childCompsLocator->getClone();
if (other._componentsLocator) _componentsLocator = other._componentsLocator->getClone();
EquipotentialComponents::Locator& EquipotentialComponents::Locator::operator= ( const Locator& other )
_equipotential = other._equipotential;
_state = other._state;
_componentsIterator= other._componentsIterator;
_netsIterator = other._netsIterator;
_childsIterator = other._childsIterator;
_componentsLocator = (other._componentsLocator) ? other._componentsLocator->getClone() : nullptr;
_childCompsLocator = (other._childCompsLocator) ? other._childCompsLocator->getClone() : nullptr;
return *this;
Occurrence EquipotentialComponents::Locator::getElement () const
if (not _equipotential or (_state >= Finished)) return Occurrence();
switch ( _state ) {
case InComponents: return (*_componentsIterator);
case InNets: return Occurrence( _componentsLocator->getElement() );
case InChildEquis: {
Path compPath = (*_childsIterator).getPath();
Path tailPath = _childCompsLocator->getElement().getPath();
while ( not tailPath.isEmpty() ) {
compPath = Path( compPath, tailPath.getHeadInstance() );
tailPath = tailPath.getTailPath();
return Occurrence( _childCompsLocator->getElement().getEntity(), compPath );
return Occurrence();
Locator<Occurrence>* EquipotentialComponents::Locator::getClone () const
{ return new Locator( *this ); }
bool EquipotentialComponents::Locator::isValid () const
{ return (_equipotential) and (_state < Finished); }
void EquipotentialComponents::Locator::progress ()
while ( isValid() ) {
switch ( _state ) {
case Constructed: {
_state = InComponents;
_componentsIterator = _equipotential->getComponents().begin();
if (_componentsIterator != _equipotential->getComponents().end()) return;
case InComponents: {
if (_componentsIterator != _equipotential->getComponents().end()) {
if (_componentsIterator != _equipotential->getComponents().end()) return;
_state = InNets;
_netsIterator = _equipotential->getNets().begin();
case InNets: {
if (_netsIterator != _equipotential->getNets().end()) {
if ( not _netsIterator->first->isFused()
and _netsIterator->first->getProperty(EquipotentialRelation::staticGetName())) {
if (not _componentsLocator) {
_componentsLocator = _netsIterator->first->getComponents().getLocator()->getClone();
if (_componentsLocator->isValid()) return;
} else {
if (_componentsLocator->isValid()) return;
_componentsLocator = nullptr;
if (_netsIterator != _equipotential->getNets().end())
_state = InChildEquis;
_childsIterator = _equipotential->getChilds().begin();
case InChildEquis: {
if (_childsIterator != _equipotential->getChilds().end()) {
if (not _childCompsLocator) {
Equipotential* child = dynamic_cast<Equipotential*>( (*_childsIterator).getEntity() );
_childCompsLocator = child->getFlatComponents().getLocator()->getClone();
if (_childCompsLocator->isValid()) return;
} else {
if (_childCompsLocator->isValid()) return;
_childCompsLocator = nullptr;
if (_childsIterator != _equipotential->getChilds().end())
_state = Finished;
case Finished:
string EquipotentialComponents::Locator::_getString () const
string s = "<EquipotentialComponents::Locator";
if (_equipotential) {
s += " " + getString(_equipotential);
} else {
s += " NULL";
s += ">";
return s;
} // Tramontana namespace.