# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ..Hurricane import DataBase, DbU, Box, Net from ..helpers.io import ErrorMessage as Error from ..helpers import trace # Rows are stacks. # Columns are metaTransistors. # # There must be the exact same number of metaTransistors in each stack. # Storage is matrix[row][col] ie matrix[stack][metaTransistor] NoFlags = 0x0000 Top = 0x0001 Left = 0x0002 class ParamsMatrix ( object ): @staticmethod def gateToId ( gateName ): if len(gateName) == 1: return None return int( gateName[1:] ) @staticmethod def idToGate ( index ): if index is None: return 'G' return 'G'+str(index) @staticmethod def idToTran ( index ): if index is None: return 'T' return 'T'+str(index) def __init__ ( self ): self.matrix = [ [ {} ] ] self.rows = 1 self.columns = 1 return def getMatrix ( self ): return self.matrix def setGlobalTransistorParams ( self, w, L, M, boundingBox ): self.matrix[0][0]['L' ] = L self.matrix[0][0]['W' ] = w self.matrix[0][0]['M' ] = M self.matrix[0][0]['box' ] = boundingBox self.matrix[0][0]['globalActiveBox' ] = Box() self.matrix[0][0]['family' ] = 'Transistor' return def setGlobalCapacitorParams ( self, boundingBox ): self.matrix[0][0]['box' ] = boundingBox self.matrix[0][0]['family' ] = 'Capacitor' return def setGlobalResistorParams ( self, boundingBox ): self.matrix[0][0]['box' ] = boundingBox self.matrix[0][0]['family' ] = 'Resistor' return def setStacks ( self, stacks ): if not isinstance(stacks,list): print( Error( 3, 'ParamsMatrix::setGlobalParams(): <stack> argument must be of <list> type.' )) return if not len(stacks): print( Error( 3, 'ParamsMatrix::setGlobalParams(): There must be at least one Stack.' )) return mtIds = [] if len(stacks[0].metaTransistors) == 0: print( Error( 3, 'ParamsMatrix::setGlobalParams(): Stack without any meta-transistor.' )) return else: for gateName in stacks[0].metaTransistors.keys(): mtIds.append( ParamsMatrix.gateToId(gateName) ) mtIds.sort() for i in range(1,len(stacks)): if len(stacks[0].metaTransistors) != len(stacks[i].metaTransistors): print( Error( 3, 'ParamsMatrix::setGlobalParams(): Stacks {} and {}' \ ' have different numbers of meta-transistor.'.format(0,i) )) return for id in mtIds: gateName = ParamsMatrix.idToGate( id ) if not gateName in stacks[i].metaTransistors: print( Error( 3, 'ParamsMatrix::setGlobalParams(): Stack {} ' \ ' is missing meta-transistor "{}".'.format(i,gateName) )) return # Thoses parameters must be the same in all the stacks. self.matrix[0][0]['DMCG'] = stacks[0].DMCG self.matrix[0][0]['DMCI'] = stacks[0].DMCI self.matrix[0][0]['DGG' ] = stacks[0].DGG self.matrix[0][0]['DGI' ] = stacks[0].DGI for iStack in range(len(stacks)): activeBox = stacks[iStack].activeBox stackMTs = [ { 'activeBox':activeBox } ] self.matrix[0][0]['globalActiveBox'].merge( activeBox ) for iMT in range(len(mtIds)): gateName = ParamsMatrix.idToGate( mtIds[iMT] ) tranName = ParamsMatrix.idToTran( mtIds[iMT] ) mt = stacks[iStack].metaTransistors[ gateName ] stackMTs.append( { 'name':tranName } ) for key, value in mt.items(): stackMTs[-1][ key.split('.')[-1] ] = value if iStack == 0: self.matrix[0].append( { 'name':tranName } ) for key in stackMTs[-1].keys(): if key == 'name' or key == 'style.geomod': continue if key.startswith('stress.'): self.matrix[0][-1][key] = stackMTs[-1][key] / len(stacks) else: self.matrix[0][-1][key] = stackMTs[-1][key] else: for key in stackMTs[-1].keys(): if key == 'name' or key == 'style.geomod': continue if key.startswith('stress.'): self.matrix[0][-1][key] += stackMTs[-1][key] / len(stacks) else: self.matrix[0][-1][key] += stackMTs[-1][key] self.matrix.append( stackMTs ) return def stackHeader ( self, lines, iStack ): for i in range(28): if i in [1, 2, 3, 4]: if i == 1: lines.append( '+-----------------------+' ) self.toBoxDatasheet( lines, self.matrix[iStack][0]['activeBox'], 'Active Box', Left ) continue if i == 0: lines.append( '|{0:^23s}'.format( 'Stack %d'%iStack ) ) elif i == 27: lines.append( '+-----------------------' ) else: lines.append( '| ' ) if i in [1, 14, 21, 27]: lines[-1] += '+' else: lines[-1] += '|' return def toMtDatasheet ( self, lines, mt, comment, flags ): if flags & Top: lines[-29] += '-----------------------+' lines[-28] += '{0:^23s}|'.format( mt['name']+comment ) lines[-27] += '-----------------------+' lines[-26] += ' BSIM4 |' lines[-25] += ' NSint %7s |' % mt['NSint'] lines[-24] += ' NDint %7s |' % mt['NDint'] lines[-23] += ' NSend %7s |' % mt['NSend'] lines[-22] += ' NDend %7s |' % mt['NDend'] lines[-21] += ' SAeff %7.2g m |' % mt['SAeff_Bsim4'] lines[-20] += ' SBeff %7.2g m |' % mt['SBeff_Bsim4'] lines[-19] += ' SAinv %7.2g 1/m |' % mt['SBinv_Bsim4'] lines[-18] += ' SBinv %7.2g 1/m |' % mt['SBinv_Bsim4'] lines[-17] += ' alpha %7.2g m |' % mt['alpha' ] lines[-16] += ' alphaInv %7.2g 1/m |' % mt['alphaInv' ] lines[-15] += ' LODeffect %7.2g 1/m |' % mt['alphaInv' ] lines[-14] += '-----------------------+' lines[-13] += ' Crolles |' lines[-12] += ' SAeff %7.2g m |' % mt['SAeff_Crolles'] lines[-11] += ' SBeff %7.2g m |' % mt['SBeff_Crolles'] lines[-10] += ' SAinv %7.2g 1/m |' % mt['SBinv_Crolles'] lines[- 9] += ' SBinv %7.2g 1/m |' % mt['SBinv_Crolles'] lines[- 8] += ' po2actEff %7.2g m |' % mt['po2actEff_Crolles'] lines[- 7] += '-----------------------+' lines[- 6] += ' Layout Parasitics |' lines[- 5] += ' ASeff %11.2g m2 |' % mt['ASeff'] lines[- 4] += ' PSeff %11.2g m |' % mt['PSeff'] lines[- 3] += ' ADeff %11.2g m2 |' % mt['ADeff'] lines[- 2] += ' PDeff %11.2g m |' % mt['PDeff'] lines[- 1] += '-----------------------+' return def toBoxDatasheet ( self, lines, box, comment, flags ): if flags & Left: for i in range(3): lines.append( '|' ) lines[-3] += '{0:^23s}|'.format( comment ) lines[-2] += ' bl %8s %8s |' % (DbU.getValueString(box.getXMin()), DbU.getValueString(box.getYMin())) lines[-1] += ' tr %8s %8s |' % (DbU.getValueString(box.getXMax()), DbU.getValueString(box.getYMax())) return def toDatasheet ( self ): lines = [] # Matrix element [0,0] lines.append( '+-----------------------+' ) lines.append( '| Device Datas |' ) lines.append( '+-----------------------+' ) lines.append( '| L %14.2g m |' % self.matrix[0][0]['L'] ) lines.append( '| wF %14.2g m |' % self.matrix[0][0]['W'] ) lines.append( '| M %14.2g |' % self.matrix[0][0]['M'] ) lines.append( '| DMCG %14.2g m |' % self.matrix[0][0]['DMCG'] ) lines.append( '| DMCI %14.2g m |' % self.matrix[0][0]['DMCI'] ) lines.append( '| DGG %14.2g m |' % self.matrix[0][0]['DGG'] ) lines.append( '| DGI %14.2g m |' % self.matrix[0][0]['DGI'] ) lines.append( '+-----------------------+' ) self.toBoxDatasheet( lines, self.matrix[0][0]['box'], 'Bounding Box', Left ) lines.append( '+-----------------------+' ) self.toBoxDatasheet( lines, self.matrix[0][0]['globalActiveBox'], 'Active Box', Left ) lines[-3] = lines[-3][0:-1] + '+' for i in range(len(lines),28): lines.append( '| ' ) if i in [0, 2, 15, 22, 28]: lines[-1] += '+' else: lines[-1] += '|' lines.append( '+-----------------------+' ) # Row 0: Meta-Transistors aggregated parameters. mts = self.matrix[0] for iMT in range(1,len(mts)): self.toMtDatasheet( lines, mts[iMT], ' (meta)', Top ) # Rows 1+: One stack and its's meta-transistors. for iStack in range(1,len(self.matrix)): self.stackHeader( lines, iStack ) for iMT in range(1,len(self.matrix[iStack])): self.toMtDatasheet( lines, self.matrix[iStack][iMT], '', NoFlags ) return lines def __str__ ( self ): s = '' for line in self.toDatasheet(): s += line + '\n' return s def trace( self ): for line in self.toDatasheet(): trace( 100, '\t%s\n' % line ) return