#!/usr/bin/env python import re import os import os.path import sys import time import shutil import socket import subprocess import logging import optparse def log ( message ): print message logging.info( message ) return class ErrorMessage ( Exception ): def __init__ ( self, code, *arguments ): self._code = code self._errors = [ 'Malformed call to ErrorMessage()' , '%s' % str(arguments) ] text = None if len(arguments) == 1: if isinstance(arguments[0],Exception): text = str(arguments[0]).split('\n') else: self._errors = arguments[0] elif len(arguments) > 1: text = list(arguments) if text: self._errors = [] while len(text[0]) == 0: del text[0] lstrip = 0 if text[0].startswith('[ERROR]'): lstrip = 8 for line in text: if line[0:lstrip ] == ' '*lstrip or \ line[0:lstrip-1] == '[ERROR]': self._errors += [ line[lstrip:] ] else: self._errors += [ line.lstrip() ] return def __str__ ( self ): if not isinstance(self._errors,list): return "[ERROR] %s" % self._errors formatted = "\n" for i in range(len(self._errors)): if i == 0: formatted += "[ERROR] %s" % self._errors[i] else: formatted += " %s" % self._errors[i] if i+1 < len(self._errors): formatted += "\n" return formatted def addMessage ( self, message ): if not isinstance(self._errors,list): self._errors = [ self._errors ] if isinstance(message,list): for line in message: self._errors += [ line ] else: self._errors += [ message ] return def terminate ( self ): print self sys.exit(self._code) def _getCode ( self ): return self._code code = property(_getCode) class Configuration ( object ): def __init__ ( self ): self.onSource = False self.onLepka = False self.onDocker = False hostname = socket.gethostname() if hostname.startswith('lepka'): self.onLepka = True else: self.onDocker = True scriptDir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) if scriptDir.endswith( 'coriolis/documentation' ): self.onLepka = False self.onSource = True if self.onDocker: log( 'Using *Docker* configuration.' ) self.pelicanDir = '/data/git/coriolis.lip6.fr/pelican' self.apacheDir = '/var/www/html' if self.onLepka: log( 'Using *Lepka* configuration.' ) self.pelicanDir = os.path.join( os.environ['HOME'], 'cms/coriolis.lip6.fr/pelican' ) self.apacheDir = '/dsk/l1/httpd/coriolis' if self.onSource: log( 'Using *Source* configuration.' ) self.pelicanDir = scriptDir self.apacheDir = None self.localDocDir = '/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/Linux.el7_64/Release.Shared/install/share/doc/coriolis2/en/html/doc' self.remoteDocDir = '/data' self.remoteGitDir = '/data/git' self.remotePelicanDir = os.path.join( self.remoteGitDir, 'coriolis.lip6.fr/pelican' ) self.pluginsDir = os.path.join( self.remoteGitDir, 'pelican-plugins' ) self.logDir = os.path.join( self.pelicanDir, 'logs' ) self.target = 'coriolis-d' return class Command ( object ): def __init__ ( self, command ): self.command = command self.outlog = None self.errlog = None return def asString ( self ): s = '' for i in range(len(self.command)): if i: s += ' ' if ' ' in self.command[i]: s += '"'+self.command[i]+'"' else: s += self.command[i] return s def execute ( self ): sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() log( self.asString() ) child = subprocess.Popen( self.command, stdin =subprocess.PIPE , stdout=subprocess.PIPE , stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) self.outlog, self.errlog = child.communicate() if len(self.outlog): logging.info ( self.outlog ) if len(self.errlog): logging.error( self.errlog ) status = child.returncode status >>= 8 if status != 0: ErrorMessage( status, "%s (status:%d)."%(error,status) ).terminate() return status @staticmethod def rmtree ( path ): command = 'rm -rf %s' % path try: log( command ) shutil.rmtree( path ) except shutil.Error, e: logging.error( str(e) ) return 1 return 0 @staticmethod def copytree ( src, dst ): command = 'cp -r %s %s' % (src,dst) try: log( command ) shutil.copytree( src, dst ) except OSError, e: logging.error( e ) return 1 except shutil.Error, errors: for error in errors: logging.error( 'cp %s %s: %s' % error ) return 1 return 0 class SshCommand ( object ): def __init__ ( self, scriptlet ): self.scriptlet = scriptlet return def execute ( self, target ): command = [ 'ssh', '-x', target, self.scriptlet ] Command( command ).execute() return class Document ( object ): def __init__ ( self, conf, document ): self.conf = conf self.document = os.path.basename( document ) self.rdir = os.path.dirname ( document ) return def toPdf ( self ): pdfDir = '%s/content/pdfs' % self.conf.pelicanDir stylesheet = '%s/etc/SoC-ReST.tex' % self.conf.pelicanDir documentPdf = '%s.pdf' % self.document documentRst = '%s.rst' % self.document documentTex = '%s.tex' % self.document documentRawTex = '%s-raw.tex' % self.document documentTmps = [ documentTex , documentRawTex , '%s.log' % self.document , '%s.out' % self.document , '%s.aux' % self.document , '%s.toc' % self.document ] targetPdf = os.path.join( pdfDir, documentPdf ) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir( os.path.join(self.conf.pelicanDir,self.rdir) ) os.environ[ 'TEXINPUTS' ] = '%s/etc/images//:./images//:' % self.conf.pelicanDir Command( [ 'rst2latex', '--use-latex-toc' , '--stylesheet=%s' % stylesheet , documentRst , documentRawTex ] ).execute() pMulticol = re.compile( r' \\& \\\\multicolumn\{2\}\{l\|\}\{' ) fdi = open( documentRawTex, 'r' ) fdo = open( documentTex , 'w' ) for line in fdi.readlines(): fdo.write( pMulticol.sub(' \\& \\\\multicolumn{2}{p{0.6\\\\DUtablewidth}|}{',line) ) fdi.close() fdo.close() Command( [ 'pdflatex', '-halt-on-error', documentTex ] ).execute() Command( [ 'pdflatex', '-halt-on-error', documentTex ] ).execute() for file in documentTmps: os.unlink( file ) if not os.path.isdir( pdfDir ): log( 'mkdir %s' % pdfDir ) os.mkdir( pdfDir ) if os.path.exists( targetPdf ): os.unlink( targetPdf ) log( 'mv %s %s' % (documentPdf,pdfDir) ) shutil.move( documentPdf, pdfDir ) os.chdir( cwd ) return class Site ( object ): def __init__ ( self, conf ): self.conf = conf return def build ( self ): print 'cd %s' % self.conf.pelicanDir os.chdir( self.conf.pelicanDir ) status = Command( [ 'pelican', '-vD', '--ignore-cache', 'content' ] ).execute() if status: return status if self.conf.onLepka: Command.rmtree ( self.conf.apacheDir ) Command.copytree( './output', self.conf.apacheDir ) Command.copytree( self.conf.localDocDir, os.path.join(self.conf.apacheDir,'doc') ) return def gitPush ( self ): print 'cd %s' % self.conf.pelicanDir os.chdir( self.conf.pelicanDir ) lines = '' cmd = Command( ['git', 'status', 'content', 'common', 'theme'] ) cmd.execute() if cmd.outlog: lines = cmd.outlog.split('\n') if lines[-2] != 'nothing to commit, working directory clean': message = [ 'There are some uncommited changes in the site contents.' ] + lines print ErrorMessage( 1, message ) #return False Command( ['git', 'push'] ).execute() return True def gitCommitPdfs ( self ): print 'cd %s' % self.conf.pelicanDir os.chdir( self.conf.pelicanDir ) lines = '' cmd = Command( ['git', 'status', 'content/pdfs'] ) cmd.execute() if cmd.outlog: lines = cmd.outlog.split('\n') if lines[-2] != 'nothing to commit, working directory clean': message = 'Updated PDFs, %s.' % time.strftime( '%B %d, %Y (%H:%M)' ) Command( ['git', 'add' , 'content/pdfs'] ).execute() Command( ['git', 'commit', '-m', message ] ).execute() return True def remoteBuild ( self ): Command( [ 'ssh', '-x', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' , self.conf.target, "echo 'Force SSH key loading.'" ] ).execute() Command( [ 'rsync', '--rsh=/usr/bin/ssh', '-avH' , self.conf.localDocDir , '%s:%s' % (self.conf.target,self.conf.remoteDocDir) ] ).execute() remoteScript = \ ' if [ ! -d %(remotePelicanDir)s ]; then' \ ' cd %(remoteGitDir)s;' \ ' git clone gitsoc@bop-t:coriolis.lip6.fr;' \ ' sudo pelican-themes -s %(remotePelicanDir)s/themes/nest-coriolis;' \ ' sudo chown -R pelican:pelican /var/www/html;' \ ' fi;' \ ' cd %(remotePelicanDir)s;' \ ' git pull;' \ ' if [ ! -d %(pluginsDir)s ]; then' \ ' cd %(remoteGitDir)s;' \ ' git clone https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins;' \ ' cd pelican-plugins;' \ ' patch -p1 -i %(remotePelicanDir)s/patchs/0001-bootstrap-rst.no-math.patch;' \ ' fi;' \ ' cd %(remotePelicanDir)s;' \ ' ./build.py -p;' \ % { 'pluginsDir' : self.conf.pluginsDir , 'remoteGitDir' : self.conf.remoteGitDir , 'remotePelicanDir' : self.conf.remotePelicanDir } SshCommand( remoteScript ).execute( self.conf.target ) return if __name__ == '__main__': usage = \ '\n' \ '\nThe "build.py" script rebuild the "coriolis.lip6.fr" website hosted' \ '\nat the Sorbonne Universite/LIP6. It can work in the following modes:' \ '\n' \ '\n1. Fully install the website on a freshly generated docker image.' \ '\n2. Update the "coriolis.lip6.fr" website.' \ '\n3. Generate a static website on my laptop ("lepka").' \ '\n4. Generate the static documentation shipped with coriolis (in git).' \ '\n' \ '\nNOTE: About the "<-C|--coriolis> remote rebuild option."' \ '\n Your ${HOME}/.ssh/config file must contain an alias for the' \ '\n "coriolis-d" host, as shown below:' \ '\n' \ '\n Host coriolis-d' \ '\n User pelican' \ '\n HostName localhost' \ '\n HostKeyAlias coriolis-d' \ '\n Port 2250' \ '\n CheckHostIP no' \ '\n ForwardAgent yes' \ '\n ForwardX11 no' \ '\n RemoteForward 2227 localhost:2227' \ '\n' \ '\n It logs as user "pelican" using the ssh port 2250 and creates' \ '\n a tunnel between port 2227 on the remote host (the web server)' \ '\n and port 2227 on the local host (your machine). You *must* have' \ '\n an ssh tunnel between your machine and "bop" on the local port' \ '\n 2227 for this to work. The "2227" tunnel between the web server' \ '\n and "bop" is used to perform "git pull".' \ '\n' \ '\n./build.py <options>' parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage ) parser.add_option( '-p', '--pelican' , action='store_true', dest='doPelican' , help='Run pelican.' ) parser.add_option( '-P', '--pdfs' , action='store_true', dest='doPdfs' , help='Generate the PDFs.' ) parser.add_option( '-C', '--coriolis', action='store_true', dest='doCoriolis', help='Build/update the web site on the server (docker).' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() conf = Configuration() if not os.path.isdir( conf.logDir ): os.mkdir( conf.logDir ) logging.basicConfig( filename='logs/build-%s.log' % time.strftime( '%Y%m%d-%H%M' ) , format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s| %(message)s' , level=logging.INFO ) documents = [ Document( conf, 'content/pages/users-guide/UsersGuide' ) , Document( conf, 'content/pages/python-tutorial/PythonTutorial' ) , Document( conf, 'content/pages/python-cpp/PythonCpp' ) , Document( conf, 'content/pages/stratus/Stratus' ) , Document( conf, 'content/pages/rds/RDS' ) ] coriolis = Site( conf ) if options.doPdfs: for document in documents: document.toPdf() if not conf.onSource: coriolis.gitCommitPdfs() if options.doPelican: coriolis.build() if options.doCoriolis: coriolis.gitPush() coriolis.remoteBuild() sys.exit( 0 )