670 lines
24 KiB
670 lines
24 KiB
// This file is part of the Coriolis Project.
// Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM
// Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
// Main contributors :
// Christophe Alexandre <Christophe.Alexandre@lip6.fr>
// Sophie Belloeil <Sophie.Belloeil@lip6.fr>
// Hugo Clément <Hugo.Clement@lip6.fr>
// Jean-Paul Chaput <Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr>
// Damien Dupuis <Damien.Dupuis@lip6.fr>
// Christian Masson <Christian.Masson@lip6.fr>
// Marek Sroka <Marek.Sroka@lip6.fr>
// The Coriolis Project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// The Coriolis Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the Coriolis Project; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// License-Tag
// Date : 29/01/2004
// Author : Christophe Alexandre <Christophe.Alexandre@lip6.fr>
// Authors-Tag
#include <cmath>
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "crlcore/ToolBox.h"
#include "mauka/Surface.h"
#include "mauka/Bin.h"
#include "mauka/Row.h"
#include "mauka/MaukaEngine.h"
#include "mauka/Move.h"
#include "mauka/SimAnnealingPlacer.h"
namespace {
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Transformation;
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using CRL::getTransformation;
double computeStdDev(double sumcost, double sumsquare, unsigned accepted)
if (accepted <= 1)
return 0.0;
double stdDev = (sumsquare - sumcost * sumcost / (double)accepted) / ((double)accepted - 1.0);
if (stdDev > 0.0)
stdDev = sqrt(stdDev);
stdDev = 0.0;
return stdDev;
namespace Mauka {
using namespace std;
SimAnnealingPlacer::SimAnnealingPlacer(MaukaEngine* mauka)
// *******************************************************
: _mauka(mauka)
, _instanceBins()
, _netBBoxes()
, _netCosts()
, _netFlags()
, _netCost(0.0)
, _binCost(0.0)
, _rowCost(0.0)
, _initNetCost(0.0)
, _initBinCost(0.0)
, _initRowCost(0.0)
, _netMult(_mauka->getAnnealingNetMult())
, _binMult(_mauka->getAnnealingBinMult())
, _rowMult(_mauka->getAnnealingRowMult())
, _temperature(0.0)
, _distance(0.0)
, _loop(0)
, _iterationsFactor(0)
, _iterations(0)
, _moves(0)
, _sourceEqualTargetMovementNumber(0)
, _surOccupationTargetMovementNumber(0)
, _impossibleExchangeMovementNumber(0)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size(); i++)
for (unsigned netid = 0; netid < _mauka->_nets.size(); netid++)
vector<Box> bboxes(2);
vector<double> costs(2);
void SimAnnealingPlacer::init()
Surface* surface = _mauka->_surface;
if (!surface)
throw Error("Cannot init with no surface ...");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size(); i++)
if (_instanceBins[i] == NULL)
cerr << "no bin for " << _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector[i] << endl;
_initNetCost = _netCost = getNetCost();
_initBinCost = _binCost = surface->getBinCost();
_initRowCost = _rowCost = surface->getRowCost();
double stdDev = 0.0;
double sumCost = 0.0;
double sumSquare = 0.0;
unsigned accepted = 0;
_temperature = 1e30;
_distance = 1.0;
cmess1 << " o Beginning global placement" << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asSizet (" - Number of nodes to place",_mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size()) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asPercentage(" - Margin" ,surface->getMargin()) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asDouble(" - Initial RowCost" ,_rowCost) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asDouble(" - Initial BinCost" ,_binCost) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asDouble(" - Initial NetCost" ,_netCost) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asDouble(" - Initial Cost" ,getCost()) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asLambda(" - Total bins capa" ,surface->getBinsCapa()) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asLambda(" - Total bins size" ,surface->getBinsSize()) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asLambda(" - Total subrows capa",surface->getSubRowsCapa()) << endl;
cmess1 << " o Computing initial Temperature ...";
Move move(this);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size(); i++)
if (!move.Next(_distance))
cmess2 << " o No more mouvement possible..." << endl;
double deltaRowCost = move.getDeltaRowCost();
double deltaBinCost = move.getDeltaBinCost();
double deltaNetCost = move.getDeltaNetCost();
double deltaCost = computeCost(deltaRowCost, deltaBinCost, deltaNetCost);
if (accept(deltaCost))
accepted += 1;
_rowCost += deltaRowCost;
_netCost += deltaNetCost;
_binCost += deltaBinCost;
double cost = getCost();
sumCost += cost; sumSquare += cost * cost;
//sumCost += deltaCost; sumSquare += deltaCost * deltaCost;
stdDev = computeStdDev(sumCost, sumSquare, accepted);
_temperature = 20.0 * stdDev;
_iterationsFactor = 15;
_iterations = (unsigned)(_iterationsFactor * pow(_mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size(), 1.33));
if (false)
double debug = DebugNetCost();
cout << "debug = " << debug << endl;
cout << "NetCost = " << _netCost << endl << endl;
// assert ((netCost - 1.0 <= debug) && (debug <= netCost + 1.0));
cmess1 << " done" << endl;
bool SimAnnealingPlacer::Iterate()
unsigned accepted = 0;
double sumCost = 0.0;
double sumSquare = 0.0;
double stdDev = 0.0, sucRatio = 0.0;
double oldTemperature = 0.0;
Move move(this);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _iterations; ++i)
if (!move.Next(_distance))
cmess1 << " o No More Mouvement Possible ....." << endl;
return false;
double deltaRowCost = move.getDeltaRowCost();
double deltaBinCost = move.getDeltaBinCost();
double deltaNetCost = move.getDeltaNetCost();
double deltaCost = computeCost(deltaRowCost, deltaBinCost, deltaNetCost);
#if 0
cerr << deltaRowCost << endl;
cerr << deltaBinCost << endl;
cerr << deltaNetCost << endl;
cerr << deltaCost << endl << endl;
if (accept(deltaCost)) {
accepted += 1;
_rowCost += deltaRowCost;
_binCost += deltaBinCost;
_netCost += deltaNetCost;
double cost = getCost();
sumCost += cost; sumSquare += cost * cost;
//sumCost += deltaCost; sumSquare += deltaCost * deltaCost;
oldTemperature = _temperature;
stdDev = computeStdDev(sumCost, sumSquare, accepted);
if (stdDev == 0.0)
_temperature = 0.0;
_temperature = _temperature * max(0.5, exp(-0.7 * _temperature / stdDev));
sucRatio = accepted / (double)_iterations;
_distance = max(0.1, min(_distance * (1.0 - 0.44 + sucRatio), 1.0));
cmess2 << " - Loop:" << setw(4) << setfill('0')<< _loop
<< " NIns:" << _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size()
<< " Temperature:" << _temperature
<< " Cost:" << getCost() << endl;
cmess2 << " RowCost:" << _rowCost
<< " BinCost:" << _binCost
<< " NetCost:" << _netCost << endl;
cmess2 << " Success Ratio:" << sucRatio * 100.0
<< "% Dist:" << _distance
<< " Delta:" << _temperature / oldTemperature << endl;
if (false)
double debug = DebugNetCost();
cout << "debug = " << debug << endl;
cout << "NetCost = " << _netCost << endl << endl;
// assert ((netCost - 1.0 <= debug) && (debug <= netCost + 1.0));
if ( _mauka->getRefreshCb() != NULL ) _mauka->getRefreshCb() ();
return ((_temperature != 0.0)
&& ((sucRatio > 0.15) || (stdDev > (0.0001 / getCost()))));
double SimAnnealingPlacer::getNetCost()
// ************************************
double totalNetCost = 0.0;
for (unsigned netid = 0; netid < _mauka->_netInstances.size(); netid++)
unsigned lastInstanceId = 0;
unsigned insCount = 0;
Box& netBBox = _netBBoxes[netid][_netFlags[netid]];
double& netCost = _netCosts[netid][_netFlags[netid]];
netCost = 0.0;
for (MaukaEngine::UVector::const_iterator uvit = _mauka->_netInstances[netid].begin();
uvit != _mauka->_netInstances[netid].end();
unsigned instanceId = *uvit;
lastInstanceId = instanceId;
Bin* bin = _instanceBins[instanceId];
netBBox.merge(bin->getCenter().getX(), bin->getCenter().getY());
if (_mauka->_hasInitX[netid])
netBBox.merge(_mauka->_netInitX[netid], netBBox.getYMin());
if (_mauka->_hasInitY[netid])
netBBox.merge(netBBox.getXMin(), _mauka->_netInitY[netid]);
if ( insCount == 0 )
cerr << Warning("Net <%s> is not connected.",getString(_mauka->_nets[netid]).c_str()) << endl;
DbU::Unit width = 0;
#if 0
if (_mauka->_params.takeSplittersIntoAccountOptimization)
Instance* instance = _instanceOccurrences[lastInstanceId];
Net* net = _nets[netid];
Plug* netPlug = NULL;
for_each_plug(plug, instance->getConnectedPlugs())
Net* plugNet = plug->getNet();
if (plugNet == net)
netPlug = plug;
if (!netPlug)
throw Error("MaukaEngine internal error: no plug");
Hook* bodyHook = netPlug->getBodyHook();
for_each_hook(hook, bodyHook->getHooks())
Component* component = hook->getComponent();
if (SplitterContact* splitterContact = dynamic_cast<SplitterContact*>(component))
if (VFence* vfence = dynamic_cast<VFence*>(splitterContact->getSplitter()->getFence()))
if (_hasInitX[netid])
_hasInitX[netid] = false;
_hasInitX[netid] = true;
_netInitX[netid] = vfence->getX();
else if (HFence* hfence = dynamic_cast<HFence*>(splitterContact->getSplitter()->getFence()))
if (_hasInitY[netid])
_hasInitY[netid] = false;
_hasInitY[netid] = true;
_netInitY[netid] = hfence->getY();
else throw Error("MaukaEngine internal error");
else if (Pin* pin = dynamic_cast<Pin*>(component))
if (not _mauka->odIgnorePins())
netBBox.merge(pin->getX(), pin->getY());
if (_hasInitX[netid])
netBBox.merge(_netInitX[netid], netBBox.getYMin());
if (_hasInitY[netid])
netBBox.merge(netBBox.getXMin(), _netInitY[netid]);
width = netBBox.getWidth();
if (width == 0)
//all instances in the same bin...
//take for width half of the bin
Bin* bin = _instanceBins[lastInstanceId];
width = bin->getWidth() / 2;
double cost = DbU::getLambda(netBBox.getHeight() + width);
netCost = cost;
totalNetCost += cost;
return totalNetCost;
double SimAnnealingPlacer::DebugNetCost()
// **************************************
double totalNetCost = 0.0;
for (unsigned netid = 0; netid < _mauka->_netInstances.size(); netid++)
unsigned lastInstanceId = 0;
unsigned insCount = 0;
Box box;
for (MaukaEngine::UVector::const_iterator uvit = _mauka->_netInstances[netid].begin();
uvit != _mauka->_netInstances[netid].end();
unsigned instanceId = *uvit;
lastInstanceId = instanceId;
Bin* bin = _instanceBins[instanceId];
box.merge(bin->getCenter().getX(), bin->getCenter().getY());
if (insCount)
#if 0
if (_mauka->_params.takeSplittersIntoAccountOptimization)
Occurrence instanceOccurrence = _instanceOccurrences[lastInstanceId];
Instance* instance = dynamic_cast<Instance*>(instanceOccurrence.getEntity());
Net* net = _nets[netid];
Plug* netPlug = NULL;
for_each_plug(plug, instance->getConnectedPlugs())
Net* plugNet = plug->getNet();
if (plugNet == net)
netPlug = plug;
if (!netPlug)
throw Error("MaukaEngine internal error: no plug");
Hook* bodyHook = netPlug->getBodyHook();
bool hasInitX = false;
bool hasInitY = false;
DbU::Unit netInitX = 0;
DbU::Unit netInitY = 0;
for_each_hook(hook, bodyHook->getHooks())
if (SplitterContact* splitterContact = dynamic_cast<SplitterContact*>(hook->getComponent()))
if (VFence* vfence = dynamic_cast<VFence*>(splitterContact->getSplitter()->getFence()))
if (hasInitX)
hasInitX = false;
hasInitX = true;
netInitX = vfence->getX();
else if (HFence* hfence = dynamic_cast<HFence*>(splitterContact->getSplitter()->getFence()))
if (hasInitY)
hasInitY = false;
hasInitY = true;
netInitY = hfence->getY();
else throw Error("MaukaEngine internal error");
if (hasInitX)
box.merge(netInitX, box.getYMin());
if (hasInitY)
box.merge(box.getXMin(), netInitY);
DbU::Unit width = box.getWidth();
if (width == 0)
//all instances in the same bin...
//take for width half of the bin
Bin* bin = _instanceBins[lastInstanceId];
width = bin->getWidth() / 2;
totalNetCost += DbU::getLambda(box.getHeight() + width);
return totalNetCost;
void SimAnnealingPlacer::DisplayResults() const
unsigned totalImpossibleMovements
= _impossibleExchangeMovementNumber
+ _sourceEqualTargetMovementNumber
+ _surOccupationTargetMovementNumber;
cmess2 << Dots::asUInt (" - Total impossible movements",totalImpossibleMovements) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asPercentage(" - Suroccupied target" ,100.0 * _surOccupationTargetMovementNumber / totalImpossibleMovements) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asPercentage(" - Source equal target" ,100.0 * _sourceEqualTargetMovementNumber / totalImpossibleMovements) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asPercentage(" - Impossible exchange" ,100.0 * _impossibleExchangeMovementNumber / totalImpossibleMovements) << endl;
cmess1 << " o Global Placement finished" << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asPercentage(" - Gain for RowCost" ,100.0 * (_initRowCost - _rowCost) / _initRowCost) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asPercentage(" - Gain for BinCost" ,100.0 * (_initBinCost - _binCost) / _initBinCost) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asPercentage(" - Gain for NetCost" ,100.0 * (_initNetCost - _netCost) / _initNetCost) << endl;
cmess2 << Dots::asDouble (" - NetCost Estimated",_netCost) << endl;
double SimAnnealingPlacer::getCost() const
return computeCost(_rowCost, _binCost, _netCost);
double SimAnnealingPlacer::computeCost(double rowcost, double bincost, double netcost) const
return rowcost / _initRowCost * _rowMult
+ bincost / _initBinCost * _binMult
+ netcost / _initNetCost * _netMult;
bool SimAnnealingPlacer::accept(double deltacost) const
if (_mauka->useStandardSimulatedAnnealing())
double doubleRand = (double) (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));
return ((deltacost <= 0.0)
|| ((_temperature != 0.0)
&& (exp(-deltacost / _temperature) > doubleRand)));
return deltacost <= 0.0;
void SimAnnealingPlacer::Save() const
for(unsigned i = 0; i < _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size(); i++)
Occurrence instanceOccurrence = _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector[i];
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(instanceOccurrence.getEntity());
Bin* bin = _instanceBins[i];
bool rowOrientation = bin->getSubRow()->getRow()->getOrientation();
if (!bin)
throw Error("No bin for instance");
DbU::Unit xPos = bin->getCenter().getX();
DbU::Unit yPos = bin->getCenter().getY();
Box masterABox = instance->getMasterCell()->getAbutmentBox();
Transformation::Orientation orientation;
if (rowOrientation)
orientation = Transformation::Orientation::ID;
orientation = Transformation::Orientation::MY;
Transformation instanceTransformation = getTransformation(masterABox
, xPos - masterABox.getHalfWidth()
, yPos - masterABox.getHalfHeight()
, orientation);
void SimAnnealingPlacer::Plot(ofstream& out) const
out << "#instances" << endl;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector.size(); i++)
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(_mauka->_instanceOccurrencesVector[i].getEntity());
const Bin* bin = _instanceBins[i];
if (!bin)
throw Error("No bin for instance");
DbU::Unit xPos = bin->getCenter().getX();
DbU::Unit yPos = bin->getCenter().getY();
Box masterABox = instance->getMasterCell()->getAbutmentBox();
Box instanceBox = Box(
xPos - masterABox.getWidth() / 2,
yPos - masterABox.getHeight() / 2,
xPos + masterABox.getWidth() / 2,
yPos + masterABox.getHeight() / 2);
out << instanceBox.getXMin()+0.4 << " " << instanceBox.getYMin()+0.4 << endl
<< instanceBox.getXMin()+0.4 << " " << instanceBox.getYMax()-0.4 << endl
<< instanceBox.getXMax()-0.4 << " " << instanceBox.getYMax()-0.4 << endl
<< instanceBox.getXMax()-0.4 << " " << instanceBox.getYMin()+0.4 << endl
<< instanceBox.getXMin()+0.4 << " " << instanceBox.getYMin()+0.4 << endl << endl;
out << "EOF" << endl << endl;
out << "#nets" << endl;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _mauka->_netInstances.size(); i++)
if (_mauka->_hasInitX[i])
unsigned nbInstances = 0;
DbU::Unit baryX = 0;
DbU::Unit baryY = 0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < _mauka->_netInstances[i].size(); j++)
unsigned instanceId = _mauka->_netInstances[i][j];
const Bin* bin = _instanceBins[instanceId];
baryX += bin->getCenter().getX();
baryY += bin->getCenter().getY();
baryX = baryX / nbInstances;
baryY = baryY / nbInstances;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < _mauka->_netInstances[i].size(); j++)
unsigned instanceId = _mauka->_netInstances[i][j];
const Bin* bin = _instanceBins[instanceId];
out << baryX << " " << baryY << endl
<< bin->getCenter().getX() << " "
<< bin->getCenter().getY() << endl << endl;
out << "EOF" << endl << endl;
out << "#nets with fixed point" << endl;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _mauka->_netInstances.size(); i++)
if (!_mauka->_hasInitX[i])
unsigned nbInstances = 1;
DbU::Unit baryX = 0;
DbU::Unit baryY = 0;
baryX += _mauka->_netInitX[i];
baryY += _mauka->_netInitY[i];
for (unsigned j = 0; j < _mauka->_netInstances[i].size(); j++)
unsigned instanceId = _mauka->_netInstances[i][j];
const Bin* bin = _instanceBins[instanceId];
baryX += bin->getCenter().getX();
baryY += bin->getCenter().getY();
baryX = baryX / nbInstances;
baryY = baryY / nbInstances;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < _mauka->_netInstances[i].size(); j++)
unsigned instanceId = _mauka->_netInstances[i][j];
const Bin* bin = _instanceBins[instanceId];
out << baryX << " " << baryY << endl
<< bin->getCenter().getX() << " "
<< bin->getCenter().getY() << endl << endl;
out << baryX << " " << baryY << endl
<< _mauka->_netInitX[i] << " "
<< _mauka->_netInitY[i] << endl << endl;
out << "EOF" << endl << endl;