#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <vector> using namespace std; #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Circuit.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Name.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Parameters.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Netlist.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Instance.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Device.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Net.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Transistor.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Schematic.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Sizing.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Operator.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Layout.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Node.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Port.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/Wire.h" #include "vlsisapd/openChams/OpenChamsException.h" void printHBTree(OpenChams::Node* node, unsigned indent) { if (!node) return; // since we pass nnode->getRight and node-getTop without checking for NULL for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < indent ; i++) { cerr << " |"; } string pos = ""; switch(node->getPosition()) { case OpenChams::Node::TOP: pos = "top"; break; case OpenChams::Node::RIGHT: pos = "right"; break; default: break; } OpenChams::Bloc* bloc = dynamic_cast<OpenChams::Bloc*>(node); if (bloc) { cerr << " bloc: " << bloc->getName().getString() << " - " << pos << endl; printHBTree(bloc->getTop() , indent+1); printHBTree(bloc->getRight(), indent+1); return; } OpenChams::Group* group = dynamic_cast<OpenChams::Group*>(node); if (group) { string align = "none"; switch(group->getAlign()) { case OpenChams::Group::VERTICAL: align = "vertical"; break; case OpenChams::Group::HORIZONTAL: align = "horizontal"; break; default: break; } cerr << " group: " << group->getName().getString() << " - " << pos << " - align: " << align << " - isolated: " << group->isIsolated() << " - paired: " << group->isPaired() << endl; printHBTree(group->getRootNode(), indent+1); printHBTree(group->getTop() , indent+1); printHBTree(group->getRight() , indent+1); return; } cerr << "[ERROR] printHBTree: node is nor a bloc nor a group !" << endl; return; } int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { string file = ""; if (argc == 1) file = "./inverter.xml"; else if (argc == 2) file = argv[1]; else { cerr << "Usage: openChamsParser [filename]" << endl; exit(1); } OpenChams::Circuit* circuit = NULL; try { circuit = OpenChams::Circuit::readFromFile(file); } catch (OpenChams::OpenChamsException& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; exit(48); } cerr << circuit->getName().getString() << endl; cerr << " + parameters" << endl; OpenChams::Parameters params = circuit->getParameters(); if (!params.isEmpty()) { for (map<OpenChams::Name, string>::const_iterator it = params.getValues().begin() ; it != params.getValues().end() ; ++it) { cerr << " | | " << ((*it).first).getString() << " : " << (*it).second << endl; } } cerr << " + netlist" << endl; cerr << " | + instances" << endl; OpenChams::Netlist* netlist = circuit->getNetlist(); if (netlist && !netlist->hasNoInstances()) { for (size_t i = 0 ; i < netlist->getInstances().size() ; i++) { OpenChams::Instance* inst = netlist->getInstances()[i]; OpenChams::Device* dev = NULL; if (dynamic_cast<OpenChams::Device*>(inst)) { dev = static_cast<OpenChams::Device*>(inst); cerr << " | | + " << dev->getName().getString() << " : " << dev->getModel().getString() << " - " << dev->getOrder() << " - " << dev->getMosType().getString() << " - " << (dev->isSourceBulkConnected()?"true":"false") << endl; } else { cerr << " | | + " << inst->getName().getString() << " : " << inst->getModel().getString() << " - " << inst->getOrder() << endl; } cerr << " | | | + connectors" << endl; for (map<OpenChams::Name, OpenChams::Net*>::const_iterator cit = inst->getConnectors().begin() ; cit != inst->getConnectors().end() ; ++cit) { if ((*cit).second) cerr << " | | | | " << ((*cit).first).getString() << " : " << ((*cit).second)->getName().getString() << endl; else cerr << " | | | | " << ((*cit).first).getString() << endl; // no net connected ! } if (dev) { cerr << " | | | + transistors" << endl; for (size_t j = 0 ; j < dev->getTransistors().size() ; j++) { OpenChams::Transistor* tr = dev->getTransistors()[j]; cerr << " | | | | name: " << tr->getName().getString() << " - gate: " << tr->getGate().getString() << " - source: " << tr->getSource().getString() << " - drain: " << tr->getDrain().getString() << " - bulk: " << tr->getBulk().getString() << endl; } } } } cerr << " | + nets" << endl; bool schematicNet = false; // define wether net sections are needed in schematic section if (!netlist->hasNoNets()) { for (size_t i = 0 ; i < netlist->getNets().size() ; i++) { OpenChams::Net* net = netlist->getNets()[i]; cerr << " | | + " << net->getName().getString() << " : " << net->getType().getString() << " - " << (net->isExternal()?"true":"false") << endl; cerr << " | | | + connections" << endl; for (size_t j = 0 ; j < net->getConnections().size() ; j++) { OpenChams::Net::Connection* connect = net->getConnections()[j]; cerr << " | | | | " << connect->getInstanceName().getString() << "." << connect->getConnectorName().getString() << endl; } if (!net->hasNoPorts() || !net->hasNoWires()) schematicNet = true; } } OpenChams::Schematic* schematic = circuit->getSchematic(); if (schematic && !schematic->hasNoInstances()) { cerr << " + schematic" << endl; for (map<OpenChams::Name, OpenChams::Schematic::Infos*>::const_iterator sit = schematic->getInstances().begin() ; sit != schematic->getInstances().end() ; ++sit) { OpenChams::Schematic::Infos* inf = (*sit).second; cerr << " | + instance: name: " << ((*sit).first).getString() << " - x: " << inf->getX() << " - y: " << inf->getY() << " - orientation: " << inf->getOrientation().getString() << endl; } if (schematicNet) { for (size_t i = 0 ; i < netlist->getNets().size() ; i++) { OpenChams::Net* net = netlist->getNets()[i]; cerr << " | + net name: " << net->getName().getString() << endl; if (!net->hasNoPorts()) { for (size_t j = 0 ; j < net->getPorts().size() ; j++) { OpenChams::Port* port = net->getPorts()[j]; cerr << " | | + port type: " << port->getType().getString() << " - idx: " << port->getIndex() << " - x: " << port->getX() << " - y: " << port->getY() << " - orientation: " << port->getOrientation().getString() << endl; } } if (!net->hasNoWires()) { for (size_t j = 0 ; j < net->getWires().size() ; j++) { OpenChams::Wire* wire = net->getWires()[j]; cerr << " | | + wire "; OpenChams::WirePoint* start = wire->getStartPoint(); if (dynamic_cast<OpenChams::InstancePoint*>(start)) { OpenChams::InstancePoint* iP = static_cast<OpenChams::InstancePoint*>(start); cerr << "<" << iP->getName().getString() << "," << iP->getPlug().getString() << "> "; } else if (dynamic_cast<OpenChams::PortPoint*>(start)) { OpenChams::PortPoint* pP = static_cast<OpenChams::PortPoint*>(start); cerr << "<" << pP->getIndex() << "> "; } for (size_t k = 0 ; k < wire->getIntermediatePoints().size() ; k++) { OpenChams::IntermediatePoint* iP = wire->getIntermediatePoints()[k]; cerr << "<" << iP->getX() << "," << iP->getY() << "> "; } OpenChams::WirePoint* end = wire->getEndPoint(); if (dynamic_cast<OpenChams::InstancePoint*>(end)) { OpenChams::InstancePoint* iP = static_cast<OpenChams::InstancePoint*>(end); cerr << "<" << iP->getName().getString() << "," << iP->getPlug().getString() << "> "; } else if (dynamic_cast<OpenChams::PortPoint*>(end)) { OpenChams::PortPoint* pP = static_cast<OpenChams::PortPoint*>(end); cerr << "<" << pP->getIndex() << "> "; } cerr << endl; } } } } } OpenChams::Sizing* sizing = circuit->getSizing(); if (sizing) { cerr << " + sizing" << endl; if (!sizing->hasNoOperators()) { for (map<OpenChams::Name, OpenChams::Operator*>::const_iterator oit = sizing->getOperators().begin() ; oit != sizing->getOperators().end() ; ++oit) { OpenChams::Operator* op = (*oit).second; cerr << " | + instance name: " << ((*oit).first).getString() << " - operator: " << op->getName().getString() << " - simulModel: " << op->getSimulModel().getString() << endl; if (!op->hasNoConstraints()) { for (map<OpenChams::Name, OpenChams::Operator::Constraint*>::const_iterator cit = op->getConstraints().begin() ; cit != op->getConstraints().end() ; ++cit) { OpenChams::Operator::Constraint* cstr = (*cit).second; cerr << " | | + param: " << ((*cit).first).getString() << " - ref: " << cstr->getRef().getString() << " - refParam: " << cstr->getRefParam().getString() << " - factor: " << cstr->getFactor() << endl; } } } } // To update to the new equations. // if (!sizing->hasNoEquations()) { // cerr << " | + equations" << endl; // for (map<OpenChams::Name, string>::const_iterator eit = sizing->getEquations().begin() ; eit != sizing->getEquations().end() ; ++eit) { // cerr << " | | " << ((*eit).first).getString() << " : " << (*eit).second << endl; // } // } } OpenChams::Layout* layout = circuit->getLayout(); if (layout) { if (!layout->hasNoInstance()) { cerr << " + layout" << endl; for (map<OpenChams::Name, OpenChams::Name>::const_iterator lit = layout->getInstances().begin() ; lit != layout->getInstances().end() ; ++lit) { cerr << " | | instance name: " << ((*lit).first).getString() << " - style: " << ((*lit).second).getString() << endl; } } OpenChams::Node* root = layout->getHBTreeRoot(); if (root) { cerr << " | + hbtree" << endl; printHBTree(root, 2); } } return 0; }