679 lines
22 KiB
679 lines
22 KiB
// This file is part of the Coriolis Project.
// Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM
// Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
// Main contributors :
// Christophe Alexandre <Christophe.Alexandre@lip6.fr>
// Sophie Belloeil <Sophie.Belloeil@lip6.fr>
// Hugo Clément <Hugo.Clement@lip6.fr>
// Jean-Paul Chaput <Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr>
// Damien Dupuis <Damien.Dupuis@lip6.fr>
// Christian Masson <Christian.Masson@lip6.fr>
// Marek Sroka <Marek.Sroka@lip6.fr>
// The Coriolis Project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// The Coriolis Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the Coriolis Project; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// License-Tag
// Date : 29/01/2004
// Author : Christophe Alexandre <Christophe.Alexandre@lip6.fr>
// Authors-Tag
#include "Cell.h"
#include "HyperNet.h"
#include "CTimer.h"
#include "CDataBase.h"
#include "CCellGauge.h"
using namespace CRL;
#include "Nimbus.h"
using namespace NIMBUS;
#include "Surface.h"
#include "Row.h"
#include "SimAnnealingPlacer.h"
#include "BBPlacer.h"
#include "Mauka.h"
namespace MAUKA {
namespace {
Name MaukaName("Mauka");
Mauka::Mauka(Cell* cell)
// *************************
: Inherit(cell)
, _params()
, _displaySlot(NULL)
, _instanceOccurrencesVector()
, _instanceOccurrencesMap()
, _instanceWidths()
, _instanceNets()
, _nets()
, _netInstances()
, _netInitX()
, _netInitY()
, _hasInitX()
, _hasInitY()
, _surface(NULL)
, _simAnnealingPlacer(NULL)
, _bbPlacer(NULL)
Mauka* Mauka::create(Cell* cell, double searchratio, Box placementbox)
// *******************************************************************
Mauka* mauka = new Mauka(cell);
mauka->_postCreate(placementbox, searchratio);
return mauka;
void Mauka::_postCreate(Box& placementbox, double searchratio)
// ***********************************************************
//_simAnnealingPlacer = new SimAnnealingPlacer(this, 1, 0.0, 0.0);
_simAnnealingPlacer = new SimAnnealingPlacer(this, 0.9, 0.05, 0.05);
_displaySlot = DisplaySlot::create(getCell(),MaukaName,139,0,139);
_surface = Surface::create(this, placementbox, searchratio);
#if 0
void Mauka::ReInit()
// *******************
Box placementBox = _surface->getBox();
_surface = Surface::create(this, placementBox);
_simAnnealingPlacer = SimAnnealingPlacer::create(this);
void Mauka::Run()
CTimer timer;
while (_simAnnealingPlacer->Iterate())
if (_verbosity.MajorStatsIsOn())
if (_params.plotBins)
if (_verbosity.SystemResourcesIsOn())
cout << endl << " o Simulated Annealing run took " << timer.getUserTime() << " s ..." << endl;
_bbPlacer = new BBPlacer(this);
namespace {
void VerifyPathCellBox(const Occurrence& occurrence)
//On occurrence Path set all cells Abox to (0,0,0,0) if Box is empty
//This avoids bad Transfos on Path
Path path = occurrence.getPath();
while (!path.isEmpty())
Instance* instance = path.getHeadInstance();
Cell* model = instance->getMasterCell();
if (model->getAbutmentBox().isEmpty())
model->setAbutmentBox(Box(Point(0,0), Point(0,0)));
path = path.getTailPath();
void Mauka::Construct()
// **********************
typedef map<Occurrence, unsigned> InstanceOccurrenceMap;
typedef set<Instance*> InstanceSet;
typedef map<Net*, unsigned> NetMap;
InstanceSet instanceSet;
NetMap netMap;
unsigned instanceId = 0;
unsigned netId = 0;
DbU::Unit standardCellHeight = 0;
for_each_occurrence(occurrence, getCell()->getLeafInstanceOccurrences())
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(occurrence.getEntity());
if (!instance->isFixed())
//cerr << "unplaced " << occurrence << occurrence.getBoundingBox() << endl;
Cell* model = instance->getMasterCell();
DbU::Unit insWidth = model->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
DbU::Unit insHeight = model->getAbutmentBox().getHeight();
if (standardCellHeight == 0)
standardCellHeight = insHeight;
else if (insHeight != standardCellHeight)
throw Error("All non-standard instances : "
+ getString(instance->getName())
+ " must be placed");
InstanceSet::iterator isit = instanceSet.find(instance);
if (isit != instanceSet.end())
cerr << "Unplaced Instance : " << *isit << endl;
cerr << "Unplaced Occurrence : " << occurrence << endl;
cerr << (*isit)->getPlacementStatus() << endl;
throw Error("Each unplaced instance must have one occurrence only");
_instanceOccurrencesMap[occurrence] = instanceId++;
if (_instanceOccurrencesVector.size() == 0)
throw Error("No Instance to place...");
typedef set<Net*> NetSet;
NetSet treatedNets;
for (InstanceOccurrencesVector::const_iterator iovit = _instanceOccurrencesVector.begin();
iovit != _instanceOccurrencesVector.end();
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(iovit->getEntity());
for_each_plug(plug, instance->getConnectedPlugs())
Net* net = plug->getNet();
if (net->isGlobal())
typedef list<Occurrence> InstanceOccurrenceList;
InstanceOccurrenceList instanceOccurrenceList;
Occurrence rootNetOccurrence = getHyperNetRootNetOccurrence(Occurrence(net, iovit->getPath()));
Net* rootNet = static_cast<Net*>(rootNetOccurrence.getEntity());
NetSet::iterator snit = treatedNets.find(rootNet);
if (snit != treatedNets.end())
HyperNet hyperNet(rootNetOccurrence);
typedef list<Point> PointList;
PointList pointList;
for_each_occurrence(occurrence, hyperNet.getNetOccurrences())
Instance* instance = occurrence.getPath().getTailInstance();
if (instance && instance->isLeaf())
Occurrence instanceOccurrence = Occurrence(instance, occurrence.getPath().getHeadPath());
if (instance->isFixed())
unsigned pointListSize = pointList.size();
Point fixedPoint(0,0);
if (pointListSize > 0)
for (PointList::iterator plit = pointList.begin();
plit != pointList.end();
fixedPoint.setX(fixedPoint.getX() + plit->getX() / pointListSize);
fixedPoint.setY(fixedPoint.getY() + plit->getY() / pointListSize);
if ((instanceOccurrenceList.size() < 2) && pointListSize == 0)
if (pointListSize > 0)
netMap[net] = netId;
for (InstanceOccurrenceList::iterator iolit = instanceOccurrenceList.begin();
iolit != instanceOccurrenceList.end();
InstanceOccurrenceMap::const_iterator iomit = _instanceOccurrencesMap.find(*iolit);
if (iomit == _instanceOccurrencesMap.end())
cerr << "cannot find " << iomit->first << endl;
throw Error("Error in netsInstances construction in SimAnnealingPlacer");
//debug ... display netlist
for (unsigned instanceId = 0; instanceId < _instanceOccurrencesVector.size(); instanceId++)
cerr << "instance " << _instanceOccurrencesVector[instanceId] << endl;
cerr << "is connected to " << endl;
for (UVector::const_iterator uvit = _instanceNets[instanceId].begin();
uvit != _instanceNets[instanceId].end();
unsigned netid = *uvit;
cerr << _nets[netid] << endl;
for (UVector::const_iterator nuvit = _netInstances[netid].begin();
nuvit != _netInstances[netid].end();
cerr << _instanceOccurrencesVector[*nuvit] << endl;
cerr << endl;
cerr << endl;
bool Mauka::Iterate()
// ******************
bool canContinue = _simAnnealingPlacer->Iterate();
return canContinue;
void Mauka::_preDestroy()
// *********************
if (_simAnnealingPlacer)
delete _simAnnealingPlacer;
if (_bbPlacer)
delete _bbPlacer;
Record* Mauka::_getRecord() const
// ************************
Record* record = Inherit::_getRecord();
if (record) {
record->add(getSlot("Surface", _surface));
return record;
const Name& Mauka::getName() const
// *******************************
return MaukaName;
void Mauka::Save() const
// *********************
if (_bbPlacer)
else if (_simAnnealingPlacer)
Mauka* getMauka(const Cell* cell)
// ******************************
return static_cast<Mauka*>(getCEngine(cell, MaukaName));
namespace {
class TestSubRow : public Box {
public: DbU::Unit _size; // sum of the contained instances width
public: TestSubRow(const Box& box): Box(box), _size(0) {}
typedef list<TestSubRow*> TestSubRowsList;
typedef vector<Occurrence> InstanceOccurrencesVector;
typedef list<Occurrence> InstanceOccurrencesList;
void DestroyTestSubRows(TestSubRowsList& testsubrowslist)
for (TestSubRowsList::iterator tsrlit = testsubrowslist.begin();
tsrlit != testsubrowslist.end();
delete *tsrlit;
struct sortInstanceOccurrencesByWidth
bool operator()(Occurrence occurrence1, Occurrence occurrence2)
Instance* instance1 = static_cast<Instance*>(occurrence1.getEntity());
Instance* instance2 = static_cast<Instance*>(occurrence2.getEntity());
return instance1->getAbutmentBox().getWidth() > instance2->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
bool TryDisplayInstancesInSubRows(
InstanceOccurrencesVector& instanceoccurrencesvector, TestSubRowsList& testsubrowslist)
// Try Insert instances in subrows
sort(instanceoccurrencesvector.begin(), instanceoccurrencesvector.end(), sortInstanceOccurrencesByWidth());
TestSubRowsList::iterator tsrlit = testsubrowslist.begin();
InstanceOccurrencesVector::const_iterator insIterator = instanceoccurrencesvector.begin();
InstanceOccurrencesVector::const_iterator lastLoopInsertedInsIterator = insIterator;
while(insIterator != instanceoccurrencesvector.end())
if (tsrlit == testsubrowslist.end())
tsrlit = testsubrowslist.begin();
if (lastLoopInsertedInsIterator != insIterator)
lastLoopInsertedInsIterator = insIterator;
return false;
TestSubRow* testSubRow = *tsrlit;
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(insIterator->getEntity());
Cell* model = instance->getMasterCell();
DbU::Unit insWidth = model->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
if (insWidth <= testSubRow->getWidth() - testSubRow->_size)
testSubRow->_size += insWidth;
return true;
bool TestMaukaConstruction(Cell* cell, GCell* gcell)
// *************************************************
DbU::Unit pitch = getCDataBase()->getDefaultCGPitch();
DbU::Unit sliceHeight = getCDataBase()->getDefaultCGSliceHeight();
const Box& box = gcell->getBox();
if (box.isEmpty() || box.isPonctual() ||box.isFlat())
throw Error("Wrong Box for GCell");
if (box.getHeight() % sliceHeight)
throw Error("Box Height must be a multiple of Slice Height");
InstanceOccurrencesList fixedInstanceOccurrenceList;
InstanceOccurrencesVector toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesVector;
//search for preplaced leaf instances
DbU::Unit instanceToPlaceWidthMax = 0;
for_each_occurrence(occurrence, cell->getLeafInstanceOccurrencesUnder(gcell->getBox()))
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(occurrence.getEntity());
if (instance->isFixed())
Cell* model = instance->getMasterCell();
DbU::Unit insWidth = model->getAbutmentBox().getWidth();
if (instanceToPlaceWidthMax > insWidth)
instanceToPlaceWidthMax = insWidth;
DbU::Unit binWidthMax = DbU::lambda((unsigned)(
2.0 * getValue(instanceToPlaceWidthMax) / getValue(pitch)) * getValue(pitch));
DbU::Unit binWidthMin = DbU::lambda((unsigned)(
getValue(binWidthMax) / (getValue(pitch) * 2)) * getValue(pitch));
TestSubRowsList testSubRowsList;
if (fixedInstanceOccurrenceList.size() != 0)
int width = (unsigned)(gcell->getWidth() / pitch); //number of x pitch
int height = (unsigned)(gcell->getHeight() / sliceHeight); //number of y slices
Mauka::PrePlaceTab prePlaceTab(height, Mauka::PrePlaceRow(width, false));
for (InstanceOccurrencesList::iterator iolit = fixedInstanceOccurrenceList.begin();
iolit != fixedInstanceOccurrenceList.end();
Instance* instance = static_cast<Instance*>(iolit->getEntity());
Box instanceAbutmentBox = instance->getAbutmentBox();
Box preplacedBox = gcell->getIntersection(instanceAbutmentBox);
DbU::Unit insWidth = preplacedBox.getWidth();
DbU::Unit insHeight = preplacedBox.getHeight();
int insPitchWidth = (int)(insWidth / pitch); // largeur ramene au pitch
int insSliceHeight = (int)(insHeight / sliceHeight); // hauteur ramene a la hauteur du slice
int ypos = (int)((preplacedBox.getYMin() - gcell->getYMin()) / sliceHeight); // position en y ramene au slice
int xpos = (int)((preplacedBox.getXMin() - gcell->getXMin()) / pitch); // position en x ramene au pitch
for (int yit = ypos; yit < ypos + insSliceHeight; yit++)
for (int xit = xpos; xit < xpos + insPitchWidth; xit++)
if ( (xit > width - 1) || (yit > height - 1)
|| (xit < 0 ) || (yit < 0 ) )
cerr << " o ERROR : " << *iolit
<< " out of the abutment box" << endl;
if (prePlaceTab[yit][xit] == false)
prePlaceTab[yit][xit] = true;
cerr << " o ERROR : " << *iolit
<< " badly placed .... There is already an instance at its position ...."
<< endl;
exit (1);
for (int y = 0; y < (int)prePlaceTab.size(); y++)
int x = 0;
while (x < (int)prePlaceTab[y].size())
while ((x < (int)prePlaceTab[y].size()) && (prePlaceTab[y][x] == true))
DbU::Unit subRowXMin = gcell->getXMin() + x * pitch;
if (x >= (int)prePlaceTab[y].size())
while ((x < (int)prePlaceTab[y].size()) && (prePlaceTab[y][x] == false))
DbU::Unit subRowXMax = gcell->getXMin() + x * pitch;
if (subRowXMax - subRowXMin > binWidthMin)
testSubRowsList.push_back(new TestSubRow(
Box(subRowXMin, gcell->getYMin() + y * sliceHeight
, subRowXMax, gcell->getYMin() + (y+1) * sliceHeight)
for (DbU::Unit ymin = gcell->getYMin(); ymin <= gcell->getYMax() - sliceHeight; ymin += sliceHeight)
testSubRowsList.push_back(new TestSubRow(
Box(gcell->getXMin(), ymin, gcell->getXMax(), ymin + sliceHeight)
bool tryInstanceInsertion = TryDisplayInstancesInSubRows(toPlaceInstanceOccurrencesVector, testSubRowsList);
return tryInstanceInsertion;
void Mauka::PlotBinsStats() const
// ******************************
ofstream out("binsstats.gpl");
out << "set noxtics" << endl << "set noytics" << endl
<< "set noborder" << endl << "set nokey" << endl
<< "set title '" << getCell()->getName() << "'" << endl
<< "#set terminal postscript eps color solid" << endl
<< "#set output 'binsstats.ps'" << endl;
void Mauka::Plot() const
// *********************
static unsigned count = 0;
string cellNameString = getString(getCell()->getName())
+ "_" + getString(count) + ".gpl";
ofstream out(cellNameString.c_str());
out << "set noxtics" << endl << "set noytics" << endl
<< "set noborder" << endl << "set nokey" << endl
<< "set title '" << cellNameString << "'" << endl
<< "#set terminal postscript eps color solid" << endl << "#set output '"
<< cellNameString << ".ps'" << endl;
Box boundingBox = _surface->getBox();
out << "set xrange[" << boundingBox.getXMin()
<< ":" << boundingBox.getXMax() << "]" << endl
<< "set yrange[" << boundingBox.getYMin()
<< ":" << boundingBox.getYMax() << "]" << endl;
out << "plot [:][:][:][:] '-' w l, '-' w l 2, '-' w l 3, '-' w l 4" << endl;
// << "plot [:][:][:][:] '-' w l, '-' w l 2, '-' w l 3, '-' w l 4" << endl;
if (_bbPlacer)
out << "pause -1 'press any key'" << endl;
Box Mauka::PlotFixedPointsLabels(ofstream& out) const
// ****************************************************
Box boundingBox;
out << "#FixedPoints" << endl;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _netInstances.size(); i++)
if (_hasInitX[i])
out << "set label \""
<< getString(_nets[i]->getName()) << "\" at "
<< _netInitX[i] << "," << _netInitY[i] << " center"
<< endl;
boundingBox.merge(_netInitX[i], _netInitY[i]);
return boundingBox;
void Mauka::hide() {
if (_displaySlot != NULL) {
void Mauka::show() {
if (_displaySlot != NULL) {
unsigned Mauka::getRandomInstanceId() const {
unsigned instanceId = (unsigned)((double)_instanceOccurrencesVector.size() * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));
return instanceId;