1466 lines
47 KiB
1466 lines
47 KiB
# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "Alliance.py<cumulus>" -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) UPMC 2014-2018, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/Alliance.py" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import os
import os.path
import sys
import time
import stat
import copy
import subprocess
import inspect
import helpers
from helpers.io import ErrorMessage
from helpers.io import WarningMessage
from helpers import Dots
# Global display flags
ShowCommand = 0x00001000
ShowLog = 0x00002000
ShowDots = 0x00004000
ForceRun = 0x00008000
commandFlags = ShowCommand | ShowLog
class AddMode ( object ):
Append = 1
Prepend = 2
Replace = 3
class Gauge ( object ):
Horizontal = 1
Vertical = 2
PinOnly = 4
Default = 8
class SearchPath ( object ):
def __init__ ( self ):
self._pathes = []
def add ( self, path, mode ):
name = os.path.basename(path)
if mode == AddMode.Append:
self._pathes.append( (name,path) )
elif mode == AddMode.Prepend:
self._pathes.insert( 0, (name,path) )
elif mode == AddMode.Replace:
for ipath in range(len(self._pathes)):
if self._pathes[ipath][0] == name:
self._pathes[ipath] = (name, path)
self._pathes.append( (name,path) )
def toUnix ( self ):
if not len(self._pathes): return ''
s = ''
for ipath in range(len(self._pathes)):
if ipath > 0: s += ':'
s += self._pathes[ipath][1]
return s
def __str__ ( self ):
return self.toUnix()
class Environment ( object ):
DefaultEnv = 0x0001
CommandEnv = 0x0002
Append = 0x0004
BehavioralExt = 0x0001
StructuralExt = 0x0002
PhysicalExt = 0x0004
ScriptExt = 0x0008
CSourceExt = 0x0010
DirectiveExt = 0x0020
IocExt = 0x0040
PatExt = 0x0080
AllExt = 0x00ff
extTable = { BehavioralExt : [ 'vbe' ]
, StructuralExt : [ 'vst', 'al' ]
, PhysicalExt : [ 'ap' , 'cp' ]
, ScriptExt : [ 'sh' , 'py' ]
, CSourceExt : [ 'c' ]
, IocExt : [ 'ioc' ]
, DirectiveExt : [ 'lax', 'boom', 'dly' ]
, PatExt : [ 'pat' ]
def symbolToFilename ( name, eflags ):
extensions = []
for iflag in range(0,len(Environment.extTable)):
if eflags & pow(2,iflag): extensions += Environment.extTable[ pow(2,iflag) ]
for extension in extensions:
if name.endswith('_'+extension):
l = len(extension)
return name[:-l-1], name[-l:]
return None, None
def isExt ( ext, eflags ):
extensions = []
for iflag in range(0,len(Environment.extTable)):
if eflags & pow(2,iflag): extensions += Environment.extTable[ pow(2,iflag) ]
if ext in extensions: return True
return False
def __init__ ( self, flags ):
self.mbkEnv = {}
if flags & Environment.DefaultEnv:
self.mbkEnv[ 'ALLIANCE_TOP' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_TARGET_LIB' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_WORK_LIB' ] = '.'
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_CATA_LIB' ] = SearchPath()
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_CATAL_NAME' ] = 'CATAL'
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_LO' ] = 'vst'
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_PH' ] = 'ap'
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_IN_LO' ] = 'vst'
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_IN_PH' ] = 'ap'
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_SEPAR' ] = '_'
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_VDD' ] = 'vdd'
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_VSS' ] = 'vss'
self.mbkEnv[ 'RDS_TECHNO_NAME' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'GRAAL_TECHNO_NAME' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'ALLIANCE_TOP' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_TARGET_LIB' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_WORK_LIB' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_CATA_LIB' ] = SearchPath()
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_CATAL_NAME' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_LO' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_PH' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_IN_LO' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_IN_PH' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_SEPAR' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_VDD' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_VSS' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'RDS_TECHNO_NAME' ] = None
self.mbkEnv[ 'GRAAL_TECHNO_NAME' ] = None
def load ( self, allianceConfig, allianceFile ):
entryNo = 0
for entry in allianceConfig:
entryNo += 1
if len(entry) != 2:
raise ErrorMessage(1,['Malformed entry in <allianceConfig>.'
,'Must have exactly two fields ("key", <value>).'
key, value = entry
if key == 'ALLIANCE_TOP': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'GRAAL_TECHNO_NAME': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'RDS_TECHNO_NAME': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'CATALOG': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'SCALE_X': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'IN_LO': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'IN_PH': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'OUT_PH': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'OUT_LO': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'POWER': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'GROUND': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'MBK_TARGET_LIB': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'WORKING_LIBRARY': self.mbkEnv[ key ] = value
if key == 'SYSTEM_LIBRARY':
for libraryEntry in value:
if len(libraryEntry) != 2:
raise ErrorMessage(1,['Malformed system library entry in <allianceConfig>.'
,'Must have exactly two fields ("path", <mode>).'
libPath, mode = libraryEntry
self.mbkEnv['MBK_CATA_LIB'].add( libPath, mode )
except Exception, e:
e = ErrorMessage( e )
e.addMessage( 'In %s:<Alliance> at index %d.' % (allianceFile,entryNo) )
print e
self.mbkEnv[ 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' ] = self.mbkEnv[ 'ALLIANCE_TOP' ] + '/lib'
def clone ( self ):
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def toSystemEnv ( self ):
env = os.environ
for key in self.mbkEnv.keys():
if not self.mbkEnv[key]:
print WarningMessage( 'Environment variable <%s> is not set.' % key )
env[ key ] = str(self.mbkEnv[ key ])
return env
class EnvironmentWrapper ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, env ):
self._env = env.clone()
def toSystemEnv ( self ): return self._env.toSystemEnv()
def env ( self ): return self._env
def TARGET_LIB ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_TARGET_LIB' ]
def WORK_LIB ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_WORK_LIB']
def CATA_LIB ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_CATA_LIB']
def CATAL_NAME ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_CATAL_NAME' ]
def OUT_LO ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_LO' ]
def OUT_PH ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_PH' ]
def IN_LO ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_IN_LO' ]
def IN_PH ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_IN_PH' ]
def SEPAR ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_SEPAR' ]
def VDD ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_VDD' ]
def VSS ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_VSS' ]
def RDS_TECHNO_NAME ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'RDS_TECHNO_NAME' ]
def GRAAL_TECHNO_NAME ( self ): return self._env.mbkEnv[ 'GRAAL_TECHNO_NAME' ]
def TARGET_LIB ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_TARGET_LIB' ] = value
def WORK_LIB ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_WORK_LIB'] = value
def CATA_LIB ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_CATA_LIB'] = value
def CATAL_NAME ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_CATAL_NAME' ] = value
def OUT_LO ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_LO' ] = value
def OUT_PH ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_PH' ] = value
def IN_LO ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_IN_LO' ] = value
def IN_PH ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_IN_PH' ] = value
def SEPAR ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_SEPAR' ] = value
def VDD ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_VDD' ] = value
def VSS ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'MBK_VSS' ] = value
def RDS_TECHNO_NAME ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'RDS_TECHNO_NAME' ] = value
def GRAAL_TECHNO_NAME ( self, value ): self._env.mbkEnv[ 'GRAAL_TECHNO_NAME' ] = value
class ReportLog ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, baseName ):
self._reportBase = baseName
self._reportFile = None
self._fd = None
self._lastLine = None
def _chooseName ( self ):
index = 0
timeTag = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
while True:
self._reportFile = "./%s-%s-%02d.log" % (self._reportBase,timeTag,index)
if not os.path.isfile(self._reportFile):
print "Report log: <%s>" % self._reportFile
index += 1
def baseName ( self ): return self._reportBase
def baseName ( self, baseName ): self._reportBase = baseName
def open ( self ):
if self._fd: return
self._fd = open( self._reportFile, "a+" )
def close ( self ):
if not self._fd: return
self._fd = None
def write ( self, line ):
if not self._fd: return
self._lastLine = line
self._fd.write( self._lastLine )
moduleGlobals = globals()
env = Environment( Environment.DefaultEnv )
def staticInitialization ():
global moduleGlobals
global env
confFile = helpers.sysConfDir+'/'+helpers.symbolicTechno+'/alliance.conf'
symbol = 'allianceConfig'
if not os.path.isfile(confFile):
print '[ERROR] Missing mandatory Coriolis2 system file:'
print ' <%s>' % confFile
sys.exit( 1 )
print ' o Running configuration hook: Alliance.staticInitialization().'
print ' - Loading \"%s\".' % helpers.truncPath(confFile)
exec( open(confFile).read() ) #, moduleGlobals )
except Exception, e:
print '[ERROR] An exception occured while loading the configuration file:'
print ' <%s>\n' % (confFile)
print ' You should check for simple python errors in this file.'
print ' Error was:'
print ' %s\n' % e
sys.exit( 1 )
if moduleGlobals.has_key(symbol):
env.load( moduleGlobals[symbol], confFile )
del moduleGlobals[symbol]
print '[ERROR] Mandatory symbol <%s> is missing in system configuration file:' % symbol
print ' <%s>' % confFile
sys.exit( 1 )
helpers.staticInitialization( quiet=True )
report = ReportLog( 'alliance' )
class Node ( EnvironmentWrapper ):
Unreached = -1
__allNodes = []
def getAllNodes (): return Node.__allNodes
def lookup ( symbol ):
for node in Node.__allNodes:
if node.ruleName == symbol:
return node
return None
def allClean ():
for node in Node.__allNodes: node.clean()
def findSelfSymbols ():
for node in Node.__allNodes: node._findSelfSymbol()
def __init__ ( self ):
EnvironmentWrapper.__init__( self, env )
self._targetName = None
self._extension = None
self._dependencies = []
self._childs = []
self._depth = Node.Unreached
self._depsReacheds = 0
self._active = False
self._frame = inspect.stack()[self.frameDepth]
Node.__allNodes.append( self )
def _findSelfSymbol ( self ):
callerGlobals = self._frame[0].f_globals
for symbol in callerGlobals.keys():
if self == callerGlobals[symbol]:
self.setTarget( symbol )
#raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Node cannot find its symbol in parent frame.' )
def setTarget ( self, name ):
baseName, extension = Environment.symbolToFilename( name, Environment.AllExt )
if baseName:
self._targetName = baseName
self._extension = extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Invalid file format of Node object <%s>' % name )
def targetName ( self ): return self._targetName
def setDefaultTargetName ( self ):
if self._dependencies == []:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Node.setDefaultTargetName(): node is neither used nor have dependencies.' )
self.setTarget( self.getDependency(0)._targetName+'_'+self.toolName.lower() )
print WarningMessage( 'Node.setDefaultTargetName(): Node is not affected, using: <%s>' % self.targetName )
def addDependency ( self, dependency ):
if not isinstance(dependency,Node):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Node.addDependency(): Not a node %s.' % str(dependency) )
self._dependencies.append( dependency )
dependency.addChild( self )
def getDependency ( self, i ): return self._dependencies[i]
def getDependencies ( self ): return self._dependencies
def addChild ( self, child ):
if not child in self._childs: self._childs.append( child )
def getChilds ( self ): return self._childs
def getDepth ( self ): return self._depth
def resetOrder ( self ):
self._depth = Node.Unreached
self._depsReacheds = 0
def incDepsReached ( self, depth ):
if depth > self._depth: self._depth = depth
if self._depsReacheds < len(self._dependencies):
self._depsReacheds += 1
return self._depsReacheds >= len(self._dependencies)
def allDepsReached ( self ):
return self._depsReacheds >= len(self._dependencies)
def checkFile ( self, hardStop=False, errorMessage=[] ):
if not os.path.isfile(self.fileName):
error = ErrorMessage( 1, 'File <%s> of node <%s> has not been created.'
% (self.fileName,self._targetName) )
if errorMessage:
for line in errorMessage: print line
if hardStop:
raise error
print error
def isUptodate ( self ):
depsMTime = 0
#print ' Target: %-30s %d' % (self.fileName, self.mtime)
for dependency in self.getDependencies():
depsMTime = max( depsMTime, dependency.mtime )
#print ' | Dep: %-31s %d' % (dependency.fileName, dependency.mtime)
return depsMTime <= self.mtime
def setActive ( self ):
self._active = True
for dependency in self.getDependencies():
def isActive ( self ): return self._active
def setMbkEnv ( self ): return
def clean ( self ):
if not isinstance(self,Source) \
and not isinstance(self,Probe) \
and not isinstance(self,Rule):
print 'Clean | %-30s| rm %s' % ( "<%s>"%self.ruleName, self.fileName )
report.write( 'Clean <%s>: (%s)\n' % (self.ruleName, self.fileName) )
if os.path.isfile(self.fileName):
report.write( ' rm %s\n' % self.fileName )
os.unlink( self.fileName )
def name ( self ): return self._targetName
def extension ( self ): return self._extension
def fileName ( self ): return self._targetName+'.'+self._extension
def ruleName ( self ):
if self._extension:
return self._targetName+'_'+self._extension
return self._targetName
def mtime ( self ):
if not os.path.isfile(self.fileName): return 0
return os.stat( self.fileName )[ stat.ST_MTIME ]
class Command ( Node ):
commandTypes = []
def __init__ ( self ):
Node.__init__( self )
self._flags = 0
Command.commandTypes.append( type(self) )
def asString ( command ):
s = ''
for i in range( len(command) ):
if i: s += ' '
s += command[i]
return s
def indent ( command, indent, width=109 ):
lines = []
lines.append( '|' )
for i in range(len(command)):
lines[-1] += ' ' + command[i]
if (len(lines) == 1 and len(lines[0]) >= width-indent) \
or len(lines[-1]) >= width:
if i < len(command)-1:
lines.append( ' '*indent + '|' + ' '*(len(command[0])+1) )
s = lines[0]
for line in lines[1:]:
s += '\n' + line
return s
#s = ''
#l = '|'
#for i in range(len(command)):
# l += ' ' + command[i]
# if len(l) >= width-indent:
# if len(s): s += '\n'
# s += l
# if i < len(command)-1:
# l = ' '*indent + '|' + ' '*(len(command[0])+1)
# else:
# return s
#if len(s): s += '\n'
#s += l
#return s
def frameDepth ( self ): return 3
def flags ( self ): return self._flags
def flags ( self, flags ): self._flags = flags
def _run ( self, checkFile=True ):
global commandFlags
flags = commandFlags
if self._flags: flags = self._flags
command = self.asCommand()
ruleName = "<%s>" % self.ruleName
if self.isActive() and (not self.isUptodate() or flags & ForceRun):
if flags & ShowCommand:
print "Executing | %-30s%s" % (ruleName,Command.indent(command,42))
child = subprocess.Popen( command
, env=self.env.toSystemEnv()
, stdout=subprocess.PIPE
, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
dots = Dots( ' '*42+'| ', 109 )
report.write( 'Executing command: %s \n' % ruleName )
report.write( ' %s\n' % Command.asString(command) )
while True:
line = child.stdout.readline()
if not line: break
if flags & ShowLog:
print "%s" % (line[:-1])
elif flags & ShowDots:
report.write( line )
errorLines = []
while True:
line = child.stderr.readline()
if not line: break
errorLines.append( line[:-1] )
report.write( line )
(pid,status) = os.waitpid(child.pid, 0)
status >>= 8
if status != 0:
for line in errorLines: print line
raise ErrorMessage( 1, "%s returned status:%d." % (self.toolName,status) )
if checkFile:
self.checkFile( hardStop=True, errorMessage=errorLines )
if self.isActive(): action = 'Up to date'
else: action = 'Inactive'
if flags & ShowCommand:
print "%-10s| %-30s%s" % (action,ruleName,Command.indent(command,42))
report.write( '%s command:\n' % action )
report.write( ' %s\n' % Command.asString(command) )
status = 0
return status
class StampCommand ( Command ):
def __init__ ( self ):
Command.__init__( self )
def setTarget ( self, name ):
if not name.startswith('stamp_'):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Target of stamp commands must start with "stamp_" (<%s>)' % name )
self._targetName = 'stamp.' + name[6:]
def frameDepth ( self ): return 4
def fileName ( self ): return self._targetName
def _run ( self ):
Command._run( self, checkFile=False )
if self.isActive():
with file(self.fileName,'a'): os.utime(self.fileName,None)
class Probe ( Command ):
def __init__ ( self, script ):
Command.__init__( self )
self.addDependency( script )
def toolName ( self ): return self.getDependency(0).name+'_'+self.getDependency(0).extension
def asCommand ( self ):
return [ os.path.join(os.getcwd(),self.getDependency(0).fileName) ]
def _run ( self ):
Command._run( self, checkFile=False )
class Source ( Node ):
def __init__ ( self ):
Node.__init__( self )
def frameDepth ( self ): return 2
class Rule ( Node ):
def __init__ ( self, *dependencies ):
Node.__init__( self )
for dependency in dependencies:
self.addDependency( dependency )
def frameDepth ( self ): return 2
def mtime ( self ): return 0
def setTarget ( self, name ):
self._targetName = name
class Boom ( Command ):
Verbose = 0x00000001
Trace = 0x00000002
ReverseOrder = 0x00000004
LocalOptimization = 0x00000008
AlgorithmS = 's'
AlgorithmJ = 'j'
AlgorithmB = 'b'
AlgorithmG = 'g'
AlgorithmP = 'p'
AlgorithmW = 'w'
AlgorithmT = 't'
AlgorithmM = 'm'
AlgorithmO = 'o'
AlgorithmR = 'r'
AlgorithmN = 'n'
def __init__ ( self, behavioral ):
Command.__init__( self )
self._directives = None
self._level = 0
self._delayPercent = 0
self._iterations = None
self._bddReorder = None
self._algorithm = None
self.addDependency( behavioral )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Boom'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.'+self.extension
def directives ( self ): return self._directives
def directives ( self, directives ):
self._directives = directives
self.addDependency( self._directives )
def level ( self ): return self._level
def delayPercent( self ): return self._delayPercent
def iterations ( self ): return self._iterations
def bddReorder ( self ): return self._bddReorder
def algorithm ( self ): return self._algorithm
def level ( self, level ): self._level = level
def delayPercent( self, delayPercent ): self._delayPercent = delayPercent
def iterations ( self, iterations ): self._iterations = iterations
def bddReorder ( self, bddReorder ): self._bddReorder = bddReorder
def algorithm ( self, algorithm ): self._algorithm = algorithm
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if self.extension != 'vbe':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Boom(): Optimized file format/ext must be <vbe>, not <%s>.'
% self.extension )
if self.getDependency(0).extension != 'vbe':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Boom(): Behavioral source file format/ext must be <vbe>, not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
if self._directives and self._directives.extension != 'boom':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Boom(): Directive file format/ext must be <boom>, not <%s>.'
% self._directives.extension )
self.IN_LO = 'vst'
self.OUT_LO = 'vst'
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'boom' ]
#command = [ './boom.sh' ]
if self._flags & Boom.Verbose: command += [ '-V' ]
if self._flags & Boom.Trace: command += [ '-T' ]
if self._flags & Boom.ReverseOrder: command += [ '-O' ]
if self._flags & Boom.LocalOptimization: command += [ '-A' ]
if self._directives: command += [ '-P', self.getDependency(1).name ]
if self._level: command += [ '-l', str(self._level) ]
if self._delayPercent: command += [ '-d', str(self._delayPercent) ]
if self._iterations: command += [ '-i', str(self._iterations) ]
if self._bddReorder: command += [ '-a', str(self._bddReorder) ]
if self._algorithm: command += [ '-'+self._algorithm ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
command += [ self.name ]
return command
class Boog ( Command ):
def __init__ ( self, behavioral ):
Command.__init__( self )
self._optimMode = 5
self._xschMode = 2
self._delayPercent = 0
self._laxFile = None
self._debugFile = None
self.addDependency( behavioral )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Boog'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.'+self.extension
def laxFile ( self ): return self._laxNode
def laxFile ( self, laxNode ):
self._laxNode = laxNode
self.addDependency( self._laxNode )
def optimMode( self ): return self._optimMode
def xschMode ( self ): return self._xschMode
def debugFile( self ): return self._debugFile
def optimMode( self, optimMode ): self._optimMode = optimMode
def xschMode ( self, xschMode ): self._xschMode = xschMode
def debugFile( self, debugFile ): self._debugFile = debugFile
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if Environment.isExt(self.extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
self.OUT_LO = self.extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Boog(): Invalid structural (netlist) file format/ext <%s>.'
% self.extension )
if self.getDependency(0).extension != 'vbe':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Boog(): Behavioral source file format/ext must be <vbe>, not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
if self._laxFile and self._laxFile.extension != 'lax':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Boog(): Lax file format/ext must be <lax>, not <%s>.'
% self._directives.extension )
self.IN_LO = 'vst'
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'boog' ]
if self._optimMode < 5: command += [ '-m', str(self._optimMode) ]
if self._xschMode < 2: command += [ '-x', str(self._xschMode) ]
if self._laxFile: command += [ '-l', self.getDependency(1).name ]
if self._debugFile: command += [ '-d', self._debugFile ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
command += [ self.name ]
return command
class Loon ( Command ):
def __init__ ( self, structural ):
Command.__init__( self )
self._optimMode = 5
self._xschMode = 2
self._laxFile = None
self.addDependency( structural )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Loon'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.'+self.OUT_LO
def laxFile ( self ): return self._laxFile
def laxFile ( self, laxFile ):
self._laxFile = laxFile
self.addDependency( self._laxFile )
def optimMode( self ): return self._optimMode
def xschMode ( self ): return self._xschMode
def optimMode( self, optimMode ): self._optimMode = optimMode
def xschMode ( self, xschMode ): self._xschMode = xschMode
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if Environment.isExt(self.extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
self.OUT_LO = self.extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Loon(): Invalid output structural (netlist) file format/ext <%s>.'
% self.extension )
if Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(0).extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
self.IN_LO = self.getDependency(0).extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Loon(): Invalid input structural (netlist) file format/ext <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
if self._laxFile and self._laxFile.extension != 'lax':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Loon(): Lax file format/ext must be <lax>, not <%s>.'
% self._directives.extension )
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'loon' ]
if self._optimMode < 5: command += [ '-m', str(self._optimMode) ]
if self._xschMode < 2: command += [ '-x', str(self._xschMode) ]
if self._laxFile: command += [ '-l', self.getDependency(1).fileName ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
command += [ self.name ]
return command
class Genlib ( Command ):
def __init__ ( self, csource ):
Command.__init__( self )
self.addDependency( csource )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Genlib'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.'+self.OUT_LO
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if not Environment.isExt(self.extension,Environment.StructuralExt|Environment.PhysicalExt):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Genlib(): Invalid output netlist or layout file format/ext <%s>.'
% self.extension )
if not Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(0).extension,Environment.CSourceExt):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Genlib(): Input file format/ext must be <c>, not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
if Environment.isExt(self.extension,Environment.StructuralExt): self.OUT_LO = self.extension
if Environment.isExt(self.extension,Environment.PhysicalExt): self.OUT_PH = self.extension
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'genlib', '-v', '-k' ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
return command
class Genpat ( Command ):
def __init__ ( self, csource ):
Command.__init__( self )
self.addDependency( csource )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Genpat'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.pat'
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if self.extension != 'pat':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Genpat(): Invalid output pattern file format/ext <%s>, must be <pat>.'
% self.extension )
if not Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(0).extension,Environment.CSourceExt):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Genpat(): Input file format/ext must be <c>, not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'genpat', '-v' ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
return command
class Asimut ( Command ):
RootIsBehavioral = 0x00000001
UseBdd = 0x00000002
CompileOnly = 0x00000004
ZeroDelay = 0x00000008
def __init__ ( self, model, patterns ):
Command.__init__( self )
self._backdelay = None
self.addDependency( patterns )
self.addDependency( model )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Asimut'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.pat'
def backdelay ( self ): return self._backdelay
def backdelay ( self, backdelay ):
self._backdelay = backdelay
self.addDependency( self._backdelay )
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if self.flags & Asimut.RootIsBehavioral:
if not Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(1).extension,Environment.BehavioralExt):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Asimut(): Invalid input behavioral file format/ext <%s>, must be <vbe>.'
% self.getDependency(1).extension )
if Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(1).extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
self.IN_LO = self.getDependency(1).extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Asimut(): Invalid input structural (netlist) file format/ext <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(1).extension )
if self.extension != 'pat':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Asimut(): Invalid output pattern file format/ext <%s>, must be <pat>.'
% self.extension )
if self.getDependency(0).extension != 'pat':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Asimut(): Invalid input pattern file format/ext <%s>, must be <pat>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'asimut' ]
if self.flags & Asimut.RootIsBehavioral: command += [ '-b' ]
if self.flags & Asimut.UseBdd: command += [ '-bdd' ]
if self.flags & Asimut.CompileOnly: command += [ '-c' ]
if self.flags & Asimut.ZeroDelay: command += [ '-zd' ]
if self._backdelay: command += [ '-backdelay', self.getDependency(1).name ]
command += [ self.getDependency(1).name ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
command += [ self.name ]
return command
class Ocp ( Command ):
Ring = 0x00000001
Gnuplot = 0x00000002
def __init__ ( self, netlist ):
Command.__init__( self )
self._partial = None
self._ioc = None
self._margin = -1
self.addDependency( netlist )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Ocp'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.'+self._extension
def partial ( self ): return self._partial
def partial ( self, partial ):
self._partial = partial
self.addDependency( self._partial )
def ioc ( self ): return self._ioc
def ioc ( self, ioc ):
self._ioc = ioc
self.addDependency( self._ioc )
def margin ( self ): return self._margin
def margin ( self, margin ):
if margin < 0 or margin > 100:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Ocp: Margin must be between 0 and 100% (%d)' % margin )
self._margin = margin
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if Environment.isExt(self.extension,Environment.PhysicalExt):
self.OUT_PH = self.extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Ocp(): Invalid output layout file format/ext <%s>.'
% self.extension )
if Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(0).extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
self.IN_LO = self.getDependency(0).extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Ocp(): Input file format/ext must be structural, not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
if Environment.isExt(self._partial.extension,Environment.PhysicalExt):
self.IN_PH = self._partial.extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Ocp(): Invalid input layout file format/ext <%s> for partial placement.'
% self._partial.extension )
if self._ioc.extension != 'ioc':
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Ocp(): Invalid IOC file format/ext <%s>, must be <ioc>.'
% self._ioc.extension )
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'ocp', '-v' ]
if self.flags & Ocp.Ring: command += [ '-ring' ]
if self.flags & Ocp.Gnuplot: command += [ '-gnuplot' ]
if self._margin > 0: command += [ '-margin' , str(self._margin) ]
if self._partial: command += [ '-partial', self._partial.name ]
if self._ioc: command += [ '-ioc' , self._ioc.name ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
command += [ self.name ]
return command
class Nero ( Command ):
ForceGlobalOff = 0x00000001
ForceGlobalOn = 0x00000002
Use2Layers = 0x00000004
Use3Layers = 0x00000008
Use4Layers = 0x00000010
Use5Layers = 0x00000020
Use6Layers = 0x00000040
def __init__ ( self, netlist ):
Command.__init__( self )
self._placement = None
self.addDependency( netlist )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Nero'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.'+self._extension
def placement ( self ): return self._placement
def placement ( self, placement ):
self._placement = placement
self.addDependency( self._placement )
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if Environment.isExt(self.extension,Environment.PhysicalExt):
self.OUT_PH = self.extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Nero(): Invalid output layout file format/ext <%s>.'
% self.extension )
if Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(0).extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
self.IN_LO = self.getDependency(0).extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Nero(): Input file format/ext must be structural, not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
if Environment.isExt(self._placement.extension,Environment.PhysicalExt):
self.IN_PH = self._placement.extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Nero(): Invalid input layout file format/ext <%s> for placement placement.'
% self._placement.extension )
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'nero', '-V' ]
if self.flags & Nero.ForceGlobalOff: command += [ '-L' ]
if self.flags & Nero.ForceGlobalOn: command += [ '-G' ]
if self.flags & Nero.Use2Layers: command += [ '-2' ]
if self.flags & Nero.Use3Layers: command += [ '-3' ]
if self.flags & Nero.Use4Layers: command += [ '-4' ]
if self.flags & Nero.Use5Layers: command += [ '-5' ]
if self.flags & Nero.Use6Layers: command += [ '-6' ]
if self._placement: command += [ '-p', self._placement.name ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
command += [ self.name ]
return command
class Cougar ( Command ):
TransistorFlatten = 0x00000001
CatalogFlatten = 0x00000002
CapaToGround = 0x00000004
RCToGround = 0x00000008
def __init__ ( self, layout ):
Command.__init__( self )
self.addDependency( layout )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Cougar'
def fileName ( self ): return self.name+'.'+self._extension
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if Environment.isExt(self.extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
self.OUT_LO = self.extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Cougar(): Invalid output netlist file format/ext <%s>.'
% self.extension )
if Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(0).extension,Environment.PhysicalExt):
self.IN_PH = self.getDependency(0).extension
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Cougar(): Input file format/ext must be physical, not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'cougar', '-v' ]
if self.flags & Cougar.TransistorFlatten: command += [ '-t' ]
if self.flags & Cougar.CatalogFlatten: command += [ '-f' ]
if self.flags & Cougar.CapaToGround: command += [ '-ac' ]
if self.flags & Cougar.RCToGround: command += [ '-ar' ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
command += [ self.name ]
return command
class Lvx ( StampCommand ):
MergeSupplies = 0x00000001
OrderConnectors = 0x00000002
CheckUnassigneds = 0x00000004
CatalogFlatten = 0x00000008
def __init__ ( self, netlist1, netlist2 ):
StampCommand.__init__( self )
self.addDependency( netlist1 )
self.addDependency( netlist2 )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Lvx'
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if not Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(0).extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Lvx(): Input file 1 format/ext must be structural (netlist), not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
if not Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(1).extension,Environment.StructuralExt):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Lvx(): Input file 2 format/ext must be structural (netlist), not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(1).extension )
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'lvx' ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).extension ]
command += [ self.getDependency(1).extension ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
command += [ self.getDependency(1).name ]
if self.flags & Lvx.MergeSupplies: command += [ '-a' ]
if self.flags & Lvx.CheckUnassigneds: command += [ '-u' ]
if self.flags & Lvx.CatalogFlatten: command += [ '-f' ]
return command
class Druc ( StampCommand ):
def __init__ ( self, layout ):
StampCommand.__init__( self )
self.addDependency( layout )
def toolName ( self ): return 'Druc'
def setMbkEnv ( self ):
if not Environment.isExt(self.getDependency(0).extension,Environment.PhysicalExt):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Druc(): Input file format/ext must be physical (layout), not <%s>.'
% self.getDependency(0).extension )
def asCommand ( self ):
command = [ 'druc', '-v' ]
command += [ self.getDependency(0).name ]
return command
class Tools ( object ):
def __init__ ( self ):
self._sourceNodes = []
self._toolNodes = []
self._ruleNodes = []
self._staticOrder = []
def _findNodes ( self ):
for node in Node.getAllNodes():
isCommand = False
for commandType in Command.commandTypes:
if isinstance(node,commandType):
self._toolNodes.append( node )
isCommand = True
if not isCommand:
if isinstance(node,Source): self._sourceNodes.append( node )
if isinstance(node,Rule ): self._ruleNodes.append( node )
# Three level of stack from the user's script python module.
#callerGlobals = inspect.stack()[2][0].f_globals
#for symbol in callerGlobals.keys():
# isCommand = False
# node = callerGlobals[symbol]
# for commandType in Command.commandTypes:
# if isinstance(node,commandType):
# node.setTarget( symbol )
# self._toolNodes.append( node )
# isCommand = True
# break
# if not isCommand \
# and ( isinstance(node,Source)
# or isinstance(node,Rule )):
# node.setTarget( symbol )
# self._sourceNodes.append( node )
#for node in Node.getAllNodes():
# if node.targetName: continue
# node.setDefaultTargetName()
# if not isinstance(node,Source):
# self._toolNodes.append( node )
def _sortNodes ( self ):
self._staticOrder = []
nodeStack = []
for node in self._sourceNodes:
node._depth = 0
nodeStack.append( node )
while nodeStack:
reacheds = 0
for inode in range(len(nodeStack)):
if nodeStack[inode].allDepsReached():
reacheds += 1
node = nodeStack.pop( inode )
self._staticOrder.append( node )
for child in node.getChilds():
if child.getDepth() < 0: nodeStack.append(child)
child.incDepsReached( node.getDepth()+1 )
if not reacheds and nodeStack:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Loop in dependency graph.' )
def _setMbkEnv ( self ):
for node in self._staticOrder:
def run ( args=[] ):
tool = Tools()
doClean = False
for arg in args:
if arg == 'clean': doClean = True
node = Node.lookup( arg )
if node: node.setActive()
if commandFlags & ShowCommand and not (commandFlags & ShowLog):
print "==========+===============================+============================================"
print "==========+===============================+============================================"
if doClean:
if commandFlags & ShowCommand and not (commandFlags & ShowLog):
print "----------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------"
for node in tool._staticOrder:
#for dep in node.getDependencies():
# print dep.name
# print dep.fileName
if not isinstance(node,Source) and not isinstance(node,Rule):
if node._run(): break
if commandFlags & ShowCommand and not (commandFlags & ShowLog):
print "----------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------"