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This is the documentation of V\-L\-S\-I S\-A\-P\-D project. This project aims at providing a set of open-\/source {\bfseries S}tand {\bfseries A}lone {\bfseries P}arser \& {\bfseries D}rivers for {\bfseries V\-L\-S\-I}. A\-P\-Is for these parser \& drivers are provided as C++ libraries and Python modules.
The list of supported parser \& drivers is shown in next table \-: \begin{center} \begin{TabularC}{3}
\begin{center}{\bfseries Format}\end{center} &\begin{center}{\bfseries Parser}\end{center} &\begin{center}{\bfseries Driver}\end{center} \\\cline{1-3}
A\-G\-D\-S &&\begin{center}x\end{center} \\\cline{1-3}
C\-I\-F &&\begin{center}x\end{center} \\\cline{1-3}
D\-T\-R &\begin{center}x\end{center} &\begin{center}x\end{center} \\\cline{1-3}
O\-P\-E\-N\-C\-H\-A\-M\-S &\begin{center}x\end{center} &\begin{center}x\end{center} \\\cline{1-3}
S\-P\-I\-C\-E &\begin{center}x\end{center} &\begin{center}x\end{center} \\\cline{1-3}
To quickly access to documentation of a format, one can use the following links \-:
\item \hyperlink{agds}{A\-G\-D\-S Format}
\item \hyperlink{cif}{C\-I\-F Format}
\item \hyperlink{dtr}{D\-T\-R Format}
\item \hyperlink{openchams}{O\-P\-E\-N\-C\-H\-A\-M\-S Format}
\item \hyperlink{spice}{S\-P\-I\-C\-E Format}