231 lines
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231 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | B o r a - A n a l o g S l i c i n g T r e e |
// | |
// | Authors : Eric LAO |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./bora/RHVSlicingNode.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Box.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/Transformation.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "bora/ChannelRouting.h"
#include "bora/RHVSlicingNode.h"
namespace Bora {
using namespace std;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Box;
using Hurricane::Component;
using Hurricane::Horizontal;
using Hurricane::Vertical;
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using Hurricane::Transformation;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Bora::RHVSlicingNode".
int RHVSlicingNode::_count = 0;
int RHVSlicingNode::_countAll = 0;
: SlicingNode( RoutingSNode, NodeSets::create(), UnknownAlignment, NULL )
, _railInstance (NULL)
, _minHeight (0)
, _minWidth (0)
, _wireOccupation(NULL)
setPreset (Preset);
setSet (Set );
_wireOccupation = ChannelRouting::create();
RHVSlicingNode::~RHVSlicingNode ()
{ --_count; }
void RHVSlicingNode::print () const
cerr << "- Print from Slicing Node - " << endl;
if (_railInstance) cerr << "RailInstance: " << _railInstance << endl;
void RHVSlicingNode::_setGlobalSize ( DbU::Unit height, DbU::Unit width )
{ }
void RHVSlicingNode::preDestroy ()
if(_wireOccupation) _wireOccupation->destroy();
void RHVSlicingNode::destroy ()
delete this;
void RHVSlicingNode::preRecursiveDestroy ()
void RHVSlicingNode::recursiveDestroy ()
delete this;
void RHVSlicingNode::resetSize ()
_boxSet->setHeight( _minHeight );
_boxSet->setWidth ( _minWidth );
bool RHVSlicingNode::isSame ( SlicingNode* node, unsigned int flags ) const
return ( (getHeight() == node->getHeight())
and (getWidth () == node->getWidth ()) );
bool RHVSlicingNode::isSymmetric ( SlicingNode* node, unsigned int symmetryType, unsigned int flags ) const
return ( (getHeight() == node->getHeight())
and (getWidth () == node->getWidth ()) );
void RHVSlicingNode::setRailInstance ( Hurricane::Instance* instance )
{ _railInstance = instance; }
void RHVSlicingNode::_place ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y, bool replace )
SlicingNode::_place( x, y, replace );
if (_railInstance) {
Net* supplyNet = NULL;
size_t count = 0;
for ( Net* net : _railInstance->getMasterCell()->getNets())
{ supplyNet = net; ++count; }
if (count != 1)
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::_place(DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit,bool): Several Nets in Rail Instance Cell." ) << endl;
Component* wire = NULL;
count = 0;
for ( Component* component : supplyNet->getComponents() )
{ wire = component; ++count; }
if (count != 1)
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::_place(DbU::Unitx,DbU::Unit,bool): Several Components in Rail Instance Cell." ) << endl;
Horizontal* h = dynamic_cast<Horizontal*>(wire);
Vertical* v = dynamic_cast<Vertical*> (wire);
if (h) {
h->setDxSource( 0 );
h->setDxTarget( getRootWidth() );
_railInstance->getMasterCell()->setAbutmentBox( Box( 0, 0, getRootWidth(), getHeight() ) );
_railInstance->setTransformation( Transformation( _cell->getAbutmentBox().getXMin(), getY() ) );
} else if (v) {
v->setDySource( 0 );
v->setDyTarget( getRootHeight() );
_railInstance->getMasterCell()->setAbutmentBox( Box( 0, 0, getWidth(), getRootHeight() ) );
_railInstance->setTransformation(Transformation( getX(), _cell->getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) );
} else
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::_place(DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit,bool): Unknown segment type." ) << endl;
_railInstance->setPlacementStatus( Instance::PlacementStatus::PLACED );
void RHVSlicingNode::addWireOccupation ( DbU::Unit min, DbU::Unit max, Net* net )
{ if ( _wireOccupation and (min != max) ) _wireOccupation->insertChannel(min, max, net); }
void RHVSlicingNode::resetWireOccupation ()
{ if (_wireOccupation) _wireOccupation->reset(); }
int RHVSlicingNode::getMaxWireOccupation ()
{ return (_wireOccupation) ? _wireOccupation->getMaxCount()+1 : 0; }
unsigned int RHVSlicingNode::getAlignment () const
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::getAlignment(): Unimplemented on this type." ) << endl;
return UnknownAlignment;
NodeSets* RHVSlicingNode::getNodeSets () const
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::getNodeSets(): Unimplemented on this type." ) << endl;
return NULL;
BoxSet* RHVSlicingNode::getPairH ( DbU::Unit ) const
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::getPaitH(): Unimplemented on this type." ) << endl;
return _boxSet;
BoxSet* RHVSlicingNode::getPairHW( DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit ) const
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::getPaitHW(): Unimplemented on this type." ) << endl;
return _boxSet;
void RHVSlicingNode::setPairH( DbU::Unit )
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::setPaitH(): Unimplemented on this type." ) << endl;
void RHVSlicingNode::setPairHW( DbU::Unit , DbU::Unit )
cerr << Error( "RHVSlicingNode::setPaitHW(): Unimplemented on this type." ) << endl;
} // Bora namespace.