
398 lines
16 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Kite {
/*! \class Track
* \brief Structure managing one routing track.
* \section secTrackImplementation Track Implementation
* Basically a Track is a sorted vector of TrackSegment, TrackSegment
* beeing a decoration of the Katabatic::AutoSegment. Managment rules :
* <ul>
* <li><b>Rule 1 :</b> the vector of TrackSegment is sorted by
* increasing source positions.
* <li><b>Rule 2 :</b> two consecutives segments TrackSegment do
* not overlap, except in case of <b>rule 3</b>.
* <li><b>Rule 3 :</b> if they belongs to the same \Net, two
* consecutive segments can overlap, see Track::getNetUsedInterval().
* </ul>
* \image html Track-1.png "Track Structure"
* \image latex Track-1.pdf "Track Structure" width=0.7\textwidth
* <b>updates procedures</b>
* Kite extend the Katabatic::Session mechanism to manage Track
* modifications.
* <b>Indexes vs. Iterators</b>
* Numerical indexes have been prefered over iterators because they can
* be used more easily by objects other the Track itself for referencing.
* So internal managment follow the same rule, handling indexes or
* reference to indexes.
* <b>Looking up free/used zones</b>
* The most important operation performed on a Track is to locate
* free or used zones at a given point. We uses the \STL \lower_bound
* function to find the index in the vector from a position.
* It relies heavily on the hypothesis that consecutives TrackSegment
* do not overlap, however, as segments from a same net can overlap
* the \c max() function is more complex than the \c min(). In fact
* it has to aggregate all the overlaping TrackSegment from the
* same \Net (getUsedNetInterval()).
* \image html Track-2.png "Track Zones - First Approach"
* \image latex Track-2.pdf "Track Zones - First Approach" width=0.7\textwidth
* As can be seen on the previous figure it is slightly more
* efficient to work on \c lower_bound-1 instead of \c lower_bound.
* \image html Track-3.png "Track Zones - Optimized"
* \image latex Track-3.pdf "Track Zones - Optimized" width=0.7\textwidth
/*! \enum Track::IndexState
* Indicates how to compute the bounds of the interval enclosing
* a given position.
* \note According to \e position, the interval can be a free interval
* or a used interval.
/*! \var Track::MinTrackMin
* Minimum/Source : uses the Track minimum.
/*! \var Track::MinSegmentMin
* Minimum/Source : uses the begin segment minimum (source).
/*! \var Track::MinSegmentMax
* Minimum/Source : uses the begin segment maximum (target).
/*! \var Track::MaxTrackMax
* Maximum/Target : uses the Track maximum.
/*! \var Track::MaxSegmentMin
* Maximum/Target : uses the end segment minimum (source).
/*! \var Track::MaxNextSegmentMin
* Maximum/Target : uses the next to end segment minimum (source).
/*! \var Track::MaxSegmentMax
* Maximum/Target : uses the end segment maximum (target).
/*! \var Track::BeforeFirst
* Interval type : free, before the first interval [case (1)].
/*! \var Track::Inside
* Interval type : used, in the Track [case (2)].
/*! \var Track::Outside
* Interval type : free, between two used TrackSegment [case (3)].
/*! \var Track::AfterLast
* Interval type : free, after the last used TrackSegment [case (4)].
/*! \var Track::EmptyTrack
* Interval type : free, and the Track is empty [case (5)].
/*! \var Track::MinMask
* Mask value : used to reset all the minimal values.
/*! \var Track::MaxMask
* Mask value : used to reset all the maximal values.
/*! \var Track::NPOS;
* A special index value (greatest integer) meaning that
* an index is invalid.
/*! \name Accessors
// \{
/*! \function RoutingPlane* Track::getRoutingPlane () const;
* \Return The RoutingPlane owning this Track.
/*! \function KiteEngine* Track::getKiteEngine () const;
* \Return The KiteEngine owning this Track.
/*! \function RoutingPlane* Track::getIndex () const;
* \Return The index of this Track in the RoutingPlane Track vector.
/*! \function Layer* Track::getLayer () const;
* \Return The \Layer of the Track.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getAxis () const;
* \Return The Axis of the Track.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getMin () const;
* \Return The minimal allowed coordinate of the Track.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getMax () const;
* \Return The maximal allowed coordinate of the Track.
/*! \function Track* Track::getNext () const;
* \Return The next Ttrack in the \RoutingPlane vector. That is the
* one with the axis immediatly superior.
/*! \function Track* Track::getPrevious () const;
* \Return The previous Track in the \RoutingPlane vector. That is the
* one with the axis immediatly inferior.
/*! \function size_t Track::getSize () const;
* \Return The total number of TrackSegment in the Track.
/*! \function Point Track::getPosition ( DbU::Unit position ) const;
* \Return the point at \c (position,getAxis()) for horizontal Track
* at or \c (getAxis(),position) for vertical Track.
// \}
/*! \name TrackSegment Accessors
// \{
/*! \function TrackSegment* Track::getNext ( size_t& index, Net* net ) const;
* \param index Index of the starting TrackSegment.
* \param net A \Net to ignore.
* \return The next TrackSegment (\NULL if not found).
* find, starting from TrackSegment at \e index the next TrackSegment
* ignoring TrackSegment from \e net. \e index is modified to point
* on the returned TrackSegment. If there's no next TrackSegment (\NULL)
* then index is set to Track::NPOS.
/*! \function TrackSegment* Track::getPrevious ( size_t& index, Net* net ) const;
* \param index Index of the starting TrackSegment.
* \param net A \Net to ignore.
* \return The previous TrackSegment (\NULL if not found).
* find, starting from TrackSegment at \e index the previous TrackSegment
* ignoring TrackSegment from \e net. \e index is modified to point
* on the returned TrackSegment. If there's no previous TrackSegment (\NULL)
* then index is set to Track::NPOS.
/*! \function TrackSegment* Track::getNextFixed ( size_t& index ) const;
* \param index Index of the starting TrackSegment.
* \return The first previous \e Fixed TrackSegment.
* find, starting from TrackSegment at \e index the first previous
* with a \e Fixed attribute set. \e index is modified to point on the
* returned TrackSegment. If there's no previous TrackSegment (\NULL)
* then index is set to Track::NPOS.
/*! \function TrackSegment* Track::getSegment ( size_t index ) const;
* \param index The index of the TrackSegment.
* \return The TrackSegment at \e index. The result will be \NULL in the
* follwing cases :
* <ul>
* <li>\e index is outside the sorted zone.
* <li>\e index points to a hole in the Track.
* <li>\e index is equal to Track::NPOS.
* </ul>
/*! \function TrackSegment* Track::getSegment ( DbU::Unit position ) const;
* \param position The position where to search.
* \return The TrackSegment whose starting point is immediatly inferior to \e position.
/*! \function size_t Track::find ( const TrackSegment* segment ) const;
* \Return the \e index of \e segment inside the Track. If the \e segment do
* not belongs to the Track, return Track::NPOS.
/*! \function void Track::getIBounds ( DbU::Unit position, size_t& begin, size_t& end, unsigned int& state ) const;
* \param position The position where to search.
* \param begin Index of the starting bound.
* \param end Index of the ending bound.
* \param state how to use the returned \e indexes.
* \return The TrackSegment index around \e position.
* The relation between the returned \e index and the position is
* given through the \e state parameter.
* \note It uses the \lower_bound \STL function.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getSourcePosition ( size_t index ) const;
* \Return The canonical source position of TrackSegment at index \e index.
* If \e index is equal to Track::NPOS, returns zero.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getSourcePosition ( vector<TrackSegment*>::iterator it ) const;
* \Return The canonical source position of TrackSegment pointed by iterator \e it.
* If \e it is equal to \c end() , returns zero.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getMinimalPosition ( size_t index, unsigned int state ) const;
* \Return The minmal position (lower bound) of an interval, starting near index \e index
* with state \e state.
* \see Track::IndexState.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getMaximalPosition ( size_t index, unsigned int state ) const;
* \Return The maximal position (upper bound) of an interval, ending near index \e index
* with state \e state.
* \see Track::IndexState.
/*! \function Interval Track::getFreeInterval ( DbU::Unit position, Net* net ) const;
* \param position where fo find a free interval.
* \param net for which net to find the free interval.
* \return The longuest free interval enclosing \e position (may be empty).
/*! \function Interval Track::expandUsedInterval ( size_t& begin, size_t& end ) const;
* \param begin index on any of the overlaping TrackSegment. This value
* is then modified to point on the lower TrackSegment of the set.
* \param end initial value is ignored. sets to the index of the rightmost
* extended TrackSegment of the set (i.e. the one setting the
* upper bound).
* \return the whole interval used by a set of overlaping TrackSegment.
* \image html Track-4.png "Overlap - Example 1"
* \image html Track-5.png "Overlap - Example 2"
* \image latex Track-4.pdf "Overlap - Example 1" width=0.7\textwidth
* \image latex Track-5.pdf "Overlap - Example 2" width=0.7\textwidth
/*! \function Interval Track::expandFreeInterval ( size_t& begin, size_t& end, unsigned int state, Net* net ) const;
* \param begin the lowest used TrackSegment.
* \param end the highest used TrackSegment.
* \param state the enclosing characterics.
* \param net the for wich we seek place.
* \Return The longuest free interval between \c ]begin,end[ .
* \note \c ]begin,end[ must define a free interval between two TrackSegment.
/*! \function void Track::_check ( const char* message=NULL ) const;
* \param message An iformative message, only printed if an error occurs.
* \return \true if the Track contains no incoherencies.
* Perform a complete Track check. Looks for the following incoherencies :
* <ul>
* <li>TrackSegment do not refers this Track.
* <li>TrackSegment is detached (TrackSegment::getTrack() is \NULL).
* <li>TrackSegment is hollow, this one is very unlikely as hollow
* TrackSegment are only created for the \lower_bound.
* <li>\NULL pointers (should never occurs, nevertheless...)
* <li>And finally, call checkOverlap().
* </ul>
/*! \function void Track::checkOverlap () const;
* \return the number of overlaping TrackSegment.
* Perform the following checks :
* <ul>
* <li>Two consecutive TrackSegment from different \Net must not
* overlap.
* <li>For TrackSegment starting from the same position, the
* longuest must be first.
* </ul>
/*! \function void Track::getOverlapBounds ( Interval interval, size_t& begin, size_t& end ) const;
* \param interval the overlaping interval.
* \param begin where to store the starting bound.
* \param end where to store the ending bound.
* find the range of TrackSegment intersecting \e interval.
* Note that when the \e interval lower bound crosses a set of
* overlaping intervals from the same \Net, the interval at
* \e begin will crosses the lower bound but some following
* of the same \Net may not.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getOverlapCost ( Interval interval, Net* net, size_t begin, size_t end ) const;
* \param interval the overlaping interval.
* \param net a Net to ignore (null cost).
* \param begin the starting bound.
* \param end the ending bound.
* \return The cost of the overlap.
* compute the cost of the overlap of \e interval with the range
* \c [begin,end] of TrackSegment. Any TrackSegment belonging to
* \e net will be ignored.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Track::getOverlapCost ( Interval interval, Net* net ) const;
* \param interval the overlaping interval.
* \param net a Net to ignore (null cost).
* compute the overlap of \e interval with TrackSegment from
* the current Track, ignoring thoses belonging to \e net.
// \}
/*! \name Updators
// \{
/*! \function void Track::insert ( TrackSegment* segment );
* adds \e segment to the Track. Must only be used inside a
* TrackSession.
* \see TrackSession.
/*! \function size_t Track::pack ();
* \Return The number of removeds TrackSegment.
* Suppress all the TrackSegment that have been withdraw from the
* Track. TrackSegment must be withdraw trough the TrackSegment::detach()
* method which sets their owning Track to \NULL (the removal criterion).
/*! \function void Track::sort ();
* sort the the vector. Must be called \e after the Pack() method,
* so no detached TrackSegment are presents.
// \}