809 lines
23 KiB
809 lines
23 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | H U R R I C A N E |
// | V L S I B a c k e n d D a t a - B a s e |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./DisplayStyle.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <cassert>
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/DisplayStyle.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/Graphics.h"
namespace Hurricane {
using namespace std;
const Name DisplayStyle::UnmatchedGroup;
const Name DisplayStyle::Viewer = "Viewer";
const Name DisplayStyle::Fallback = "fallback";
const Name DisplayStyle::Background = "background";
const Name DisplayStyle::Foreground = "foreground";
const Name DisplayStyle::Rubber = "rubber";
const Name DisplayStyle::Phantom = "phantom";
const Name DisplayStyle::Boundaries = "boundaries";
const Name DisplayStyle::Marker = "marker";
const Name DisplayStyle::SelectionDraw = "selectionDraw";
const Name DisplayStyle::SelectionFill = "selectionFill";
const Name DisplayStyle::Grid = "grid";
const Name DisplayStyle::Spot = "spot";
const Name DisplayStyle::Ghost = "ghost";
const Name DisplayStyle::TextRuler = "text.ruler";
const Name DisplayStyle::TextCell = "text.cell";
const Name DisplayStyle::TextInstance = "text.instance";
const Name DisplayStyle::TextComponent = "text.component";
const Name DisplayStyle::TextReference = "text.reference";
const Name DisplayStyle::Undef = "undef";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "RawDrawingStyle".
RawDrawingStyle::RawDrawingStyle ( const Name& name
, const string& pattern
, int red
, int green
, int blue
, int borderWidth
, float threshold
, bool goMatched
: _name (name)
, _red (red)
, _green (green)
, _blue (blue)
, _borderWidth(borderWidth)
, _pattern (pattern)
, _color (NULL)
, _pen (NULL)
, _brush (NULL)
, _threshold (threshold)
, _goMatched (goMatched)
{ }
RawDrawingStyle::~RawDrawingStyle ()
DrawingStyle RawDrawingStyle::create ( const Name& name
, const string& pattern
, int red
, int green
, int blue
, int borderWidth
, float threshold
, bool goMatched
DrawingStyle style = DrawingStyle( new RawDrawingStyle ( name
, pattern
, red
, green
, blue
, borderWidth
, threshold
, goMatched ) );
//if ( Graphics::isEnabled() )
// style->qtAllocate ();
return style;
void RawDrawingStyle::qtAllocate ()
if (not _color) {
_color = new QColor ( _red, _green, _blue );
_pen = new QPen ();
if (_borderWidth) {
_pen->setStyle( Qt::SolidLine );
_pen->setWidth( _borderWidth );
} else
_pen->setStyle( Qt::NoPen );
_pen->setColor( *_color );
_brush = Hurricane::getBrush( _pattern, _red, _green, _blue );
void RawDrawingStyle::qtFree ()
if (_color) {
delete _brush;
delete _pen;
delete _color;
_brush = NULL;
_pen = NULL;
_color = NULL;
QColor RawDrawingStyle::getColor ( const DisplayStyle::HSVr& darkening ) const
assert ( _color != NULL );
//return _color->darker ( darkening );
return DisplayStyle::darken(*_color,darkening);
QPen RawDrawingStyle::getPen ( const DisplayStyle::HSVr& darkening ) const
assert ( _pen != NULL );
QPen pen ( *_pen );
//pen.setColor ( _color->darker(darkening) );
pen.setColor ( DisplayStyle::darken(*_color,darkening) );
return pen;
QBrush RawDrawingStyle::getBrush ( const DisplayStyle::HSVr& darkening ) const
assert ( _brush != NULL );
QBrush brush ( *_brush );
//brush.setColor ( _color->darker(darkening) );
brush.setColor ( DisplayStyle::darken(*_color,darkening) );
return brush;
void RawDrawingStyle::toJson ( JsonWriter* w ) const
jsonWrite( w, "@typename", "DrawingStyle" );
jsonWrite( w, "_name" , _name );
jsonWrite( w, "_red" , _red );
jsonWrite( w, "_green" , _green );
jsonWrite( w, "_blue" , _blue );
jsonWrite( w, "_borderWidth", _borderWidth );
jsonWrite( w, "_pattern" , _pattern );
jsonWrite( w, "_threshold" , _threshold );
jsonWrite( w, "_goMatched" , _goMatched );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "JsonDrawingStyle".
Initializer<JsonDrawingStyle> jsonDrawingStyleInit ( 0 );
void JsonDrawingStyle::initialize ()
{ JsonTypes::registerType( new JsonDrawingStyle (JsonWriter::RegisterMode) ); }
JsonDrawingStyle::JsonDrawingStyle ( unsigned long flags )
: JsonObject(flags)
if (flags & JsonWriter::RegisterMode) return;
add( ".DrawingGroup", typeid(DrawingGroup) );
add( "_name" , typeid(string) );
add( "_red" , typeid(int64_t) );
add( "_green" , typeid(int64_t) );
add( "_blue" , typeid(int64_t) );
add( "_borderWidth" , typeid(int64_t) );
add( "_pattern" , typeid(string) );
add( "_threshold" , typeid(double) );
add( "_goMatched" , typeid(bool) );
JsonDrawingStyle::~JsonDrawingStyle ()
{ }
string JsonDrawingStyle::getTypeName () const
{ return "DrawingStyle"; }
JsonDrawingStyle* JsonDrawingStyle::clone ( unsigned long flags ) const
{ return new JsonDrawingStyle ( flags ); }
void JsonDrawingStyle::toData(JsonStack& stack)
check( stack, "JsonDrawingStyle::toData" );
DrawingGroup* dg = get<DrawingGroup*>( stack, ".DrawingGroup" );
DrawingStyle ds;
if (not dg) return;
string name = get<string> ( stack, "_name" );
int red = get<int64_t>( stack, "_red" );
int green = get<int64_t>( stack, "_green" );
int blue = get<int64_t>( stack, "_blue" );
int borderWidth = get<int64_t>( stack, "_borderWidth" );
string pattern = get<string> ( stack, "_pattern" );
float threshold = get<double> ( stack, "_threshold" );
bool goMatched = get<bool> ( stack, "_goMatched" );
if (stack.issetFlags(JsonWriter::TechnoMode)) {
// Actual creation.
ds = RawDrawingStyle::create( name
, pattern
, red
, green
, blue
, borderWidth
, threshold
, goMatched
dg->addDrawingStyle( ds );
if (Graphics::isEnabled()) dg->qtAllocate();
} else {
// Check coherency with existing DrawingStyle.
ds = dg->find( name );
if (ds == nullptr) {
cerr << Error( "JsonDrawingStyle::toData(): No DrawingStyle \"%s\" in the existing DisplayStyle."
, name.c_str()
) << endl;
update( stack, NULL );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "DrawingGroup".
DrawingGroup::DrawingGroup ( const Name& name )
: _name (name)
, _drawingStyles()
{ }
void DrawingGroup::qtAllocate ()
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _drawingStyles.size() ; i++ )
_drawingStyles[i]->qtAllocate ();
void DrawingGroup::qtFree ()
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _drawingStyles.size() ; i++ )
_drawingStyles[i]->qtFree ();
DrawingGroup* DrawingGroup::getClone ()
DrawingGroup* clone = new DrawingGroup ( getName() );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _drawingStyles.size() ; i++ )
clone->_drawingStyles.push_back ( _drawingStyles[i] );
return clone;
DrawingGroup::~DrawingGroup ()
{ }
size_t DrawingGroup::findIndex ( const Name& key ) const
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _drawingStyles.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( _drawingStyles[i]->getName() == key )
return i;
return InvalidIndex;
DrawingStyle DrawingGroup::find ( const Name& key ) const
size_t i = findIndex ( key );
if ( i != InvalidIndex )
return _drawingStyles[i];
return DrawingStyle();
void DrawingGroup::addDrawingStyle ( DrawingStyle ds )
size_t i = findIndex ( ds->getName() );
if ( i != InvalidIndex ) {
_drawingStyles[i] = ds;
} else {
_drawingStyles.push_back ( ds );
DrawingStyle DrawingGroup::addDrawingStyle ( const Name& key
, const string& pattern
, int red
, int green
, int blue
, int borderWidth
, float threshold
, bool goMatched
DrawingStyle ds = RawDrawingStyle::create ( key, pattern, red, green, blue, borderWidth, threshold, goMatched );
size_t i = findIndex ( key );
if ( i != InvalidIndex ) {
_drawingStyles[i] = ds;
} else {
_drawingStyles.push_back ( ds );
return ds;
void DrawingGroup::toJson ( JsonWriter* w ) const
jsonWrite( w, "@typename", "DrawingGroup" );
jsonWrite( w, "_name", _name );
w->key( "+drawingStyles" );
for ( DrawingStyle ds : _drawingStyles ) ds->toJson( w );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "JsonDrawingGroup".
Initializer<JsonDrawingGroup> jsonDrawingGroupInit ( 0 );
void JsonDrawingGroup::initialize ()
{ JsonTypes::registerType( new JsonDrawingGroup (JsonWriter::RegisterMode) ); }
JsonDrawingGroup::JsonDrawingGroup ( unsigned long flags )
: JsonObject(flags)
if (flags & JsonWriter::RegisterMode) return;
add( ".DisplayStyle" , typeid(DisplayStyle*) );
add( "_name" , typeid(string) );
add( "+drawingStyles", typeid(JsonArray) );
JsonDrawingGroup::~JsonDrawingGroup ()
{ }
string JsonDrawingGroup::getTypeName () const
{ return "DrawingGroup"; }
JsonDrawingGroup* JsonDrawingGroup::clone ( unsigned long flags ) const
{ return new JsonDrawingGroup ( flags ); }
void JsonDrawingGroup::toData(JsonStack& stack)
check( stack, "JsonDrawingGroup::toData" );
DisplayStyle* ds = get<DisplayStyle*>( stack, ".DisplayStyle" );
DrawingGroup* dg = NULL;
if (not ds) return;
string name = get<string>( stack, "_name" );
if (stack.issetFlags(JsonWriter::TechnoMode)) {
// Actual creation.
size_t gi = 0;
ds->findOrCreate( name, gi );
dg = ds->findGroup( name );
} else {
// Check coherency with existing DrawingGroup.
dg = ds->findGroup( name );
if (dg == NULL) {
cerr << Error( "JsonDrawingGroup::toData(): No DrawingGroup \"%s\" in the existing DisplayStyle."
, name.c_str()
) << endl;
update( stack, dg );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "DisplayStyle".
QColor DisplayStyle::darken ( const QColor& color, const DisplayStyle::HSVr& darkening )
QColor hsvColor = color.toHsv();
if ( not darkening.isId() ) {
qreal darkHue = color.hueF();
qreal darkSat = color.saturationF();
qreal darkValue = color.valueF();
//hsvColor.setHsvF ( darkHue/darkening.getHue(), darkSat/3.0, darkValue/2.5 );
hsvColor.setHsvF ( darkHue /darkening.getHue()
, darkSat /darkening.getSaturation()
, darkValue/darkening.getValue()
return hsvColor;
DisplayStyle::DisplayStyle ( const Name& name )
: _name(name)
, _description("<No Description>")
, _groups()
, _darkening(1.0,3.0,2.5)
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Fallback , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 0, 0, 0, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Background , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 50, 50, 50, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Foreground , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Rubber , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 192, 0, 192, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Phantom , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 139, 134, 130, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Boundaries , "0000000000000000", 208, 199, 192, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Marker , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 80, 250, 80, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, SelectionDraw, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, SelectionFill, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Grid , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 1, 8.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Spot , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 1, 8.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Ghost , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 1, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, TextRuler , "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 1, 0.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, TextCell , "8822441188224411", 255, 255, 255, 0, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, TextInstance , "8822441188224411", 255, 255, 255, 0, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, TextComponent, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 0, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, TextReference, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 255, 255, 255, 0, 1.0 );
addDrawingStyle ( Viewer, Undef , "2244118822441188", 238, 130, 238, 0, 1.0 );
DisplayStyle::~DisplayStyle ()
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _groups.size() ; i++ ) {
delete _groups[i];
void DisplayStyle::qtAllocate ()
for ( size_t gi=0 ; gi < _groups.size() ; gi++ )
_groups[gi]->qtAllocate ();
void DisplayStyle::qtFree ()
for ( size_t gi=0 ; gi < _groups.size() ; gi++ )
_groups[gi]->qtFree ();
const Name& DisplayStyle::getGroup ( const Name& key ) const
for ( size_t gi=0 ; gi < _groups.size() ; gi++ ) {
DrawingStyle style = _groups[gi]->find ( key );
if ( style )
return _groups[gi]->getName();
return UnmatchedGroup;
const string& DisplayStyle::getPattern ( const Name& key ) const
return find(key)->getPattern();
QColor DisplayStyle::getColor ( const Name& key, const DisplayStyle::HSVr& darkening ) const
return find(key)->getColor(darkening);
QPen DisplayStyle::getPen ( const Name& key, const DisplayStyle::HSVr& darkening ) const
return find(key)->getPen(darkening);
QBrush DisplayStyle::getBrush ( const Name& key, const DisplayStyle::HSVr& darkening ) const
return find(key)->getBrush(darkening);
float DisplayStyle::getThreshold ( const Name& key ) const
return find(key)->getThreshold();
DrawingGroup* DisplayStyle::findGroup ( const Name& groupKey )
for ( size_t gi=0 ; gi < _groups.size() ; gi++ ) {
if ( _groups[gi]->getName() == groupKey )
return _groups[gi];
return NULL;
void DisplayStyle::findOrCreate ( const Name& groupKey, size_t& gi )
for ( gi=0 ; gi < _groups.size() ; gi++ ) {
if ( _groups[gi]->getName() == groupKey )
if ( gi == _groups.size() )
_groups.push_back ( new DrawingGroup(groupKey) );
void DisplayStyle::find ( const Name& groupKey
, const Name& key
, size_t& gi
, size_t& si
) const
for ( gi=0 ; gi < _groups.size() ; gi++ ) {
if ( _groups[gi]->getName() == groupKey ) {
si = _groups[gi]->findIndex ( key );
if ( si != InvalidIndex )
gi = InvalidIndex;
si = InvalidIndex;
DrawingStyle DisplayStyle::find ( const Name& key ) const
for ( size_t gi=0 ; gi < _groups.size() ; gi++ ) {
DrawingStyle style = _groups[gi]->find ( key );
if ( style )
return style;
if ( key == "fallback" )
throw Error ("Unable to find builtin \"fallback\" DrawingStyle in %s."
return find ( "fallback" );
void DisplayStyle::setDarkening ( const DisplayStyle::HSVr& darkening )
if ( darkening.getHue() < 0.1 ) {
cerr << "[ERROR] Invalid hue darkening factor: " << darkening.getHue() << "." << endl;
if ( darkening.getSaturation() < 0.1 ) {
cerr << "[ERROR] Invalid saturation darkening factor: " << darkening.getSaturation() << "." << endl;
if ( darkening.getValue() < 0.1 ) {
cerr << "[ERROR] Invalid value darkening factor: " << darkening.getValue() << "." << endl;
_darkening = darkening;
void DisplayStyle::addDrawingStyle ( const Name& groupKey
, const Name& key
, const string& pattern
, int red
, int green
, int blue
, int borderWidth
, float threshold
, bool goMatched
size_t gi;
findOrCreate ( groupKey, gi );
_groups[gi]->addDrawingStyle ( key, pattern, red, green, blue, borderWidth, threshold, goMatched );
void DisplayStyle::inheritFrom ( const DisplayStyle* base )
assert ( base != NULL );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_groups.size() ; i++ )
delete _groups[i];
_groups.clear ();
for ( size_t gi=0 ; gi < base->_groups.size() ; gi++ )
_groups.push_back ( base->_groups[gi]->getClone());
void DisplayStyle::toJson ( JsonWriter* w ) const
jsonWrite( w, "@typename", "DisplayStyle" );
jsonWrite( w, "_name" , _name );
jsonWrite( w, "_description", _description );
jsonWrite( w, "_darkening" , &_darkening );
w->key( "+groups" );
for ( DrawingGroup* dg : _groups ) dg->toJson( w );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "JsonDisplayStyle".
Initializer<JsonDisplayStyle> jsonDisplayStyleInit ( 0 );
void JsonDisplayStyle::initialize ()
{ JsonTypes::registerType( new JsonDisplayStyle (JsonWriter::RegisterMode) ); }
JsonDisplayStyle::JsonDisplayStyle ( unsigned long flags )
: JsonObject(flags)
if (flags & JsonWriter::RegisterMode) return;
add( "_name" , typeid(string) );
add( "_description", typeid(string) );
add( "_darkening" , typeid(DisplayStyle::HSVr) );
add( "+groups" , typeid(JsonArray) );
JsonDisplayStyle::~JsonDisplayStyle ()
{ }
string JsonDisplayStyle::getTypeName () const
{ return "DisplayStyle"; }
JsonDisplayStyle* JsonDisplayStyle::clone ( unsigned long flags ) const
{ return new JsonDisplayStyle ( flags ); }
void JsonDisplayStyle::toData(JsonStack& stack)
check( stack, "JsonDisplayStyle::toData" );
Graphics* graphics = get<Graphics*>( stack, "_graphics" );
DisplayStyle* ds = NULL;
if (not graphics) return;
string name = get<string> ( stack, "_name" );
string description = get<string> ( stack, "_description" );
DisplayStyle::HSVr* darkening = get<DisplayStyle::HSVr*>( stack, "_darkening" );
if (stack.issetFlags(JsonWriter::TechnoMode)) {
// Actual creation.
ds = new DisplayStyle ( name );
ds->setDescription( description );
ds->setDarkening ( *darkening );
graphics->addStyle( ds );
} else {
// Check coherency with existing DisplayStyle.
ds = Graphics::getStyle( name );
if (ds == NULL) {
cerr << Error( "JsonDisplayStyle::toData(): No DisplayStyle \"%s\" in the existing DisplayStyle."
, name.c_str()
) << endl;
update( stack, ds );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "JsonHSVr".
Initializer<JsonHSVr> jsonHSVrInit ( 0 );
void JsonHSVr::initialize ()
{ JsonTypes::registerType( new JsonHSVr (JsonWriter::RegisterMode) ); }
JsonHSVr::JsonHSVr ( unsigned long flags )
: JsonObject(flags)
if (flags & JsonWriter::RegisterMode) return;
add( "_hue" , typeid(double) );
add( "_saturation", typeid(double) );
add( "_value" , typeid(double) );
JsonHSVr::~JsonHSVr ()
{ }
string JsonHSVr::getTypeName () const
{ return "HSVr"; }
JsonHSVr* JsonHSVr::clone ( unsigned long flags ) const
{ return new JsonHSVr ( flags ); }
void JsonHSVr::toData(JsonStack& stack)
check( stack, "JsonHSVr::toData" );
double hue = get<double>( stack, "_hue" );
double saturation = get<double>( stack, "_saturation" );
double value = get<double>( stack, "_value" );
DisplayStyle::HSVr* hsvr = new DisplayStyle::HSVr(hue,saturation,value);
update( stack, hsvr );
} // Hurricane namespace.