383 lines
14 KiB
383 lines
14 KiB
#include "coloquinte/solvers.hxx"
#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace coloquinte{
namespace gp{
linear_system linear_system::operator+(linear_system const & o) const{
if(o.internal_size() != internal_size()){ throw std::runtime_error("Mismatched system sizes"); }
linear_system ret(target_.size() + o.target_.size() - internal_size(), internal_size());
ret.matrix_ = matrix_;
std::vector<matrix_triplet> omatrix = o.matrix_;
for(matrix_triplet & t : omatrix){
if(t.c_ >= internal_size()){
t.c_ += (target_.size() - internal_size());
if(t.r_ >= internal_size()){
t.r_ += (target_.size() - internal_size());
ret.matrix_.insert(ret.matrix_.end(), omatrix.begin(), omatrix.end());
// ret.target_.resize(target_.size() + o.target_.size() - internal_size);
for(index_t i=0; i<internal_size(); ++i){
ret.target_[i] = target_[i] + o.target_[i];
for(index_t i=internal_size(); i<target_.size(); ++i){
ret.target_[i] = target_[i];
for(index_t i=internal_size(); i<o.target_.size(); ++i){
ret.target_[i + target_.size() - internal_size()] = o.target_[i];
return ret;
// The classical compressed sparse row storage
struct csr_matrix{
std::vector<std::uint32_t> row_limits, col_indexes;
std::vector<float> values, diag;
std::vector<float> mul(std::vector<float> const & x) const;
std::vector<float> solve_CG(std::vector<float> const & goal, std::vector<float> guess, std::uint32_t min_iter, std::uint32_t max_iter, float tol) const;
csr_matrix(std::vector<std::uint32_t> const & row_l, std::vector<std::uint32_t> const & col_i, std::vector<float> const & vals, std::vector<float> const D) : row_limits(row_l), col_indexes(col_i), values(vals), diag(D){
assert(values.size() == col_indexes.size());
assert(diag.size()+1 == row_limits.size());
// A matrix with successive rows padded to the same length and accessed column-major; hopefully a little better
template<std::uint32_t unroll_len>
struct ellpack_matrix{
std::vector<std::uint32_t> row_limits, col_indexes;
std::vector<float> values, diag;
std::vector<float> mul(std::vector<float> const & x) const;
std::vector<float> solve_CG(std::vector<float> goal, std::vector<float> guess, std::uint32_t min_iter, std::uint32_t max_iter, float tol) const;
ellpack_matrix(std::vector<std::uint32_t> const & row_l, std::vector<std::uint32_t> const & col_i, std::vector<float> const & vals, std::vector<float> const D) : row_limits(row_l), col_indexes(col_i), values(vals), diag(D){
assert(values.size() == col_indexes.size());
assert(diag.size() % unroll_len == 0);
assert((row_limits.size()-1) * unroll_len == diag.size() );
assert(row_limits.back() * unroll_len == values.size());
assert(values.size() % unroll_len == 0);
assert(col_indexes.size() % unroll_len == 0);
// The proxy matrix for compressed sparse storage
class doublet_matrix{
std::vector<std::uint32_t> row_limits;
std::vector<matrix_doublet> doublets;
std::uint32_t size;
void get_compressed(std::vector<std::uint32_t> & limits, std::vector<matrix_doublet> & elements, std::vector<float> & diag) const;
doublet_matrix(std::vector<matrix_triplet> const & triplets, std::uint32_t size);
csr_matrix get_compressed_matrix() const;
template<std::uint32_t unroll_len>
ellpack_matrix<unroll_len> get_ellpack_matrix() const;
doublet_matrix::doublet_matrix(std::vector<matrix_triplet> const & triplets, std::uint32_t n) : size(n){
row_limits.resize(size+1, 0);
// First store the row sizes in the array
for(uint32_t i=0; i<triplets.size(); ++i){
// The total size of the uncompressed matrix
uint32_t tot_triplets=0;
// Get the beginning position of each row in the csr matrix
for(uint32_t i=1; i<n+1; ++i){
uint32_t new_tot_triplets = tot_triplets + row_limits[i];
row_limits[i] = tot_triplets; // Stores the beginning of the row
tot_triplets = new_tot_triplets;
assert(tot_triplets == triplets.size());
// Now we know the size and can allocate storage for the indices and values
// We store the triplets in the new storage and tranform beginning positions into end positions
for(uint32_t i=0; i<triplets.size(); ++i){
doublets[row_limits[triplets[i].r_+1]] = matrix_doublet(triplets[i].c_, triplets[i].val_);
++row_limits[triplets[i].r_+1]; // row_limits will hold the end position of the row
void doublet_matrix::get_compressed(std::vector<std::uint32_t> & sizes, std::vector<matrix_doublet> & elements, std::vector<float> & diag) const{
assert(size+1 == row_limits.size());
diag.resize(size, 0.0);
std::vector<matrix_doublet> tmp_doublets = doublets;
for(uint32_t i=0; i<size; ++i){
// Sort the elements in the row
std::sort(tmp_doublets.begin() + row_limits[i], tmp_doublets.begin() + row_limits[i+1]);
// Compress them and extract the diagonal
std::uint32_t l=0;
matrix_doublet cur(tmp_doublets[row_limits[i]]);
for(uint32_t j=row_limits[i]+1; j<row_limits[i+1]; ++j){
if(tmp_doublets[j].c_ == cur.c_){
cur.val_ += tmp_doublets[j].val_;
if(i != cur.c_){
diag[i] = cur.val_;
cur = tmp_doublets[j];
if(i != cur.c_){
diag[i] = cur.val_;
sizes[i] = l;
csr_matrix doublet_matrix::get_compressed_matrix() const{
std::vector<matrix_doublet> tmp_doublets;
std::vector<std::uint32_t> sizes;
std::vector<float> diag;
get_compressed(sizes, tmp_doublets, diag);
// Get the limits of each row
std::vector<std::uint32_t> new_row_limits(row_limits.size());
new_row_limits[0] = 0;
for(std::uint32_t i=0; i<size; ++i){
new_row_limits[i+1] = new_row_limits[i] + sizes[i];
// Store the doublets to the sparse storage
std::vector<std::uint32_t> col_indices(tmp_doublets.size());
std::vector<float> values(tmp_doublets.size());
for(std::uint32_t i=0; i<tmp_doublets.size(); ++i){
col_indices[i] = tmp_doublets[i].c_;
values[i] = tmp_doublets[i].val_;
return csr_matrix(new_row_limits, col_indices, values, diag);
template<std::uint32_t unroll_len>
ellpack_matrix<unroll_len> doublet_matrix::get_ellpack_matrix() const{
std::vector<matrix_doublet> tmp_doublets;
std::vector<std::uint32_t> sizes;
std::vector<float> diag;
get_compressed(sizes, tmp_doublets, diag);
std::uint32_t unrolled_size = (diag.size() % unroll_len == 0)? diag.size()/unroll_len : diag.size() / unroll_len + 1;
sizes.resize(unroll_len * unrolled_size, 0);
diag.resize(unroll_len * unrolled_size, 1.0);
// Store the maximum size of a group of rows
std::vector<std::uint32_t> new_row_limits(unrolled_size+1);
new_row_limits[0] = 0;
for(std::uint32_t i=0; i<unrolled_size; ++i){
std::uint32_t max_sz = sizes[unroll_len*i];
for(int j=1; j<unroll_len; ++j){
max_sz = std::max(max_sz, sizes[unroll_len*i + j]);
new_row_limits[i+1] = new_row_limits[i] + max_sz;
std::vector<std::uint32_t> col_indices(unroll_len * new_row_limits.back());
std::vector<float> values(unroll_len * new_row_limits.back());
std::uint32_t d = 0;
for(std::uint32_t i=0; i<sizes.size(); ++i){ // For every line
std::uint32_t ui = i/unroll_len;
std::uint32_t k = i%unroll_len;
std::uint32_t max_sz = new_row_limits[ui+1] - new_row_limits[ui];
std::uint32_t row_begin = new_row_limits[ui];
for(std::uint32_t j=0; j<sizes[i]; ++j, ++d){ // For the non-zero values
col_indices[unroll_len * (row_begin+j) + k] = tmp_doublets[d].c_;
values[unroll_len * (row_begin+j) + k] = tmp_doublets[d].val_;
for(std::uint32_t j=sizes[i]; j<max_sz; ++j){ // For the padding zeroes
col_indices[unroll_len * (row_begin+j) + k] = 0;
values[unroll_len * (row_begin+j) + k] = 0;
return ellpack_matrix<unroll_len>(new_row_limits, col_indices, values, diag);
std::vector<float> csr_matrix::mul(std::vector<float> const & x) const{
std::vector<float> res(x.size());
assert(x.size() == diag.size());
for(std::uint32_t i=0; i<diag.size(); ++i){
res[i] = diag[i] * x[i];
for(std::uint32_t j=row_limits[i]; j<row_limits[i+1]; ++j){
res[i] += values[j] * x[col_indexes[j]];
return res;
template<std::uint32_t unroll_len>
std::vector<float> ellpack_matrix<unroll_len>::mul(std::vector<float> const & x) const{
std::vector<float> res(x.size());
assert(x.size() % unroll_len == 0);
assert(x.size() == diag.size());
for(std::uint32_t i=0; i+1<row_limits.size(); ++i){
float cur[unroll_len];
for(int k=0; k<unroll_len; ++k){
cur[k] = diag[unroll_len*i+k] * x[unroll_len*i+k];
for(std::uint32_t j=row_limits[i]; j<row_limits[i+1]; ++j){
for(int k=0; k<unroll_len; ++k){
cur[k] += values[unroll_len*j+k] * x[col_indexes[unroll_len*j+k]];
for(int k=0; k<unroll_len; ++k){
res[unroll_len*i+k] = cur[k];
return res;
template<std::uint32_t unroll_len>
float dot_prod(std::vector<float> const & a, std::vector<float> const & b){
assert(a.size() == b.size());
float vals[unroll_len];
for(int j=0; j<unroll_len; ++j) vals[j] = 0.0;
for(std::uint32_t i=0; i<a.size() / unroll_len; ++i){
for(int j=0; j<unroll_len; ++j){
vals[j] += a[unroll_len*i + j] * b[unroll_len*i + j];
float res = 0.0;
for(int j=0; j<unroll_len; ++j) res += vals[j];
for(int i = unroll_len*(a.size() / unroll_len); i< a.size(); ++i){
res += a[i] * b[i];
return res;
std::vector<float> csr_matrix::solve_CG(std::vector<float> const & goal, std::vector<float> x, std::uint32_t min_iter, std::uint32_t max_iter, float tol_ratio) const{
std::uint32_t n = diag.size();
assert(goal.size() == n);
assert(x.size() == n);
std::vector<float> r, p(n), z(n), mul_res, preconditioner(n);
r = mul(x);
for(uint32_t i=0; i<n; ++i){
r[i] = goal[i] - r[i];
preconditioner[i] = 1.0/diag[i];
z[i] = preconditioner[i] * r[i];
p[i] = z[i];
float cross_norm = dot_prod<16>(r, z);
float_t const epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float_t>::min();
float start_norm = cross_norm;
for(uint32_t k=0; k < max_iter; ++k){
mul_res = mul(p);
float_t pr_prod = dot_prod<16>(p, mul_res);
float_t alpha = cross_norm / pr_prod;
not std::isfinite(cross_norm) or not std::isfinite(alpha) or not std::isfinite(pr_prod)
or cross_norm <= epsilon or alpha <= epsilon or pr_prod <= epsilon
// Update the result
for(uint32_t i=0; i<n; ++i){
x[i] = x[i] + alpha * p[i];
r[i] = r[i] - alpha * mul_res[i];
z[i] = preconditioner[i] * r[i];
float new_cross_norm = dot_prod<16>(r, z);
// Update the scaled residual and the search direction
if(k >= min_iter && new_cross_norm <= tol_ratio * start_norm){
float beta = new_cross_norm / cross_norm;
cross_norm = new_cross_norm;
for(uint32_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
p[i] = z[i] + beta * p[i];
return x;
template<std::uint32_t unroll_len>
std::vector<float> ellpack_matrix<unroll_len>::solve_CG(std::vector<float> goal, std::vector<float> x, std::uint32_t min_iter, std::uint32_t max_iter, float tol_ratio) const{
std::uint32_t n = diag.size();
std::uint32_t old_n = x.size();
assert(goal.size() == x.size());
x.resize(diag.size(), 0.0);
goal.resize(diag.size(), 0.0);
std::vector<float> r, p(n), z(n), mul_res, preconditioner(n);
r = mul(x);
for(uint32_t i=0; i<n; ++i){
r[i] = goal[i] - r[i];
preconditioner[i] = 1.0/diag[i];
z[i] = preconditioner[i] * r[i];
p[i] = z[i];
float cross_norm = dot_prod<unroll_len>(r, z);
float start_norm = cross_norm;
for(uint32_t k=0; k < max_iter; ++k){
mul_res = mul(p);
float alpha = cross_norm / dot_prod<unroll_len>(p, mul_res);
// Update the result
for(uint32_t i=0; i<n; ++i){
x[i] = x[i] + alpha * p[i];
r[i] = r[i] - alpha * mul_res[i];
z[i] = preconditioner[i] * r[i];
float new_cross_norm = dot_prod<unroll_len>(r, z);
// Update the scaled residual and the search direction
if(k >= min_iter && new_cross_norm <= tol_ratio * start_norm){
float beta = new_cross_norm / cross_norm;
cross_norm = new_cross_norm;
for(uint32_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
p[i] = z[i] + beta * p[i];
return x;
std::vector<float_t> linear_system::solve_CG(std::vector<float_t> guess, index_t nbr_iter){
doublet_matrix tmp(matrix_, size());
csr_matrix mat = tmp.get_compressed_matrix();
//ellpack_matrix<16> mat = tmp.get_ellpack_matrix<16>();
guess.resize(target_.size(), 0.0);
auto ret = mat.solve_CG(target_, guess, nbr_iter, nbr_iter, 0.0);
return ret;