Serge Rabyking 2046a1501f Added -fPIC compile option as required for python extensions
Added config directory to be determined through platformdirs package
Added pysetup directory with script and additional code to make
   properly assembled python wheel distribution.
   To make wheel run: python3 pysetup/ bdist_wheel
   When wheel installed into the system the 'coriolis' command available.
   Running coriolis from python package folder implemented
       through preloading of required *.so files in proper order
		(no need to install shared libraries in system folders).
2023-05-26 17:33:25 +01:00
CMakeLists.txt Migrating doc from Sphinx towards Pelican. 2020-02-03 17:44:15 +01:00
FindBISON.cmake UNSTABLE DO NOT UPDATE 2010-07-13 11:02:11 +00:00
FindBootstrap.cmake Added -fPIC compile option as required for python extensions 2023-05-26 17:33:25 +01:00
FindFLEX.cmake Compliance with Debian 10 Buster. 2020-03-19 18:18:35 +01:00
FindLEFDEF.cmake More PEP8 compliant Python code. Start rewrite Python/C++ wrappers. 2020-04-08 11:24:42 +02:00
FindLibbfd.cmake More reliable detection of libbfd. 2017-04-13 17:04:35 +02:00
FindLibexecinfo.cmake Fix library linking problem for gcc 9 and above (Ubuntu 20/Debian 11). 2021-11-22 00:05:48 +01:00
FindPelican.cmake Migrating doc from Sphinx towards Pelican. 2020-02-03 17:44:15 +01:00
FindPythonSitePackages.cmake Comprehensive reorganisation of the Python part of Coriolis. 2023-02-27 22:14:32 +01:00
FindQt4.cmake UNSTABLE DO NOT UPDATE 2010-07-13 11:02:11 +00:00
FindQwt.cmake Integration of the latest Coloquinte in Etesian & misc modifs. 2015-02-01 23:24:13 +01:00
FindSphinx.cmake Complete hoverhaul of the documentation to Sphinx. 2017-07-15 17:35:02 +02:00
GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake Re-added support for Chams & CMake support for Git hash retreival. 2014-03-02 11:45:42 +01:00 Re-added support for Chams & CMake support for Git hash retreival. 2014-03-02 11:45:42 +01:00