841 lines
30 KiB
841 lines
30 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2020-2020, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | E t e s i a n - A n a l y t i c P l a c e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./Placement.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "hurricane/DeepNet.h"
#include "hurricane/Plug.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/Path.h"
#include "hurricane/Library.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/CellWidget.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h"
#include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h"
#include "crlcore/ToolBox.h"
#include "etesian/EtesianEngine.h"
namespace Etesian {
using namespace std;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Breakpoint;
using Hurricane::Path;
using Hurricane::Transformation;
using Hurricane::DataBase;
using Hurricane::Library;
using Hurricane::DeepNet;
using Hurricane::Plug;
using Hurricane::RoutingPad;
using Hurricane::DebugSession;
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using CRL::AllianceFramework;
using CRL::CatalogExtension;
using CRL::getTransformation;
using Etesian::EtesianEngine;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::Tile".
Record* Tile::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record(getString(this));
record->add( getSlot( "_occurrence", _occurrence ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_xMin" , &_xMin ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_width", &_width ) );
return record;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::Slice".
Slice::Slice ( Area* area, DbU::Unit ybottom )
: _area (area)
, _ybottom (ybottom)
, _tiles ()
, _subSlices()
{ }
bool Slice::validate ( DbU::Unit latchUpMax ) const
if (_tiles.empty()) return true;
cdebug_log(121,1) << "Slice::validate() @Y=" << DbU::getValueString(_ybottom) << endl;
Cell* feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
DbU::Unit feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
DbU::Unit cellLength = 0;
bool validated = true;
auto iTile = _tiles.begin();
auto iTileNext = iTile;
auto iTileFeed = _tiles.begin();
while ( iTileNext != _tiles.end() ) {
cellLength += (*iTile).getWidth();
if ( ((*iTileNext).getXMin() - (*iTile).getXMax() >= feedWidth)
or ((*iTile).getMasterCell() == feed)) {
if ((*iTile).getMasterCell() == feed)
cellLength -= feedWidth;
//if (feed and ((*iTile).getMasterCell() == feed)) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "cellLength=" << DbU::getValueString(cellLength) << endl;
if (cellLength > latchUpMax) {
while ( (iTileFeed != iTileNext) and (iTileFeed != _tiles.end()) ) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "| " << DbU::getValueString((*iTileFeed).getXMin())
<< " " << (*iTileFeed).getOccurrence() << endl;
} else {
iTileFeed = iTileNext;
cellLength = 0;
if ((*iTile).getXMax() > (*iTileNext).getXMin()) {
cerr << Error( "Slice::validate(): Overlap in slice @%s between instances,\n"
" %s @%s\n"
" %s @%s"
, DbU::getValueString(_ybottom).c_str()
, getString((*iTile).getOccurrence()).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString((*iTile).getXMin()).c_str()
, getString((*iTileNext).getOccurrence()).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString((*iTileNext).getXMin()).c_str()
) << endl;
validated = false;
++iTile; ++iTileNext;
return validated;
void Slice::merge ( const Occurrence& occurrence, const Box& flatAb )
if (_tiles.empty() or (_tiles.front().getXMin() > flatAb.getXMin())) {
_tiles.insert( _tiles.begin(), Tile(flatAb.getXMin(), flatAb.getWidth(), occurrence) );
list<Tile>::iterator imerge = _tiles.end();
for ( auto itile = _tiles.begin() ; itile != _tiles.end() ; ++itile ) {
if ((*itile).getXMin() > flatAb.getXMin()) {
_tiles.insert( itile, Tile(flatAb.getXMin(), flatAb.getWidth(), occurrence) );
_tiles.insert( _tiles.end(), Tile(flatAb.getXMin(), flatAb.getWidth(), occurrence) );
void Slice::buildSubSlices ()
if (not _tiles.empty() ) {
_subSlices.push_back( SubSlice( this, _tiles.begin() ) );
while ( _subSlices.back().getEndTile() != _tiles.end() ) {
_subSlices.push_back( SubSlice( this, _subSlices.back().getEndTile() ) );
void Slice::showSubSlices ()
if (_tiles.empty()) return;
cdebug_log(121,0) << "+ Slice @" << DbU::getValueString(_ybottom) << endl;
for ( const SubSlice& subSlice : _subSlices ) {
size_t count = 0;
DbU::Unit avg = subSlice.getAverageChunk( count );
cdebug_log(121,0) << "| [" << DbU::getValueString(subSlice.getXMin())
<< " " << DbU::getValueString(subSlice.getXMax())
<< "] tiles:" << count
<< " avg:" << DbU::getValueString(avg)
<< " " << endl;
void Slice::insertTies ( DbU::Unit latchUpMax )
cdebug_log(121,1) << "Slice::insertTies() @" << DbU::getValueString(_ybottom) << endl;
for ( SubSlice& subSlice : _subSlices ) subSlice.insertTies( latchUpMax );
void Slice::addFeeds ( size_t islice )
if (_tiles.empty()) {
fillHole( _tiles.end(), getXMin(), getXMax(), getYBottom(), islice%2 );
list<Tile>::iterator itile = _tiles.begin();
list<Tile>::iterator itilenext = itile;
// Hole before the first chunk.
if ((*itile).getXMin() > getXMin()) {
fillHole( itile, getXMin(), (*itile).getXMin(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 );
while ( itilenext != _tiles.end() ) {
fillHole( itilenext, (*itile).getXMax(), (*itilenext).getXMin(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 );
itile = itilenext;
// Hole after the last chunk.
if ((*itile).getXMax() < getXMax()) {
fillHole( _tiles.end(), (*itile).getXMax(), getXMax(), getYBottom(), (islice+getSpinSlice0())%2 );
void Slice::fillHole ( std::list<Tile>::iterator before
, DbU::Unit xmin
, DbU::Unit xmax
, DbU::Unit ybottom
, size_t yspin )
Cell* feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
if (feed == NULL) {
cerr << Error("Slice::fillHole(): No feed has been registered, ignoring.") << endl;
DbU::Unit xtie = xmin;
DbU::Unit modulo = (xmin - getXMin()) % getEtesian()->getSliceStep();
if (modulo) {
xtie += getEtesian()->getSliceStep() - modulo;
// cerr << "Misaligned hole @" << yspin
// << " ybottom=" << DbU::getValueString(ybottom)
// << " xmin=" << DbU::getValueString(xmin)
// << " modulo=" << DbU::getValueString(modulo)
// << " getXMin()=" << DbU::getValueString(getXMin())
// << endl;
modulo = (xmax - getXMin()) % getEtesian()->getSliceStep();
if (modulo) xmax -= modulo;
Cell* tie = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getTie();
DbU::Unit feedWidth = 0;
if (tie) {
DbU::Unit feedWidth = tie->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
if (xtie+feedWidth < xmax) {
Point blockPoint = getEtesian()->toBlock( Point(xtie,_ybottom) );
Instance* instance = Instance::create
( getEtesian()->getBlockCell()
, getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getUniqueInstanceName().c_str()
, tie
, getTransformation( tie->getAbutmentBox()
, blockPoint.getX()
, blockPoint.getY()
, (yspin) ? Transformation::Orientation::MY
: Transformation::Orientation::ID
, Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED
_tiles.insert( before
, Tile( xtie
, tie->getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
, getEtesian()->toCell( Occurrence(instance) )));
xtie += feedWidth;
if (xtie+feedWidth < xmax) {
Point blockPoint = getEtesian()->toBlock( Point(xmax-feedWidth,_ybottom) );
Instance* instance = Instance::create
( getEtesian()->getBlockCell()
, getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getUniqueInstanceName().c_str()
, tie
, getTransformation( tie->getAbutmentBox()
, blockPoint.getX()
, blockPoint.getY()
, (yspin) ? Transformation::Orientation::MY
: Transformation::Orientation::ID
, Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED
_tiles.insert( before
, Tile( xmax-feedWidth
, tie->getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
, getEtesian()->toCell( Occurrence(instance) )));
xmax -= feedWidth;
} else {
cerr << Error("Slice::fillHole(): No tie has been registered, not inserting.") << endl;
feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
while ( true ) {
if (xtie >= xmax) break;
if (xtie+feedWidth > xmax) {
// Feed is too big, try to find a smaller one.
feed = NULL;
int pitch = (int)((xmax-xtie) / getEtesian()->getSliceStep());
for ( ; pitch > 0 ; --pitch ) {
feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getFeed( pitch );
if (feed == NULL) continue;
feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
if (feed != NULL) break;
if (feed == NULL) break;
Point blockPoint = getEtesian()->toBlock( Point(xtie,_ybottom) );
Instance* instance = Instance::create
( getEtesian()->getBlockCell()
, getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getUniqueInstanceName().c_str()
, feed
, getTransformation( feed->getAbutmentBox()
, blockPoint.getX()
, blockPoint.getY()
, (yspin) ? Transformation::Orientation::MY
: Transformation::Orientation::ID
, Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED
_tiles.insert( before
, Tile( xtie
, feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
, getEtesian()->toCell( Occurrence(instance) )));
xtie += feedWidth;
Instance* Slice::createDiodeUnder ( RoutingPad* rp, const Box& diodeArea, DbU::Unit xHint )
Cell* diode = getEtesian()->getDiodeCell();
if (diode == NULL) {
cerr << Error("Slice::createDiodeUnder(): No diode cell has been registered, ignoring.") << endl;
return NULL;
Cell* feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
if (feed == NULL) {
cerr << Error("Slice::createDiodeUnder(): No feed has been registered, ignoring.") << endl;
return NULL;
Cell* tie = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getTie();
if (tie == NULL) {
cerr << Error("Slice::createDiodeUnder(): No tie has been registered, ignoring.") << endl;
return NULL;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "Slice::createDiodeUnder(): xHint=" << DbU::getValueString(xHint) << endl;
cdebug_log(147,0) << " rp=" << rp << endl;
cdebug_log(147,0) << " diodeArea=" << diodeArea << endl;
Instance* blockInst = getEtesian()->getBlockInstance();
Instance* diodeInst = NULL;
bool foundCandidate = false;
auto iCandidate = _tiles.begin();
DbU::Unit dCandidate = 0;
for ( auto iTile=_tiles.begin() ; iTile != _tiles.end() ; ++iTile ) {
if ((*iTile).getXMax() <= diodeArea.getXMin()) continue;
if ((*iTile).getXMin() >= diodeArea.getXMax()) break;
cdebug_log(147,0) << "| " << (*iTile) << endl;
if ( ((*iTile).getMasterCell() != feed)
and ((*iTile).getMasterCell() != tie )) continue;
if (blockInst) {
if ((*iTile).getOccurrence().getPath().getHeadInstance() != blockInst) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "> Reject, not in block instance" << endl;
DbU::Unit distance = std::abs( (*iTile).getXMin() - xHint );
if (not foundCandidate or (distance < dCandidate)) {
cdebug_log(147,0) << "> candidate" << endl;
foundCandidate = true;
iCandidate = iTile;
dCandidate = distance;
if (not foundCandidate) return NULL;
auto before = iCandidate;
DbU::Unit xmin = (*iCandidate).getXMin();
DbU::Unit width = (*iCandidate).getWidth();
diodeInst = (*iCandidate).getInstance();
Transformation transf = diodeInst->getTransformation();
_tiles.erase( iCandidate );
Occurrence rpOccurrence = rp->getPlugOccurrence();
Path instancePath = rpOccurrence.getPath();
if (instancePath.isEmpty())
transf = getEtesian()->toCell( transf );
// transf = getEtesian()->toBlock( transf );
// if (instancePath.isEmpty() and blockInst) {
// Transformation blockTransf = blockInst->getTransformation();
// blockTransf.applyOn( transf );
// }
Plug* plug = static_cast<Plug*>( rpOccurrence.getEntity() );
diodeInst = Instance::create( plug->getCell()
, getEtesian()->getUniqueDiodeName()
, diode
, transf
, Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED );
_tiles.insert( before, Tile(xmin,width,Occurrence(diodeInst,instancePath)) );
cdebug_log(147,0) << " " << diodeInst << " @" << transf << endl;
return diodeInst;
Record* Slice::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record(getString(this));
record->add( getSlot( "_area" , _area ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_ybottom", &_ybottom ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_tiles" , &_tiles ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_subSlices" , &_subSlices ) );
return record;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::Area".
Area::Area ( EtesianEngine* etesian )
: _etesian (etesian)
, _tieLut ()
, _placeArea (etesian->getPlaceArea())
, _sliceHeight(_etesian->getSliceHeight())
, _slices ()
if (etesian->getBlockInstance()) {
_placeArea = etesian->toCell( etesian->getPlaceArea() );
size_t slicesNb = _placeArea.getHeight() / _sliceHeight;
for ( size_t islice=0 ; islice<slicesNb ; ++islice )
_slices.push_back( new Slice( this, _placeArea.getYMin()+islice*_sliceHeight ) );
Cell* feed = getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
if (feed) {
Library* library = feed->getLibrary();
if (feed->getLibrary()->getName() == "FlexLib") {
cmess2 << " o Using hard-coded tie/cell datas suited for \"FlexLib\"." << endl;
Cell* masterCell = library->getCell( "sff1_x4" );
if (masterCell) {
_tieLut.addTieDatas( masterCell, DbU::fromMicrons(1.28), DbU::fromMicrons(11.7) );
masterCell = library->getCell( "dio_x0" );
if (masterCell) {
_tieLut.addTieDatas( masterCell, DbU::fromMicrons(6.5), DbU::fromMicrons(6.5) );
Area::~Area ()
for ( size_t islice=0 ; islice<_slices.size() ; ++islice )
delete _slices[islice];
bool Area::validate ( DbU::Unit latchUpMax ) const
bool validated = true;
for ( const Slice* slice : _slices )
validated = slice->validate(latchUpMax) and validated;
return validated;
void Area::merge ( const Occurrence& occurrence, const Box& flatAb )
if (flatAb.getYMin() < _placeArea.getYMin()) {
cerr << Warning("Area::merge(): Attempt to merge instance outside the placement area.") << endl;
DbU::Unit modulo = (flatAb.getXMin() - getXMin()) % getEtesian()->getSliceStep();
if (modulo) {
cerr << Warning( "Area::merge(): Misaligned instance %s\n"
" y=%s (%d) x=%d (%d) area.getXMin()=%s sliceStep=%s (%d)"
, occurrence.getCompactString().c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(flatAb.getYMin()).c_str(), flatAb.getYMin()
, DbU::getValueString(flatAb.getXMin()).c_str(), flatAb.getXMin()
, DbU::getValueString(getXMin()).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(getEtesian()->getSliceStep()).c_str()
, getEtesian()->getSliceStep()
) << endl;
size_t ibegin = (flatAb.getYMin()-_placeArea.getYMin()) / _sliceHeight;
size_t iend = (flatAb.getYMax()-_placeArea.getYMin()) / _sliceHeight;
for ( size_t islice=ibegin ; islice<iend ; ++islice ) {
_slices[islice]->merge( occurrence, flatAb );
void Area::addFeeds ()
for ( size_t islice=0 ; islice<_slices.size() ; islice++ ) {
_slices[islice]->addFeeds( islice );
void Area::buildSubSlices ()
{ for ( Slice* slice : _slices ) slice->buildSubSlices(); }
void Area::showSubSlices ()
{ for ( Slice* slice : _slices ) slice->showSubSlices(); }
void Area::insertTies ( DbU::Unit latchUpMax )
for ( Slice* slice : _slices ) slice->insertTies( latchUpMax );
validate( latchUpMax );
Record* Area::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record(getString(this));
record->add( getSlot( "_etesian" , _etesian ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_tieLut" , &_tieLut ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_placeArea" , _placeArea ) );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_sliceHeight", &_sliceHeight ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_slices" , &_slices ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_spinSlice0" , _spinSlice0 ) );
return record;
SubSlice::SubSlice ( Slice* slice, const list<Tile>::iterator& beginTile )
: _slice(slice)
, _beginTile(beginTile)
, _endTile (beginTile)
for ( ++_endTile; _endTile != slice->getTiles().end() ; ++_endTile ) {
Instance* instance = dynamic_cast<Instance*>( (*_endTile).getOccurrence().getEntity() );
if (instance->getPlacementStatus() == Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED)
DbU::Unit SubSlice::getAverageChunk ( size_t& count ) const
count = 0;
Cell* feed = _slice->getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
if (feed == NULL) {
cerr << Error("SubSlice::getAverageChunk(): No feed has been registered, ignoring.") << endl;
return -1;
DbU::Unit feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
DbU::Unit usedLength = 0;
DbU::Unit xmin = getXMin();
DbU::Unit xmax = getXMax();
list<Tile>::const_iterator iTile = _beginTile;
for ( ; iTile != _endTile ; ++iTile, ++count )
usedLength += (*iTile).getWidth();
if (xmax - xmin - usedLength == 0) return 0;
return (feedWidth * (xmax - xmin)) / (xmax - xmin - usedLength);
void SubSlice::insertTies ( DbU::Unit latchUpMax )
size_t count = 0;
DbU::Unit averageChunk = getAverageChunk( count );
if (averageChunk > latchUpMax) {
cerr << Error( "SubSlice::insertTies(): Not enough free space to insert polarization ties.\n"
" @Y=%s, begin=%s"
, getString(DbU::getValueString(getYBottom())).c_str()
, getString((*_beginTile).getOccurrence()).c_str()
) << endl;
Cell* feed = _slice->getEtesian()->getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
if (feed == NULL) {
cerr << Error( "SubSlice::insertTies(): No feed has been registered, ignoring." ) << endl;
DbU::Unit feedWidth = feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
cdebug_log(121,1) << "SubSlice::insterTies(): LatchUpMax:" << DbU::getValueString( latchUpMax ) << endl;
cdebug_log(121,1) << "Direct subSlice walkthrough." << endl;
DbU::Unit xMin = getXMin();
DbU::Unit xMax = getXMax();
auto beginTile = _beginTile;
auto endTile = _endTile;
if ((*beginTile).isFixed()) {
xMin += (*beginTile).getWidth();
if (endTile == _slice->getTiles().end()) {
} else if ((*endTile).isFixed()) {
xMax = (*endTile).getXMin();
DbU::Unit leftPosition = (*_beginTile).getXMin();
DbU::Unit tileLength = 0;
auto iTile = _beginTile;
while ( true ) {
Instance* instance = (*iTile).getInstance();
DbU::Unit cellTieLeft = _slice->getLeftDistance ( instance->getMasterCell() );
DbU::Unit cellTieRight = _slice->getRightDistance( instance->getMasterCell() );
DbU::Unit dxLeft = (*iTile).getXMin() - leftPosition;
if (dxLeft >= feedWidth) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "Enough space, reset rigth shift." << endl;
leftPosition = (*iTile).getXMin();
tileLength = 0;
if (cellTieLeft) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << instance->getName() << " contains a tie, reset tile length." << endl;
tileLength = cellTieRight;
if (tileLength + (*iTile).getWidth() > latchUpMax) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "Length above threshold, insert tie space." << endl;
leftPosition += feedWidth;
tileLength = 0;
(*iTile).translate( leftPosition - (*iTile).getXMin() );
tileLength += (*iTile).getWidth();
leftPosition += (*iTile).getWidth();
if (iTile == endTile) break;
leftPosition = xMax;
iTile = endTile;
if (iTile == _slice->getTiles().end()) --iTile;
cdebug_log(121,1) << "Reverse subSlice walkthrough, in excess of "
<< DbU::getValueString((*iTile).getXMax() - leftPosition)
<< " (feedWidth:" << DbU::getValueString(feedWidth) << ")" << endl;
if ((*iTile).getXMax() > leftPosition) {
tileLength = 0;
DbU::Unit prevTileShift = leftPosition - (*iTile).getXMax();
while ( true ) {
Instance* instance = (*iTile).getInstance();
DbU::Unit cellTieLeft = _slice->getLeftDistance ( instance->getMasterCell() );
DbU::Unit cellTieRight = _slice->getRightDistance( instance->getMasterCell() );
if (cellTieRight) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << instance->getName() << " contains a tie, reset tile length." << endl;
tileLength = cellTieLeft - (*iTile).getWidth();
DbU::Unit tileShift = leftPosition - (*iTile).getXMax();
cdebug_log(121,0) << "tileShift=" << DbU::getValueString(tileShift)
<< " leftHole=" << DbU::getValueString(prevTileShift-tileShift)
<< endl;
DbU::Unit holeLength = tileShift - prevTileShift;
if (holeLength == 0) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "No change in shift (no hole, abuted tiles)." << endl;
} else {
if (holeLength < feedWidth) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "Hole is less than a feed width ("
<< DbU::getValueString(holeLength) << " < "
<< DbU::getValueString(feedWidth) << "), should not occur." << endl;
} else {
if (tileLength+(*iTile).getWidth() < latchUpMax) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "Absorbing whole shift (below latch up distance, tile length="
<< DbU::getValueString(tileLength) << ")" << endl;
} else {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "Absorbing shift, keeping one feed spacing." << endl;
leftPosition -= feedWidth;
tileLength = 0;
cdebug_log(121,0) << "Left position (+width) " << DbU::getValueString(leftPosition)
<< " width:" << DbU::getValueString((*iTile).getWidth()) << endl;
if (leftPosition > (*iTile).getXMax()) {
cdebug_log(121,0) << "Positive tileShift, all excess has been compensated." << endl;
(*iTile).translate( leftPosition - (*iTile).getXMax() );
leftPosition -= (*iTile).getWidth();
tileLength += (*iTile).getWidth();
if (iTile == _beginTile) {
cerr << Error( "SubSlice::insertTies(): Not enough free space to insert polarization ties.\n"
" @Y=%s, begin=%s"
, getString(DbU::getValueString(getYBottom())).c_str()
, getString((*iTile).getOccurrence()).c_str()
) << endl;
Instance* Area::createDiodeUnder ( RoutingPad* rp, const Box& diodeArea, DbU::Unit xHint )
//Transformation toBlockTransf = getEtesian()->getBlockInstance()->getTransformation();
Box blockDiodeArea ( diodeArea );
//toBlockTransf.applyOn( blockDiodeArea );
//xHint += toBlockTransf.getTx();
DbU::Unit y = blockDiodeArea.getYCenter();
if ((y < _placeArea.getYMin()) or (y >= _placeArea.getYMax())) return NULL;
if (not blockDiodeArea.intersect(_placeArea)) return NULL;
size_t islice = (y - _placeArea.getYMin()) / _sliceHeight;
return _slices[islice]->createDiodeUnder( rp, blockDiodeArea, xHint );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "::EtesianEngine".
void EtesianEngine::toHurricane ()
Breakpoint::stop( 101, "EtesianEngine::toHurricane() called." );
if (not getFeedCells().feedNumbers()) {
cerr << Warning( "EtesianEngine::readSlices(): No feed cells available, skipping." ) << endl;
//Breakpoint::stop( 100, "Before adding feeds." );
cmess2 << " o Adding feed cells." << endl;
//DebugSession::open( 145, 150 );
if (_area) delete _area;
_area = new Area ( this );
Box topPlaceArea = _area->getPlaceArea();
_area->setSpinSlice0( _yspinSlice0 );
if (getBlockInstance()) {
for ( Instance* instance : getCell()->getInstances() ) {
if (instance == getBlockInstance()) continue;
if (instance->getPlacementStatus() == Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED) {
Box overlapAb = instance->getAbutmentBox();
overlapAb = topPlaceArea.getIntersection( overlapAb );
if (not overlapAb.isEmpty()) {
_area->merge( Occurrence(instance), overlapAb );
for ( Occurrence occurrence : getBlockCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() )
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>( occurrence.getEntity() );
Cell* masterCell = instance->getMasterCell();
if (CatalogExtension::isFeed(masterCell)) {
cerr << Warning( "EtesianEngine::readSlices(): Feed instance %s already present."
, getString(instance->getName()).c_str() ) << endl;
Box instanceAb = instance->getAbutmentBox();
Occurrence cellOccurrence = toCell( occurrence );
cellOccurrence.getPath().getTransformation().applyOn( instanceAb );
if (not topPlaceArea.intersect(instanceAb)) {
if (instance->getPlacementStatus() != Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED)
cerr << Warning( "EtesianEngine::readSlices(): Instance %s is not fully enclosed in the top cell.\n"
" * topPlaceArea=%s\n"
" * instanceAb=%s cell=%s"
, getString(instance->getName()).c_str()
, getString(topPlaceArea).c_str()
, getString(instanceAb).c_str()
, getString(instance->getCell()).c_str()
) << endl;
if (not topPlaceArea.contains(instanceAb)) {
if (instance->getPlacementStatus() != Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED)
cerr << Warning( "EtesianEngine::readSlices(): Instance %s is not fully enclosed in the top cell.\n"
" * topPlaceArea=%s\n"
" * instanceAb=%s cell=%s"
, getString(instance->getName()).c_str()
, getString(topPlaceArea).c_str()
, getString(instanceAb).c_str()
, getString(instance->getCell()).c_str()
) << endl;
instanceAb = topPlaceArea.getIntersection( instanceAb );
_area->merge( cellOccurrence, instanceAb );
if (getConfiguration()->getLatchUpDistance()) {
Cell* feed = getFeedCells().getBiggestFeed();
DbU::Unit tieSpacing = getConfiguration()->getLatchUpDistance()*2 - feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
if (feed != NULL)
tieSpacing -= feed->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
_area->insertTies( tieSpacing );
if (_viewer) _viewer->getCellWidget()->refresh();
Breakpoint::stop( 101, "EtesianEngine::toHurricane() finished." );
} // Etesian namespace.