
405 lines
15 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2012-2021, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | H U R R I C A N E |
// | V L S I B a c k e n d D a t a - B a s e |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./CellPrinter.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/bind/bind.hpp>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QPrinter>
#include "hurricane/configuration/Configuration.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/BasicLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
#include "hurricane/ExtensionSlice.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/Graphics.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/CellPrinter.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/PaletteWidget.h"
namespace Hurricane {
CellPrinter::CellPrinter ( QWidget* parent )
: QMainWindow (parent)
, _screenCellWidget(NULL)
, _cellWidget (NULL)
, _palette (NULL)
, _printer (NULL)
, _dpi (Cfg::getParamInt ("viewer.printer.DPI" ,150)->asInt())
, _mode (Cfg::getParamEnumerate("viewer.printer.mode", 1)->asInt())
, _paperWidth (0)
, _paperHeight (0)
, _frameMargin (_scalePixels( 50)) // Dimensions are in pixels,
, _cartoucheWidth (_scalePixels(1000)) // computed for a reference DPI of 150.
, _cartoucheHeight (_scalePixels( 90))
, _titleHeight (_scalePixels( 60))
, _xpaper (0)
, _ypaper (0)
, _drawingWidth (0)
, _drawingHeight (0)
, _fitOnAbutmentBox(false)
setAttribute (Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen);
createLayout ();
show ();
CellPrinter::~CellPrinter ()
delete _palette;
void CellPrinter::createLayout ()
if (_cellWidget) return;
_cellWidget = new CellWidget ();
_palette = new PaletteWidget();
setCorner( Qt::TopLeftCorner , Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
setCorner( Qt::BottomLeftCorner , Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
setCorner( Qt::TopRightCorner , Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
setCorner( Qt::BottomRightCorner, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
setCentralWidget( _cellWidget );
_palette->readGraphics ();
_cellWidget->setPixelThreshold( 1 );
_cellWidget->setPrinter( true );
_cellWidget->bindToPalette( _palette );
void CellPrinter::setScreenCellWidget ( CellWidget* cellWidget )
_screenCellWidget = cellWidget;
array<string,14> labels = {{ string("fallback" )
, string("rubber" )
, string("phantom" )
, string("boundaries" )
, string("marker" )
, string("grid" )
, string("spot" )
, string("ghost" )
, string("text.ruler" )
, string("text.cell" )
, string("text.instance" )
, string("text.components" )
, string("text.references" )
, string("undef" )
for ( string label : labels )
_cellWidget->setLayerVisible( label
, _screenCellWidget->isLayerVisible(label) );
for ( const BasicLayer* layer : DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getBasicLayers() )
_cellWidget->setLayerVisible( layer->getName()
, _screenCellWidget->isLayerVisible( layer->getName() ));
shared_ptr<CellWidget::State> clone ( _screenCellWidget->getStateClone() );
_cellWidget->setState( clone );
_cellWidget->copyDrawExtensionGos( _screenCellWidget );
for ( ExtensionSlice* extension : cellWidget->getCell()->getExtensionSlices() )
_cellWidget->setLayerVisible( extension->getName()
, _screenCellWidget->isLayerVisible( extension->getName() ));
QString CellPrinter::getUnitQString ()
unsigned int mode;
DbU::UnitPower p;
DbU::getStringMode( mode, p );
QString unit = "unit: ";
switch( mode ) {
case DbU::Db: unit += "db"; break;
case DbU::Grid: unit += "grid"; break;
case DbU::Symbolic: unit += (QChar)0x03BB; break;
case DbU::Physical:
switch( p ) {
case DbU::Pico: unit += (QChar)'p'; break;
case DbU::Nano: unit += (QChar)'n'; break;
case DbU::Micro: unit += (QChar)0x00B5; break;
case DbU::Milli: unit += (QChar)'m'; break;
case DbU::Unity: break;
case DbU::Kilo: unit += (QChar)'k'; break;
default: unit += (QChar)'?'; break;
unit += (QChar)'m';
return unit;
QString CellPrinter::dbuToPrinterString ( DbU::Unit unit )
QString value = DbU::getValueString(unit).c_str();
if (not value[value.size()-2].isDigit()) value.chop(2);
if (not value[value.size()-1].isDigit()) value.chop(1);
return value;
string CellPrinter::getUserName ()
string user = getenv("USER");
if (user.empty()) user = "unkown";
else {
size_t equal = user.find('=');
if (equal != string::npos)
user.erase( 0, equal );
return user;
string CellPrinter::getTime ( const char* format )
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm* bt = localtime(&t);
char formatted[1024];
strftime ( formatted, 1024, format, bt );
return formatted;
void CellPrinter::pageDecorate ( QPainter& painter )
int thinWidth = _scalePixels( 1 );
int thickWidth = _scalePixels( 2 );
int right = 0;
int bottom = 0;
int userFieldWidth = _scalePixels( 150 * _mode );
int dateFieldWidth = _scalePixels( 180 * _mode );
int unitFieldWidth = _scalePixels( 150 * _mode );
int areaFieldWidth = cartoucheWidth() - userFieldWidth - dateFieldWidth - unitFieldWidth;
QFont font ( "Bitstream Vera Sans", 18 );
font.setWeight ( QFont::Bold );
// Draw frame.
QPen framePen = QPen( QBrush(QColor("black")), 1.0 );
painter.setPen ( framePen );
painter.drawRect( frameMargin()
, frameMargin()
, _paperWidth - (frameMargin()<<1)
, _paperHeight - (frameMargin()<<1)
// Draw a rectangle around the copied area from the CellWidget buffer.
// painter.drawRect( _xpaper
// , _xpaper
// , _drawingWidth
// , _drawingHeight
// );
// Rotate the painter for the cartouche if in A4+Landscape mode.
if ( (_printer->pageLayout().pageSize().id() == QPageSize::A4)
and (_printer->pageLayout().orientation() == QPageLayout::Landscape) ) {
painter.translate ( _paperWidth - frameMargin(), frameMargin() );
painter.rotate ( -90 );
} else
painter.translate ( _paperWidth - frameMargin(), _paperHeight - frameMargin() );
// Draw the cartouche.
QPen cartouchePen = QPen( QBrush(QColor("black")), 1.0 );
painter.setPen( cartouchePen );
QRect cartoucheRect = QRect ( right - cartoucheWidth()
, bottom - cartoucheHeight()
, cartoucheWidth()
, cartoucheHeight()
QRect titleRect = cartoucheRect;
titleRect.adjust( 0, 0, 0, titleHeight() - cartoucheHeight() );
// The cartouche box.
cartouchePen.setWidth( thickWidth );
painter.setPen ( cartouchePen );
painter.drawRect( cartoucheRect );
// The title & horizontal separator.
string title = getString(_cellWidget->getCell()->getName());
cartouchePen.setWidth( thinWidth );
painter.setPen ( cartouchePen );
painter.drawLine( titleRect.bottomLeft(), titleRect.bottomRight() );
painter.setFont ( font );
painter.drawText( titleRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter, title.c_str() );
// The user's name.
QRect fieldRect = QRect ( cartoucheRect.x()
, cartoucheRect.y() + titleHeight()
, userFieldWidth
, cartoucheHeight() - titleHeight()
font.setPointSize( 11 );
painter.setFont ( font );
painter.drawLine ( fieldRect.topRight(), fieldRect.bottomRight() );
painter.drawText ( fieldRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter, getUserName().c_str() );
// The date.
string date = getTime ( "%d %b %Y" );
fieldRect = QRect ( cartoucheRect.x() + userFieldWidth
, cartoucheRect.y() + titleHeight()
, dateFieldWidth
, cartoucheHeight() - titleHeight()
font.setWeight ( QFont::Normal );
painter.setFont ( font );
painter.drawLine( fieldRect.topRight(), fieldRect.bottomRight() );
painter.drawText( fieldRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter, date.c_str() );
// The Unit.
QString unit = getUnitQString();
fieldRect = QRect ( cartoucheRect.x() + userFieldWidth + dateFieldWidth
, cartoucheRect.y() + titleHeight()
, unitFieldWidth
, cartoucheHeight() - titleHeight()
font.setWeight ( QFont::Normal );
painter.setFont ( font );
painter.drawLine( fieldRect.topRight(), fieldRect.bottomRight() );
painter.drawText( fieldRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter, unit );
// The Area.
Box area;
QString sarea;
if (fitOnAbutmentBox()) {
area = _cellWidget->getCell()->getAbutmentBox();
sarea += "A.Box. (";
} else {
area = _cellWidget->getVisibleArea();
sarea += "area (";
sarea += dbuToPrinterString( area.getXMin() ) + " "
+ dbuToPrinterString( area.getYMin() ) + ") ("
+ dbuToPrinterString( area.getXMax() ) + " "
+ dbuToPrinterString( area.getYMax() ) + ")";
fieldRect = QRect ( cartoucheRect.x() + userFieldWidth + dateFieldWidth + unitFieldWidth
, cartoucheRect.y() + titleHeight()
, areaFieldWidth
, cartoucheHeight() - titleHeight()
//painter.drawLine( fieldRect.topRight(), fieldRect.bottomRight() );
painter.drawText( fieldRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignHCenter, sarea );
void CellPrinter::toPdf ( QPrinter* printer, bool imageOnly )
//int screenResolution = resolution();
if (printer == NULL) return;
if (_cellWidget->getCell() == NULL) return;
_printer = printer;
_printer->setResolution ( _dpi );
_printer->setPageMargins( QMarginsF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), QPageLayout::Millimeter );
_paperWidth = _printer->width ();
_paperHeight = _printer->height ();
_drawingWidth = _paperWidth - (frameMargin()<<1);
_drawingHeight = _paperHeight - (frameMargin()<<1);
_xpaper = (imageOnly) ? 0 : frameMargin();
_ypaper = (imageOnly) ? 0 : frameMargin();
// Substract the cartouche size only for A4 format.
if ( _printer->pageLayout().orientation() == QPageLayout::Landscape ) {
_drawingWidth -= cartoucheHeight();
} else {
_drawingHeight -= cartoucheHeight();
// Compute the delta size between CellPrinter and CellWidget.
//cerr << "Printer/Screen settings:" << endl;
//cerr << " Paper size: " << _printer->paperSize() << endl;
//cerr << " Resolution (DPI): " << _printer->resolution() << " (screen:" << screenResolution << ")" << endl;
//cerr << " (paperw,paperh) = (" << _paperWidth << "," << _paperHeight << ")" << endl;
//cerr << " CellPrinter: " << geometry().width() << "x" << geometry().height() << endl;
//cerr << " CellWidget: " << _cellWidget->geometry().width() << "x" << _cellWidget->geometry().height() << endl;
//cerr << " ScreenCellWidget: " << _screenCellWidget->geometry().width() << "x" << _screenCellWidget->geometry().height() << endl;
//cerr << " resize: " << _drawingWidth << "x" << _drawingHeight << endl;
//cerr << " AbutmentBox: " << _cellWidget->getCell()->getAbutmentBox() << endl;
//cerr << " visibleArea: " << _cellWidget->getVisibleArea() << endl;
// Resize the pixel window to the size of the paper usable area.
// Then redraw the same visible area (in Hurricane coordinates).
// if (_printer->orientation() == QPrinter::Landscape) {
// swap( _drawingHeight, _drawingWidth );
// swap( _xpaper , _ypaper );
// }
resize( _drawingWidth, _drawingHeight );
Box visibleArea = _screenCellWidget->getVisibleArea();
if ( visibleArea.contains(_screenCellWidget->getCell()->getAbutmentBox()) ) {
setFitOnAbutmentBox( true );
} else {
_cellWidget->reframe( _screenCellWidget->getVisibleArea() );
//cerr << " After resize CellWidget: " << _cellWidget->geometry().width() << "x" << _cellWidget->geometry().height() << endl;
//cerr << " VisibleArea(printer): " << _cellWidget->getVisibleArea() << endl;
//cerr << " VisibleArea(screen): " << _screenCellWidget->getVisibleArea() << endl;
//cerr << " (xpaper,ypaper) = (" << _xpaper << "," << _ypaper << ")" << endl;
//cerr << " (dw,dh) = (" << _drawingWidth << "," << _drawingHeight << ")" << endl;
CellWidget::PainterCb_t cb = boost::bind( &CellPrinter::pageDecorate, this, boost::placeholders::_1 );
_cellWidget->copyToPrinter( _xpaper, _ypaper, _printer, cb );
_printer = NULL;
int CellPrinter::_scalePixels ( int pixels )
{ return (int)( (float)_dpi/150.0 * (float)pixels ); }
string CellPrinter::_getString () const
ostringstream s;
s << "<CellPrinter ";
//Cell* cell = getCellWidget()->getState()->getCell();
//if (cell) s << getString(cell->getName());
//else s << "No_Cell_Loaded";
s << ">";
return s.str();
} // End of Hurricane namespace.