1207 lines
30 KiB
1207 lines
30 KiB
// This file is part of the Coriolis Project.
// Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM
// Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
// Date : 29/01/2004
// Author : Hugo Clément <Hugo.Clement@lip6.fr>
#include <math.h>
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "crlcore/ToolBox.h"
#include "crlcore/CellGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/LefDefExtension.h"
#include "nimbus/GCell.h"
#include "nimbus/Fence.h"
#include "nimbus/VFence.h"
#include "nimbus/HFence.h"
#include "nimbus/StepProperty.h"
#include "nimbus/Grid.h"
#include "nimbus/NimbusEngine.h"
namespace Nimbus {
#define RG_VERTICAL 1
* ********************************************************************
* GCell_GCells declaration
* ********************************************************************
class Grid_GCells : public Collection<GCell*> {
public: typedef Collection<GCell*> Inherit;
public: class Locator : public Hurricane::Locator<GCell*> {
public: typedef Hurricane::Locator<GCell*> Inherit;
private: GCell* _nb;
private: unsigned _direction;
public: Locator(GCell* gcell = NULL);
public: Locator(const Locator& locator);
public: Locator& operator=(const Locator& locator);
public: virtual GCell* getElement() const;
public: virtual Hurricane::Locator<GCell*>* getClone() const;
public: virtual bool isValid() const;
public: virtual void progress();
public: virtual string _getString() const;
private: GCell* _nb;
private: unsigned _step;
public: Grid_GCells(const Grid* grid, unsigned step);
public: Grid_GCells(const Grid_GCells& gcelles);
public: Grid_GCells& operator=(const Grid_GCells& gcelles);
public: virtual Collection<GCell*>* getClone() const;
public: virtual Hurricane::Locator<GCell*>* getLocator() const;
public: virtual string _getString() const;
* ********************************************************************
* GCell_GCells declaration
* ********************************************************************
class Grid_FastGCells : public Collection<GCell*> {
public: typedef Collection<GCell*> Inherit;
public: class Locator : public Hurricane::Locator<GCell*> {
public: typedef Hurricane::Locator<GCell*> Inherit;
private: GCell* _nb;
private: unsigned _direction;
public: Locator(GCell* gcell = NULL);
public: Locator(const Locator& locator);
public: Locator& operator=(const Locator& locator);
public: virtual GCell* getElement() const;
public: virtual Hurricane::Locator<GCell*>* getClone() const;
public: virtual bool isValid() const;
public: virtual void progress();
public: virtual string _getString() const;
private: GCell* _nb;
private: unsigned _step;
public: Grid_FastGCells(const Grid* grid, unsigned step);
public: Grid_FastGCells(const Grid_FastGCells& gcelles);
public: Grid_FastGCells& operator=(const Grid_FastGCells& gcelles);
public: virtual Collection<GCell*>* getClone() const;
public: virtual Hurricane::Locator<GCell*>* getLocator() const;
public: virtual string _getString() const;
* ********************************************************************
* Grid
* ********************************************************************
Grid::Grid (NimbusEngine* nimbus)
: _nimbus (nimbus)
, _cell (nimbus->getCell())
, _rootGCell(NULL)
, _layer (NULL)
, _fences ()
_layer = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getLayer (Name ("SPL1"));
if ( _layer == NULL )
throw Error("NimbusEngine needs <SPL1> layer to be defined");
Box defBox = LefDefExtension::getRowsBox(_cell);
if ( not _nimbus->getWorkZone().isEmpty() ) {
_rootGCell = GCell::create(_nimbus, 0, _nimbus->getWorkZone());
} else if ( not defBox.isEmpty() ) {
if ( _cell->getAbutmentBox().isEmpty() )
_cell->setAbutmentBox ( defBox );
cmess1 << " - DEF abutment box found: " << defBox << endl;
_rootGCell = GCell::create(_nimbus, 0, defBox);
} else if ( _cell->getAbutmentBox().isEmpty() ) {
if ( isNoInstancePlacedOrFixed(_cell) ) {
DbU::Unit minWidth = DbU::Max;
double sumWidth = 0.0;
forEach ( Instance*, iinstance, _cell->getInstances() ) {
Cell* model = iinstance->getMasterCell();
DbU::Unit width = model->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
if ( width < minWidth ) minWidth = width;
sumWidth += DbU::getLambda(width);
rectangularShape(_nimbus->getMargin(), nimbus->getAspectRatio(), sumWidth, minWidth );
_cell->setAbutmentBox( Box ( _rootGCell->getXMin(), _rootGCell->getYMin()
, _rootGCell->getXMax(), _rootGCell->getYMax()) );
#if 0
Point center = box.getCenter();
forEach ( Instance*, iinstance, cell->getInstances() ) {
iinstance->setPlacementStatus ( Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED );
setStep(**iinstance, 0);
Box insABox = iinstance->getAbutmentBox();
Box masterABox = iinstance->getMasterCell()->getAbutmentBox();
DbU::Unit xPos = center.getX();
DbU::Unit yPos = center.getY();
( getTransformation ( masterABox
, xPos - insABox.getHalfWidth()
, yPos - insABox.getHalfHeight()
, Transformation::Orientation::ID
) );
} else {
Box box = _cell->getBoundingBox();
_cell->setAbutmentBox ( box );
_rootGCell = GCell::create(_nimbus, 0, box);
} else {
cmess1 << " - Design abutment box found: " << _cell->getAbutmentBox() << endl;
_rootGCell = GCell::create(_nimbus, 0, _cell->getAbutmentBox());
Grid::~Grid ()
#if 0
void Grid::Clear()
// **************
void Grid::rectangularShape(double margin, double aspectRatio, double sumWidth, DbU::Unit minWidth)
// ************************************************************************************************
cmess1 << " o Creating abutment box: (margin: " << margin
<< ", aspect ratio:" << aspectRatio << ")" << endl;
double dMinWidth = DbU::getLambda(minWidth);
double rowHeight = DbU::getLambda(_nimbus->getSliceHeight());
DbU::Unit pitch = _nimbus->getPitch();
double marginWidth = (1.0+margin) * sumWidth;
// cerr << "sumWidth:" << sumWidth
// << " rowHeight:" << rowHeight
// << " pitch:" << DbU::getValueString(pitch)
// << " minWidth:" << minWidth
// << endl;
// AR = x/y S = x*y = marginWidth*SH x=S/y AR = S/y^2
// y = sqrt(S/AR)
double y = sqrt ( marginWidth*rowHeight / aspectRatio );
unsigned int rows = (unsigned int)(y / rowHeight);
if ( rows == 0 ) ++rows;
double rowWidth = marginWidth / rows;
//cerr << "y:" << y << " rows:" << rows << endl;
if ( rowWidth < dMinWidth ) {
rowWidth = dMinWidth;
rows = (unsigned int)(marginWidth / rowWidth);
if ( rows == 0 ) ++rows;
DbU::Unit unitRowWidth = DbU::lambda(rowWidth);
DbU::Unit adjustWidth = unitRowWidth % pitch;
if ( adjustWidth != 0 )
unitRowWidth += pitch - adjustWidth;
Box ab = Box ( 0, 0, unitRowWidth, rows * _nimbus->getSliceHeight() );
if ( nrows == 0 ) {
nrows = (int)(sqrt((1.0 + margin) * sumwidth / rowHeight) + 0.5);
DbU::Unit rowWidth
= DbU::lambda
( (int)((double)((int)((1.0 + margin) * DbU::getLambda(sumwidth)
/ ((double)nrows * DbU::getLambda(pitch)) ))
* DbU::getLambda(pitch) + 0.5)
Box ab = Box(0, 0, rowWidth, nrows * rowHeight);
cmess1 << " - Abutment box: " << ab << endl;
_rootGCell = GCell::create ( _nimbus, (unsigned)0, ab );
void Grid::horizontalLongSplit (unsigned step, DbU::Unit& Y) const
recLS (step, Y, RG_HORIZONTAL, _rootGCell);
void Grid::verticalLongSplit (unsigned step, DbU::Unit& X) const
recLS (step, X, RG_VERTICAL, _rootGCell);
void Grid::recLS (unsigned step, DbU::Unit& coord, unsigned direction, GCell* gcell) const
//cout << " recLS : " << step << "-" << gcell->getStep() << endl;
if (gcell->getStep() >= step) {
if (gcell->getStep() == step - 1) {
if (!(gcell->hasSubGCells())) {
if (direction == RG_HORIZONTAL) {
//cout << "subHSplit" << endl;
gcell->subHSplit (coord);
//cout << "subHSplitted" << endl;
} else if (direction == RG_VERTICAL) {
//cout << "subVSplit" << endl;
gcell->subVSplit (coord);
//cout << "subVSplitted" << endl;
} else {
cerr << "Nothing to do here" << endl;
} else { // exploration récursive
if (!(gcell->hasSubGCells())) {
for_each_gcell (nb, gcell->getSubGCells()) {
if (direction == RG_HORIZONTAL) {
if (
nb->horizontalIsCrossed (coord)
recLS (step, coord, direction, nb);
} else if (direction == RG_VERTICAL) {
if (
nb->verticalIsCrossed (coord)
recLS (step, coord, direction, nb);
} else {
cerr << "Nothing to do here" << endl;
Layer* Grid::getLayer () const {
return _layer;
GCell* Grid::recGetGCell (unsigned step, Point& p, GCell* gcell) const {
GCell* res = NULL;
if (! (gcell->contains(p))) {
return NULL;
if (gcell->getStep() == step) {
return gcell;
} else {
for_each_gcell (subBox, gcell->getSubGCells()) {
res = recGetGCell (step, p, subBox);
if (res)
//return res;
assert (res);
return res;
} // recGetGCell
GCell* Grid::getGCell (unsigned step, Point& p) const
return recGetGCell (step, p, _rootGCell);
const Box Grid::getBox (unsigned step, Point& p) const
GCell* gcell = getGCell (step, p);
return Box (gcell->getXMin(), gcell->getYMin(), gcell->getXMax(), gcell->getYMax());
Point Grid::getPosition (unsigned step, Point& pos) const
return (getGCell(step,pos)->getCenter());
DbU::Unit Grid::getX (unsigned step, DbU::Unit& X) const
Point p = Point (X, DbU::lambda (0));
return getGCell (step, p)->getXCenter();
DbU::Unit Grid::getY (unsigned step, DbU::Unit& Y) const
Point p = Point (DbU::lambda (0), Y);
return getGCell (step, p)->getYCenter();
void Grid::recDumpGrid (GCell* gcell) const{
cout << " Step : " << gcell->getStep() << endl;
for_each_gcell (subBox, gcell->getSubGCells()) {
void Grid::dumpGrid () const{
cout << " o dumping grid..." << endl;
recDumpGrid (_rootGCell);
cout << " - grid dumped." << endl;
* ********************************************************************
* Collection des boites du niveau step
GCells Grid::getGCells (unsigned step) const
return Grid_GCells(this, step);
GCells Grid::getFastGCells (unsigned step) const
return Grid_FastGCells(this, step);
* ********************************************************************
* Création des Frontières
void Grid::createFences (unsigned step)
_fences[step] = new FenceSet();
for_each_gcell (gcell, getGCells(step)) {
//cmess1 << gcell << endl;
if (!gcell->getLeftFence()) {
GCell* nbleft = gcell->computeLeftOfMe();
if (nbleft) {
Fence* fence = static_cast<Fence*> (VFence::create (this, nbleft, gcell));
if (!gcell->getRightFence()) {
GCell* nbright = gcell->computeRightOfMe();
if (nbright) {
Fence* fence = static_cast<Fence*> (VFence::create (this, gcell, nbright));
if (!gcell->getUpFence()) {
GCell* nbup = gcell->computeUpOfMe();
if (nbup) {
Fence* fence = static_cast<Fence*> (HFence::create (this, nbup, gcell));
if (!gcell->getDownFence()) {
GCell* nbdown = gcell->computeDownOfMe();
if (nbdown) {
Fence* fence = static_cast<Fence*> (HFence::create (this, gcell, nbdown));
* ********************************************************************
* Collection des frontieres pour un niveau
Fences Grid::getFences (unsigned step)
return _fences[step]->getElements();
Fence* Grid::getFenceBetween (GCell* nb1, GCell* nb2) const
Fence* fence = testFenceBetween (nb1, nb2);
if (!fence)
cerr << "no fence between " << nb1 << " and " << nb2 << "." << endl;
throw Error ("getFenceBetween : gcelles are not linked together");
return fence;
Fence* Grid::testFenceBetween (GCell* nb1, GCell* nb2) const
if (nb1 == nb2)
return NULL;
#if 0
throw Error ("getFenceBetween : same gcelles");
if (nb1->getStep() != nb2->getStep())
return NULL;
#if 0
throw Error ("getFenceBetween : gcelles from different grid levels");
for_each_fence (fence, nb1->getSurroundingFences())
if (fence->getOppositeGCell (nb1) == nb2)
return fence;
return NULL;
// Compat
Grid* Grid::create (unsigned n, DbU::Unit& width, DbU::Unit& height) {
throw Error ("Nimbus: Grid: entering an outdated and deactivated function");
return NULL;
Box Grid::getGRBox (unsigned step, Point& p) {
return (getBox (step, p));
Contact* Grid::getContact (Net& net, Point& position) {
for_each_contact (contact, net.getContacts()) {
if (contact->getPosition() == position) {
return contact;
} else {
// vide
return NULL;
Contact* Grid::getOrCreateContact (Net& net, Point& position, DbU::Unit width, DbU::Unit height) {
Contact* c = NULL;
c = getContact (net, position);
if (!c)
c = Contact::create (&net, getLayer(), position.getX(), position.getY(), width, height);
return c;
#if 0
Contact* Grid::getOrCreateContact (Net& net, Point& position) {
Contact* c = NULL;
c = getContact (net, position);
if (!c)
c = Contact::create (&net, getLayer(), position.getX(), position.getY(), DbU::lambda(5), DbU::lambda(5));
return c;
DbU::Unit Grid::getVSplitterHalfLength (unsigned step) {
return DbU::lambda (2);
DbU::Unit Grid::getHSplitterHalfLength (unsigned step) {
return DbU::lambda (2);
Point Grid::getSubUpLeft (unsigned step, Point& pos) {
GCell* gcell = getGCell (step, pos);
return gcell->getSubUpperLeft()->getCenter();
Point Grid::getSubUpRight (unsigned step, Point& pos) {
GCell* gcell = getGCell (step, pos);
assert (gcell);
assert (gcell->getSubUpperRight());
return gcell->getSubUpperRight()->getCenter();
Point Grid::getSubDownLeft (unsigned step, Point& pos) {
GCell* gcell = getGCell (step, pos);
return gcell->getSubBottomLeft()->getCenter();
Point Grid::getSubDownRight (unsigned step, Point& pos) {
GCell* gcell = getGCell (step, pos);
return gcell->getSubBottomRight()->getCenter();
GCell* Grid::getLeftOf (const GCell* gcell) const
GCell* nbl = gcell->getLeftOfMe();
if (!nbl) nbl = gcell->computeLeftOfMe();
return nbl;
GCell* Grid::getRightOf (const GCell* gcell) const
GCell* nbr = gcell->getRightOfMe();
if (!nbr) nbr = gcell->computeRightOfMe();
return nbr;
GCell* Grid::getUpOf (const GCell* gcell) const
GCell* nbu = gcell->getUpOfMe();
if (!nbu) nbu = gcell->computeUpOfMe();
return nbu;
GCell* Grid::getDownOf (const GCell* gcell) const
GCell* nbd = gcell->getDownOfMe();
if (!nbd) nbd = gcell->computeDownOfMe();
return nbd;
GCell* Grid::getUpperLeftCorner (unsigned step) const
GCell* gcell = getRoot();
for (unsigned level = 0 ; level < step ; level++) {
gcell = gcell->getSubUpperLeft();
if (!gcell) throw Error ("Nimbus crushed when diving too deep.");
return gcell;
GCell* Grid::getUpperRightCorner (unsigned step) const
GCell* gcell = getRoot();
for (unsigned level = 0 ; level < step ; level++) {
gcell = gcell->getSubUpperRight();
if (!gcell) throw Error ("Nimbus crushed when diving too deep.");
return gcell;
GCell* Grid::getLowerLeftCorner (unsigned step) const
GCell* gcell = getRoot();
for (unsigned level = 0 ; level < step ; level++) {
gcell = gcell->getSubLowerLeft();
if (!gcell) throw Error ("Nimbus crushed when diving too deep.");
return gcell;
GCell* Grid::getLowerRightCorner (unsigned step) const
GCell* gcell = getRoot();
for (unsigned level = 0 ; level < step ; level++) {
gcell = gcell->getSubLowerRight();
if (!gcell) throw Error ("Nimbus crushed when diving too deep.");
return gcell;
* ********************************************************************
* Grid_GCells implementation
Grid_GCells::Grid_GCells(const Grid* grid, unsigned step)
// ************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _nb(NULL)
, _step(step)
_nb = grid->getRoot();
for (unsigned level = 0 ; level < step ; level++) {
_nb = _nb->getSubUpperLeft();
if (!_nb) throw Error ("Nimbus crushed when diving too deep.");
Grid_GCells::Grid_GCells(const Grid_GCells& gcelles)
// ************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _nb(gcelles._nb)
, _step(gcelles._step)
Grid_GCells& Grid_GCells::operator=(const Grid_GCells& gcelles)
// ***********************************************************************************
_nb = gcelles._nb;
_step = gcelles._step;
return *this;
Collection<GCell*>* Grid_GCells::getClone() const
// ***********************************************
return new Grid_GCells(*this);
Locator<GCell*>* Grid_GCells::getLocator() const
// ******************************************************
return new Locator(_nb);
string Grid_GCells::_getString() const
// *************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("GCell::GCells");
if (_nb) s += " " + getString(_nb);
s += ">";
return s;
* ********************************************************************
* Grid_GCells::Locator implementation
Grid_GCells::Locator::Locator(GCell* gcell)
// ********************************************************
: Inherit(),
Grid_GCells::Locator::Locator(const Locator& locator)
// ****************************************************
: Inherit(),
Grid_GCells::Locator& Grid_GCells::Locator::operator=(const Locator& locator)
// ******************************************************************************
_nb = locator._nb;
_direction = locator._direction;
return *this;
GCell* Grid_GCells::Locator::getElement() const
// *********************************************
return _nb;
Locator<GCell*>* Grid_GCells::Locator::getClone() const
// *****************************************************
return new Locator(*this);
bool Grid_GCells::Locator::isValid() const
// *****************************************
return (_nb != NULL);
void Grid_GCells::Locator::progress()
// ************************************
GCell* gcell = NULL;
switch (_direction) {
case 0:
gcell = _nb->computeRightOfMe();
if (!gcell) {
gcell = _nb->computeDownOfMe();
_direction = 1;
case 1:
gcell = _nb->computeLeftOfMe();
if (!gcell) {
gcell = _nb->computeDownOfMe();
_direction = 0;
gcell = NULL;
_nb = gcell;
string Grid_GCells::Locator::_getString() const
// **********************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("GCells::GCells::Locator");
if (_nb) s += " " + getString(_nb);
s += ">";
return s;
* ********************************************************************
* Grid_FastGCells implementation
Grid_FastGCells::Grid_FastGCells(const Grid* grid, unsigned step)
// **************************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _nb(NULL)
, _step(step)
_nb = grid->getRoot();
for (unsigned level = 0 ; level < step ; level++) {
_nb = _nb->getSubUpperLeft();
if (!_nb) throw Error ("Nimbus crushed when diving too deep.");
Grid_FastGCells::Grid_FastGCells(const Grid_FastGCells& gcelles)
// ************************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _nb(gcelles._nb)
, _step(gcelles._step)
Grid_FastGCells& Grid_FastGCells::operator=(const Grid_FastGCells& gcelles)
// ****************************************************************
_nb = gcelles._nb;
_step = gcelles._step;
return *this;
Collection<GCell*>* Grid_FastGCells::getClone() const
// ***********************************************
return new Grid_FastGCells(*this);
Locator<GCell*>* Grid_FastGCells::getLocator() const
// **********************************************
return new Locator(_nb);
string Grid_FastGCells::_getString() const
// *************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("GCell::GCells");
if (_nb) s += " " + getString(_nb);
s += ">";
return s;
* ********************************************************************
* Grid_FastGCells::Locator implementation
Grid_FastGCells::Locator::Locator(GCell* gcell)
// ********************************************************
: Inherit(),
Grid_FastGCells::Locator::Locator(const Locator& locator)
// ****************************************************
: Inherit(),
Grid_FastGCells::Locator& Grid_FastGCells::Locator::operator=(const Locator& locator)
// ******************************************************************************
_nb = locator._nb;
_direction = locator._direction;
return *this;
GCell* Grid_FastGCells::Locator::getElement() const
// *********************************************************
return _nb;
Locator<GCell*>* Grid_FastGCells::Locator::getClone() const
// *****************************************************************
return new Locator(*this);
bool Grid_FastGCells::Locator::isValid() const
// **************************************************
return (_nb != NULL);
void Grid_FastGCells::Locator::progress()
// *********************************************
GCell* gcell = NULL;
switch (_direction) {
case 0:
gcell = _nb->getRightOfMe();
if (!gcell) {
gcell = _nb->getDownOfMe();
_direction = 1;
case 1:
gcell = _nb->getLeftOfMe();
if (!gcell) {
gcell = _nb->getDownOfMe();
_direction = 0;
gcell = NULL;
_nb = gcell;
string Grid_FastGCells::Locator::_getString() const
// *******************************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("Grid::FastGCells::Locator");
if (_nb) s += " " + getString(_nb);
s += ">";
return s;
#if 0
* ********************************************************************
* Grid_Fences implementation
Grid_Fences::Grid_Fences(const Grid* grid, unsigned step)
// **************************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _nb(NULL)
, _fence(NULL)
, _step(step)
_nb = grid->getRoot();
for (unsigned level = 0 ; level < step ; level++) {
_nb = _nb->getSubUpperLeft();
if (!_nb) throw Error ("Nimbus crushed while diving too deep.");
Grid_Fences::Grid_Fences(const Grid_Fences& fences)
// ************************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _nb(fences._nb)
, _fence(fences._nb)
, _step(fences._step)
Grid_Fences& Grid_Fences::operator=(const Grid_Fences& fences)
// ****************************************************************
_nb = ._nb;
_step = ._step;
return *this;
Collection<Fence*>* Grid_Fences::getClone() const
// ***********************************************
return new Grid_Fences(*this);
Locator<Fence*>* Grid_Fences::getLocator() const
// **********************************************
return new Locator(_nb);
string Grid_Fences::_getString() const
// *************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("Fence::Fencees");
if (_nb) s += " " + getString(_nb);
s += ">";
return s;
* ********************************************************************
* Grid_Fences::Locator implementation
Grid_Fences::Locator::Locator(Fence* gcell)
// ********************************************************
: Inherit(),
Grid_Fences::Locator::Locator(const Locator& locator)
// ****************************************************
: Inherit(),
Grid_Fences::Locator& Grid_Fences::Locator::operator=(const Locator& locator)
// ******************************************************************************
_nb = locator._nb;
_direction = locator._direction;
return *this;
Fence* Grid_Fences::Locator::getElement() const
// *********************************************************
return _nb;
Locator<Fence*>* Grid_Fences::Locator::getClone() const
// *****************************************************************
return new Locator(*this);
bool Grid_Fences::Locator::isValid() const
// **************************************************
return (_nb != NULL);
void Grid_Fences::Locator::progress()
// *********************************************
Fence* gcell = NULL;
switch (_direction) {
case 0:
gcell = _nb->getLeftOfMe();
if (!gcell) {
gcell = _nb->getDownOfMe();
_direction = 1;
case 1:
gcell = _nb->getRightOfMe();
if (!gcell) {
gcell = _nb->getDownOfMe();
_direction = 0;
gcell = NULL;
_nb = gcell;
string Grid_Fences::Locator::_getString() const
// *******************************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("Grid::FastFencees::Locator");
if (_nb) s += " " + getString(_nb);
s += ">";
return s;
* FenceSet implementation
// **********************
: Inherit()
unsigned Grid::FenceSet::_getHashValue(Fence* fence) const
return ( (unsigned int)( (unsigned long)fence ) ) / 2;
Fence* Grid::FenceSet::_getNextElement(Fence* fence) const
return fence->_getNextOfGridFenceSet();
void Grid::FenceSet::_setNextElement(Fence* fence, Fence* nextFence) const