
700 lines
20 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2010, All Rights Reserved
// ===================================================================
// $Id$
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
// | |
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./KiteEngine.cpp" |
// | *************************************************************** |
// | U p d a t e s |
// | |
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "hurricane/Bug.h"
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Layer.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/Pad.h"
#include "hurricane/Plug.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/Instance.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "crlcore/Measures.h"
#include "knik/KnikEngine.h"
#include "katabatic/AutoContact.h"
#include "kite/DataNegociate.h"
#include "kite/GCellGrid.h"
#include "kite/RoutingPlane.h"
#include "kite/Session.h"
#include "kite/GCellRoutingSet.h"
#include "kite/NegociateWindow.h"
#include "kite/KiteEngine.h"
namespace Kite {
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::setw;
using std::left;
using std::ofstream;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::setprecision;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::inltrace;
using Hurricane::ltracein;
using Hurricane::ltraceout;
using Hurricane::ForEachIterator;
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Layer;
using Hurricane::Cell;
using CRL::addMeasure;
using CRL::Measures;
using CRL::MeasuresSet;
using Knik::KnikEngine;
const char* missingRW =
"%s :\n\n"
" Cell %s do not have any KiteEngine (or not yet created).\n";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Kite::KiteEngine".
Name KiteEngine::_toolName = "Kite";
const Name& KiteEngine::staticGetName ()
{ return _toolName; }
KiteEngine* KiteEngine::get ( const Cell* cell )
return static_cast<KiteEngine*>(ToolEngine::get(cell,staticGetName()));
KiteEngine::KiteEngine ( Cell* cell )
: KatabaticEngine (cell)
, _knik (NULL)
, _obstacleNet (NULL)
, _configuration (Configuration::getDefault()->clone(this))
, _routingPlanes ()
, _kiteGrid (NULL)
, _negociateWindow (NULL)
, _trackSegmentLut ()
, _minimumWL (0.0)
, _toolSuccess (false)
void KiteEngine::_postCreate ()
KatabaticEngine::_postCreate ();
size_t maxDepth = getRoutingGauge()->getDepth();
_kiteGrid = GCellGrid::create ( this );
_routingPlanes.reserve ( maxDepth );
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth < maxDepth ; depth++ ) {
_routingPlanes.push_back ( RoutingPlane::create ( this, depth ) );
KiteEngine* KiteEngine::create ( Cell* cell )
KiteEngine* kite = new KiteEngine ( cell );
kite->_postCreate ();
return kite;
void KiteEngine::_preDestroy ()
ltrace(90) << "KiteEngine::_preDestroy ()" << endl;
cmess1 << " o Deleting ToolEngine<" << getName() << "> from Cell <"
<< _cell->getName() << ">" << endl;
if ( getState() < Katabatic::StateGutted )
setState ( Katabatic::StatePreDestroying );
_gutKite ();
KatabaticEngine::_preDestroy ();
cmess2 << " - RoutingEvents := " << RoutingEvent::getAllocateds() << endl;
//_knik->destroy ();
KiteEngine::~KiteEngine ()
delete _configuration;
const Name& KiteEngine::getName () const
{ return _toolName; }
Configuration* KiteEngine::getConfiguration ()
{ return _configuration; }
unsigned int KiteEngine::getRipupLimit ( const TrackElement* segment ) const
if ( segment->isBlockage() ) return 0;
if ( segment->getDataNegociate() ) {
if ( segment->getDataNegociate()->isBorder() )
return _configuration->getRipupLimit(Configuration::BorderRipupLimit);
if ( segment->getDataNegociate()->isRing() )
return _configuration->getRipupLimit(Configuration::GlobalRipupLimit);
if ( segment->isStrap () ) return _configuration->getRipupLimit(Configuration::StrapRipupLimit);
if ( segment->isGlobal() ) {
vector<GCell*> gcells;
if ( gcells.size() > 2 )
return _configuration->getRipupLimit(Configuration::LongGlobalRipupLimit);
return _configuration->getRipupLimit(Configuration::GlobalRipupLimit);
return _configuration->getRipupLimit(Configuration::LocalRipupLimit);
RoutingPlane* KiteEngine::getRoutingPlaneByIndex ( size_t index ) const
if ( index >= getRoutingPlanesSize() ) return NULL;
return _routingPlanes[index];
RoutingPlane* KiteEngine::getRoutingPlaneByLayer ( const Layer* layer ) const
for ( size_t index=0 ; index < getRoutingPlanesSize() ; index++ ) {
if ( _routingPlanes[index]->getLayer() == layer )
return _routingPlanes[index];
return NULL;
Track* KiteEngine::getTrackByPosition ( const Layer* layer, DbU::Unit axis, unsigned int mode ) const
RoutingPlane* plane = getRoutingPlaneByLayer ( layer );
if ( !plane ) return NULL;
return plane->getTrackByPosition ( axis, mode );
void KiteEngine::setInterrupt ( bool state )
if ( _negociateWindow ) {
_negociateWindow->setInterrupt ( state );
cerr << "Interrupt [CRTL+C] of " << this << endl;
void KiteEngine::createGlobalGraph ( unsigned int mode )
Cell* cell = getCell();
if ( not _knik ) {
if ( cell->getRubbers().getFirst() == NULL )
cell->flattenNets ( (mode==BuildGlobalSolution) );
KnikEngine::setEdgeCapacityPercent ( getEdgeCapacityPercent() );
_knik = KnikEngine::create ( cell
, 1 // _congestion
, 2 // _preCongestion
, false // _benchMode
, true // _useSegments
, 2.5 // _edgeCost
//if ( mode == LoadGlobalSolution )
_knik->createRoutingGraph ();
void KiteEngine::createDetailedGrid ()
KatabaticEngine::createDetailedGrid ();
_kiteGrid = GCellGrid::create ( this );
size_t maxDepth = getRoutingGauge()->getDepth();
_routingPlanes.reserve ( maxDepth );
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth < maxDepth ; depth++ ) {
_routingPlanes.push_back ( RoutingPlane::create ( this, depth ) );
void KiteEngine::saveGlobalSolution ()
if ( getState() < Katabatic::StateGlobalLoaded )
throw Error ("KiteEngine::saveGlobalSolution() : global routing not present yet.");
if ( getState() > Katabatic::StateGlobalLoaded )
throw Error ("KiteEngine::saveGlobalSolution() : cannot save after detailed routing.");
_knik->saveSolution ();
void KiteEngine::annotateGlobalGraph ()
cmess1 << " o Back annotate global routing graph." << endl;
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth<_routingPlanes.size() ; ++depth ) {
RoutingPlane* rp = _routingPlanes[depth];
if ( rp->getLayerGauge()->getType() == Constant::PinOnly ) continue;
size_t tracksSize = rp->getTracksSize();
for ( size_t itrack=0 ; itrack<tracksSize ; ++itrack ) {
Track* track = rp->getTrackByIndex ( itrack );
TrackElement* element = track->getSegment ( (size_t)0 );
if ( element == NULL ) continue;
if ( element->getNet() == NULL ) continue;
if ( not element->getNet()->isSupply() ) continue;
cinfo << "Capacity from: " << element << endl;
if ( track->getDirection() == Constant::Horizontal ) {
for ( ; element != NULL ; element = element->getNext() ) {
GCell* gcell = _kiteGrid->getGCell ( Point(element->getSourceU(),track->getAxis()) );
GCell* end = _kiteGrid->getGCell ( Point(element->getTargetU(),track->getAxis()) );
GCell* right = NULL;
if ( not gcell ) {
cerr << Warning("annotageGlobalGraph(): TrackElement outside GCell grid.") << endl;
while ( gcell and (gcell != end) ) {
right = gcell->getRight();
if ( right == NULL ) break;
_knik->increaseEdgeCapacity ( gcell->getColumn()
, gcell->getRow()
, right->getColumn()
, right->getRow()
, -1 );
gcell = right;
} else {
for ( ; element != NULL ; element = element->getNext() ) {
GCell* gcell = _kiteGrid->getGCell ( Point(track->getAxis(),element->getSourceU()) );
GCell* end = _kiteGrid->getGCell ( Point(track->getAxis(),element->getTargetU()) );
GCell* up = NULL;
if ( not gcell ) {
cerr << Warning("annotageGlobalGraph(): TrackElement outside GCell grid.") << endl;
while ( gcell and (gcell != end) ) {
up = gcell->getUp();
if ( up == NULL ) break;
_knik->increaseEdgeCapacity ( gcell->getColumn()
, gcell->getRow()
, up->getColumn()
, up->getRow()
, -1 );
gcell = up;
void KiteEngine::runGlobalRouter ( unsigned int mode )
if ( getState() >= Katabatic::StateGlobalLoaded )
throw Error ("KiteEngine::runGlobalRouter() : global routing already done or loaded.");
Session::open ( this );
createGlobalGraph ( mode );
createDetailedGrid ();
buildBlockages ();
buildPowerRails ();
if ( mode == LoadGlobalSolution ) {
_knik->loadSolution ();
} else {
annotateGlobalGraph ();
_knik->run ();
setState ( Katabatic::StateGlobalLoaded );
Session::close ();
void KiteEngine::loadGlobalRouting ( unsigned int method, vector<Net*>& nets )
KatabaticEngine::loadGlobalRouting ( method, nets );
Session::open ( this );
getGCellGrid()->checkEdgeSaturation ( getEdgeCapacityPercent() );
Session::close ();
void KiteEngine::runNegociate ( unsigned int slowMotion )
if ( _negociateWindow ) return;
unsigned int rows = _kiteGrid->getRows();
unsigned int columns = _kiteGrid->getColumns();
startMeasures ();
Session::open ( this );
cmess1 << " o Running Negociate Algorithm" << endl;
_negociateWindow = NegociateWindow::create ( this, 0, 0, columns, rows );
_negociateWindow->loadRouting ();
preProcess ();
_computeCagedConstraints ();
_negociateWindow->run ( slowMotion );
_negociateWindow->printStatistics ();
_negociateWindow->destroy ();
_negociateWindow = NULL;
Session::close ();
//if ( _editor ) _editor->refresh ();
stopMeasures ();
printMeasures ( "algo" );
printCompletion ();
Session::open ( this );
unsigned int overlaps = 0;
float edgeCapacity = 1.0;
KnikEngine* knik = KnikEngine::get ( getCell() );
if ( knik )
edgeCapacity = knik->getEdgeCapacityPercent();
cmess2 << " o Post-checking Knik capacity overload " << (edgeCapacity*100.0) << "%." << endl;
_kiteGrid->base()->checkEdgeSaturation ( edgeCapacity );
_check ( overlaps );
Session::close ();
_toolSuccess = _toolSuccess and (overlaps == 0);
void KiteEngine::printCompletion () const
cout << " o Computing Completion ratios." << endl;
cout << " - Unrouted segments :" << endl;
size_t routeds = 0;
size_t unrouteds = 0;
unsigned long long totalWireLength = 0;
unsigned long long routedWireLength = 0;
TrackElementLut::const_iterator ilut = _trackSegmentLut.begin();
for ( ; ilut != _trackSegmentLut.end() ; ilut++ ) {
unsigned long long wl = (unsigned long long)DbU::getLambda(ilut->second->getLength());
if ( wl > 100000 ) {
cerr << Error("KiteEngine::printCompletion(): Suspiciously long wire: %llu for %p:%s"
,wl,ilut->first,getString(ilut->second).c_str()) << endl;
totalWireLength += wl;
if ( ilut->second->getTrack() != NULL ) {
routedWireLength += wl;
} else {
cout << " " << setw(4) << ++unrouteds << "| " << ilut->second << endl;
float segmentRatio = (float)(routeds) / (float)(_trackSegmentLut.size()) * 100.0;
float wireLengthRatio = (float)(routedWireLength) / (float)(totalWireLength) * 100.0;
cout << " - Track Segment Completion Ratio := "
<< setprecision(4) << segmentRatio
<< "% [" << routeds << "/" << _trackSegmentLut.size() << "] "
<< (_trackSegmentLut.size() - routeds) << " remains." << endl;
cout << " - Wire Length Completion Ratio := "
<< setprecision(4) << wireLengthRatio
<< "% [" << totalWireLength << "] "
<< (totalWireLength - routedWireLength) << " remains." << endl;
if ( _minimumWL != 0.0 ) {
float expandRatio = totalWireLength / _minimumWL;
cout << " - Wire Length Expand Ratio := "
<< setprecision(4) << expandRatio
<< "% [min:" << setprecision(9) << _minimumWL << "] "
<< endl;
_toolSuccess = (unrouteds == 0);
addMeasure<size_t> ( getCell(), "Segs", routeds+unrouteds );
void KiteEngine::dumpMeasures ( ostream& out ) const
vector<Name> measuresLabels;
measuresLabels.push_back ( "Gates" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "GCells" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "knikT" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "knikS" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "loadT" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "loadS" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "Globals" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "Edges" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "assignT" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "algoT" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "algoS" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "finT" );
measuresLabels.push_back ( "Segs" );
const MeasuresSet* measures = Measures::get(getCell());
out << "#" << endl;
out << "# " << getCell()->getName() << endl;
out << measures->toStringHeaders(measuresLabels) << endl;
out << measures->toStringDatas (measuresLabels) << endl;
void KiteEngine::dumpMeasures () const
ostringstream path;
path << getCell()->getName() << ".knik-kite.dat";
ofstream sfile ( path.str().c_str() );
dumpMeasures ( sfile );
sfile.close ();
bool KiteEngine::_check ( unsigned int& overlap, const char* message ) const
cmess1 << " o Checking Kite Database coherency." << endl;
bool coherency = true;
coherency = coherency && KatabaticEngine::_check ( message );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_routingPlanes.size() ; i++ )
coherency = _routingPlanes[i]->_check(overlap) && coherency;
Katabatic::Session* ktbtSession = Session::base ();
forEach ( Net*, inet, getCell()->getNets() ) {
forEach ( Segment*, isegment, inet->getComponents().getSubSet<Segment*>() ) {
AutoSegment* autoSegment = ktbtSession->lookup ( *isegment );
if ( !autoSegment ) continue;
if ( !autoSegment->isCanonical() ) continue;
TrackElement* trackSegment = Session::lookup ( *isegment );
if ( !trackSegment ) {
coherency = false;
cerr << Bug("%p %s whithout Track Segment"
) << endl;
} else
trackSegment->_check ();
#if defined(CHECK_DATABASE)
//Session::getKiteEngine()->setInterrupt ( !coherency );
return coherency;
void KiteEngine::finalizeLayout ()
ltrace(90) << "KiteEngine::finalizeLayout()" << endl;
if ( getState() > Katabatic::StateDriving ) return;
setState ( Katabatic::StateDriving );
_gutKite ();
KatabaticEngine::finalizeLayout ();
ltrace(90) << "State: " << getState() << endl;
void KiteEngine::_gutKite ()
ltrace(90) << "KiteEngine::_gutKite()" << endl;
ltrace(90) << "State: " << getState() << endl;
if ( getState() < Katabatic::StateGutted ) {
Session::open ( this );
size_t maxDepth = getRoutingGauge()->getDepth();
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth < maxDepth ; depth++ ) {
_routingPlanes[depth]->destroy ();
_kiteGrid->destroy ();
_kiteGrid = NULL;
Session::close ();
TrackElement* KiteEngine::_lookup ( Segment* segment ) const
TrackElementLut::const_iterator it = _trackSegmentLut.find ( segment );
if ( it == _trackSegmentLut.end() ) {
AutoSegment* autoSegment = KatabaticEngine::_lookup ( segment );
if ( not autoSegment or autoSegment->isCanonical() ) return NULL;
Interval dummy;
autoSegment = autoSegment->getCanonical ( dummy );
it = _trackSegmentLut.find ( autoSegment->base() );
if ( it == _trackSegmentLut.end() ) return NULL;
return (*it).second;
void KiteEngine::_link ( TrackElement* trackSegment )
if ( getState() > Katabatic::StateActive ) return;
if ( !trackSegment ) {
cerr << Bug("KiteEngine::_link(): Rejecting NULL TrackElement.") << endl;
_trackSegmentLut [ trackSegment->base()->base() ] = trackSegment;
// Not needed: Canonical search is done before lookup.
// forEach ( AutoSegment*, isegment, trackSegment->base()->getCollapseds() ) {
// _trackSegmentLut [ isegment->base() ] = trackSegment;
// }
void KiteEngine::_unlink ( TrackElement* trackSegment )
if ( getState() > Katabatic::StateActive ) return;
TrackElementLut::iterator it = _trackSegmentLut.find ( trackSegment->base()->base() );
if ( it != _trackSegmentLut.end() )
_trackSegmentLut.erase ( it );
// Not needed: Canonical search is done before lookup.
// forEach ( AutoSegment*, isegment, trackSegment->base()->getCollapseds() ) {
// TrackElementLut::iterator it = _trackSegmentLut.find ( isegment->base() );
// if ( it != _trackSegmentLut.end() )
// _trackSegmentLut.erase ( it );
// }
void KiteEngine::_check ( Net* net ) const
cerr << " o Checking " << net << endl;
forEach ( Segment*, isegment, net->getComponents().getSubSet<Segment*>() ) {
TrackElement* trackSegment = _lookup ( *isegment );
if ( trackSegment ) {
trackSegment->_check ();
AutoContact* autoContact = trackSegment->base()->getAutoSource();
if ( autoContact ) autoContact->checkTopology ();
autoContact = trackSegment->base()->getAutoTarget();
if ( autoContact ) autoContact->checkTopology ();
string KiteEngine::_getTypeName () const
{ return "Kite::KiteEngine"; }
string KiteEngine::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<" << "KiteEngine "
<< _cell->getName () << " "
// << getString(_rg->getName())
<< ">";
return os.str();
Record* KiteEngine::_getRecord () const
Record* record = KatabaticEngine::_getRecord ();
record->add ( getSlot ( "_routingPlanes", &_routingPlanes ) );
return record;
} // End of Kite namespace.