
457 lines
14 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | B o r a - A n a l o g S l i c i n g T r e e |
// | |
// | Authors : Eric LAO |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./HVSlicingNode.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "bora/HVSetState.h"
#include "bora/HSlicingNode.h"
#include "bora/RHSlicingNode.h"
namespace Bora {
using namespace std;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Bora::HSlicingNode".
int HSlicingNode::_count = 0;
int HSlicingNode::_countAll = 0;
HSlicingNode::HSlicingNode ( unsigned int type, unsigned int alignment )
: HVSlicingNode(type,alignment)
{ ++_count; }
HSlicingNode::~HSlicingNode ()
{ --_count; }
HSlicingNode* HSlicingNode::create ( unsigned int alignment )
return new HSlicingNode( HorizontalSNode, alignment );
void HSlicingNode::createRouting( DbU::Unit space )
push_back( RHSlicingNode::create( space ) );
void HSlicingNode::print () const
cerr << "- Print from Slicing Node - " << endl;
cerr << "SlicingType: Horizontal Node" << endl;
if (isAlignLeft ()) cerr << "Alignment : Left" << endl;
else if (isAlignCenter()) cerr << "Alignment : Middle" << endl;
else if (isAlignRight ()) cerr << "Alignment : Right" << endl;
else cerr << "Alignment : Unknown" << endl;
cerr << "Tolerances : RatioH: " << DbU::getPhysical(_toleranceRatioH,DbU::Micro)
<< ", RatioW: " << DbU::getPhysical(_toleranceRatioW,DbU::Micro)
<< ", BandH: " << DbU::getPhysical(_toleranceBandH ,DbU::Micro)
<< ", BandW: " << DbU::getPhysical(_toleranceBandW ,DbU::Micro) << endl;
HSlicingNode* HSlicingNode::clone ( unsigned int tr )
HSlicingNode* node = HSlicingNode::create( getAlignment() );
node->setTolerances( getToleranceRatioH()
, getToleranceRatioW()
, getToleranceBandH ()
, getToleranceBandW ()
node->setBoxSet ( getBoxSet() );
node->setNodeSets ( _nodeSets->clone() );
node->setPreset ( getPreset() );
node->setSet ( getSet() );
node->setPlaced ( getPlaced() );
node->setSymmetries( getSymmetries() );
for ( SlicingNode* child : _children ) {
if (tr == MY) node->push_front( child->clone(tr) );
else node->push_back ( child->clone(tr) );
return node;
void HSlicingNode::place ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y )
if (recursiveCheckSet()) {
if (not _slicingRouting.empty()) {
if (_slicingRouting.empty())
} else
cerr << Warning( "HSlicingNode::place(): The SlicingTree is not completely set." ) << endl;
void HSlicingNode::replace ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y )
// WARNING: This will change GCell edges.
if (recursiveCheckSet()) {
_place( x, y, true );
updateGCellPosition ();
updateGContacts ();
} else {
cerr << Warning( "HSlicingNode::replace(): The SlicingTree is not completely set." ) << endl;
void HSlicingNode::_place ( DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y, bool replace )
cdebug_log(536,1) << "HSlicingNode::_place(DbU::Unit,DbU::Unit,bool)" << endl;
vector<RHVSlicingNode*>::iterator itspace = _slicingRouting.begin();
DbU::Unit xref = x;
DbU::Unit yref = y;
if (isRoutingEstimated()) {
(*itspace)->_place( xref, yref, replace );
yref += (*itspace)->getHeight();
for ( SlicingNode* child : _children ) {
if ( (child->isHorizontal()) or (child->isVertical()) ) {
if (child->isAlignLeft()) {
child->setX( xref );
child->setY( yref );
} else if (child->isAlignCenter()) {
child->setX( xref + (getWidth()/2) - (child->getWidth()/2) );
child->setY( yref );
} else if (child->isAlignRight()) {
child->setX( xref + getWidth() - child->getWidth() );
child->setY( yref );
if (child->isAlignLeft() ) child->_place( xref , yref, replace);
else if (child->isAlignCenter()) child->_place( xref + (getWidth()/2) - (child->getWidth()/2), yref, replace);
else if (child->isAlignRight() ) child->_place( xref + getWidth() - child->getWidth() , yref, replace);
else if (child->isRouting() ) child->_place( xref , yref, replace);
else {
cerr << Warning( "HSlicingNode::_place(): Unknown Alignment in SlicingTree." ) << endl;
xref = x;
yref += child->getHeight();
if (isRoutingEstimated()) {
(*itspace)->_place( xref, yref, replace );
yref += (*itspace)->getHeight();
setPlaced( Placed );
void HSlicingNode::updateGlobalSize ()
cdebug_log(535,1) << "HSlicingNode::updateGlobalsize() - " << this << endl;
for ( SlicingNode* child : _children ) {
cdebug_log(535,0) << "child: " << child << endl;
if (not getMaster()) {
if (getNbChild() == 1) {
NodeSets* node = _children[0]->getNodeSets();
for ( BoxSet* bs : node->getBoxSets() ) {
vector<BoxSet*> bss;
bss.push_back( bs );
_nodeSets->push_back( bss, bs->getHeight(), bs->getWidth(), HorizontalSNode );
} else if ( not hasEmptyChildrenNodeSets() and _nodeSets->empty() ) {
HSetState state = HSetState( this );
while ( not state.end() );
_nodeSets = state.getNodeSets();
if (_nodeSets->empty())
cerr << Warning( "HSlicingNode::updateGlobalSize(): No solution has been found, try to set larger tolerances." ) << endl;
} else {
_nodeSets = _master->getNodeSets();
cdebug_log(535,0) << "Found " << _nodeSets->size() << " choices" << endl;
void HSlicingNode::preDestroy ()
void HSlicingNode::destroy ()
delete this;
void HSlicingNode::preRecursiveDestroy ()
void HSlicingNode::recursiveDestroy ()
delete this;
void HSlicingNode::createSlicingRouting ()
if (not _boxSet) {
cerr << Warning( "HSlicingNode::createSlicingRouting(): SlicingTree needs to be placed first." ) << endl;
size_t childrenCount = getNbChild();
size_t ichild = 0;
DbU::Unit x = getX();
DbU::Unit y = getY();
DbU::Unit heightValue = 0;
if (_parent) {
if (_parent->getType() == VerticalSNode) {
if ( (getAlignment() == AlignBottom) or (getAlignment() == AlignTop) ) {
heightValue = _parent->getHeight() - getHeight();
} else if (getAlignment() == AlignCenter) {
heightValue = (_parent->getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2;
DbU::Unit hpitch = _rg->getHorizontalPitch();
if (heightValue % hpitch)
cerr << Warning( "HSlicingNode::createSlicingRouting(): On %s, height is not pitched (%s, pitch:%s)."
, getString(this).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(heightValue).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(hpitch).c_str()
) << endl;
for ( size_t inode=0; inode<childrenCount+1; ++inode ) {
RHSlicingNode* node = NULL;
if (inode == 0) {
if ( (getAlignment() == AlignTop )
or (getAlignment() == AlignCenter) ) node = RHSlicingNode::create( heightValue );
else node = RHSlicingNode::create();
} else if (inode == childrenCount) {
if ( (getAlignment() == AlignBottom)
or (getAlignment() == AlignCenter) ) node = RHSlicingNode::create( heightValue );
else node = RHSlicingNode::create();
} else
node = RHSlicingNode::create();
node->setParent( this );
if (inode == 0) {
if (getAlignment() == AlignBottom) node->place( x, y );
else if ( (getAlignment() == AlignCenter)
or (getAlignment() == AlignTop) ) node->place( x, y-heightValue );
} else
node->place( x, y );
if (_master) node->setMaster( _master->getSlicingRouting(inode) );
_slicingRouting.push_back( node );
if (inode < childrenCount) y += getChild( ichild++ )->getHeight();
if (_master) {
if (isHSymmetry()) {
for ( size_t i=0; i<_slicingRouting.size(); ++i )
getSlicingRouting( i )->setMaster( _master->getSlicingRouting( _slicingRouting.size()-1-i ) );
} else {
for ( size_t i=0; i<_slicingRouting.size(); ++i )
getSlicingRouting( i )->setMaster( _master->getSlicingRouting( i ) );
} else if ( not _symmetries.empty() and isAlignCenter() ) {
for ( size_t i=0; i<(_slicingRouting.size()/2); ++i ) {
getSlicingRouting( _slicingRouting.size()-1-i )->setMaster( getSlicingRouting(i) );
for ( SlicingNode* child : _children ) {
if ( child->isHorizontal() or child->isVertical() ) child->createSlicingRouting();
setRoutingCreated( RoutingCreated );
DbU::Unit HSlicingNode::getHeight () const
DbU::Unit hpitch = _rg->getHorizontalPitch();
DbU::Unit height = 0;
if (isRoutingEstimated()){
for ( SlicingNode* child : _children ) height += child->getHeight();
for ( RHVSlicingNode* node : _slicingRouting ) height += node ->getHeight();
} else {
if (_boxSet != NULL) height = _boxSet->getHeight();
if (height % hpitch)
cerr << Warning( "HSlicingNode::getHeight(): On %s, height is not pitched (%s, pitch:%s)."
, getString(this).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(height).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(hpitch).c_str()
) << endl;
return height;
DbU::Unit HSlicingNode::getWidth () const
cdebug_log(536,0) << "HSlicingNode::getWidth()" << endl;
DbU::Unit vpitch = _rg->getVerticalPitch();
DbU::Unit width = 0;
if (isRoutingEstimated()) {
SlicingNode* m = NULL;
for ( SlicingNode* node : _children ) {
if ( (node->getType() != RoutingSNode) and (node->getWidth() > width) ) {
width = node->getWidth();
m = node;
if (m->isDevice()) width += vpitch*2;
} else {
if (_boxSet) width = _boxSet->getWidth();
if (width % vpitch)
cerr << Warning( "HSlicingNode::getWidth(): On %s, width is not pitched (%s, pitch:%s)."
, getString(this).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(width).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(vpitch).c_str()
) << endl;
return width;
void HSlicingNode::setGCell ( Anabatic::GCell* gcell )
cdebug_log(535,1) << "HSlicingNode::setGCell(), start Y: "
<< _slicingRouting[0]->getY() << ", GCell:" << gcell << endl;
Anabatic::GCell* childGCell = gcell;
Anabatic::GCell* remainGCell = gcell;
DbU::Unit y = _slicingRouting[0]->getY();
for ( size_t ichild=0 ; ichild<_children.size() ; ++ichild ) {
// Setting up the GCell for the channel *before* the current child.
cdebug_log(535,0) << "node[" << ichild << "] height:"
<< DbU::getValueString(_slicingRouting[ ichild ]->getHeight()) << endl;
y += _slicingRouting[ ichild ]->getHeight();
remainGCell = childGCell->hcut( y );
_slicingRouting[ ichild ]->setGCell( childGCell );
childGCell = remainGCell;
// Setting up the GCell for the current child.
cdebug_log(535,0) << "children[" << ichild << "] height:"
<< DbU::getValueString(_children[ ichild ]->getHeight()) << endl;
y += _children[ ichild ]->getHeight();
remainGCell = childGCell->hcut( y );
_children[ ichild ]->setGCell( childGCell );
childGCell = remainGCell;
// Setting up the GCell for the channel *after* the last child.
_slicingRouting.back()->setGCell( childGCell );
void HSlicingNode::adjustBorderChannels ()
if (_parent) {
if (_parent->getHeight() > getHeight()) {
DbU::Unit space = _parent->getHeight() - getHeight();
if (getAlignment() == AlignTop) {
RHVSlicingNode* channel = _slicingRouting.front();
channel->setHeight( channel->getHeight() + space );
} else if (getAlignment() == AlignCenter) {
RHVSlicingNode* firstChannel = _slicingRouting.front();
RHVSlicingNode* lastChannel = _slicingRouting.back ();
firstChannel->setHeight( firstChannel->getHeight() + space/2 );
lastChannel ->setHeight( lastChannel ->getHeight() + space/2 );
} else if (getAlignment() == AlignBottom) {
RHVSlicingNode* channel = _slicingRouting.back();
channel->setHeight( channel->getHeight() + space );
for ( SlicingNode* child : _children ) child->adjustBorderChannels();
string HSlicingNode::_getString () const
string s = Super::_getString();
return s;
string HSlicingNode::_getTypeName () const
{ return "HSlicingNode"; }
} // Bora namespace.