// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2010, All Rights Reserved // // =================================================================== // // $Id$ // // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x // | | // | C O R I O L I S | // | Alliance / Hurricane Interface | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./Utilities.cpp" | // | *************************************************************** | // | U p d a t e s | // | | // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x #include #include #include #include #include "crlcore/Utilities.h" int tty::_width = 80; bool tty::_enabled = true; unsigned int mstream::_activeMask = mstream::Verbose0; mstream cmess0 ( mstream::Verbose0, std::cout ); mstream cmess1 ( mstream::Verbose1, std::cout ); mstream cmess2 ( mstream::Verbose2, std::cout ); mstream cinfo ( mstream::Info , std::cout ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "::Dots". Dots::Dots ( const std::string& left, const std::string& right ) : _left(left), _right(right) { } Dots Dots::asPercentage ( const std::string& left, float value ) { std::ostringstream right; right << std::setprecision(3) << value << "%"; return Dots(left,right.str()); } Dots Dots::asBool ( const std::string& left, bool value ) { std::ostringstream right; right << std::boolalpha << value; return Dots(left,right.str()); } Dots Dots::asUInt ( const std::string& left, unsigned int value ) { std::ostringstream right; right << value; return Dots(left,right.str()); } Dots Dots::asULong ( const std::string& left, unsigned long value ) { std::ostringstream right; right << value; return Dots(left,right.str()); } Dots Dots::asSizet ( const std::string& left, size_t value ) { std::ostringstream right; right << value; return Dots(left,right.str()); } Dots Dots::asDouble ( const std::string& left, double value ) { std::ostringstream right; right << value; return Dots(left,right.str()); } Dots Dots::asLambda ( const std::string& left, Hurricane::DbU::Unit value ) { std::ostringstream right; right << Hurricane::DbU::getValueString(value); return Dots(left,right.str()); } Dots Dots::asIdentifier ( const std::string& left, const std::string& value ) { std::ostringstream right; right << "<" << value << ">"; return Dots(left,right.str()); } Dots Dots::asString ( const std::string& left, const std::string& value ) { return Dots(left,value); } std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& out, const Dots& dots ) { int count = tty::getWidth() - 2 - dots._left.length() - dots._right.length(); out << dots._left << " "; while ( count-- > 0 ) out << "."; out << " " << dots._right; return out; } namespace CRL { using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::ostringstream; # define SIGTFLT 1 // Error messages. const char* DupSystem = "\n Attempt to re-create Alliance System."; const char* BadAllocProperty = "%s::create():\n Property allocation failed.\n"; const char* BadCreate = "%s::create():\n Memory allocation failed.\n"; const char* NullDataBase = "%s:\n\n The Hurricane DataBase have not been created yet.\n"; const char* NullTechnology = "%s:\n\n The Hurricane DataBase do not contain any technology.\n"; const char* NullLibrary = "%s:\n\n NULL Library given as argument.\n"; const char* NullCell = "%s:\n\n NULL Cell given as argument.\n"; const char* BadFopen = "%s:\n\n Unable to open %s file : \"%s\".\n"; const char* BadColorValue = "%s() :\n\n" " Invalid color value for color \"%s\" : \"%s\".\n"; System* System::_singleton = System::create (); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "CRL::System". System *System::create () { if ( _singleton != NULL ) { cerr << "[WARNING] Attempt to re-create System() singleton." << endl; return _singleton; } _singleton = new System (); // Set the trap function for the SIGINT signal (CTRL-C). //if ( signal(SIGINT,System::TrapSig) == SIG_ERR ) // System::TrapSig ( SIGTFLT ); // Set the trap function for SIGFPE, SIGBUS, SIGABRT and SIGSEGV signals. if ( ( signal(SIGFPE , System::trapSig) == SIG_ERR ) || ( signal(SIGBUS , System::trapSig) == SIG_ERR ) || ( signal(SIGABRT, System::trapSig) == SIG_ERR ) || ( signal(SIGPIPE, System::trapSig) == SIG_ERR ) || ( signal(SIGSEGV, System::trapSig) == SIG_ERR ) ) System::trapSig ( SIGTFLT ); return _singleton; } void System::trapSig ( int sig ) { cerr << "\n\n[CRL ERROR] System::trapSig():\n" << endl; switch ( sig ) { case SIGINT: // User interrupt with CTRL-C. //emergency (); break; case SIGTERM: case SIGFPE: case SIGBUS: case SIGSEGV: case SIGABRT: case SIGPIPE: //emergency (); // Ouch!! This may result from a program bug. cerr << " An program internal bug have occur "; if (sig == SIGFPE ) cerr << "(SIGFPE)."; if (sig == SIGBUS ) cerr << "(SIGBUS)."; if (sig == SIGSEGV) cerr << "(SIGSEGV)."; if (sig == SIGPIPE) cerr << "(SIGPIPE)."; cerr << "\n Please e-mail to .\n" << "\n program terminated "; if ( getSystem()->getCatchCore() ) { cerr << "(core not dumped).\n"; exit ( 1 ); } else { cerr << "(core will be dumped).\n"; if ( ( signal(SIGFPE , SIG_DFL) == SIG_ERR ) || ( signal(SIGBUS , SIG_DFL) == SIG_ERR ) || ( signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL) == SIG_ERR ) || ( signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL) == SIG_ERR ) || ( signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL) == SIG_ERR ) ) exit ( 1 ); else { kill ( getpid(), /*sig*/ SIGSEGV ); return; } } break; default: /* Unexpected signal. */ cerr << "\n Unexpected signal \'" << sig << "\' in trap function.\n"; break; } exit ( 1 ); } System *System::getSystem () { return _singleton; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "CRL::IoFile". bool IoFile::open ( const string& mode ) { if ( isOpen() ) throw Error ( "IoFile::Open():\n Attempt to reopen file %s\n", _path.c_str() ); _mode = mode; _file = fopen ( _path.c_str(), mode.c_str() ); _lineNumber = 0; _eof = false; return _file; } void IoFile::close () { if ( isOpen() ) fclose ( _file ); _file = NULL; _lineNumber = 0; _eof = false; } char* IoFile::readLine ( char* buffer, size_t length ) { assert ( buffer != NULL ); if ( eof() ) { buffer[0] = '\0'; } else { char* result = fgets ( buffer, length-1, _file ); if ( !result || feof(_file) ) { _eof = true; buffer[0] = '\0'; } else { _lineNumber++; size_t readLength = strlen ( buffer ); if ( buffer[readLength-1] == '\n' ) buffer[readLength-1] = '\0'; } } return buffer; } string IoFile::_getString () const { ostringstream s; s << ""; return s.str(); } Record *IoFile::_getRecord () const { Record* record = new Record ( "" ); record->add ( getSlot ( "_path", &_path ) ); return record; } } // End of CRL namespace. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "mstream". void mstream::enable ( unsigned int mask ) { _activeMask |= mask; } void mstream::disable ( unsigned int mask ) { _activeMask &= ~mask; }