266 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
266 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os.path
import optparse
import helpers
import Cfg
import Hurricane
import Viewer
import CRL
import Etesian
import Anabatic
import Katana
import Katabatic
import Kite
import Bora
import Tutorial
import Unicorn
except Exception, e:
helpers.showPythonTrace( sys.argv[0], e )
def setCgtBanner ( banner ):
banner.setPurpose('Coriolis Graphical Tool')
return banner
def credits ():
s = ''
s += ' Tool Credits\n'
s += ' Hurricane .................... Remy Escassut & Christian Masson\n'
s += ' Etesian - Placer .............................. Gabriel Gouvine\n'
s += ' Knik - Global Router ............................ Damien Dupuis\n'
s += ' Kite - Detailed Router ....................... Jean-Paul Chaput\n\n'
s += ' Contributors\n'
s += ' Sophie Belloeil, Hugo Clement, Marek Sroka, Wu Yifei\n'
s += ' Coloquinte software credits (used by Etesian)\n'
s += ' Author ........................................ Gabriel Gouvine\n'
s += ' FLUTE software credits (used by Knik)\n'
s += ' Author ........................................ Chris C. N. CHU\n'
s += ' Prof. Ident. ............................ Iowa State University\n'
s += ' URL ........................ http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~cnchu\n\n'
return s
def runScript ( scriptPath, editor ):
kw = { }
if editor: kw[ 'editor' ] = editor
sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.dirname(scriptPath) )
module = __import__( os.path.basename(scriptPath), globals(), locals() )
if not module.__dict__.has_key('scriptMain'):
print '[ERROR] Script module is missing function scriptMain().'
print ' <%s>' % scriptPath
if not callable( module.__dict__['scriptMain'] ):
print '[ERROR] Script module symbol scriptMain is not callable (not a function?).'
print ' <%s>' % scriptPath
module.__dict__['scriptMain']( **kw )
except ImportError, e:
#module = str(e).split()[-1]
#print '[ERROR] The <%s> script cannot be loaded.' % os.path.basename(scriptPath)
#print ' Please check your design hierarchy or the Python syntax.'
#print ' Error was:'
#print ' %s\n' % e
helpers.io.catch( e )
except Exception, e:
helpers.io.catch( e )
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = str(setCgtBanner(CRL.Banner()))
usage += '\ncgt [options]'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option( '--no-init' , action='store_true', dest='noInit' , help='Do not load any initialization.')
parser.add_option( '-c', '--cell' , type='string' , dest='cell' , help='The name of the cell to load, without extension.')
parser.add_option( '--acm-sigda-89' , type='string' , dest='acmSigdaName' , help='An ACM/SIGDA 89 bench name to load, without extension.')
parser.add_option( '--blif' , type='string' , dest='blifName' , help='A Blif (Yosys) design name to load, without extension.')
parser.add_option( '--ispd-05' , type='string' , dest='ispd05name' , help='An ISPD 05 bench (placement) name to load, without extension.')
parser.add_option( '--script' , type='string' , dest='script' , help='Run a Python or Stratus script.')
parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose' , action='store_true', dest='verbose' , help='First level of verbosity.')
parser.add_option( '-V', '--very-verbose' , action='store_true', dest='veryVerbose' , help='Second level of verbosity.')
parser.add_option( '-i', '--info' , action='store_true', dest='info' , help='Display lots of informational messages.')
parser.add_option( '--paranoid' , action='store_true', dest='paranoid' , help='Display everything that *may be* suspicious...')
parser.add_option( '-b', '--bug' , action='store_true', dest='bug' , help='Display bug related messages.')
parser.add_option( '--show-conf' , action='store_true', dest='showConf' , help='Display Kite configuration.')
parser.add_option( '-D', '--core-dump' , action='store_true', dest='coreDump' , help='Enable core-dump when a crash occurs.')
parser.add_option( '-L', '--log-mode' , action='store_true', dest='logMode' , help='Disable ANSI escape sequences in console output.')
parser.add_option( '-t', '--text' , action='store_true', dest='textMode' , help='Run in command line mode.')
parser.add_option( '-K', '--use-katana' , action='store_true', dest='useKatana' , help='Use Katana instead of Knik/Kite router.')
parser.add_option( '-m', '--margin' , type='float' , dest='margin' , help='Percentage of free area to add to the minimal placement area.')
parser.add_option( '-P', '--place' , action='store_true', dest='place' , help='Run the analytical placer (Etesian).')
parser.add_option( '-G', '--global-route' , action='store_true', dest='globalRoute' , help='Run the global router (Knik).')
parser.add_option( '-g', '--load-global' , action='store_true', dest='loadGlobal' , help='Reload a global routing from disk.')
parser.add_option( '--save-global' , action='store_true', dest='saveGlobal' , help='Save the global routing solution.')
parser.add_option( '--htracks-local' , type='int' , dest='hTracksLocal' , help='The amount of horizontal tracks reserved for the GCell local routing.')
parser.add_option( '--vtracks-local' , type='int' , dest='vTracksLocal' , help='The amount of vertical tracks reserved for the GCell local routing .')
parser.add_option( '--events-limit' , type='int' , dest='eventsLimit' , help='The maximum number of iterations (events) that the router is allowed to perform.')
parser.add_option( '-R', '--detail-route' , action='store_true', dest='detailRoute' , help='Run the detailed router (Kite).')
parser.add_option( '-M', '--dump-measures' , action='store_true', dest='dumpMeasures' , help='Dump some statistical measurements on the disk.')
parser.add_option( '-s', '--save-design' , type='string' , dest='saveDesign' , help='Save the routed design.')
parser.add_option( '--top-routing-layer', type='string' , dest='topRoutingLayer', help='Sets the top (upper) routing layer.')
parser.add_option( '--vst-use-concat' , action='store_true', dest='vstUseConcat' , help='The VST driver will use "&" (concat) in PORT MAP.')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
args.insert(0, 'cgt')
useKatana = False
flags = 0
if options.noInit:
flags |= CRL.AllianceFramework.NoPythonInit
af = CRL.AllianceFramework.create( flags )
if helpers.io.isVL(2): print af.getEnvironment().getPrint()
if options.coreDump: Cfg.getParamBool ('misc.catchCore' ).setBool(False)
if options.verbose: Cfg.getParamBool ('misc.verboseLevel1').setBool(True)
if options.veryVerbose: Cfg.getParamBool ('misc.verboseLevel2').setBool(True)
if options.info: Cfg.getParamBool ('misc.info' ).setBool(True)
if options.paranoid: Cfg.getParamBool ('misc.paranoid' ).setBool(True)
if options.bug: Cfg.getParamBool ('misc.bug' ).setBool(True)
if options.logMode: Cfg.getParamBool ('misc.logMode' ).setBool(True)
if options.showConf: Cfg.getParamBool ('misc.showConf' ).setBool(True)
if options.margin: Cfg.getParamPercentage('etesian.spaceMargin').setPercentage(options.margin)
if options.hTracksLocal: Cfg.getParamInt ('katana.hTracksReservedLocal').setInt(options.hTracksLocal)
if options.vTracksLocal: Cfg.getParamInt ('katana.vTracksReservedLocal').setInt(options.vTracksLocal)
if options.eventsLimit: Cfg.getParamInt ('katana.eventsLimit' ).setInt(options.eventsLimit)
if options.topRoutingLayer: Cfg.getParamString ('anabatic.topRoutingLayer' ).setString(options.topRoutingLayer)
if options.useKatana: useKatana = True
loadGlobal = options.loadGlobal
saveGlobal = options.saveGlobal
globalRoute = options.globalRoute
detailRoute = options.detailRoute
runEtesianTool = options.place
cell = None
if options.acmSigdaName:
cell = CRL.AcmSigda.load(options.acmSigdaName)
elif options.ispd05name:
cell = CRL.Ispd05.load(options.ispd05name)
elif options.blifName:
cell = CRL.Blif.load(options.blifName)
elif options.cell:
cell = af.getCell(options.cell, CRL.Catalog.State.Views)
runEtesianTool = False
loadGlobal = False
saveGlobal = False
globalRoute = False
detailRoute = False
if not options.textMode:
# Run in graphic mode.
ha = Viewer.HApplication.create(args)
unicorn = Unicorn.UnicornGui.create()
unicorn.setApplicationName ('cgt')
unicorn.registerTool (Etesian.GraphicEtesianEngine.grab())
unicorn.registerTool (Kite.GraphicKiteEngine.grab())
unicorn.registerTool (Katana.GraphicKatanaEngine.grab())
unicorn.registerTool (Bora.GraphicBoraEngine.grab())
unicorn.registerTool (Tutorial.GraphicTutorialEngine.grab())
unicorn.setLayerVisible ("grid" , False);
unicorn.setLayerVisible ("text.instance" , False);
unicorn.setLayerVisible ("text.component", False);
if options.script:
#print unicorn.getBanner()
#print credits()
if cell: unicorn.setCell(cell)
# Run in command line mode.
if options.script: runScript(options.script,None)
kiteSuccess = True
if runEtesianTool:
etesian = Etesian.EtesianEngine.create(cell)
#if options.showConf: etesian.printConfiguration()
if detailRoute and not (loadGlobal or globalRoute): globalRoute = True
runKiteTool = loadGlobal or globalRoute or detailRoute
if useKatana and runKiteTool:
runKiteTool = False
katana = Katana.KatanaEngine.create( cell )
#katana.printConfiguration ()
katana.digitalInit ()
katana.runGlobalRouter ( Katana.Flags.NoFlags )
katana.loadGlobalRouting ( Anabatic.EngineLoadGrByNet )
katana.layerAssign ( Anabatic.EngineNoNetLayerAssign )
katana.runNegociate ( Katana.Flags.NoFlags )
kiteSuccess = katana.isDetailedRoutingSuccess()
if runKiteTool:
if loadGlobal: globalFlags = Kite.KtLoadGlobalRouting
else: globalFlags = Kite.KtBuildGlobalRouting
routingNets = []
kite = Kite.KiteEngine.create(cell)
if options.showConf: kite.printConfiguration()
if saveGlobal: kite.saveGlobalSolution()
if detailRoute:
kite.loadGlobalRouting( Katabatic.EngineLoadGrByNet, routingNets )
kite.layerAssign ( Katabatic.EngineNoNetLayerAssign )
kite.runNegociate ()
kiteSuccess = kite.getToolSuccess()
if options.dumpMeasures:
if options.saveDesign:
views = CRL.Catalog.State.Physical
if options.vstUseConcat: views |= CRL.Catalog.State.VstUseConcat
if options.saveDesign != cell.getName():
views |= CRL.Catalog.State.Logical
af.saveCell(cell, views)
sys.exit(not kiteSuccess)
except Exception, e:
helpers.showPythonTrace( sys.argv[0], e )