
One can create a generator and instantiate it in another generator.\\
\indent To do that, the name given when instantiating the generator must have the form : "file\_name.class\_name".\\
\indent Note that if the two generators are not in the same directory, the directory of the generator to be instantiated has to be added in the CRL\_CATA\_LIB environment variable.

    \item File describing the generator which is going to instanciated later :


from stratus import *

class class_function ( Model ) :
  def Interface ( self ) :
    self.n = self._param['nbit']
    self._A = LogicIn  ( "a", self.n )
    self._B = LogicIn  ( "b", self.n )
    self._C = LogicIn  ( "c", self.n )
    self._S = LogicOut ( "s", self.n )
    self._vdd = VddIn  ( "vdd" )
    self._vss = VssIn  ( "vss" )

  def Netlist ( self ) :
    self._S <= ( self._A | self._B ) & self._C

    \item File instanciating the generator :


from stratus import *

class mycell ( Model ) :
  def Interface ( self ) :
    self._in1 = LogicIn  ( "in1", 4 )
    self._in2 = LogicIn  ( "in2", 4 )
    self._in3 = LogicIn  ( "in3", 4 )
    self._out = LogicOut ( "out", 4 )
    self._vdd = VddIn  ( "vdd" )
    self._vss = VssIn  ( "vss" )

  def Netlist ( self ) :
    temp = Signal ( "temp", 4 )
    Inst ( "myfunc.class_function"
         , param = { 'nbit' : 4 }
         , map = { 'a'   : self._in1
                 , 'b'   : self._in2
                 , 'c'   : self._in3
                 , 's'   : temp
                 , 'vdd' : self._vdd
                 , 'vss' : self._vss

    self._out <= ~temp
Some errors may occur :
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Inst : the model ... does not exist.-\\\verb-Check CRL_CATA_LIB.-\\One has to check the environment variable because the model is not found.
