
358 lines
16 KiB

.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
.. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst
.. note::
As the sources are being released, the binary packaging is dropped.
You may still find (very) old versions here: .
In a nutshell, building source consists in pulling the |git| repository then
running the |ccb| installer.
.. note::
The documentation is already generated and commited in the |git| tree.
You may not install the additional prerequisites for the documentation.
By default the documentation is not generated, just installed by |ccb|.
If you really want to re-generate it, add the ``--doc`` flag to |ccb|.
Main building prerequisites:
* cmake
* C++11-capable compiler
* BFD library (provided through ``binutils``).
* RapidJSON_
* python2.7
* boost
* libxml2
* bzip2
* yacc & lex
* Qt 4 or Qt 5
* PyQt 4 or PyQt 5
* Qwt 6
Building documentation prerequisites:
* doxygen
* latex
* python-docutils (for reStructuredText)
The following libraries get directly bundled with |Coriolis|:
* LEF/DEF (from `SI2 <>`_)
* FLUTE (from `Chris C. N. Chu <>`_)
For other distributions, refer to their own packaging system.
Cross Dependencies Issues
There is a difficult tangle of dependencies between |Python|, |Qt|, |Qwt| and |PyQt|,
the requirements are:
* A |Python| 2.7.
* |Qt|, either 4 or 5.
* |Qwt| version 6, compiled against the relevant |Qt| version.
* |PyQt|, version 4 or 5, according to the choosen |Qt|.
Problems arise because:
* Under |RHEL| 7 or clones, there is no compatible |PyQt5| build compatible with their
|Qt| 5 version (we fall short of one minor, they provides |Qt| 5.9 were we need at
least |Qt| 5.10). So we have to stick to |Qt| 4 on those platforms.
Fortunately we can build a |Qwt| 6 with |Qt| 4.
* Under |Debian| or |Ubuntu| there is no |Qwt| 6 build against |Qt| 4, so we have to
use |Qt| 5 and |PyQt| 5.
Fixed Directory Tree
In order to simplify the work of the |ccb| installer, the source, build
and installation tree is fixed. To successfully compile |Coriolis| you must
follow it exactly. The tree is relative to the home directory of the user
building it (note :fboxtt:`~/` or :fboxtt:`$HOME/`). Only the source
directory needs to be manually created by the user, all others will be
automatically created either by |ccb| or the build system.
| **Sources** |
| | Sources root | | ~/coriolis-2.x/src |
| | **under git** | | ~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis |
| **Architecture Dependant Build** |
| | Linux, SL 7, 64b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.el7_64/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | Linux, SL 6, 32b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.slsoc6x/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | Linux, SL 6, 64b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.slsoc6x_64/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | Linux, Fedora, 64b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.fc_64/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | Linux, Fedora, 32b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.fc/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | FreeBSD 8, 32b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/FreeBSD.8x.i386/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | FreeBSD 8, 64b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/FreeBSD.8x.amd64/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | Windows 7, 32b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Cygwin.W7/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | Windows 7, 64b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Cygwin.W7_64/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | Windows 8.x, 32b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Cygwin.W8/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| | Windows 8.x, 64b | | ~/coriolis-2.x/Cygwin.W8_64/Release.Shared/build/<tool> |
| **Architecture Dependant Install** |
| Linux, SL 6, 32b | ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.slsoc6x/Release.Shared/install/ |
| **FHS Compliant Structure under Install** |
| | Binaries | | .../install/bin |
| | Libraries (Python) | | .../install/lib |
| | Include by tool | | .../install/include/coriolis2/<project>/<tool> |
| | Configuration files | | .../install/etc/coriolis2/ |
| | Doc, by tool | | .../install/share/doc/coriolis2/en/html/<tool> |
.. note:: *Alternate build types:* the ``Release.Shared`` means an optimized build
with shared libraries. But there are also available ``Static`` instead of ``Shared``
and ``Debug`` instead of ``Release`` and any combination of them.
``Static`` does not work because I don't know yet to mix statically linked binaries
and Python modules (which must be dynamic).
Building Coriolis
The actively developed branch
The **devel_anabatic** branch is now closed and we go back to a more classical
scheme where **master** is the stable version and **devel** the development one.
The |Coriolis| |git| repository is
.. note::
Again, the **devel_anabatic** branch is now closed. Please revert to **devel**
or **master**.
.. note::
Under |RHEL| 7 or clones, they upgraded their version of |Qt| 4 (from 4.6 to 4.8)
so the *diagonal line* bug no longer occurs. So we can safely use the default
system |Qt| again.
Installing on |RedHat| or compatible distributions
1. Install or check that the required prerequisites are installed : ::
dummy@lepka:~> yum install -y git cmake bison flex gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel \
binutils-devel \
boost-devel boost-python boost-filesystem \
boost-regex boost-wave \
python-devel libxml2-devel bzip2-devel \
qt-devel qwt-devel # Qt 4
Note, that the ``Qwt`` packages are directly available from the standart distribution
when using |Qt| 4.
2. Install the unpackaged prerequisites. Currently, only RapidJSON_. ::
dummy@lepka:~> mkdir -p ~/coriolis-2.x/src/support
dummy@lepka:support> cd ~/coriolis-2.x/src/support
dummy@lepka:support> git clone
3. Create the source directory and pull the |git| repository: ::
dummy@lepka:~> mkdir -p ~/coriolis-2.x/src
dummy@lepka:src> cd ~/coriolis-2.x/src
dummy@lepka:src> git clone
4. Build & install: ::
dummy@lepka:src> cd coriolis
dummy@lepka:coriolis> git checkout devel
dummy@lepka:coriolis> ./bootstrap/ --project=support \
--project=coriolis \
--make="-j4 install"
.. note::
Pre-generated documentation will get installed by the previous command.
Only if you did made modifications to it you need to regenerate it with: ::
dummy@lepka:coriolis> ./bootstrap/ --project=support \
--project=coriolis \
--doc --make="-j1 install"
We need to perform a separate installation of the documentation because it
does not support to be generated with a parallel build. So we compile & install in a first
stage in ``-j4`` (or whatever) then we generate the documentation in ``-j1``
Under |RHEL6| or clones, you must build using the |devtoolset|, the version is to
be given as argument: ::
dummy@lepka:coriolis> ./bootstrap/ --project=coriolis \
--devtoolset=8 --make="-j4 install"
If you want to use Qt 5 instead of Qt 4, modify the previous steps as follows:
* At **step 1**, do not install the |QT| 4 related development package (``qt4-devel``),
but instead: ::
dummy@lepka:~> yum install -y qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel # Qt 5.
The package ``qwt-qt5-devel`` and it's dependency ``qwt-qt5`` are not provided
by any standard repository (like |EPEL|). You may download them from the
`LIP6 Addons Repository <>`_
Then run: ::
dummy@lepka:~> yum localinstall -y qwt-qt5-6.1.2-4.fc23.x86_64.rpm \
qwt-qt5-6.1.2-4.fc23.x86_64.rpm # Qwt for Qt 5.
* At **step 4**, add a ``--qt5`` argument to the ```` command line.
* The |Python| scripts that make use of |PyQt| in ``crlcore`` and ``cumulus`` must be
edited to import ``PyQt5`` instead of ``PtQt4`` (should find a way to automatically
switch between the two of them).
The complete list of |ccb| functionalities can be accessed with the ``--help`` argument.
It also may be run in graphical mode (``--gui``).
Building a Debug Enabled Version
The ``Release.Shared`` default version of the |Coriolis| is built stripped of symbols
and optimized so that it makes analysing a core dump after a crash difficult. In the
(unlikely) case of a crash, you may want to build, alongside the optimized version,
a debug one which allows forensic examination by |gdb| (or |valgrind| or whatever).
Run again ````, adding the ``--debug`` argument: ::
dummy@lepka:coriolis> ./bootstrap/ --project=support \
--project=coriolis \
--make="-j4 install" --debug
As |cgt| is a |Python| script, the right command to run |gdb| is: ::
dummy@lepka:work> gdb python core.XXXX
.. Building the Devel Branch
.. -------------------------
.. In the |Coriolis| |git| repository, two branches are present:
.. * The :cb:`master` branch, which contains the latest stable version. This is the
.. one used by default if you follow the above instructions.
.. * The :cb:`devel` branch, which obviously contains the latest commits from the
.. development team. To use it instead of the :cb:`master` one, do the following
.. command just after the first step: ::
.. dummy@lepka:coriolis> git checkout devel
.. dummy@lepka:coriolis> ./bootstrap/ --project=coriolis \
.. --make="-j4 install" --debug
.. Be aware that it may require newer versions of the dependencies and may introduce
.. incompatibilities with the stable version.
Installing on |Debian| 9, |Ubuntu| 18 or compatible distributions
First, install or check that the required prerequisites are installed : ::
dummy@lepka:~> sudo apt install -y build-essential binutils-dev \
git cmake bison flex gcc python-dev \
libboost-all-dev libboost-python-dev \
libbz2-dev libxml2-dev rapidjson-dev libbz2-dev \
qtbase5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libqwt-qt5-dev \ # Qt 5
python-pyqt5 \
doxygen dvipng graphviz python-sphinx \
texlive-fonts-extra texlive-lang-french
Second step is to create the source directory and pull the |git| repository: ::
dummy@lepka:~> mkdir -p ~/coriolis-2.x/src
dummy@lepka:src> cd ~/coriolis-2.x/src
dummy@lepka:src> git clone
Third and final step, build & install: ::
dummy@lepka:src> cd coriolis
dummy@lepka:coriolis> git checkout devel
dummy@lepka:coriolis> ./bootstrap/ --project=coriolis --qt5 \
--make="-j4 install"
Additionnal Requirement under |MacOS|
|Coriolis| makes use of the :cb:`boost::python` module, but the |macports| |boost|
seems unable to work with the |Python| bundled with |MacOS|. So you have to install
both of them from |macports|: ::
dummy@macos:~> port install boost +python27
dummy@macos:~> port select python python27
dummy@macos:-> export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=/opt/local/Library/Frameworks
The last two lines tell |MacOS| to use the |Python| from |macports| and *not* from
the system.
Then proceed with the generic install instructions.
Packaging Coriolis
Packager should not use |ccb|, instead ``bootstrap/Makefile.package`` is provided
to emulate a top-level ``autotool`` makefile. Just copy it in the root of the
|Coriolis| git repository (``~/corriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/``) and build.
Sligthly outdated packaging configuration files can also be found under ``bootstrap/``:
* ``bootstrap/`` for |rpm| based distributions.
* ``bootstrap/debian`` for |Debian| based distributions.
Hooking up into |Alliance|
|Coriolis| relies on |Alliance| for the cell libraries. So after installing or
packaging, you must configure it so that it can found those libraries.
The easiest way is to setup the |Alliance| environment (i.e. sourcing
``.../etc/profile.d/alc_env.{sh,csh}``) **before** setting up |Coriolis| environment
(see the next section). To understand how |Coriolis| find/setup |Alliance| you may
have look to the *Configuration and User's Settings* section.
Setting up the Environment (
To simplify the tedious task of configuring your environment, a helper is provided
in the ``bootstrap`` source directory (also installed in the directory
``.../install/etc/coriolis2/``) : ::
Use it like this: ::
dummy@lepka:~> eval `~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap/`
.. note:: **Do not call that script in your environement initialisation.**
When used under |RHEL6| or clones, it needs to be run in the |devtoolset|
environement. The script then launch a new shell, which may cause an
infinite loop if it's called again in, say :cb:`~/.bashrc`.
Instead you may want to create an alias: ::
alias c2r='eval "`~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap/`"'