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<H2><A NAME="SECTION000610000000000000000"></A>
<A NAME="secpads"></A>
<H3><A NAME="SECTION000610100000000000000">
PadNorth, PadSouth, PadEast, PasWest - Placement of pads at the periphery of the cell
<H3><A NAME="SECTION000610200000000000000">
PadNorth ( args )
<H3><A NAME="SECTION000610300000000000000">
These functions place the pads given as arguments at the given side of the cell (PadNorth : up north, PadSouth : down south ...).
Pads are placed from bottom to top for PadNorth and PadSouth and from left to right for PadWest and PasEast.
<H3><A NAME="SECTION000610400000000000000">
<LI><code>args</code> : List of pads to be placed
<H3><A NAME="SECTION000610500000000000000">
PadSouth ( self.p_cin, self.p_np, self.p_ng, self.p_vssick0
, self.p_vddeck0, self.p_vsseck1, self.p_vddeck1, self.p_cout
, self.p_y[0], self.p_y[1], self.p_y[2]
<H3><A NAME="SECTION000610600000000000000">
Some errors may occur :
<LI><code>[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : not enough space for all pads.</code>
The abutment box is not big enough in order to place all the pads. Maybe one could put pads on other faces of the cell.
<LI><code>[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : one instance doesn't exist.</code>
One of the pads given as arguments does not exist
<LI><code>[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : one argument is not an instance.</code>
One of the pads is not one of the pads of the cell.
<LI><code>[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : the instance ins is already placed.</code>
One is trying to place a pad twice.
<LI><code>[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : pad ins must be closer to the center.</code>
The pad name ins must be put closer to the center in order to route the cell
<H3><A NAME="SECTION000610700000000000000">
See Also</A>
<A HREF="node3.html#secintroduction"><SPAN CLASS="textit">Introduction</SPAN></A>
<A HREF="node10.html#seclayout"><SPAN CLASS="textit">Layout</SPAN></A>
<A HREF="node27.html#seccentric"><SPAN CLASS="textit">PlaceCentric</SPAN></A>
<A HREF="node28.html#secglu"><SPAN CLASS="textit">PlaceGlu</SPAN></A>
<A HREF="node29.html#secfillcell"><SPAN CLASS="textit">FillCell</SPAN></A>
<A HREF="node31.html#secrails"><SPAN CLASS="textit">Alimentation rails</SPAN></A>
<A HREF="node32.html#secconnectors"><SPAN CLASS="textit">Alimentation connectors</SPAN></A>
<A HREF="node33.html#secpowerring"><SPAN CLASS="textit">PowerRing</SPAN></A>
<A HREF="node34.html#secrouteck"><SPAN CLASS="textit">RouteCk</SPAN></A>
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Sophie B<small>ELLOEIL</small><br>20051116.1