2685 lines
107 KiB
2685 lines
107 KiB
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "flute.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Name.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/Component.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/DeepNet.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingLayerGauge.h"
#include "knik/Configuration.h"
#include "knik/Graph.h"
#include "knik/Vertex.h"
#include "knik/Edge.h"
#include "knik/HEdge.h"
#include "knik/VEdge.h"
#include "knik/KnikEngine.h"
//#define __USE_SLICINGTREE__
#define EPSILON 10e-4
#define HISTORIC_INC 1.5 // define the increment of historic cost for ripup & reroute
namespace Knik {
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::ForEachIterator;
int depthMaterialize;
unsigned countDijkstra = 0;
unsigned countMonotonic = 0;
unsigned countMaterialize = 0;
bool debugging;
Name debugName = Name("");
bool __ripupMode__;
extern float __edge_capacity_percent__;
extern unsigned __congestion__;
extern unsigned __precongestion__;
using namespace CRL;
STuple::STuplePQIter STuple::_stuplePQEnd;
Name STuple::CostProperty::_name = "Knik::CostProperty";
struct segmentStat {
unsigned nbDep;
unsigned nbTot;
unsigned sumOv;
segmentStat(unsigned dep, unsigned tot, unsigned ov) { nbDep=dep; nbTot=tot; sumOv=ov; };
segmentStat() {};
~segmentStat() {};
void incNbDep() { nbDep++; };
void incNbTot() { nbTot++; };
void incSumOv ( unsigned inc ) { sumOv+=inc; };
unsigned getNbDep() const { return nbDep; };
unsigned getNbTot() const { return nbTot; };
unsigned getSumOv() const { return sumOv; };
Graph::Graph ( KnikEngine* engine, RoutingGrid* routingGrid, bool benchMode, bool useSegments )
// ********************************************************************************************
: _cell ( engine->getCell() )
, _engine ( engine )
, _benchMode ( benchMode )
, _useSegments ( useSegments )
, _slicingTree ( NULL )
, _matrixVertex ( NULL )
, _routingGrid ( routingGrid )
, _working_net ( NULL )
, _vertexes_to_route()
, _lowerLeftVertex ( NULL )
, _all_vertexes()
, _all_edges()
, _nbSplitters ( 0 )
, _vtuplePriorityQueue()
, _stuplePriorityQueue()
, _searchingArea()
, _xSize ( 0 )
, _ySize ( 0 )
//, _estimateOccupancyWindow ( NULL )
//, _occupancyWindow ( NULL )
, _maxEstimateOccupancy ( 0.0 )
, _maxXEstimateOccupancy ( 0.0 )
, _maxYEstimateOccupancy ( 0.0 )
, _maxOccupancy ( 0 )
, _maxXOccupancy ( 0 )
, _maxYOccupancy ( 0 )
, _hEdgeNormalisedLength ( 1.0 ) // au cas ou
, _vEdgeNormalisedLength ( 1.0 ) // au cas ou
__ripupMode__ = false;
Graph* Graph::create ( KnikEngine* engine, RoutingGrid* routingGrid, bool benchMode, bool useSegments )
// ****************************************************************************************************
Graph* _graph = new Graph ( engine, routingGrid, benchMode, useSegments );
return _graph;
void Graph::_postCreate()
// **********************
_netStamp = 1; // initializing netStamp here instead of in Knik::Route function (for reroute, it seems good)
//Cell* cell = _nimbus->getCell();
//DisplaySlot* vertexDS = DisplaySlot::create( cell, Name("KnikVertexDS"),192, 0 ,192,"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",1,192, 0 ,192,"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",1 );
//DisplaySlot* edgeDS = DisplaySlot::create( cell, Name("KnikEdgeDS") ,153,100, 17,"55AA55AA55AA55AA",1,153,100, 17,"55AA55AA55AA55AA",1 );
// XXX On supprime tout ce qui concerne NIMBUS et on considère qu'il existe toujours une _routingGrid XXX
if ( !_routingGrid ) {
_matrixVertex = MatrixVertex::create(this);
if( !_matrixVertex )
throw Error ("Graph::_postCreate(): cannot create MatrixVertex");
_lowerLeftVertex = _matrixVertex->createRegularMatrix ();
cmess2 << " - Created vertex matrix (without RoutingGrid)" << endl;
throw Error ("Graph::_postCreate(): cannot use another method than MatrixVertex");
// il faut définir les normalisedLength, pour l'instant on le fait pas
} else {
cmess2 << " - RoutingGrid size [" << _routingGrid->getNbXTiles() << "x" << _routingGrid->getNbYTiles() << "]." << endl;
_matrixVertex = MatrixVertex::create(this);
if( !_matrixVertex )
throw Error ("Graph::_postCreate(): cannot create MatrixVertex");
_lowerLeftVertex = _matrixVertex->createRegularMatrix ( _routingGrid );
// initialisation des normalisedLength
float hEdgeLength = _routingGrid->getTileWidth();
float vEdgeLength = _routingGrid->getTileHeight();
_hEdgeNormalisedLength = hEdgeLength <= vEdgeLength ? 1.0 : hEdgeLength / vEdgeLength;
_vEdgeNormalisedLength = hEdgeLength <= vEdgeLength ? vEdgeLength / hEdgeLength : 1.0;
cmess2 << " - Created vertex matrix (from RoutingGrid)." << endl;
throw Error ("Graph::_postCreate(): cannot use another method than MatrixVertex");
if (_lowerLeftVertex->getHEdgeOut())
cmess1 << Dots::asUInt (" - Global router H edges capacity" ,_lowerLeftVertex->getHEdgeOut()->getCapacity()) << endl;
cerr << Warning( "Knik::Graph: Design has only one column, H edge capacity is zero." ) << endl;
if (_lowerLeftVertex->getVEdgeOut())
cmess1 << Dots::asUInt (" - Global router V edges capacity" ,_lowerLeftVertex->getVEdgeOut()->getCapacity()) << endl;
cerr << Warning( "Knik::Graph: Design has only one row, V edge capacity is zero." ) << endl;
// #ifdef __USE_MATRIXVERTEX__
// _matrixVertex = MatrixVertex::create(this);
// if ( _routingGrid ) {
// _matrixVertex->createXRegular ( _routingGrid );
// _matrixVertex->createYRegular ( _routingGrid );
// }
// else {
// _matrixVertex->createXIrregular ( _nimbus );
// _matrixVertex->createYIrregular ( _nimbus );
// }
// #endif
// #ifdef __USE_SLICINGTREE__
// _slicingTree = SlicingTree::create ( _nimbus );
// #endif
// unsigned compteur = 0;
// for_each_gcell ( gcell, _nimbus->getRoutingLeaves() )
// {
// compteur++;
// Vertex* vertex = Vertex::create ( gcell, this );
// if ( !_lowerLeftVertex )
// _lowerLeftVertex = vertex;
// else {
// if ( vertex->getX() <= _lowerLeftVertex->getX() ) {
// if ( vertex->getY() <= _lowerLeftVertex->getY() )
// _lowerLeftVertex = vertex;
// }
// }
// _all_vertexes.push_back ( vertex );
// #ifdef __USE_MATRIXVERTEX__
// _matrixVertex->setVertex ( gcell->getCenter(), vertex );
// #endif
// #ifdef __USE_SLICINGTREE__
// SlicingTreeNode* terminalNode = _slicingTree->getTerminalNode ( gcell->getCenter() );
// terminalNode->setVertex ( vertex );
// #endif
// end_for;
// }
// cmess2 << " - Parcours des gcells pour créer les vertex terminé : " << compteur << " vertex" << endl;
// Vertex* currentVertex = _lowerLeftVertex;
// while ( currentVertex ) {
// Vertex* firstLineVertex = currentVertex;
// while ( currentVertex ) {
// GCell* source = currentVertex->getGCell();
// Fence* fenceUP = source->getUpFence();
// GCell* targetUP = source->getUpOfMe();
// if ( targetUP )
// createVEdge ( currentVertex, getVertex ( targetUP->getCenter() ), fenceUP );
// Fence* fenceRIGHT = source->getRightFence();
// GCell* targetRIGHT = source->getRightOfMe();
// if ( targetRIGHT ) {
// Vertex* rightVertex = getVertex ( targetRIGHT->getCenter() );
// createHEdge ( currentVertex, rightVertex, fenceRIGHT );
// currentVertex = rightVertex;
// }
// else
// break;
// }
// Edge* vEdgeOut = firstLineVertex->getVEdgeOut();
// if ( vEdgeOut )
// currentVertex = vEdgeOut->getOpposite ( firstLineVertex );
// else
// break;
// }
// cmess2 << " - Parcours des gcells puis des fences pour créer les edges terminé" << endl;
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _all_vertexes.size() ; i++ ) {
cmess2 << " - Edge sorting completed." << endl;
STuple::setSTuplePQEnd ( _stuplePriorityQueue.end() );
// cmess2 << "Petites stats :" << endl
// << " gcell : " << sizeof(GCell) << endl
// << " fence : " << sizeof(Fence) << endl
// << " vertex : " << sizeof(Vertex) << endl
// << " edge : " << sizeof (Edge) << endl
// << " net : " << sizeof(Net) << endl
// << " pin : " << sizeof(Pin) << endl
// << " splitter : " << sizeof(Splitter) << endl
// << " splitterContact : " << sizeof(SplitterContact) << endl;
void Graph::destroy()
// *****************
delete this;
void Graph::_preDestroy()
// *********************
// Destruction of all VTuples
for ( VTuplePQIter pqit = _vtuplePriorityQueue.begin() ; pqit != _vtuplePriorityQueue.end() ; pqit++ ) {
// Destrucion of all Edges and Vertexes
Vertex* currentVertex = _lowerLeftVertex;
while ( currentVertex ) {
Vertex* nextVVertex;
if ( Edge* vEdgeOut = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut() )
nextVVertex = vEdgeOut->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
nextVVertex = NULL;
while ( currentVertex ) {
if ( Edge* vEdgeOut = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut() )
Vertex* nextHVertex;
if ( Edge* hEdgeOut = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut() ) {
nextHVertex = hEdgeOut->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
nextHVertex = NULL;
currentVertex = nextHVertex;
currentVertex = nextVVertex;
//// Destruction of all Edges
//for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _all_edges.size() ; i++ ) {
// _all_edges[i]->destroy();
//// Destruction of all Vertexes
//for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _all_vertexes.size() ; i++ ) {
// _all_vertexes[i]->destroy();
Vertex* Graph::getPredecessor ( const Vertex* vertex )
// ***************************************************
assert( vertex->getPredecessor() );
return vertex->getPredecessor()->getOpposite ( vertex );
Vertex* Graph::getCentralVertex()
// ******************************
assert ( _vertexes_to_route.begin() != _vertexes_to_route.end() );
// This function skims the _vertexes_to_route set and returns the most centered vertex.
// first pass : builds the bounding box of all vertexes
Box vertexesBBox;
VertexSetIter vsit = _vertexes_to_route.begin();
while ( vsit != _vertexes_to_route.end() ) {
// second pass : finds the most centered vertex
Point boxCenter = vertexesBBox.getCenter();
vsit = _vertexes_to_route.begin();
Vertex* mostCentered = (*vsit);
DbU::Unit minDistance = boxCenter.manhattanDistance ( mostCentered->getPosition() );
while ( vsit != _vertexes_to_route.end() ) {
Vertex* currentVertex = (*vsit);
DbU::Unit currentDistance = boxCenter.manhattanDistance( currentVertex->getPosition() );
if ( currentDistance < minDistance ) {
mostCentered = currentVertex;
minDistance = currentDistance;
return mostCentered;
Vertex* Graph::getVertex ( Point p )
// *********************************
Vertex* vertex;
vertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex(p);
vertex = _slicingTree->getVertex ( p );
assert ( vertex );
//#else // Ce n'est plus une option !
// GCell* gcell = _nimbus->getRoutingLeafContaining ( p );
// assert ( gcell );
// vertex = getVertexOfGCell ( gcell );
// assert ( vertex );
return vertex;
Vertex* Graph::getVertex ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y )
// **************************************************
return getVertex ( Point(x,y) );
unsigned Graph::getGridLength ( Segment* segment )
// ***********************************************
// new time-optimized version 02/02/09
unsigned sourceColId = _matrixVertex->getColumnIndex ( segment->getSourceX() );
unsigned targetColId = _matrixVertex->getColumnIndex ( segment->getTargetX() );
unsigned sourceRowId = _matrixVertex->getLineIndex ( segment->getSourceY() );
unsigned targetRowId = _matrixVertex->getLineIndex ( segment->getTargetY() );
if ( sourceColId == targetColId )
return targetRowId - sourceRowId;
return targetColId - sourceColId;
//if ( isAGlobalRoutingSegment(segment) ) {
// if ( Horizontal* horiz = dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(segment) ) {
// unsigned sourceId = _matrixVertex->getColumnIndex ( horiz->getSourceX() );
// unsigned targetId = _matrixVertex->getColumnIndex ( horiz->getTargetX() );
// assert ( sourceId != targetId );
// return targetId - sourceId; // On considere que les segments sont bien orientes !!!!
// }
// else if ( Vertical* verti = dynamic_cast<Vertical*>(segment) ) {
// unsigned sourceId = _matrixVertex->getLineIndex ( verti->getSourceY() );
// unsigned targetId = _matrixVertex->getLineIndex ( verti->getTargetY() );
// assert ( sourceId != targetId );
// return targetId - sourceId; // meme hypothese !!!
// }
// else
// throw Error ( "Graph::getGridLength(): segment is neither horizontal nor vertical." );
return 0;
unsigned Graph::getCongestEdgeNb ( Segment* segment )
// **************************************************
if ( !isAGlobalRoutingSegment(segment) ) {
string message = "getCongestEdgeNb only treats global routing segment for now : ";
message += getString(segment);
throw Warning ( message );
unsigned nbEdge = 0;
if ( dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(segment) ) {
Vertex* current = getVertex ( segment->getSource()->getCenter() );
Vertex* target = getVertex ( segment->getTarget()->getCenter() );
while ( current != target ) {
Edge* edge = current->getHEdgeOut();
if ( !edge ) throw Error ("Graph::getCongestEdgeNb(): Wow! NULL horizontal Edge.");
if ( edge->isCongested() )
current = edge->getTo();
else if ( dynamic_cast<Vertical*>(segment) ) {
Vertex* current = getVertex ( segment->getSource()->getCenter() );
Vertex* target = getVertex ( segment->getTarget()->getCenter() );
while ( current != target ) {
Edge* edge = current->getVEdgeOut();
if ( !edge ) throw Error ("Graph::getCongestEdgeNb(): Wow! NULL vertical Edge.");
if ( edge->isCongested() )
current = edge->getTo();
throw Error ( "Graph::getCongestEdgeNb(): segment is neither horizontal nor vertical." );
return nbEdge++;
Segment* Graph::createSegment ( Contact* initialContact, Contact* reachedContact )
// *******************************************************************************
//cerr << "Graph::createSegment: " << initialContact << " -- " << reachedContact << endl;
if ( initialContact->getX() == reachedContact->getX() ) {
const Layer* layer = Configuration::getGMetalV();
DbU::Unit xCoord = initialContact->getX();
DbU::Unit width = DbU::lambda(2);
if ( initialContact->getY() <= reachedContact->getY() )
return Vertical::create ( initialContact, reachedContact, layer, xCoord, width );
return Vertical::create ( reachedContact, initialContact, layer, xCoord, width );
else if ( initialContact->getY() == reachedContact->getY() ) {
const Layer* layer = Configuration::getGMetalH();
DbU::Unit yCoord = initialContact->getY();
DbU::Unit height = DbU::lambda(2);
if ( initialContact->getX() <= reachedContact->getX() )
return Horizontal::create ( initialContact, reachedContact, layer, yCoord, height );
return Horizontal::create ( reachedContact, initialContact, layer, yCoord, height );
throw Error ( "Graph::createSegment(): Contacts are not aligneds." );
void Graph::sortHVertexes ( Vertex*& from, Vertex*& to )
// *****************************************************
// This function sorts 2 vertexes horizontally:
// from will be the leftest one
assert (from);
assert (to);
if ( from->getX() > to->getX() ) {
Vertex* temp = from;
from = to;
to = temp;
void Graph::sortVVertexes ( Vertex*& from, Vertex*& to )
// *****************************************************
// This function sorts 2 vertexes vertically:
// from will be the downest one
assert (from);
assert (to);
if ( from->getY() > to->getY() ) {
Vertex* temp = from;
from = to;
to = temp;
Vertex* Graph::createVertex ( Point position, DbU::Unit halfWidth, DbU::Unit halfHeight )
// **************************************************************************************
Vertex* vertex = Vertex::create ( this, position, halfWidth, halfHeight );
assert ( vertex );
_all_vertexes.push_back ( vertex );
return vertex;
void Graph::createHEdge ( Vertex* from, Vertex* to, size_t reserved )
// ********************************************************************
size_t capacity = 0;
if ( _routingGrid ) {
capacity = _routingGrid->getHCapacity();
//cerr << "createHEdge capacity:" << capacity << " reserved:" << reserved << endl;
} else {
vector<RoutingLayerGauge*> rtLGauges = _engine->getRoutingGauge()->getLayerGauges();
for ( vector<RoutingLayerGauge*>::iterator it = rtLGauges.begin() ; it != rtLGauges.end() ; it++ ) {
RoutingLayerGauge* routingLayerGauge = (*it);
if (routingLayerGauge->getType() != Constant::Default) continue;
if (routingLayerGauge->getDepth() > _engine->getAllowedDepth()) continue;
if (routingLayerGauge->getDirection() != Constant::Horizontal)
capacity += routingLayerGauge->getTrackNumber ( from->getYMin(), from->getYMax() ) - 1;
//cerr << "createHEdge capacity:" << capacity << " reserved:" << reserved << endl;
Edge* newEdge = HEdge::create ( from, to, capacity-reserved );
_all_edges.push_back ( newEdge );
Edge* previousEdge = from->getHEdgeOut();
if ( previousEdge )
newEdge->setNextFrom ( previousEdge );
from->setHEdgeOut ( newEdge );
previousEdge = to->getHEdgeIn();
if ( previousEdge )
newEdge->setNextTo ( previousEdge );
to->setHEdgeIn ( newEdge );
void Graph::createVEdge ( Vertex* from, Vertex* to, size_t reserved )
// ******************************************************************
size_t capacity = 0;
if ( _routingGrid )
capacity = _routingGrid->getVCapacity();
else {
vector<RoutingLayerGauge*> rtLGauges = AllianceFramework::get()->getRoutingGauge()->getLayerGauges();
for ( vector<RoutingLayerGauge*>::iterator it = rtLGauges.begin() ; it != rtLGauges.end() ; it++ ) {
RoutingLayerGauge* routingLayerGauge = (*it);
if (routingLayerGauge->getType() != Constant::Default) continue;
if (routingLayerGauge->getDepth() > _engine->getAllowedDepth()) continue;
if (routingLayerGauge->getDirection() != Constant::Vertical)
capacity += routingLayerGauge->getTrackNumber ( from->getXMin(), from->getXMax() ) - 1;
//cerr << "createVEdge capacity:" << capacity << " reserved:" << reserved << endl;
Edge* newEdge = VEdge::create ( from, to, capacity-reserved );
_all_edges.push_back ( newEdge );
Edge* previousEdge = from->getVEdgeOut();
if ( previousEdge )
newEdge->setNextFrom ( previousEdge );
from->setVEdgeOut ( newEdge );
previousEdge = to->getVEdgeIn();
if ( previousEdge )
newEdge->setNextTo ( previousEdge );
to->setVEdgeIn ( newEdge );
void Graph::initConnexComp ( Vertex* vertex, int newConnexID )
// ***********************************************************
initConnexComp ( vertex, NULL, newConnexID );
void Graph::initConnexComp ( Vertex* vertex, Edge* arrivalEdge, int newConnexID )
// ******************************************************************************
// This recursive function initializes all vertexes of same connexID and connected through edges of same connexID,
// which means that the vertex's distance is set to 0 and the vertex is inserted in the VTuplePriorityQueue
// If newConnexID is different from -1, then the connexID is set to newConnexID
int vertexConnex = vertex->getConnexID();
assert ( vertexConnex != -1 );
for_each_edge ( edge, vertex->getAdjacentEdges() ) {
if ( edge == arrivalEdge ) {
if ( (edge->getNetStamp() == _netStamp) && (edge->getConnexID() == vertexConnex) ) {
initConnexComp ( edge->getOpposite(vertex), edge, newConnexID );
if ( newConnexID != -1 ) {
if ( newConnexID != -1 ) {
vertex->setConnexID ( newConnexID );
VTuple* vtuple = vertex->getVTuple();
if ( vtuple ) {
//cerr << " Vertex " << vertex << " already has a vtuple : " << vtuple << endl;
assert ( vtuple->getVertex() == vertex );
increaseVTuplePriority ( vtuple, 0 );
else {
vtuple = VTuple::create ( vertex, 0 );
//cerr << " Vertex " << vertex << " has now a new vtuple : " << vtuple << endl;
addVTupleToPriorityQueue ( vtuple );
void Graph::UpdateConnexComp ( VertexList reachedVertexes, Vertex* firstVertex )
// *****************************************************************************
// XXX proviens du fait qu'au depart on voulait reellement passer une liste mais du fait de la possiblité de chemins paralleles on evite XXX
int firstConnexID = firstVertex->getConnexID();
VertexListIter lvit = reachedVertexes.begin();
// Pour essayer d'éviter le bug des chemins parallèles si 2 vertex sont atteints avec la meme distance, on ne va updater que le premier
//while ( lvit != reachedVertexes.end() ) {
Vertex* currentVertex = (*lvit);
int currentConnexID = currentVertex->getConnexID();
//cerr << "Gonna updateConnexComp : first: " << firstVertex << ", reached: " << currentVertex << endl;
//cerr << " vertexes_to_route :" << endl;
//for ( VertexSetIter vsit = _vertexes_to_route.begin() ; vsit != _vertexes_to_route.end() ; vsit++ )
// cerr << " " << (*vsit) << endl;
// the vertex must be removed from the _vertexes_to_route
// XXX Woowoo il ne faut pas faire un erase du vertex atteint, mais rechercher le représentant de la composante connexe atteinte dans les _vertexes_to_route et faire un erase dessus !
Vertex* toErase = NULL;
for ( VertexSetIter vsit = _vertexes_to_route.begin() ; vsit != _vertexes_to_route.end() ; vsit++ ) {
if ( (*vsit)->getConnexID() == currentConnexID )
toErase = (*vsit);
//cerr << " gonna erase : " << toErase << endl;
// on veut updater toute la composante connexe représenter par le currentVertex
#ifndef NDEBUG
unsigned deleteVertex = _vertexes_to_route.erase ( toErase );
assert ( deleteVertex == 1 );
_vertexes_to_route.erase ( toErase );
// the connexe component corresponding to the vertex must be initialize with the firstConnexID
initConnexComp ( currentVertex, firstConnexID );
// create the new connex component and initializes it :
while ( Edge* predecessor = currentVertex->getPredecessor() ) {
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( NULL );
predecessor->setConnexID ( firstConnexID );
currentVertex = predecessor->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// si jamais on réatteint un vertex dejà mis à jour.
if ( currentVertex->getConnexID() == firstConnexID )
VTuple* vtuple = currentVertex->getVTuple();
if ( vtuple ) {
increaseVTuplePriority ( vtuple, 0);
else {
vtuple = VTuple::create ( currentVertex, 0 );
addVTupleToPriorityQueue ( vtuple );
// VTuplePriorityQueue Utility Methods
// ***********************************
Vertex* Graph::extractMinFromPriorityQueue()
// *****************************************
if ( _vtuplePriorityQueue.begin() == _vtuplePriorityQueue.end() )
return NULL;
VTuple* vtuple = *(_vtuplePriorityQueue.begin());
Vertex* vertex = vtuple->getVertex();
_vtuplePriorityQueue.erase ( _vtuplePriorityQueue.begin() );
vertex->setVTuple ( NULL );
return vertex;
Vertex* Graph::getMinFromPriorityQueue()
// *************************************
if ( _vtuplePriorityQueue.begin() == _vtuplePriorityQueue.end() )
return NULL;
VTuple* vtuple = *(_vtuplePriorityQueue.begin());
Vertex* vertex = vtuple->getVertex();
return vertex;
void Graph::PopMinFromPriorityQueue()
// **********************************
if ( _vtuplePriorityQueue.begin() != _vtuplePriorityQueue.end() ) {
VTuple* vtuple = *(_vtuplePriorityQueue.begin());
Vertex* vertex = vtuple->getVertex();
_vtuplePriorityQueue.erase ( _vtuplePriorityQueue.begin() );
vertex->setVTuple ( NULL );
void Graph::addVTupleToPriorityQueue ( VTuple* vtuple )
// *************************************************
//cerr << "addVTupleToPriorityQueue: "
// << (void*)vtuple << " " << (void*)vtuple->getVertex() << ":" << vtuple->getVertex() << endl;
assert ( vtuple );
assert ( vtuple->getVertex()->getVTuple() == vtuple );
assert ( _vtuplePriorityQueue.find ( vtuple ) == _vtuplePriorityQueue.end() );
if (debugging)
cerr << " ADDING vtuple to priority queue : " << vtuple->_getString() << endl;
_vtuplePriorityQueue.insert ( vtuple );
//pair<VTuplePQIter,bool> p = _vtuplePriorityQueue.insert ( vtuple );
//assert ( p.second );
void Graph::increaseVTuplePriority ( VTuple* vtuple, float distance )
// ***************************************************************
assert ( vtuple );
//if ( debugging )
// cerr << " " << vtuple->getVertex() << " : " << vtuple->getDistance() << " > " << distance << endl;
assert ( vtuple->getDistance() > distance );
// Copy removeVTupleFromPriorityQueue without vtuple->destroy()
VTuplePQIter pqit = _vtuplePriorityQueue.find ( vtuple );
if ( pqit != _vtuplePriorityQueue.end() ) {
assert ( vtuple->getVertex() == (*pqit)->getVertex() );
_vtuplePriorityQueue.erase ( pqit );
// end copy
vtuple->setDistance ( distance );
_vtuplePriorityQueue.insert ( vtuple );
void Graph::printVTuplePriorityQueue()
// ***********************************
cdebug_log(139,0) << "VTuplePriorityQueue:" << endl;
unsigned int i=0;
for ( auto iv : _vtuplePriorityQueue ) {
cdebug_log(139,0) << setw(3) << i << "| " << iv->getVertex() << " : " << iv->getDistance() << endl;
void Graph::clearPriorityQueue()
// *****************************
for ( VTuplePQIter pqit = _vtuplePriorityQueue.begin() ; pqit != _vtuplePriorityQueue.end() ; pqit++ ) {
// STuplePriorityQueue Utility Methods
// ***********************************
Segment* Graph::extractMaxFromSTuplePQ()
// *************************************
if ( _stuplePriorityQueue.begin() == STuple::_stuplePQEnd )
return NULL;
STuple* stuple = *(_stuplePriorityQueue.begin());
Segment* segment = stuple->getSegment();
_stuplePriorityQueue.erase ( _stuplePriorityQueue.begin() );
return segment;
STuple* Graph::getMaxFromSTuplePQ()
// ********************************
if ( _stuplePriorityQueue.begin() == STuple::_stuplePQEnd )
return NULL;
STuple* stuple = *(_stuplePriorityQueue.begin());
return stuple;
void Graph::popMaxFromSTuplePQ()
// *********************************
if ( _stuplePriorityQueue.begin() != STuple::_stuplePQEnd ) {
STuple* stuple = *(_stuplePriorityQueue.begin());
#ifndef NDEBUG
STuple::CostProperty* costProperty = stuple->getCostProperty();
assert ( costProperty );
assert ( (*costProperty->getPQIter()) == stuple );
_stuplePriorityQueue.erase ( _stuplePriorityQueue.begin());
void Graph::addToSTuplePQ ( STuple* stuple )
// *****************************************
assert( stuple );
STuple::CostProperty* costProperty = stuple->getCostProperty();
assert( costProperty );
costProperty->setPQIter ( _stuplePriorityQueue.insert( stuple ) );
#ifndef NDEBUG
STuple::STuplePQIter pqit = costProperty->getPQIter();
assert( (*pqit) == stuple );
void Graph::updateSTupleCost ( STuple* stuple, unsigned cost )
// ***********************************************************
assert ( stuple );
STuple::CostProperty* costProperty = stuple->getCostProperty();
assert ( costProperty );
STuple::STuplePQIter pqit = costProperty->getPQIter();
assert ( (*pqit) == stuple );
_stuplePriorityQueue.erase ( pqit );
stuple->setCost ( cost );
costProperty->setPQIter ( _stuplePriorityQueue.insert ( stuple ) );
void Graph::printSTuplePQ()
// ************************
cmess1 << "*** printing STuplePriorityQueue ***" << endl;
STuple::STuplePQIter pqit = _stuplePriorityQueue.begin();
while ( pqit != STuple::_stuplePQEnd ) {
cmess1 << getString(*pqit) << endl;
cmess1 << "***********************************" << endl;
void Graph::clearSTuplePQ()
// ************************
for ( STuple::STuplePQIter pqit = _stuplePriorityQueue.begin() ; pqit != STuple::_stuplePQEnd ; pqit++ ) {
void Graph::testSTuplePQ()
// ***********************
// unsigned count = 0;
// Component* compo1 = NULL;
// Component* compo2 = NULL;
// for_each_component ( component, _nimbus->getCell()->getComponents() ) {
// if ( dynamic_cast<Segment*>(component) ) {
// STuple::CostProperty* costProperty = STuple::CostProperty::create (count );
// component->put ( costProperty );
// STuple* stuple = STuple::create ( costProperty );
// addToSTuplePQ ( stuple );
// if ( count == 4 ) compo1 = component;
// if ( count == 8 ) compo2 = component;
// count++;
// if ( count >= 10 )
// break;
// }
// end_for;
// }
// printSTuplePQ();
// STuple::CostProperty* costProperty = dynamic_cast<STuple::CostProperty*>(compo1->getProperty ( "Knik::CostProperty" ));
// updateSTupleCost ( (*costProperty->getPQIter()), 18 );
// cmess2 << "updateSTupleCost ( (*costProperty->getPQIter()), 18 )" << endl;
// printSTuplePQ();
// costProperty = dynamic_cast<STuple::CostProperty*>(compo2->getProperty ( "Knik::CostProperty"));
// updateSTupleCost ( (*costProperty->getPQIter()), 2 );
// cmess2 << "updateSTupleCost ( (*costProperty->getPQIter()), 2 )" << endl;
// printSTuplePQ();
// popMaxFromSTuplePQ();
// cmess2 << "popMaxFromSTuplePQ()" << endl;
// printSTuplePQ();
// cmess2 << "getString ( getMaxFromSTuplePQ() )" << endl;
// cmess2 << getString ( getMaxFromSTuplePQ() ) << endl;
// printSTuplePQ();
// cmess2 << "getString ( extractMaxFromSTuplePQ() )" << endl;
// cmess2 << getString ( extractMaxFromSTuplePQ() ) << endl;
// printSTuplePQ();
// clearSTuplePQ();
// cmess2 << "clearSTuplePQ()" << endl;
// printSTuplePQ();
int Graph::countVertexes ( Net* net )
// **********************************
assert ( net );
_working_net = net;
forEach ( Component*, component, net->getComponents() ) {
if ( RoutingPad* routingPad = dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>(*component) ) {
//if ( routingPad->getCenter().getY() < 0 ) {
// CEditor* editor = getCEditor ( getCell() );
// editor->Select ( routingPad );
// editor->Refresh();
// editor->Stop ( "RoutingPad" );
// editor->Unselect( routingPad );
Vertex* vertex = getVertex ( routingPad->getCenter() );
if ( _vertexes_to_route.find ( vertex ) == _vertexes_to_route.end() ) {
_vertexes_to_route.insert ( vertex );
return _vertexes_to_route.size();
int Graph::initRouting ( Net* net )
// ********************************
assert ( net );
_working_net = net;
//cerr << "[DEBUG]: Net: " << _working_net << endl;
//cerr << "[DEBUG]: vertexes_to_route size: " << _vertexes_to_route.size() << endl;
//CEditor* editor = getCEditor( _nimbus->getCell() );
//editor->Stop ("Going to init");
//if (_working_net->getName() == "read0") DebugSession::open( 130, 140 );
cdebug_log(139,1) << "Graph::initRouting() " << _working_net << endl;
int currentConnexID = 0;
vector<Contact*> vContacts;
vector<RoutingPad*> vRoutingPads;
unsigned compoSize = net->getComponents().getSize();
vContacts.reserve ( compoSize );
vRoutingPads.reserve ( compoSize );
for_each_component ( component, net->getComponents() ) {
if ( dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>(component) )
vRoutingPads.push_back ( static_cast<RoutingPad*>(component) );
if ( dynamic_cast<Contact*>(component) ) {
Contact* contact = static_cast<Contact*>(component);
if ( isAGlobalRoutingContact ( contact ) )
vContacts.push_back ( contact );
//cerr << " vContacts size : " << vContacts.size() << endl;
//cerr << " vRoutingPads size : " << vRoutingPads.size() << endl;
for ( unsigned index = 0; index < vContacts.size() ; index++ ) {
Contact* contact = vContacts[index];
//cerr << " [0;32mcontact : " << contact << "[0m" << endl;
Vertex* contactVertex = getVertex ( contact->getCenter() );
Contact* vContact = contactVertex->getContact();
if ( (vContact == contact) && (contactVertex->getNetStamp() == _netStamp) ) {
//cerr << " [0;32mon a deja un contact associe avec le meme netStamp ![0m" << endl;
continue; // on la déjà traité à travers le parcourt de composante connexe
else {
//cerr << " [0;32mrebuild connexe component " << contact << "[0m" << endl;
rebuildConnexComponent ( contact, currentConnexID, NULL );
//cerr << " [0;32mdone[0m" << endl;
if ( _vertexes_to_route.find ( contactVertex ) == _vertexes_to_route.end() ) {
//cerr << " [0;32mAdding vertex to _vertexes_to_route: continue[0m" << endl;
_vertexes_to_route.insert ( contactVertex );
_searchingArea.merge ( contactVertex->getBox() );
//cerr << " traitement pour les contacts : OK" << endl;
//OoOoooOoooOoO A QUOI SERT CE BOOLEEN OoOoooOoooOoO ==>> pour le //5 le connexID ne doit pas avoir été augmenté ! ou alors connexID-1 !!
//bool useConnexID = false;
for ( unsigned index = 0 ; index < vRoutingPads.size() ; index ++ ) {
RoutingPad* routingPad = vRoutingPads[index];
cdebug_log(139,0) << routingPad << endl;
Vertex* rpVertex = getVertex ( routingPad->getCenter() );
cdebug_log(139,0) << rpVertex << endl;
Contact* rpContact = rpVertex->getContact();
if ( rpContact && (rpContact->getNet() == routingPad->getNet()) ) {
// s'il existe deja un contact pour ce vertex pour ce net, on s'y attache
//cerr << " [0;34mContact already exists: attaching hooks[0m" << endl;
// le contact a deja ete cree, il suffit d'ajouter le routingPad à la ronde du contact.
routingPad->getBodyHook()->attach ( rpVertex->getContact()->getBodyHook() );
else {
// sinon on crée un contact et on s'y attache
Contact* contact = Contact::create ( _working_net
, DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getLayer("metal2")
, rpVertex->getPosition().getX()
, rpVertex->getPosition().getY()
, rpVertex->getHalfWidth()/5
, rpVertex->getHalfHeight()/5
rpVertex->setContact ( contact );
routingPad->getBodyHook()->attach ( contact->getBodyHook() );
if ( _vertexes_to_route.find ( rpVertex ) == _vertexes_to_route.end() ) {
//cerr << " [0;32mAdding vertex to _vertexes_to_route: continue[0m" << endl;
_vertexes_to_route.insert ( rpVertex );
_searchingArea.merge ( rpVertex->getBox() );
rpVertex->setConnexID ( currentConnexID );
rpVertex->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
if (_searchingArea.getHeight() <= _matrixVertex->getTileHeight())
_searchingArea.inflate( 0, _matrixVertex->getTileHeight() );
if (_searchingArea.getWidth() <= _matrixVertex->getTileWidth())
_searchingArea.inflate( _matrixVertex->getTileWidth(), 0 );
// for ripup & reroute purpose
if ( __ripupMode__ )
_searchingArea = _cell->getAbutmentBox(); // recherche sur toute la surface : trop long pour gros circuits
//_searchingArea.inflate((_searchingArea.getWidth()*10)/100, (_searchingArea.getHeight()*10)/100); // raté ça ne marche pas avec les nets plats
//cerr << " traitement pour les routingPads : OK" << endl;
//cerr << "[DEBUG]: vertexes_to_route size (after init): " << _vertexes_to_route.size() << endl;
// 8/10/2007
// {
// Expand seaching area
//int bottomLineIdx = (int)_matrixVertex->getLineIndex ( _searchingArea.getYMin() +1 );
//int topLineIdx = (int)_matrixVertex->getLineIndex ( _searchingArea.getYMax() -1 );
//int leftColumnIdx = (int)_matrixVertex->getColumnIndex ( _searchingArea.getXMin() +1 );
//int rightColumnIdx = (int)_matrixVertex->getColumnIndex ( _searchingArea.getXMax() -1 );
//if ( _matrixVertex->isLineIndexValid ( bottomLineIdx - 2 ) )
// bottomLineIdx -= 2;
//else if ( _matrixVertex->isLineIndexValid ( bottomLineIdx - 1 ) )
// bottomLineIdx -= 1;
//if ( _matrixVertex->isLineIndexValid ( topLineIdx + 2 ) )
// topLineIdx += 2;
//else if ( _matrixVertex->isLineIndexValid ( topLineIdx + 1 ) )
// topLineIdx += 1;
//if ( _matrixVertex->isColumnIndexValid ( leftColumnIdx - 2 ) )
// leftColumnIdx -= 2;
//else if ( _matrixVertex->isColumnIndexValid ( leftColumnIdx - 1 ) )
// leftColumnIdx -= 1;
//if ( _matrixVertex->isColumnIndexValid ( rightColumnIdx + 2 ) )
// rightColumnIdx += 2;
//else if ( _matrixVertex->isColumnIndexValid ( rightColumnIdx + 1 ) )
// rightColumnIdx += 1;
//_searchingArea.merge ( _matrixVertex->getVertexFromIndexes(bottomLineIdx, leftColumnIdx)->getGCell()->getBox() );
//_searchingArea.merge ( _matrixVertex->getVertexFromIndexes(topLineIdx, rightColumnIdx)->getGCell()->getBox() );
//cerr << "net " << net << " has " << _vertexes_to_route.size() << " vertexes to route." << endl;
return _vertexes_to_route.size();
void Graph::Dijkstra()
// *******************
// first we need to choose the closest to center vertex in _vertexes_to_route
Vertex* centralVertex = getCentralVertex();
//ltrace(435) << " most centered vertex is " << centralVertex << endl;
// we want to prepare all vertexes of the 'composante connexe'
// set the distance to 0
// insert each vertex in the vtuplePriorityQueue
initConnexComp( centralVertex );
// create a copy of _vertexes_to_route vector fo method UpdateEstimateCongestion
//set<Vertex*,VertexPositionComp> copy_vertex = _vertexes_to_route; // This is no more useful
//#if defined ( __USE_DYNAMIC_PRECONGESTION__ )
if ( !__ripupMode__ && (__precongestion__ == 2) )
//DebugSession::open( _working_net, 130, 140 );
//if (_working_net->getName() == "read0") DebugSession::open( 130, 140 );
cdebug_log(139,1) << "Dijkstra for net: " << _working_net << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Stamp:" << _netStamp << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Search area : " << _searchingArea
<< " h:" << DbU::getValueString(_searchingArea.getHeight()) << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Matrix tile height : " << DbU::getValueString(_matrixVertex->getTileHeight()) << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Central vertex : " << centralVertex << endl;
cdebug_log(139,1) << "_vertexes_to_route.size(): " << _vertexes_to_route.size() << endl;
//Breakpoint::stop(1, "<center><b>Dijkstra</b><br>initialized</center>");
while ( _vertexes_to_route.size() > 1 ) {
// Now, let's expanse the top of the queue
VertexList reachedVertexes;
float reachedDistance = (float)(HUGE_VAL);
if (cdebug.enabled(139)) {
cdebug_log(139,0) << "_vertexes_to_route:" << endl;
for ( auto iv : _vertexes_to_route )
cdebug_log(139,0) << "| " << iv << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Source component" << endl;
//Breakpoint::stop(1, "<center><b>Dijkstra</b><br>source connexe component</center>");
Vertex* firstVertex = getMinFromPriorityQueue();
assert( firstVertex );
Vertex* currentVertex = firstVertex;
int firstVertexConnex = firstVertex->getConnexID();
while ( currentVertex and (currentVertex->getDistance() < reachedDistance) ) {
assert( not currentVertex->getVTuple() );
// IMPORTANT : each currentVertex considered here has been getFromPriorityQueue()
// which means its NetStamp and ConnexID are set for the current _working_net :
// no need to check netStamp
int currentVertexConnex = currentVertex->getConnexID() ;
if ( (currentVertexConnex != -1) and (currentVertexConnex != firstVertexConnex) ) {
reachedDistance = currentVertex->getDistance();
reachedVertexes.push_back ( currentVertex );
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Re-init reachedVertexes with " << currentVertex << endl;
Edge* arrivalEdgeCurrentVertex = currentVertex->getPredecessor();
forEach ( Edge*, iedge, currentVertex->getAdjacentEdges() ) {
if ( (iedge->getNetStamp() == _netStamp) && (iedge->getConnexID() == firstVertexConnex) ) {
// already visited iedge
// ok because to reach a connex component the algorithm first reach a vertex !!
iedge->setConnexID(-1); // reinitialize connexID for edge (was done by CleanRoutingState)
Vertex* oppositeVertex = iedge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
assert( oppositeVertex );
if (not _searchingArea.contains(oppositeVertex->getPosition()))
float newDistance = currentVertex->getDistance()
+ iedge->getCost( arrivalEdgeCurrentVertex );
bool updateOppositeVertex = false;
// reinitialize the oppositeVertex if its netStamp is < _netStamp
if (oppositeVertex->getNetStamp() < _netStamp) {
updateOppositeVertex = true;
int oppositeConnex = oppositeVertex->getConnexID();
float oppositeDistance = oppositeVertex->getDistance();
if ( updateOppositeVertex or (newDistance + EPSILON < oppositeDistance) ) {
assert( oppositeConnex != firstVertexConnex );
oppositeVertex->setPredecessor( *iedge );
oppositeVertex->setDistance ( newDistance );
oppositeVertex->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
VTuple* oppositeVTuple = oppositeVertex->getVTuple();
if (oppositeVTuple) {
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Increasing priority for:" << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "* " << oppositeVertex << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "* " << oppositeVTuple << endl;
increaseVTuplePriority( oppositeVTuple, newDistance );
// Du fait de la reinit ce n'est plus seulement un increase!
// Non, c'est bon si on garde le CleanRoutingState (avec clearPriorityQueue)
} else {
VTuple* newOppositeVTuple = VTuple::create ( oppositeVertex, newDistance );
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Creating New VTuple for Vertex:" << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "* " << oppositeVertex << ":" << newDistance << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "* " << newOppositeVTuple << endl;
addVTupleToPriorityQueue( newOppositeVTuple );
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Updated distance " << newDistance << " on: " << (*iedge) << endl;
//Breakpoint::stop(1, "<center><b>Dijkstra</b><br>distance has been updated</center>");
if ( (oppositeConnex != -1) and (oppositeConnex != firstVertexConnex) ) {
// verifier si la newDistance est inférieure a la reachedDistance,
// si oui vider la liste des reachedVertex et ajouter l'oppositeVertex
// si == ajouter l'oppositeVertex a la liste (a condition qu'il n'y soit pas déjà)
// si > rien a faire (a verifier que la pile de priorité se comporte bien)
if (newDistance < reachedDistance) {
reachedDistance = newDistance;
reachedVertexes.push_back( oppositeVertex );
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Re-init (< distance) reachedVertexes with " << oppositeVertex << endl;
} else if (newDistance == reachedDistance) {
// on pourrait simplifier grandement tout ca : 1 seul vertex atteint sauvergardé!
// Conclusion qu'il ait le meme connexID ou pas, on ne fait rien, on en a deja atteint
// un avec la meme distance ...
bool foundVertex = false;
for ( auto iv : reachedVertexes ) {
// the following test depends on the fact we authorize multiple representant (vertex)
// of the same connexe component in reachedVertexes list
//if (iv->getConnexID() == oppositeConnex)
if (iv == oppositeVertex) {
foundVertex = true;
if (not foundVertex) {
reachedVertexes.push_back( oppositeVertex );
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Re-init (== distance) reachedVertexes with " << oppositeVertex << endl;
} else {
// Nothing to do?
currentVertex = getMinFromPriorityQueue();
if (reachedVertexes.empty()) {
ostringstream message;
message << "In Graph::Dijkstra():\n";
message << " Unable to reach target on net " << _working_net->getName() << ".";
for ( auto iv : _vertexes_to_route ) message << "\n | " << iv;
throw Error( message.str() );
assert( reachedDistance < (float)(HUGE_VAL) );
cdebug_log(139,0) << "Updating two connex components:" << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "1. " << (*(reachedVertexes.begin())) << endl;
cdebug_log(139,0) << "2. " << firstVertex << endl;
UpdateConnexComp( reachedVertexes, firstVertex );
//cerr << "check before materialize _vertexes_to_route.size = " << _vertexes_to_route.size() << endl;
MaterializeRouting ( *(_vertexes_to_route.begin()) );
//_vertexes_to_route.clear(); // no more useful
//_vertexes_to_route = copy_vertex ;
void Graph::Monotonic()
// ********************
// This function execute an algorithm of monotonic routing
// it assumes that _vertexes_to_route.sze is 2 (only 2 pin nets can be route with monotonic routing)
assert ( _vertexes_to_route.size() == 2 );
//cerr << "Monotonic for net " << _working_net << " : " << _netStamp << endl;
//cerr << " check start monotonic" << endl;
Vertex* source = (*_vertexes_to_route.begin());
Vertex* target = (*_vertexes_to_route.rbegin());
assert ( source != target );
DbU::Unit sourceX = source->getPosition().getX();
DbU::Unit targetX = target->getPosition().getX();
if ( sourceX > targetX ) {
Vertex* temp = source;
source = target;
target = temp;
else if ( sourceX == targetX ) {
if ( source->getPosition().getY() > target->getPosition().getY() ) {
Vertex* temp = source;
source = target;
target = temp;
sourceX = source->getPosition().getX();
targetX = target->getPosition().getX();
DbU::Unit sourceY = source->getPosition().getY();
DbU::Unit targetY = target->getPosition().getY();
source->setDistance ( 0 );
if ( sourceY <= targetY ) {
// 1st case : monotonic directions : top and right
// marquing all vertexes which y-coordinates are equal to sourceY
Vertex* predecessor = source;
Edge* rightEdge = predecessor->getHEdgeOut();
while ( rightEdge ) {
Vertex* currentVertex = rightEdge->getOpposite ( predecessor );
if ( currentVertex->getPosition().getX() <= targetX ) {
currentVertex->setDistance ( predecessor->getDistance() + rightEdge->getCost( predecessor->getPredecessor() ) );
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( rightEdge );
predecessor = currentVertex;
rightEdge = predecessor->getHEdgeOut();
// marquing all vertexes which x-coordinates are equal to sourceX
predecessor = source;
Edge* topEdge = predecessor->getVEdgeOut();
while ( topEdge ) {
//while ( topEdge->getNextFrom() != NULL )
// topEdge = topEdge->getNextFrom();
Vertex* currentVertex = topEdge->getOpposite ( predecessor );
if ( currentVertex->getPosition().getY() <= targetY ) {
currentVertex->setDistance ( predecessor->getDistance() + topEdge->getCost( predecessor->getPredecessor() ) );
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( topEdge );
predecessor = currentVertex;
topEdge = predecessor->getVEdgeOut();
// marquing all others vertexes by column
predecessor = source;
rightEdge = predecessor->getHEdgeOut();
while ( rightEdge ) {
Vertex* baseColumn = rightEdge->getOpposite ( predecessor );
if ( baseColumn->getPosition().getX() <= targetX ) {
Vertex* vertPred = baseColumn;
Edge* topEdge = vertPred->getVEdgeOut();
while ( topEdge ) {
Vertex* currentVertex = topEdge->getOpposite ( vertPred );
if ( currentVertex->getPosition().getY() <= targetY ) {
float vertDistance = (float)(HUGE_VAL);
float horzDistance = (float)(HUGE_VAL);
vertDistance = vertPred->getDistance() + topEdge->getCost ( vertPred->getPredecessor() );
Edge* leftEdge = currentVertex->getHEdgeIn();
if ( leftEdge ) {
Vertex* horzPred = leftEdge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
horzDistance = horzPred->getDistance() + leftEdge->getCost ( horzPred->getPredecessor() );
if ( vertDistance < horzDistance ) {
currentVertex->setDistance ( vertDistance );
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( topEdge );
else {
currentVertex->setDistance ( horzDistance );
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( leftEdge );
vertPred = currentVertex;
topEdge = vertPred->getVEdgeOut();
predecessor = baseColumn;
rightEdge = predecessor->getHEdgeOut();
else {
// 2nd case : monotonic directions : down and right
// marquing all vertexes which y-coordinates are equal to sourceY
Vertex* predecessor = source;
Edge* rightEdge = predecessor->getHEdgeOut();
while ( rightEdge ) {
Vertex* currentVertex = rightEdge->getOpposite ( predecessor );
if ( currentVertex->getPosition().getX() <= targetX ) {
currentVertex->setDistance ( predecessor->getDistance() + rightEdge->getCost ( predecessor->getPredecessor() ) );
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( rightEdge );
predecessor = currentVertex;
rightEdge = predecessor->getHEdgeOut();
// marquing all vertexes which x-coordinates are equal to sourceX
predecessor = source;
Edge* bottomEdge = predecessor->getVEdgeIn();
while ( bottomEdge ) {
//while ( topEdge->getNextFrom() != NULL )
// topEdge = topEdge->getNextFrom();
Vertex* currentVertex = bottomEdge->getOpposite ( predecessor );
if ( currentVertex->getPosition().getY() >= targetY ) {
currentVertex->setDistance ( predecessor->getDistance() + bottomEdge->getCost ( predecessor->getPredecessor() ) );
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( bottomEdge );
predecessor = currentVertex;
bottomEdge = predecessor->getVEdgeIn();
// marquing all others vertexes by column
predecessor = source;
rightEdge = predecessor->getHEdgeOut();
while ( rightEdge ) {
Vertex* baseColumn = rightEdge->getOpposite ( predecessor );
if ( baseColumn->getPosition().getX() <= targetX ) {
Vertex* vertPred = baseColumn;
Edge* bottomEdge = vertPred->getVEdgeIn();
while ( bottomEdge ) {
Vertex* currentVertex = bottomEdge->getOpposite ( vertPred );
if ( currentVertex->getPosition().getY() >= targetY ) {
float vertDistance = (float)(HUGE_VAL);
float horzDistance = (float)(HUGE_VAL);
vertDistance = vertPred->getDistance() + bottomEdge->getCost ( vertPred->getPredecessor() );
Edge* leftEdge = currentVertex->getHEdgeIn();
if ( leftEdge ) {
Vertex* horzPred = leftEdge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
horzDistance = horzPred->getDistance() + leftEdge->getCost (horzPred->getPredecessor() );
if ( vertDistance < horzDistance ) {
currentVertex->setDistance ( vertDistance );
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( bottomEdge );
else {
currentVertex->setDistance ( horzDistance );
currentVertex->setPredecessor ( leftEdge );
vertPred = currentVertex;
bottomEdge = vertPred->getVEdgeIn();
if (!bottomEdge)
currentVertex = bottomEdge->getOpposite ( vertPred );
predecessor = baseColumn;
rightEdge = predecessor->getHEdgeOut();
// On crée la nouvelle composante connexe à partir du chemin monotone trouvé :
int sourceID = source->getConnexID();
Vertex* currentVertex = target;
while ( Edge* predecessor = currentVertex->getPredecessor() ) {
currentVertex->setConnexID ( sourceID );
currentVertex->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
predecessor->setConnexID ( sourceID );
predecessor->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
currentVertex = predecessor->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
source->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
assert ( currentVertex == source );
MaterializeRouting ( source );
//#if defined ( __USE_DYNAMIC_PRECONGESTION__ )
if ( __precongestion__ == 2 )
Tree* Graph::createFluteTree()
// ****************************
int accuracy = 3; // accuracy for flute (by default 3)
int d = _vertexes_to_route.size(); // degre du net, ie nombre de routingPads
int *x = new int [d]; // x coordinates of the vertexes
int *y = new int [d]; // y coordinates of the vertexes
Tree* flutetree = new Tree; // the flute Steiner Tree
//cout << "Net : " << _working_net << endl;
// scans _working_net to find x,y coordinates and fill x, y and d
// parcours des _vertexes_to_route
VertexSetIter vsit = _vertexes_to_route.begin();
int cpt = 0;
while ( vsit != _vertexes_to_route.end() ) {
Point position = (*vsit)->getPosition();
x[cpt] = position.getX();
y[cpt] = position.getY();
assert ( d == cpt );
*flutetree = Flute::flute ( d, x, y, accuracy );
//printtree ( flutetree );
//plottree ( flutetree );
//cout << endl;
return flutetree;
void Graph::UpdateEstimateCongestion ( bool create )
// *************************************************
if ( _vertexes_to_route.size() < 2 )
//cerr << "Running FLUTE for net : " << _working_net << endl;
unique_ptr<Tree> flutetree ( createFluteTree() );
//parcours des branches du Tree pour créer la congestion estimée
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2*flutetree->deg-2 ; i++ ) {
// int sourceX = flutetree->branch[i].x;
// int sourceY = flutetree->branch[i].y;
// int targetX = flutetree->branch[flutetree->branch[i].n].x;
// int targetY = flutetree->branch[flutetree->branch[i].n].y;
Vertex* source = getVertex ( flutetree->branch[i].x , flutetree->branch[i].y );
Vertex* target = getVertex ( flutetree->branch[flutetree->branch[i].n].x, flutetree->branch[flutetree->branch[i].n].y );
assert ( source );
assert ( target );
//Si source et target alignée -> ajoute 1 a toutes les edges sur le chemin
if ( source->isVerticallyAligned ( target ) ) {
sortVVertexes ( source, target );
Vertex* currentVertex = source;
while ( currentVertex != target ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut();
assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 1.0, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
assert ( currentVertex );
else if ( source->isHorizontallyAligned ( target ) ) {
sortHVertexes ( source, target );
Vertex* currentVertex = source;
while( currentVertex != target ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 1.0, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
assert ( currentVertex );
else {
sortHVertexes ( source, target );
if ( source->getY() < target->getY() ) {
// 1st case :
// +-------T +-------T T
// | | | |
// | | = | 0.5 + 0.5 |
// | | | |
// S-------+ S S-------+
Vertex* currentVertex = source;
while ( currentVertex->getY() < target->getY() ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut();
// assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 0.5, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// assert ( currentVertex );
while ( currentVertex != target ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
// assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 0.5, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// assert ( currentVertex );
currentVertex = source;
while ( currentVertex->getX() < target->getX() ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
// assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 0.5, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// assert ( currentVertex );
while ( currentVertex != target ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut();
// assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 0.5, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// assert ( edge );
else {
// 2nd case :
// S-------+ S S-------+
// | | | |
// | | = | 0.5 + 0.5 |
// | | | |
// +-------T +-------T T
Vertex* currentVertex = source;
while ( currentVertex->getY() > target->getY() ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getVEdgeIn();
// assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 0.5, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// assert ( currentVertex );
while ( currentVertex != target ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
// assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 0.5, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// assert ( currentVertex );
currentVertex = source;
while ( currentVertex->getX() < target->getX() ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
// assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 0.5, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// assert ( currentVertex );
while ( currentVertex != target ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getVEdgeIn();
// assert ( edge );
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( 0.5, create );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// assert ( edge );
void Graph::UpdateMaxEstimateCongestion()
// **************************************
Vertex* currentVertex = _lowerLeftVertex;
while ( currentVertex ) {
Vertex* firstLineVertex = currentVertex;
while ( currentVertex ) {
Edge* hEdgeOut = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
unsigned max = 0;
float maxEsti = 0.0;
if ( hEdgeOut ) {
unsigned maxX = hEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy();
float maxXEsti = hEdgeOut->getEstimateOccupancy();
max += maxX;
maxEsti += maxXEsti;
if ( maxX > _maxXOccupancy )
_maxXOccupancy = maxX;
if ( maxXEsti > _maxXEstimateOccupancy )
_maxXEstimateOccupancy = maxXEsti;
Edge* vEdgeOut = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut();
if ( vEdgeOut ) {
unsigned maxY = vEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy();
float maxYEsti = vEdgeOut->getEstimateOccupancy();
max += maxY;
maxEsti += maxYEsti;
if ( maxY > _maxYOccupancy )
_maxYOccupancy = maxY;
if ( maxYEsti > _maxYEstimateOccupancy )
_maxYEstimateOccupancy = maxYEsti;
if ( max > _maxOccupancy )
_maxOccupancy = max;
if ( maxEsti > _maxEstimateOccupancy )
_maxEstimateOccupancy = maxEsti;
if ( hEdgeOut )
currentVertex = hEdgeOut->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
Edge* vEdgeOut = firstLineVertex->getVEdgeOut();
if ( vEdgeOut )
currentVertex = vEdgeOut->getOpposite ( firstLineVertex );
Edge* Graph::getEdge ( unsigned col1, unsigned row1, unsigned col2, unsigned row2 )
// ********************************************************************************
Edge* edge = NULL;
if ( col1 == col2 ) {
if ( row1 == row2 )
throw Error ( "Graph::UpdateEdgeCapacity(): the two specified vertices must be different." );
Vertex* bottomVertex = NULL;
Vertex* topVertex = NULL;
if ( ( row1 < row2 ) && ( row2 == row1 + 1 ) ) {
bottomVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(col1, row1) );
topVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(col1, row2) );
} else if ( row1 == row2 + 1 ) {
bottomVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(col1, row2) );
topVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(col1, row1) );
} else
throw Error ( "Graph::UpdateEdgeCapacity(): the two specified vertices must be contiguous." );
edge = bottomVertex->getVEdgeOut();
assert ( edge->getOpposite(bottomVertex) == topVertex );
} else if ( row1 == row2 ) {
Vertex* leftVertex = NULL;
Vertex* rightVertex = NULL;
if ( ( col1 < col2 ) && ( col2 == col1 + 1 ) ) {
leftVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(col1, row1) );
rightVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(col2, row1) );
} else if ( col1 == col2 + 1 ) {
leftVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(col2, row1) );
rightVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(col1, row1) );
} else
throw Error ( "Graph::UpdateEdgeCapacity(): the two specified vertices must be contiguous." );
edge = leftVertex->getHEdgeOut();
assert ( edge->getOpposite(leftVertex) == rightVertex );
} else
throw Error ( "Graph::UpdateEdgeCapacity(): the two specified vertices must be vertically or horizontally aligned." );
return edge;
void Graph::UpdateEdgeCapacity ( unsigned col1, unsigned row1, unsigned col2, unsigned row2, unsigned cap )
// ********************************************************************************************************
getEdge ( col1, row1, col2, row2 )->setCapacity ( cap );
void Graph::increaseEdgeCapacity ( unsigned col1, unsigned row1, unsigned col2, unsigned row2, int cap )
// *****************************************************************************************************
getEdge ( col1, row1, col2, row2 )->increaseCapacity ( cap );
void Graph::updateEdgesOccupancy ( Segment* segment, bool add )
// ************************************************************
if ( Horizontal* horiz = dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(segment) ) {
Vertex* currentVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( Point ( horiz->getSourceX(), horiz->getY() ) );
Vertex* targetVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( Point ( horiz->getTargetX(), horiz->getY() ) );
while ( currentVertex != targetVertex ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
assert ( edge );
if ( add )
edge->insertSegment ( segment );
edge->removeSegment ( segment );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
assert ( currentVertex );
else if ( Vertical* verti = dynamic_cast<Vertical*>(segment) ) {
Vertex* currentVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( Point ( verti->getX(), verti->getSourceY() ) );
Vertex* targetVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( Point ( verti->getX(), verti->getTargetY() ) );
while ( currentVertex != targetVertex ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut();
assert ( edge );
if ( add )
edge->insertSegment ( segment );
edge->removeSegment ( segment );
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
assert ( currentVertex );
void Graph::rebuildConnexComponent ( Contact* contact, int connexID, Segment* arrivalSegment )
// *******************************************************************************************
//CEditor* editor = getCEditor ( _nimbus->getCell() );
Vertex* contactVertex = getVertex ( contact->getCenter() );
contactVertex->setContact ( contact );
contactVertex->setConnexID ( connexID );
contactVertex->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
//cerr << "from :" << contact << endl;
//cerr << "arrivalSegment: " << arrivalSegment << endl;
for_each_component ( component, contact->getSlaveComponents() ) {
if ( dynamic_cast<Segment*>(component) ) {
Segment* segment = static_cast<Segment*>(component);
//cerr << " a segment " << segment << endl;
//editor->Stop("Guess what to do");
if ( segment == arrivalSegment ) continue;
//cerr << " not arrivalSegment -> setNetStampConnexID" << endl;
setNetStampConnexID ( segment, connexID );
//cerr << " done" << endl;
if ( !dynamic_cast<Contact*>( segment->getOppositeAnchor(contact) ) )
throw Error ("Graph::rebuildConnexComponent(): For the moment we do not consider Segments that anchors on something else than a Contact.");
Contact* oppositeContact = static_cast<Contact*>(segment->getOppositeAnchor(contact));
//cerr << " now recursive call on oppositeContact: " << oppositeContact << endl;
//editor->Stop("See what has been done");
rebuildConnexComponent ( oppositeContact, connexID, segment );
//cerr << " done" << endl;
void Graph::setNetStampConnexID ( Segment* segment, int connexID )
// ***************************************************************
unsigned int sourceColumnIdx = _matrixVertex->getColumnIndex ( segment->getSourceX() );
unsigned int sourceLineIdx = _matrixVertex->getLineIndex ( segment->getSourceY() );
unsigned int targetColumnIdx = _matrixVertex->getColumnIndex ( segment->getTargetX() );
unsigned int targetLineIdx = _matrixVertex->getLineIndex ( segment->getTargetY() );
if ( sourceColumnIdx == targetColumnIdx ) { // vertical segment
for ( unsigned line = sourceLineIdx ; line < targetLineIdx ; line++ ) {
Vertex* vertex = _matrixVertex->getVertexFromIndexes ( line, sourceColumnIdx );
vertex->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
vertex->setConnexID ( connexID );
Edge* edge = vertex->getVEdgeOut();
edge->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
edge->setConnexID ( connexID );
Vertex* vertex = _matrixVertex->getVertexFromIndexes ( targetLineIdx, targetColumnIdx );
vertex->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
vertex->setConnexID ( connexID );
if ( sourceLineIdx == targetLineIdx ) { // horizontal segment
for ( unsigned column = sourceColumnIdx ; column < targetColumnIdx ; column++ ) {
Vertex* vertex = _matrixVertex->getVertexFromIndexes ( sourceLineIdx, column );
vertex->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
vertex->setConnexID ( connexID );
Edge* edge = vertex->getHEdgeOut();
edge->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
edge->setConnexID ( connexID );
Vertex* vertex = _matrixVertex->getVertexFromIndexes ( targetLineIdx, targetColumnIdx );
vertex->setNetStamp ( _netStamp );
vertex->setConnexID ( connexID );
throw Error ( "Graph::setNetStampConnexId(): what sort of segment is that, a diagonal one?" );
void Graph::insertSegment ( Segment* segment )
// *******************************************
updateEdgesOccupancy ( segment, true );
void Graph::removeSegment ( Segment* segment )
// *******************************************
updateEdgesOccupancy ( segment, false );
float Graph::getSegmentCost ( Segment* segment )
// *********************************************
unsigned nbDep = 0;
unsigned nbTot = 0;
unsigned sumDep = 0;
Vertex* currentVertex = getVertex ( segment->getSourcePosition() );
Vertex* targetVertex = getVertex ( segment->getTargetPosition() );
if ( segment->getSourceY() == segment->getTargetY() ) { // which means : if it's a horizontal segment
while ( currentVertex != targetVertex ) { // attention pour faire simple on code pour un grpahe regulier
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut(); // il faudrait choisir la bonne HEdgeOut pour un graphe irregulier
unsigned ov = edge->getOverflow();
if ( ov ) {
sumDep += ov;
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
else {
while ( currentVertex != targetVertex ) {
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut();
unsigned ov = edge->getOverflow();
if ( ov ) {
sumDep += ov;
currentVertex = edge->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
if ( !nbTot )
return 0;
return (float(nbDep)/float(nbTot))*sumDep;
unsigned Graph::analyseRouting ( set<Segment*>& segmentsToUnroute )
// ****************************************************************
// This function construct the list of segments that participate to congestion
// empty Priority queue : easier than update each semgent when removing a semgent ...
// 30/01/09 on remplace le parcours des nets/segments par un parcours des
// edges avec un map trié sur pointeur de segments et définissant un record:
// nbDep nBTot + sumOv pour chaque segment.
unsigned nbEdgesTot = 0;
unsigned nbEdgesOv = 0;
unsigned overflow = 0;
unsigned maxOv = 0;
unsigned wirelength = 0;
unsigned viaWirelength = 0;
map<Segment*, segmentStat> segmentsMap;
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _all_edges.size() ; i++ )
Edge* edge = _all_edges[i];
if ( edge->isCongested() ) {
unsigned edgeOv = 2*edge->getOverflow();
overflow += edgeOv;
maxOv = edgeOv > maxOv ? edgeOv : maxOv;
edge->addSubEstimateOccupancy ( HISTORIC_INC, true ); // add historic cost for each overflowed edge
forEach ( Segment*, segment, edge->getSegments() ) {
map<Segment*, segmentStat>::iterator it = segmentsMap.find(*segment);
if ( it != segmentsMap.end() ) {
if ( edge->isCongested() ) {
else {
if ( edge->isCongested() )
unsigned nbDep = 0;
unsigned nbTot = 0;
float minimalCost = 0;
float maximalCost = 0;
for ( map<Segment*, segmentStat>::iterator it = segmentsMap.begin() ; it != segmentsMap.end() ; it++ ) {
assert( (*it).second.getNbTot() != 0 );
wirelength += getGridLength( (*it).first );
float segmentCost = (float((*it).second.getNbDep()) / float((*it).second.getNbTot())) * (*it).second.getSumOv();
if ( segmentCost ) {
if (minimalCost == 0)
minimalCost = segmentCost;
minimalCost = segmentCost < minimalCost ? segmentCost : minimalCost;
maximalCost = segmentCost > maximalCost ? segmentCost : maximalCost;
STuple* stuple = STuple::create((*it).first, segmentCost);
forEach ( Net*, net, _cell->getNets() ) {
forEach ( Contact*, contact, net->getContacts() ) {
const Layer* cLayer = contact->getLayer();
if ( cLayer == Configuration::getGContact() || cLayer == Configuration::getGMetalV() )
viaWirelength += 3;
//forEach ( Net*, net, _cell->getNets() ) {
// forEach ( Segment*, segment, net->getSegments() ) {
// if ( isAGlobalRoutingSegment ( *segment ) ) {
// float segmentCost = getSegmentCost ( *segment );
// if ( segmentCost ) {
// nbDep++;
// STuple* stuple = NULL;
// // si une CostProperty est attaché au segment et que son iterateur est différent de _stuplePQEnd
// // on recupere le STuple
// // sinon on cree un stuple
// Hurricane::Property* property = segment->getProperty ( STuple::CostProperty::_name );
// if ( STuple::CostProperty* cprop = dynamic_cast<STuple::CostProperty*>(property) ) {
// STuple::STuplePQIter pqit = cprop->getPQIter();
// if ( pqit != STuple::_stuplePQEnd )
// stuple = (*pqit);
// }
// if ( !stuple )
// stuple = STuple::create ( *segment, segmentCost );
// addToSTuplePQ ( stuple );
// }
// nbTot++;
// }
// }
cmess2 << " # of Overcapacity edges:" << nbEdgesOv
<< " (tot.:" << nbEdgesTot << ")" << endl;
cmess2 << " # of Overflow:" << overflow
<< " Max. overflow:" << maxOv
<< " Avg. overflow:" << (float)overflow / (float)nbEdgesTot << endl;
cmess2 << " # of Overflowed edges: " << nbDep << " (tot.:" << nbTot << ")" << endl;
cmess2 << " gHPWL:" << wirelength
<< " # of VIAs:" << viaWirelength/3
<< " Tot. wirelength:" << wirelength + viaWirelength << endl;
// cmess1 << " o Analyse routing :" << endl
// << " - Number of overcapacity edges : " << nbEdgesOv << " / " << nbEdgesTot << endl
// << " - # of overflow : " << overflow << endl
// << " - max of overflow : " << maxOv << endl
// << " - avg overflow : " << (float)overflow / (float)nbEdgesTot << endl
// << " - grid wirelength : " << wirelength << endl
// << " - # of via : " << viaWirelength/3 << endl
// << " - total wirelength : " << wirelength + viaWirelength << endl
// << " - Overflowed segments : " << nbDep << " / " << nbTot << endl;
// construct the list on segments to unroute
if ( _stuplePriorityQueue.empty() ) {
//cmess1 << " - Nothing to reroute !" << endl;
//cmess1 << " - Maximum segment cost : 0" << endl;
else {
STuple* topSTuple = getMaxFromSTuplePQ();
//float maxCost = topSTuple->getCost();
//cmess1 << " - Maximum segment cost : " << maxCost << endl;
float minCost = 0.20;
if (_stuplePriorityQueue.size() <= 100)
minCost = 0.0;
//if ( maxCost > 1 )
// minCost = maxCost * 0.20;
//cmess1 << " - Minimum segment cost considered : " << minCost << endl;
//cmess1 << " - Minimal computed segment cost : " << minimalCost << endl
// << " - Maximal computed segment cost : " << maximalCost << endl;
segmentsToUnroute.insert ( topSTuple->getSegment() );
//debugName = topSTuple->getSegment()->getNet()->getName();
topSTuple = getMaxFromSTuplePQ();
//bool fullSkim = true;
while ( topSTuple != NULL ) {
if ( topSTuple->getCost() >= minCost ) {
segmentsToUnroute.insert ( topSTuple->getSegment() );
topSTuple = getMaxFromSTuplePQ();
else {
//fullSkim = false;
//cerr << " - fullSkim : " << fullSkim << endl;
return overflow;
void Graph::getHorizontalCutLines ( vector<DbU::Unit>& horizontalCutLines )
// ************************************************************************
Vertex* currentVertex = _lowerLeftVertex;
horizontalCutLines.push_back ( currentVertex->getYMin() );
while ( currentVertex ) {
horizontalCutLines.push_back ( currentVertex->getYMax() );
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut();
if ( edge )
currentVertex = edge->getTo();
void Graph::getVerticalCutLines ( vector<DbU::Unit>& verticalCutLines )
// ********************************************************************
Vertex* currentVertex = _lowerLeftVertex;
verticalCutLines.push_back ( currentVertex->getXMin() );
while ( currentVertex ) {
verticalCutLines.push_back ( currentVertex->getXMax() );
Edge* edge = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
if ( edge)
currentVertex = edge->getTo();
bool Graph::hasGlobalRouting ( RoutingPad* routingPad )
// ****************************************************
Hook* rpHook = routingPad->getBodyHook();
Vertex* rpVertex = _matrixVertex->getVertex ( routingPad->getX(), routingPad->getY() );
Hook* currentHook = rpHook->getNextHook();
while ( currentHook != rpHook ) {
if ( dynamic_cast<Segment::TargetHook*>(currentHook) ) {
Segment* seg = dynamic_cast<Segment*>(currentHook->getComponent());
if ( getVertex ( seg->getTargetX(), seg->getTargetY() ) == rpVertex )
return true;
if ( dynamic_cast<Segment::SourceHook*>(currentHook) ) {
Segment* seg = dynamic_cast<Segment*>(currentHook->getComponent());
if ( getVertex ( seg->getSourceX(), seg->getSourceY() ) == rpVertex )
return true;
currentHook = currentHook->getNextHook();
return false;
bool Graph::isAGlobalRoutingContact ( Contact* contact )
// *****************************************************
if ( contact->getLayer() == Configuration::getGMetalH () ) return true;
if ( contact->getLayer() == Configuration::getGMetalV () ) return true;
if ( contact->getLayer() == Configuration::getGContact() ) return true;
return false;
bool Graph::isAGlobalRoutingSegment ( Segment* segment )
// *****************************************************
if ( segment->getLayer() == Configuration::getGMetalH () ) return true;
if ( segment->getLayer() == Configuration::getGMetalV () ) return true;
return false;
static void setContactLayer(Contact* contact)
// ******************************************
bool alu2Used = false;
bool alu3Used = false;
for_each_hook(hook, contact->getBodyHook()->getHooks()) {
Component* component = hook->getComponent();
if (dynamic_cast<Segment*>(component) || dynamic_cast<RoutingPad*>(component)) {
const Layer* layer = component->getLayer();
if (layer == Configuration::getGMetalH() || layer == Configuration::getPinMetal() ) alu2Used = true;
else if (layer == Configuration::getGMetalV() ) alu3Used = true;
//else assert(false); // makes non ispd07 benchs failed....
const Layer* layer = NULL;
if ( alu2Used ) {
if ( alu3Used )
layer = Configuration::getGContact();
layer = Configuration::getGMetalH();
else if ( alu3Used ) {
layer = Configuration::getGMetalV();
assert ( false );
void Graph::MaterializeRouting ( Vertex* vertex )
// **********************************************
// This function materializes the routing of the connexe component passed as argument
//if ( debugging ) {
// cerr << " Materialize routing" << endl;
// CEditor* editor = getCEditor( _nimbus->getCell() );
// editor->Refresh();
// string stopMessage = "MaterializeRouting, starting vertex: ";
// stopMessage += getString ( vertex );
// editor->Stop(stopMessage);
depthMaterialize = 0;
//cerr << "INITIAL CALL of materialize routing for net : " << _working_net << endl;
Edge* arrivalEdge = NULL;
Contact* initContact = NULL;
if ( _useSegments ) {
initContact = vertex->getContact ( arrivalEdge );
assert ( initContact ); // must be != NULL because the source vertex must have a routingPad !
MaterializeRouting ( vertex, arrivalEdge, initContact );
void Graph::MaterializeRouting ( Vertex* vertex, Edge* arrivalEdge, Contact* initialContact )
// ******************************************************************************************
int vertexConnex = vertex->getConnexID();
assert ( vertexConnex != -1 );
//cerr << "--> check in MaterializeRouting " << endl;
//cerr << " MR:" << depthMaterialize << ": vertex " << vertex << endl;
//add for test ofnew MaterializeRouting 03/09/2997 d2
if ( _useSegments ) {
for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
if ( Edge* edge = vertex->getFirstEdges ( i ) ) {
if ( edge == arrivalEdge )
if ( (edge->getNetStamp() == _netStamp) && (edge->getConnexID() == vertexConnex) ) {
Vertex* oppositeVertex = edge->getOpposite ( vertex );
Contact* reachedContact = oppositeVertex->getContact(edge);
Edge* straightArrivalEdge = edge;
vector<Edge*> crossedEdges;
while ( reachedContact == NULL ) {
straightArrivalEdge = oppositeVertex->getFirstEdges(i);
if ( straightArrivalEdge == NULL )
throw Error ( "Graph:MaterializeRouting(): Cannot continue straight on." );
oppositeVertex = straightArrivalEdge->getOpposite ( oppositeVertex );
reachedContact = oppositeVertex->getContact ( straightArrivalEdge );
//straightArrivalEdge->incOccupancy(); // put the incOccupancy in insertSegment function
// test pour ne pas recreer le routage preexistant en cas de reroutage
bool alreadyExist = false;
for_each_component ( component, initialContact->getSlaveComponents() ) {
if ( dynamic_cast<Segment*>(component) ) {
Segment* seg = static_cast<Segment*>(component);
if ( seg->getOppositeAnchor(initialContact) == (Component*)(reachedContact) ) {
//cerr << " [0;33msegment already exists[0;m" << endl;
alreadyExist = true;
if ( !alreadyExist ) {
Segment* segment = createSegment ( initialContact, reachedContact );
assert ( segment );
for ( unsigned j = 0 ; j < crossedEdges.size(); j++ )
MaterializeRouting ( oppositeVertex, straightArrivalEdge, reachedContact );
//else {
// for_each_edge ( edge, vertex->getAdjacentEdges() ) {
// //if ( edge == arrivalEdge)
// // continue;
// //cerr << " MR:" << depthMaterialize<< ": edge " << edge << endl;
// if ( (edge->getNetStamp() == _netStamp) && (edge->getConnexID() == vertexConnex) ) {
// edge->createSplitter ( _working_net );
// _nbSplitters++;
// Hook* hook = edge->getSplitterHook ( vertex );
// assert (hook);
// if ( Hook* previousHook = vertex->getLocalRingHook() ) // XXX Attention puisqu'on vire le systeme le localRingHook au profit du contact
// hook->attach ( previousHook );
// vertex->setLocalRingHook ( hook );
// if ( edge != arrivalEdge ) {
// MaterializeRouting ( edge->getOpposite(vertex), edge);
// // cleaning for next routing
// edge->setSplitter(NULL);
// }
// end_for;
// }
// }
// cleaning for next routing
void Graph::CleanRoutingState()
// ****************************
// Vide la pile
//// Pour chacun des vertex, on efface le pointeur sur la ronde locale et on reinitialise le connexID, la distance et le predecessor
//// le vtuple est aussi mis a NULL, c'est pourquoi il faut que la pile ait été vidée avant ( sinon assert )
//// (XXX mieux vaudrait le faire uniquement pour les vertex touchés par le routage XXX)
//for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _all_vertexes.size() ; i++ ) {
// Vertex* vertex = _all_vertexes[i];
// assert (vertex);
// vertex->setLocalRingHook(NULL);
// vertex->setConnexID(-1);
// vertex->setDistance((float)(HUGE_VAL));
// vertex->setPredecessor(NULL);
// assert ( vertex->getVTuple() == NULL );
//// Pour chacune des edges, on efface le pointeur sur le splitter (potentiel) et on reinitialise le connexID
//for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _all_edges.size() ; i++ ) {
// Edge* edge = _all_edges[i];
// assert ( edge );
// edge->setSplitter(NULL);
// edge->setConnexID(-1);
// On vide le set des _vertexes_to_route
_working_net = NULL;
void Graph::checkGraphConsistency()
// ********************************
bool checkFailed = false;
unsigned nbEdges= 0;
for_each_edge ( edge, VectorCollection<Edge*>(_all_edges) ) {
if ( edge->getNetStamp() > _netStamp ) {
cerr << " - " << edge << " netStamp mismatch" << endl;
checkFailed = true;
if ( edge->getNetStamp() == _netStamp ) {
int edgeID = edge->getConnexID();
if ( edgeID != -1 ) {
if ( edge->getFrom()->getConnexID() == -1 ) {
cerr << " - from : " << edge->getFrom() << " of " << edge << " : connexID mismatch" << endl;
checkFailed = true;
if ( edge->getTo()->getConnexID() == -1 ) {
cerr << " - to : " << edge->getTo() << " of " << edge << " : connexID mismatch" << endl;
checkFailed = true;
if ( (edge->getFrom()->getConnexID() != edgeID) && (edge->getTo()->getConnexID() != edgeID) ) {
cerr << " - " << edge << " : connexID mismatch" << endl;
checkFailed = true;
if ( checkFailed ) {
cerr << " ************************************" << endl
<< " ************************************" << endl;
void Graph::checkEmptyPriorityQueue()
// **********************************
bool checkFailed = false;
// check empty priority queue
if ( !_vtuplePriorityQueue.empty() ) {
checkFailed = true;
cerr << " Priority Queue is not empty !!!!" << endl
<< " stil in queue :" << endl;
VTuplePQIter pqit = _vtuplePriorityQueue.begin();
while ( pqit != _vtuplePriorityQueue.end() ) {
cerr << " " << (*pqit)->getVertex() << " : " << (*pqit)->getDistance() << endl;
//check null vtuple foreach vertex
unsigned nbVertexes= 0;
for_each_vertex ( vertex, VectorCollection<Vertex*>(_all_vertexes) ) {
if ( vertex->getNetStamp() > _netStamp ) {
cerr << " - " << vertex << " netStamp mismatch" << endl;
checkFailed = true;
if ( vertex->getVTuple() ) {
cerr << " - " << vertex << " still have a vtuple : " << vertex->getVTuple() << endl;
checkFailed = true;
if ( checkFailed ) {
cerr << " *********************************************" << endl
<< " *********************************************" << endl;
// DensityWindow* Graph::createEstimateOccupancyWindow()
// // **************************************************
// {
// if ( _estimateOccupancyWindow ) return _estimateOccupancyWindow;
// unsigned int max = _ySize > _xSize ? _ySize : _xSize;
// unsigned int scale = (unsigned) ceil(500.0/(double)max);
// _estimateOccupancyWindow = new DensityWindow ( _xSize, _ySize, 3, "fire", scale );
// _estimateOccupancyWindow->setName ( 0, "Global Estimate Occupancy" );
// _estimateOccupancyWindow->setName ( 1, "Horizontal Estimate Occupancy" );
// _estimateOccupancyWindow->setName ( 2, "Vertical Estimate Occupancy" );
// return _estimateOccupancyWindow;
// }
// void Graph::UpdateEstimateOccupancyWindow()
// // ****************************************
// {
// if ( !_estimateOccupancyWindow )
// createEstimateOccupancyWindow();
// _estimateOccupancyWindow->setSlice(0);
// Vertex* currentVertex = _lowerLeftVertex;
// int i = 0;
// int j = 0;
// while ( currentVertex ) {
// Vertex* firstLineVertex = currentVertex;
// i = 0;
// while ( currentVertex ) {
// float xEstimateOccupancy = 0.0;
// Edge* hEdgeOut = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
// if ( hEdgeOut )
// xEstimateOccupancy += hEdgeOut->getEstimateOccupancy();
// float yEstimateOccupancy = 0.0;
// if ( Edge* vEdgeOut = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut() )
// yEstimateOccupancy += vEdgeOut->getEstimateOccupancy();
// int colorValue = _maxEstimateOccupancy != 0 ? (int)(255 * (xEstimateOccupancy + yEstimateOccupancy) / _maxEstimateOccupancy) : 0;
// int colorXValue = _maxXEstimateOccupancy != 0 ? (int)(255 * xEstimateOccupancy / _maxXEstimateOccupancy) : 0;
// int colorYValue = _maxYEstimateOccupancy != 0 ? (int)(255 * yEstimateOccupancy / _maxYEstimateOccupancy) : 0;
// _estimateOccupancyWindow->DrawRectangle(i, j, i, j, colorValue , 0);
// _estimateOccupancyWindow->DrawRectangle(i, j, i, j, colorXValue, 1);
// _estimateOccupancyWindow->DrawRectangle(i, j, i, j, colorYValue, 2);
// i++;
// if ( hEdgeOut )
// currentVertex = hEdgeOut->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// else
// break;
// }
// j++;
// Edge* vEdgeOut = firstLineVertex->getVEdgeOut();
// if ( vEdgeOut )
// currentVertex = vEdgeOut->getOpposite ( firstLineVertex );
// else
// break;
// }
// _estimateOccupancyWindow->getWindow()->show();
// return;
// }
//void Graph::printStats()
//// *********************
// Vertex* currentVertex = _lowerLeftVertex;
// int i = 0;
// int j = 0;
// int nbEdgesTotal = 0;
// int nbEdgesOver = 0;
// unsigned overflow = 0;
// unsigned maxOver = 0;
// //float maxOver = 0;
// //float averageOver = 0;
// while ( currentVertex ) {
// Vertex* firstLineVertex = currentVertex;
// i = 0;
// while ( currentVertex ) {
// Edge* hEdgeOut = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
// if ( hEdgeOut ) {
// nbEdgesTotal++;
// int ov = 2*(hEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy() - hEdgeOut->getCapacity()); // 2 = minimum sapcing + minimum width
// if ( ov > 0 ) {
// nbEdgesOver++;
// overflow += ov;
// maxOver = ov > maxOver ? ov : maxOver;
// for_each_segment ( segment, hEdgeOut->getSegments() ) {
// Net* net = segment->getNet();
// map<Net*, unsigned>::iterator nuit = _netNbOverEdges.find ( net );
// if ( nuit != _netNbOverEdges.end() )
// (*nuit).second = (*nuit).second + 1;
// else
// _netNbOverEdges[net] = 1;
// end_for;
// }
// }
// //float tempOver = (float)hEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy() / (float)hEdgeOut->getCapacity();
// //if ( tempOver > 0.8 ) {
// // nbEdgesOver++;
// // averageOver += tempOver;
// // if ( tempOver > maxOver ) maxOver = tempOver;
// //}
// }
// if ( Edge* vEdgeOut = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut() ) {
// nbEdgesTotal++;
// int ov = 2*(vEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy() - vEdgeOut->getCapacity());
// if ( ov > 0 ) {
// nbEdgesOver++;
// overflow += ov;
// maxOver = ov > maxOver ? ov : maxOver;
// for_each_segment ( segment, vEdgeOut->getSegments() ) {
// Net* net = segment->getNet();
// map<Net*, unsigned>::iterator nuit = _netNbOverEdges.find ( net );
// if ( nuit != _netNbOverEdges.end() )
// (*nuit).second = (*nuit).second + 1;
// else
// _netNbOverEdges[net] = 1;
// end_for;
// }
// }
// //float tempOver = (float)vEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy() / (float)vEdgeOut->getCapacity();
// //if ( tempOver > 0.8 ) {
// // nbEdgesOver++;
// // averageOver += tempOver;
// // if ( tempOver > maxOver ) maxOver = tempOver;
// //}
// }
// i++;
// if ( hEdgeOut )
// currentVertex = hEdgeOut->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// else
// break;
// }
// j++;
// Edge* vEdgeOut = firstLineVertex->getVEdgeOut();
// if ( vEdgeOut )
// currentVertex = vEdgeOut->getOpposite ( firstLineVertex );
// else
// break;
// }
// //averageOver = nbEdgesOver == 0 ? 0 : averageOver / (float)nbEdgesOver;
// //
// cerr << " - Total number of edges : " << nbEdgesTotal << endl
// << " - Number of overcapacity edges : " << nbEdgesOver << endl
// << " - Total calls to Dijkstra : " << countDijkstra << endl
// << " - Total calls to Monotonic : " << countMonotonic << endl
// << " - Total calls to Materialize : " << countMaterialize << endl
// << " - Taille du Graphe de routage : " << _xSize << " x " << _ySize << endl
// << endl
// << " - # of overflow : " << overflow << endl
// << " - max of overflow : " << maxOver << endl
// << " - # of net with overflow : " << _netNbOverEdges.size() << endl;
// return;
// DensityWindow* Graph::createOccupancyWindow()
// // ******************************************
// {
// if ( _occupancyWindow ) return _occupancyWindow;
// unsigned int max = _ySize > _xSize ? _ySize : _xSize;
// unsigned int scale = (unsigned) ceil(500.0/(double)max);
// _occupancyWindow = new DensityWindow ( _xSize, _ySize, 3, "fire", scale );
// _occupancyWindow->setName ( 0, "Global Occupancy" );
// _occupancyWindow->setName ( 1, "Horizontal Occupancy" );
// _occupancyWindow->setName ( 2, "Vertical Occupancy" );
// return _occupancyWindow;
// }
// void Graph::UpdateOccupancyWindow()
// // ********************************
// {
// if ( !_occupancyWindow )
// createOccupancyWindow();
// _occupancyWindow->setSlice(0);
// Vertex* currentVertex = _lowerLeftVertex;
// int i = 0;
// int j = 0;
// while ( currentVertex ) {
// Vertex* firstLineVertex = currentVertex;
// i = 0;
// while ( currentVertex ) {
// unsigned xOccupancy = 0;
// Edge* hEdgeOut = currentVertex->getHEdgeOut();
// if ( hEdgeOut )
// xOccupancy += hEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy();
// unsigned yOccupancy = 0;
// if ( Edge* vEdgeOut = currentVertex->getVEdgeOut() )
// yOccupancy += vEdgeOut->getRealOccupancy();
// assert(_maxOccupancy);
// assert(_maxXOccupancy);
// assert(_maxYOccupancy);
// _occupancyWindow->DrawRectangle(i, j, i, j, (255 * (xOccupancy + yOccupancy) / _maxOccupancy), 0);
// _occupancyWindow->DrawRectangle(i, j, i, j, (255 * xOccupancy / _maxXOccupancy), 1);
// _occupancyWindow->DrawRectangle(i, j, i, j, (255 * yOccupancy / _maxYOccupancy), 2);
// i++;
// if ( hEdgeOut )
// currentVertex = hEdgeOut->getOpposite ( currentVertex );
// else
// break;
// }
// j++;
// Edge* vEdgeOut = firstLineVertex->getVEdgeOut();
// if ( vEdgeOut )
// currentVertex = vEdgeOut->getOpposite ( firstLineVertex );
// else
// break;
// }
// _occupancyWindow->getWindow()->show();
// return;
// }
Record* Graph::_getRecord() const
// ************************
Record* record = new Record ( getString ( this ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "LowerLeftVertex", _lowerLeftVertex ) );
// record->add ( getSlot ( "SlicingTree" , _slicingTree ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "WorkingNet" , _working_net ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "SearchingArea" , _searchingArea ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "xSize" , _xSize ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "ySize" , _ySize ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "maxEstimateOccupancy", _maxEstimateOccupancy ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "maxXEstimateOccupancy", _maxXEstimateOccupancy ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "maxYEstimateOccupancy", _maxYEstimateOccupancy ) );
return record;
string Graph::_getString() const
// *****************************
return "<" + _TName ( "RoutingGraph" )
//+ ":" + getString ( _slicingTree )
+ "," + getString ( _xSize )
+ "," + getString ( _ySize )
+ ">";
} // namespace Knik