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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Hurricane {
/*! \class CompositeLayer
* \brief CompositeLayer description (\b API)
* \section secCompositeLayerIntro Introduction
* Composite layers are an assembly of basic layers.
* Given a rectangular area filled with a composite layer we can
* determine, according to different geometrical parameters,
* which are the characteristics of the different pads filled
* with each basic layer building the composite layer. Those
* parameters are the following : ContactSize, SegmentSize,
* SegmentExtention and PadSize. They differ for each basic
* layer participating to a composite layer. Refer to the
* chapter ExpandRules in order to get more information on the
* meaning of those parameters.
/*! \typedef CompositeLayer::Inherit
* Useful for calling upon methods of the base class without
* knowing it.
/*! \class CompositeLayer::Type
* This enumeration defines the composite layer types. table:
* Composite Layer Types headers: Name Code Signification slots:
* UNDEFINED 0 Undefined type slots: METAL 4 Routing layer
* slots: VIA 5 Contact layer
/*! \name Constructors
// \{
/*! \function CompositeLayer* CompositeLayer::Create(Technology* technology,const Name& name,const CompositeLayer::Type& type,const Unit& minimalSize = 0,const Unit& minimalSpacing = 0);
* Creates and returns a new composite layer named \c \<name\>,
* of type \c \<type\> for the given technology (some
* geometrical characteristics can also be specified).
* \caution Throws an exception if the technology is null, if the name is
* empty or if a layer of same name already exists.
// \}
/*! \name Accessors
// \{
/*! \function const CompositeLayer::Type& CompositeLayer::GetType() const;
* \Return the composite layer type.
/*! \function Unit CompositeLayer::GetContactSize(BasicLayer* basicLayer) const;
* \Return the contact size associated to the basic layer
* \c \<basicLayer\> (0 if this basic layer doesn't pertains to
* composite one).
/*! \function Unit CompositeLayer::GetSegmentSize(BasicLayer* basicLayer) const;
* \Return the segment size associated to the basic layer
* \c \<basicLayer\> (0 if this basic layer doesn't pertains to
* composite one).
/*! \function Unit CompositeLayer::GetSegmentExtention(BasicLayer* basicLayer) const;
* \Return the segment extension associated to the basic layer
* \c \<basicLayer\> (0 if this basic layer doesn't pertains to
* composite one).
/*! \function Unit CompositeLayer::GetPadSize(BasicLayer* basicLayer) const;
* \Return the pad size associated to the basic layer \c \<basicLayer\>
* (0 if this basic layer doesn't pertains to composite one).
/*! \function const Unit& CompositeLayer::GetMaximalContactSize() const;
* \Return the maximum contact size for all the basic layers composing
* the composite layer.
/*! \function const Unit& CompositeLayer::GetMaximalSegmentSize() const;
* \Return the maximum segment size for all the basic layers composing
* the composite layer.
/*! \function const Unit& CompositeLayer::GetMaximalSegmentExtention() const;
* \Return the maximum segment extension for all the basic layers
* composing the composite layer.
/*! \function const Unit& CompositeLayer::GetMaximalPadSize() const;
* \Return the maximum pad size for all the basic layers composing the
* composite layer.
// \}
/*! \name Modifiers
// \{
/*! \function void CompositeLayer::Add(BasicLayer* basicLayer,const Unit& contactSize,const Unit& segmentSize,const Unit& segmentExtention,const Unit& padSize);
* Adds the basic layer with associated characteristics
* specified by the other arguments.
* \caution Throws an exception if the basic layer is null or already
* present in the composite layer.
* Usage example :
DataBase* dataBase = GetDataBase();
Technology* technology = dataBaseGetTechnology();
CompositeLayer* metal2 = technologyGetCompositeLayer("metal2"):
Unit contactSize = GetUnit(0.5);
Unit segmentSize = GetUnit(1.0);
Unit segmentExtention = GetUnit(1.3);
Unit padSize = GetUnit(0);
BasicLayer* CM2 = technologyGetBasicLayer("CM2");
metal2Add(CM2, contactSize, segmentSize, segmentExtention, padSize);
assert(metal2GetContactSize(CM2) == contactSize);
assert(metal2GetSegmentSize(CM2) == segmentSize);
assert(metal2GetSegmentExtention(CM2) == segmentExtention);
assert(metal2GetPadSize(CM2) == padSize);
/*! \function void CompositeLayer::Remove(BasicLayer* basicLayer);
* Removes the basic layer from the composite layer.
* \caution Throws an exception if the basic layer is null or it doesn't
* pertain to the composite layer.
// \}
/*! \name CompositeLayer Collection
// \{
/*! \typedef CompositeLayers
* Generic collection representing a set of composite layers.
/*! \typedef CompositeLayerLocator
* Generic locator for traversing a collection of composite
* layers.
/*! \typedef CompositeLayerFilter
* Generic filter allowing to select a subset of composite
* layers matching some criteria.
/*! \def for_each_composite_layer(compositeLayer, compositeLayers)
* Macro for visiting all the composite layers of a collection
* of composite layers.
// \}