
736 lines
18 KiB

// This file is part of the Coriolis Project.
// Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM
// Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
// Date : 29/01/2004
// Author : Hugo Clément <>
#include "nimbus/NimbusEngine.h"
namespace Nimbus {
using namespace std;
const Name Fence::_extensionName = "Nimbus::Grid";
* ********************************************************************
* Fence_Splitters declaration
* ********************************************************************
class Fence_Splitters : public Collection<Splitter*> {
public: typedef Collection<Splitter*> Inherit;
public: class Locator : public Hurricane::Locator<Splitter*> {
public: typedef Hurricane::Locator<Splitter*> Inherit;
private: const SplitterSet* _spset;
private: SplitterSet::iterator _spit;
public: Locator(const SplitterSet* spset, SplitterSet::iterator spit);
public: Locator(const Locator& locator);
public: Locator& operator=(const Locator& locator);
public: virtual Splitter* getElement() const;
public: virtual Hurricane::Locator<Splitter*>* getClone() const;
public: virtual bool isValid() const;
public: virtual void progress();
public: virtual string _getString() const;
private: const SplitterSet* _spset;
private: SplitterSet::iterator _spit;
public: Fence_Splitters(const SplitterSet* spset);
public: Fence_Splitters(const Fence_Splitters& splitters);
public: Fence_Splitters& operator=(const Fence_Splitters& splitters);
public: virtual Collection<Splitter*>* getClone() const;
public: virtual Hurricane::Locator<Splitter*>* getLocator() const;
public: virtual string _getString() const;
* ********************************************************************
* Fence_GCells declaration
* ********************************************************************
class Fence_GCells : public Collection<GCell*> {
public: typedef Collection<GCell*> Inherit;
public: class Locator : public Hurricane::Locator<GCell*> {
public: typedef Hurricane::Locator<GCell*> Inherit;
private: const Fence* _fence;
private: GCell* _gc;
public: Locator(const Fence* fence, GCell* gcell = NULL);
public: Locator(const Locator& locator);
public: Locator& operator=(const Locator& locator);
public: virtual GCell* getElement() const;
public: virtual Hurricane::Locator<GCell*>* getClone() const;
public: virtual bool isValid() const;
public: virtual void progress();
public: virtual string _getString() const;
private: const Fence* _fence;
private: GCell* _gc;
public: Fence_GCells(const Fence* fence);
public: Fence_GCells(const Fence_GCells& gcelles);
public: Fence_GCells& operator=(const Fence_GCells& gcelles);
public: virtual Collection<GCell*>* getClone() const;
public: virtual Hurricane::Locator<GCell*>* getLocator() const;
public: virtual string _getString() const;
* ********************************************************************
* Fence implementation
Fence::Fence ( Grid* grid, DbU::Unit size, unsigned capacity, unsigned occupancy, bool visible)
: Inherit (grid->getCell())
, _splitters ()
, _components ()
, _occupancy (occupancy)
, _capacity (capacity)
, _frontLine (NULL)
, _nextOfFenceSubFenceSet(NULL)
, _nextOfGCellSubFenceSet(NULL)
, _nextOfGridFenceSet(NULL)
, _isARoutingFence(false)
, _visible(visible)
, _step (0)
, _size (size)
, _grid (grid)
, _subFences()
Fence::~Fence ()
void Fence::_preDestroy() {
//throw Error ("[ERROR] Fence deletion temporarily disabled (to be fixed...)");
Fence* parentFence = getParentFence();
if (parentFence) parentFence->removeSubFence(this);
for (
SplitterSet::iterator spit = _splitters.begin() ;
spit != _splitters.end() ;
#if 0
// remove Fence property ?
for (
ComponentSet::iterator cit = _components.begin() ;
cit != _components.end() ;
void Fence::_postCreate ()
//getGCell1()->addSurroundingFence (this);
//getGCell2()->addSurroundingFence (this);
Fence* parentFence = getParentFence();
if (parentFence) parentFence->addSubFence(this);
void Fence::setAsRoutingFence()
if (_isARoutingFence) return;
_isARoutingFence = true;
void Fence::destroy()
delete this;
void Fence::_moveTo (DbU::Unit target)
for_each_fence (subfence, getSubFences())
subfence->_moveTo (target);
DbU::Unit Fence::getDistance() const {
Point p1 = getGCell1()->getCenter();
Point p2 = getGCell2()->getCenter();
return p1.manhattanDistance(p2);
void Fence::attachSplitter (Splitter* splitter)
_occupancy ++;
void Fence::detachSplitter (Splitter* splitter)
SplitterSet::iterator spit = _splitters.find (splitter);
if (spit != _splitters.end()) {
_splitters.erase (spit);
_occupancy --;
} else {
throw Error ("DetachSplitter: the splitter is not attached to this fence");
void Fence::attachComponent (Component* component)
_occupancy ++;
void Fence::detachComponent (Component* component)
ComponentSet::iterator cit = _components.find (component);
if (cit != _components.end()) {
_components.erase (cit);
_occupancy --;
} else {
throw Error ("DetachComponent: the component is not attached to this fence");
string Fence::_getString() const {
return "<" + _TName ( "Fence" )
+ " " + getString ( getX() )
+ " " + getString ( getY() ) + ">";
Record* Fence::_getRecord() const {
Record* record = Inherit::_getRecord();
if (record) {
record->add(getSlot("Capacity", _capacity));
record->add(getSlot("Occupancy", _occupancy));
record->add(getSlot("Size", _size));
record->add(getSlot("Step", _step));
record->add(getSlot("Visible", _visible));
record->add(getSlot("RoutingFence", _isARoutingFence));
record->add(getSlot("X", getX()));
record->add(getSlot("Y", getY()));
return record;
// void Fence::_Draw(View* view, BasicLayer* basicLayer, const Box& updateArea, const Transformation& transformation)
// {
// if (!isVisible()) return;
// Point p1 = transformation.getPoint(getP1());
// Point p2 = transformation.getPoint(getP2());
// DbU::Unit halfWidth;
// DbU::Unit pitch = getCDataBase()->getDefaultCGPitch();
// if (_capacity != 0)
// halfWidth = DbU::lambda( (((getValue(_size)/10) * ((double)_occupancy)) / ((double)_capacity))/2 );
// else
// halfWidth = DbU::lambda( (((getValue(_size)/10) * ((double)_occupancy)) / 1 )/2 );
// if (p1.getX() == p2.getX())
// {
// Point pp1 = Point (p1.getX() + halfWidth, p1.getY() + pitch);
// Point pp2 = Point (p2.getX() - halfWidth, p2.getY() - pitch);
// view->FillRectangle (pp1, pp2);
// Point pp1f = Point (p1.getX() + DbU::lambda(getValue(_size)/20), p1.getY() + pitch);
// Point pp2f = Point (p2.getX() - DbU::lambda(getValue(_size)/20), p2.getY() - pitch);
// view->DrawRectangle (pp1f, pp2f);
// }
// else if (p1.getY() == p2.getY())
// {
// Point pp1 = Point (p1.getX() + pitch, p1.getY() + halfWidth);
// Point pp2 = Point (p2.getX() - pitch, p2.getY() - halfWidth );
// view->FillRectangle (pp1, pp2);
// Point pp1f = Point (p1.getX() + pitch, p1.getY() + DbU::lambda(getValue(_size)/20));
// Point pp2f = Point (p2.getX() - pitch, p2.getY() - DbU::lambda(getValue(_size)/20));
// view->DrawRectangle (pp1f, pp2f);
// }
// else
// {
// view->DrawLine(p1, p2);
// }
// return;
// }
// void Fence::_Highlight(View* view, const Box& updateArea, const Transformation& transformation)
// {
// Point p1 = transformation.getPoint(getP1());
// Point p2 = transformation.getPoint(getP2());
// view->DrawLine(p1, p2);
// return;
// }
Box Fence::getBoundingBox () const
Box box;
Point p1 = getP1();
Point p2 = getP2();
if (p1.getX() == p2.getX())
Point pp1f = Point (p1.getX() + (_size/20), p1.getY() + DbU::lambda(1));
Point pp2f = Point (p2.getX() - (_size/20), p2.getY() - DbU::lambda(1));
box = Box(pp1f);
else if (p1.getY() == p2.getY())
Point pp1f = Point (p1.getX() + DbU::lambda(1), p1.getY() + (_size/20));
Point pp2f = Point (p2.getX() - DbU::lambda(1), p2.getY() - (_size/20));
box = Box(pp1f);
box = Box(p1);
box.inflate(DbU::lambda(1), DbU::lambda(2));
return box;
void Fence::setFrontLine(FrontLine* frontLine)
if (getFrontLine() != frontLine) throw Error ("Fence is in another frontline already");
_frontLine = frontLine;
FrontLine* Fence::getFrontLine()
if (!_frontLine)
Fence* parentFence = getParentFence();
if (parentFence) _frontLine = parentFence->getFrontLine();
return _frontLine;
Splitters Fence::getSplitters () const
return Fence_Splitters(&_splitters);
GCells Fence::getGCells () const
return Fence_GCells(this);
void Fence::addSubFence (Fence* fence)
void Fence::removeSubFence (Fence* fence)
GCell* Fence::getOppositeGCell (GCell* gcell) const {
if (getGCell1() == gcell) {
return getGCell2();
} else if (getGCell2() == gcell) {
return getGCell1();
throw Error ("[ERROR] fence: not a gcell of mine");
Fence* Fence::getParentFence() const {
GCell* gc1 = getGCell1()->getContainer();
GCell* gc2 = getGCell2()->getContainer();
if (gc1 == gc2) return NULL;
return _grid->getFenceBetween(gc1,gc2);
Splitter* Fence::getNetSplitter(Net* net) const
for (
SplitterSet::iterator spit = _splitters.begin() ;
spit != _splitters.end();
if ( (*spit)->getNet() == net )
return (*spit);
return NULL;
Cell* Fence::getCell() const {
return _grid->getCell();
// bool Fence::_IsInterceptedBy(View* view, const Point& point, const DbU::Unit& aperture) const
// {
// if (!isVisible()) return false;
// Box box(point);
// box.inflate(aperture);
// return getBoundingBox().intersect(box);
// }
* ********************************************************************
* Fence_Splitters implementation
Fence_Splitters::Fence_Splitters(const SplitterSet* spset)
// **************************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _spset(spset)
_spit = spset->begin();
Fence_Splitters::Fence_Splitters(const Fence_Splitters& splitters)
// ************************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _spset(splitters._spset)
, _spit(splitters._spit)
Fence_Splitters& Fence_Splitters::operator=(const Fence_Splitters& splitters)
// ****************************************************************
_spset = splitters._spset;
_spit = splitters._spit;
return *this;
Collection<Splitter*>* Fence_Splitters::getClone() const
// ***********************************************
return new Fence_Splitters(*this);
Locator<Splitter*>* Fence_Splitters::getLocator() const
// **********************************************
return new Locator(_spset, _spit);
string Fence_Splitters::_getString() const
// *************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("Fence::Splitters");
//if (_splitterIterator) s += " " + getString((*_splitterIterator));
s += ">";
return s;
* ********************************************************************
* Fence_Splitters::Locator implementation
Fence_Splitters::Locator::Locator(const SplitterSet* spset, SplitterSet::iterator spit)
// ************************************************************************************
: Inherit(),
Fence_Splitters::Locator::Locator(const Locator& locator)
// ****************************************************
: Inherit(),
Fence_Splitters::Locator& Fence_Splitters::Locator::operator=(const Locator& locator)
// ******************************************************************************
_spset = locator._spset;
_spit = locator._spit;
return *this;
Splitter* Fence_Splitters::Locator::getElement() const
// **************************************************
return (*_spit);
Locator<Splitter*>* Fence_Splitters::Locator::getClone() const
// *****************************************************************
return new Locator(*this);
bool Fence_Splitters::Locator::isValid() const
// **************************************************
return (_spit != _spset->end());
void Fence_Splitters::Locator::progress()
// *********************************************
string Fence_Splitters::Locator::_getString() const
// *******************************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("Fence::Splitters::Locator");
if (_spit != _spset->end()) s += " " + getString(*_spit);
s += ">";
return s;
* ********************************************************************
* Fence_GCells implementation
Fence_GCells::Fence_GCells(const Fence* fence)
// **************************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _fence(fence)
, _gc(fence->getGCell1())
Fence_GCells::Fence_GCells(const Fence_GCells& gcelles)
// ************************************************************************************
: Inherit()
, _fence(gcelles._fence)
, _gc(gcelles._gc)
Fence_GCells& Fence_GCells::operator=(const Fence_GCells& gcelles)
// ****************************************************************
_fence = gcelles._fence;
_gc = gcelles._gc;
return *this;
Collection<GCell*>* Fence_GCells::getClone() const
// ***********************************************
return new Fence_GCells(*this);
Locator<GCell*>* Fence_GCells::getLocator() const
// **********************************************
return new Locator(_fence, _gc);
string Fence_GCells::_getString() const
// *************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("Fence::GCells");
if (_gc) s += " " + getString(_gc);
s += ">";
return s;
* ********************************************************************
* Fence_GCells::Locator implementation
Fence_GCells::Locator::Locator(const Fence* fence, GCell* gcell)
// ********************************************************
: Inherit(),
Fence_GCells::Locator::Locator(const Locator& locator)
// ****************************************************
: Inherit(),
Fence_GCells::Locator& Fence_GCells::Locator::operator=(const Locator& locator)
// ******************************************************************************
_fence = locator._fence;
_gc = locator._gc;
return *this;
GCell* Fence_GCells::Locator::getElement() const
// **************************************************
return _gc;
Locator<GCell*>* Fence_GCells::Locator::getClone() const
// *****************************************************************
return new Locator(*this);
bool Fence_GCells::Locator::isValid() const
// **************************************************
return (_gc != NULL);
void Fence_GCells::Locator::progress()
// *********************************************
if (_gc == _fence->getGCell1()) {
_gc = _fence->getGCell2();
} else {
_gc = NULL;
string Fence_GCells::Locator::_getString() const
// *******************************************************
string s = "<" + _TName("Fence::GCells::Locator");
if (_gc) s += " " + getString(_gc);
s += ">";
return s;
* ********************************************************************
* SubFenceSet implementation
// *******************************
: Inherit()
unsigned Fence::SubFenceSet::_getHashValue(Fence* fence) const
return ( (unsigned int)( (unsigned long)fence ) ) / 2;
Fence* Fence::SubFenceSet::_getNextElement(Fence* fence) const
return fence->_getNextOfFenceSubFenceSet();
void Fence::SubFenceSet::_setNextElement(Fence* fence, Fence* nextFence) const
} // namespace Nimbus