.. -*- mode: rst; explicit-buffer-name: "RDS_HTML.rst<pelican>" -*-

RDS / Symbolic to Real Conversion

:slug:    rds
:date:    2014-09-26 16:00
:Authors: Jean-Paul Chaput
:Contact: <alliance-users@soc.lip6.fr>
:Version: 0.2
:status:  hidden

.. include:: ../../../etc/definitions.rst

.. |RDS_VW|                         image:: {attach}images/RDS_VW.png
                                    :alt: RDS Variable Width Rule
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 60%

.. |RDS_LCW|                        image:: {attach}images/RDS_LCW.png
                                    :alt: RDS Left Constant Width Rule
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 40%

.. |SegmentOrientation|             image:: {attach}images/SegmentOrientation.png
                                    :alt: Symbolic Segment Orientations
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 50%

.. |BIGVIA_1|                       image:: {attach}images/bigvia-1.png
                                    :alt: BIGVIA holes
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 40%

.. |BIGVIA_2|                       image:: {attach}images/bigvia-2.png
                                    :alt: BIGVIA holes overlap
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 40%

Printable version of this Document

`RDS.pdf <{filename}/pdfs/RDS.pdf>`_

.. contents::
   :depth: 2

**Disclaimer:** This document is still far from complete.

.. include:: RDSpage.rst