403 lines
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403 lines
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// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | B o r a - A n a l o g S l i c i n g T r e e |
// | |
// | Authors : Eric LAO |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./HVSetState.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "bora/HVSetState.h"
#include "bora/HSlicingNode.h"
#include "bora/VSlicingNode.h"
namespace Bora {
using namespace std;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Bora::HVSetState".
HVSetState::HVSetState ( HVSlicingNode* node )
: _HVSnode ( node )
, _counter ( 1 )
, _currentSet()
, _nextSet ()
, _nodeSets ( NodeSets::create() )
HVSetState::~HVSetState ()
{ }
NodeSets* HVSetState::getNodeSets ()
return _nodeSets;
void HVSetState::print ()
int index = 0;
cerr << "currentSet:" << endl;
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ ichild ]->getNodeSets();
cerr << index << ": H = " << nodes->at(_currentSet[ichild])->getHeight()
<< ", W = " << nodes->at(_currentSet[ichild])->getWidth () << endl;
cerr << "counter = " << _counter << endl;
cerr << "end counter = " << _modulos.back() << endl;
cerr << "modulos:" << endl;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_modulos.size() ; ++i )
cerr << i << ": modulo = " << _modulos[i] << endl;
void HVSetState::initSet ()
for ( SlicingNode* child : _HVSnode->getChildren() ) {
if (child->isPreset())
_nextSet.push_back( child->getNodeSets()->findIndex( child->getHeight()
, child->getWidth () ) );
_nextSet.push_back( 0 );
_currentSet = _nextSet;
// Notes:
// Considering a horizontal/vertical node with X children and each children
// has N possibilities:
// child 0: N0 possibilities,
// child 1: N1 possibilities,
// .
// .
// .
// child X: NX possibilities.
// If a child is preset then, it only has 1 possibility and N = 1. So we have:
// number of possibilities to be studied = N0 * N1 * ... * NX.
// Children are seen like a <vector> and modulos are used to know when a
// child needs to choose its next possibility.
// It starts like this:
// - Child 0 goes through its N0 possibilities
// - When child 0 was at its last possibility, it goes back to its first one
// and child 1 pick its second possibility.
// - And we keep going . . .
void HVSetState::initModulos ()
cdebug_log(535,0) << "HVSetState::initModulos()" << endl;
int modulo = 1;
_modulos.push_back( 1 );
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
if (ichild) _modulos.push_back( modulo );
if (isSymmetry(ichild)) {
cdebug_log(535,0) << "child:" << ichild << " is symmetric, one choice." << endl;
if (children[ichild]->isPreset() ) {
cdebug_log(535,0) << "child:" << ichild << " is preset, one choice." << endl;
cdebug_log(535,0) << "child:" << ichild << " is ordinary, "
<< "has " << children[ichild]->getNodeSets()->size() << " choices."
<< endl;
modulo *= children[ichild]->getNodeSets()->size();
_modulos.push_back( modulo );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_modulos.size() ; ++i )
cdebug_log(535,0) << "_modulos[" << i << "]:" << _modulos[i] << endl;
void HVSetState::next ()
// Notes: Set the next combination. See notes above.
cdebug_log(535,0) << "HVSetState::next(): counter_:" << _counter << endl;
Symmetry symmetry;
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
if (isSymmetry(ichild,symmetry))
_nextSet[ ichild ] = _nextSet[ symmetry.first ];
else {
if ( (((_counter-1)%_modulos[ichild]) == _modulos[ichild]-1)
and not children[ichild]->isPreset() ) {
if (_nextSet[ichild]+1 != children[ichild]->getNodeSets()->size() ) _nextSet[ichild]++;
else _nextSet[ichild] = 0;
_counter += 1;
_currentSet = _nextSet;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Bora::HSetState".
HSetState::HSetState ( HSlicingNode* node )
: HVSetState(node)
{ }
HSetState::~HSetState ()
{ }
pair<DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit> HSetState::getCurrentWs ()
// Notes:
// Calculate the min and max width of the current combination Routing nodes
// need to be taken into account to not calculate a wrong width.
DbU::Unit wmin = 0;
DbU::Unit wmax = 0;
if (not _currentSet.empty()) {
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; (wmin == 0) and (ichild<children.size()) ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
wmin = nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] )->getWidth();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
DbU::Unit width = nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] )->getWidth();
if ( width and (width < wmin) ) wmin = width;
if (width > wmax) wmax = width;
return pair<DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit>( wmin, wmax );
DbU::Unit HSetState::getCurrentH ()
// Notes:
// Calculate the height of the current combination.
// Routing nodes need to be taken into account to not calculate a wrong height.
DbU::Unit currentH = 0;
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
currentH += nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] )->getHeight();
return currentH;
DbU::Unit HSetState::getCurrentW ()
// Notes:
// Calculate the width of the current combination
// Routing nodes need to be taken into account to not calculate a wrong width.
DbU::Unit currentW = 0;
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
currentW = std::max( currentW, nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] )->getWidth() );
return currentW;
void HSetState::print ()
cerr << "currentH = " << getCurrentH() << endl;
cerr << "currentW = " << getCurrentW() << endl;
cerr << endl;
void HSetState::next ()
void HSetState::push_back ()
// Notes:
// Check if conditions on tolerance are filled.
// If yes, add the current set to the NodeSets
pair<DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit> paireWidths = getCurrentWs();
DbU::Unit width = paireWidths.second;
DbU::Unit wmin = paireWidths.first;
DbU::Unit height = 0;
if (width - wmin <= _HVSnode->getToleranceBandW()) {
vector<BoxSet*> bss;
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
bss.push_back( nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] ) );
height += bss.back()->getHeight();
// create the BoxSet of the current accepted set.
_nodeSets->push_back( bss, height, width, HorizontalSNode );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Bora::VSetState".
VSetState::VSetState ( VSlicingNode* node )
: HVSetState(node)
{ }
VSetState::~VSetState ()
{ }
pair<DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit> VSetState::getCurrentHs ()
// Note: Same as HSetState but for Vertical Node (see above).
DbU::Unit hmin = 0;
DbU::Unit hmax = 0;
if (not _currentSet.empty()) {
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; (hmin == 0) and (ichild<children.size()) ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
DbU::Unit height = nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] )->getHeight();
if ( height and (height < hmin) ) hmin = height;
if (height > hmax) hmax = height;
return pair<DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit>( hmin, hmax );
DbU::Unit VSetState::getCurrentH ()
DbU::Unit currentH = 0;
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
currentH = std::max( currentH, nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] )->getHeight() );
return currentH;
DbU::Unit VSetState::getCurrentW ()
DbU::Unit currentW = 0;
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
currentW += nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] )->getWidth();
return currentW;
void VSetState::print ()
cerr << "currentH = " << getCurrentH() << endl;
cerr << "currentW = " << getCurrentW() << endl;
cerr << endl;
void VSetState::next ()
void VSetState::push_back ()
pair<DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit> paireHeights = getCurrentHs();
DbU::Unit height = paireHeights.second;
DbU::Unit hmin = paireHeights.first;
DbU::Unit width = 0;
if (height - hmin <= _HVSnode->getToleranceBandH()) {
vector<BoxSet*> bss;
const VSlicingNodes& children = _HVSnode->getChildren();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; (hmin == 0) and (ichild<children.size()) ; ++ichild ) {
NodeSets* nodes = children[ichild]->getNodeSets();
bss.push_back( nodes->at( _currentSet[ichild] ) );
width += bss.back()->getWidth();
_nodeSets->push_back( bss, height, width, VerticalSNode );
} // Bora namespace.