#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # -*- mode:Python -*- # # This file is part of the Coriolis Software. # Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2008-2021, All Rights Reserved # # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ # | C O R I O L I S | # | T o o l c h a i n B u i l d e r | # | | # | Authors : Jean-Paul Chaput | # | Damien Dupuis | # | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | # | =============================================================== | # | Python : "./ccb.py" | # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ showTrace = True try: import sys import os.path import optparse import traceback import distutils.sysconfig import subprocess import re except ImportError as e: module = str(e).split()[-1] print( '[ERROR] The "{}" python module or symbol cannot be loaded.'.format(module) ) print( ' Please check your standard Python installation, it may have problems.' ) quit() def safeImport ( moduleName, symbol=None ): try: module = __import__( moduleName, globals(), locals(), symbol ) except ImportError as e: print( '[ERROR] The "{}" python module or symbol cannot be loaded.'.format(moduleName) ) print( ' Please check the integrity of the "coriolis/boostrap" package.' ) if showTrace: traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print( '[ERROR] An exception occured while importing module "{}". Is is a bug,'.format(moduleName) ) print( ' you may want to report it...' ) print( ' {}'.format(e) ) if showTrace: traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) sys.exit(2) if symbol: return module.__dict__[symbol] return module def checkCMake (): child = subprocess.Popen ( ["which", "cmake"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) (pid,status) = os.waitpid ( child.pid, 0 ) status >>= 8 if status != 0: print( '[ERROR] The "cmake" program has not been found, please install it.' ) sys.exit(1) def guessOs (): libDir = 'lib' osEL9 = re.compile (".*Linux.*(el9|al9).*x86_64.*") osSlsoc7x_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*(el7|slsoc7).*x86_64.*") osSlsoc6x_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*(el6|slsoc6).*x86_64.*") osSlsoc6x = re.compile (".*Linux.*(el6|slsoc6).*") osSLSoC5x_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*el5.*x86_64.*") osSLSoC5x = re.compile (".*Linux.*(el5|*SoC).*") osFedora_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*fc.*x86_64.*") osFedora = re.compile (".*Linux.*fc.*") osLinux_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*x86_64.*") osLinux = re.compile (".*Linux.*") osFreeBSD8x_amd64 = re.compile (".*FreeBSD 8.*amd64.*") osFreeBSD8x_64 = re.compile (".*FreeBSD 8.*x86_64.*") osFreeBSD8x = re.compile (".*FreeBSD 8.*") osDarwin = re.compile (".*Darwin.*") osCygwinW7_64 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-6\.1.*x86_64.*") osCygwinW7 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-6\.1.*i686.*") osCygwinW8_64 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-6\.[2-3].*x86_64.*") osCygwinW8 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-6\.[2-3].*i686.*") osCygwinW10_64 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-10\.[0-3].*x86_64.*") osCygwinW10 = re.compile (".*CYGWIN_NT-10\.[0-3].*i686.*") uname = subprocess.Popen ( ["uname", "-srm"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) lines = uname.stdout.readlines() line = lines[0].decode( 'ascii' ) if osEL9.match(line): osType = "Linux.el9" libDir = "lib64" elif osSlsoc7x_64.match(line): osType = "Linux.el7_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osSlsoc6x_64.match(line): osType = "Linux.slsoc6x_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osSlsoc6x.match(line): osType = "Linux.slsoc6x" elif osSLSoC5x_64.match(line): osType = "Linux.SLSoC5x_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osSLSoC5x .match(line): osType = "Linux.SLSoC5x" elif osFedora_64.match(line): osType = "Linux.fc_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osFedora .match(line): osType = "Linux.fc" elif osLinux_64.match(line): osType = "Linux.x86_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osLinux .match(line): osType = "Linux.i386" elif osDarwin.match(line): osType = "Darwin" elif osFreeBSD8x_amd64.match(line): osType = "FreeBSD.8x.amd64" libDir = "lib64" elif osFreeBSD8x_64.match(line): osType = "FreeBSD.8x.x86_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osFreeBSD8x.match(line): osType = "FreeBSD.8x.i386" elif osCygwinW7_64.match(line): osType = "Cygwin.W7_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osCygwinW7.match(line): osType = "Cygwin.W7" elif osCygwinW8_64.match(line): osType = "Cygwin.W8_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osCygwinW8.match(line): osType = "Cygwin.W8" elif osCygwinW10_64.match(line): osType = "Cygwin.W10_64" libDir = "lib64" elif osCygwinW10.match(line): osType = "Cygwin.W10" else: uname = subprocess.Popen ( ["uname", "-sr"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) osType = uname.stdout.readlines()[0][:-1] print( '[WARNING] Unrecognized OS: "{}".'.format(lines[0][:-1]) ) print( ' (using: "{}")'.format(osType) ) return osType, libDir def guessPythonSitePackage (): pathes = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib().split('/')[-2:] return os.path.join( pathes[0], pathes[1] ) def autoLocate (): osType, libDir = guessOs() print( 'Building for target: "{}"'.format(osType) ) print( 'Making an educated guess to locate myself:' ) sitePackage = guessPythonSitePackage() builderDir = None locations = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) , os.environ['HOME']+'/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap' , os.environ['HOME']+'/coriolis/src/coriolis/bootstrap' , '/users/outil/coriolis/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap' , os.environ['HOME']+'/coriolis-2.x/'+osType+'/Release.Shared/install/'+libDir+'/'+sitePackage , '/users/outil/coriolis/coriolis-2.x/'+osType+'/Release.Shared/install/'+libDir+'/'+sitePackage ] for location in locations: print( ' "{}" '.format(location), end='' ) if os.path.isfile(location + '/builder/__init__.py'): if not builderDir: builderDir = location print( '(Found*)' ) else: print( '(Found)' ) else: print( '(No)' ) if not builderDir: print( '[ERROR] Failed to locate the builder modules in any of the normal pathes.' ) print( ' Please check your Coriolis/Bootsrap installation.' ) if showTrace: traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) sys.exit(1) sys.path.insert( 0, builderDir ) return # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # CCB Main Part. autoLocate() checkCMake() parser = optparse.OptionParser () parser.add_option ( "-g", "--gui" , action="store_true" , dest="gui" , help="Lauch the graphical interface." ) # Build relateds. parser.add_option ( "-c", "--conf" , type="string", dest="conf" , help="Fichier de configuration." ) parser.add_option ( "--show-conf" , action="store_true" , dest="showConf" , help="Display the Project/Tools configuration, then exit." ) parser.add_option ( "-q", "--quiet" , action="store_true" , dest="quiet" , help="Do not print all the informative messages." ) parser.add_option ( "-r", "--release" , action="store_true" , dest="release" , help="Build a <Release> aka optimized version." ) parser.add_option ( "-d", "--debug" , action="store_true" , dest="debug" , help="Build a <Debug> aka (-g) version." ) parser.add_option ( "-s", "--static" , action="store_true" , dest="static" , help="Try to link statically, as much as possible." ) parser.add_option ( "--doc" , action="store_true" , dest="doc" , help="Enable the documentation building (uses with -j1)." ) parser.add_option ( "-v", "--verbose" , action="store_true" , dest="verboseMakefile", help="Tells CMake to print all compilation commands." ) parser.add_option ( "--root" , action="store" , type="string", dest="rootDir" , help="The root directory (default: <~/coriolis-2.x/>)." ) parser.add_option ( "--no-build" , action="store_true" , dest="noBuild" , help="Do *not* build anything (by default: build)." ) parser.add_option ( "--no-cache" , action="store_true" , dest="noCache" , help="Remove previous CMake cache before building." ) parser.add_option ( "--rm-build" , action="store_true" , dest="rmBuild" , help="Remove previous build directoty before building." ) parser.add_option ( "--macports" , action="store_true" , dest="macports" , help="Build against MacPorts." ) parser.add_option ( "--devtoolset" , action="store" , type="int" , dest="devtoolset" , help="Build against TUV Dev Toolset N." ) parser.add_option ( "--llvm-toolset" , action="store" , type="int" , dest="llvmtoolset" , help="Build against TUV Dev LLVM Toolset N." ) parser.add_option ( "--qt4" , action="store_true" , dest="qt4" , help="Build against Qt 4 (default: Qt 5)." ) parser.add_option ( "--bfd" , action="store_true" , dest="bfd" , help="Link against BFD to enable stack trace display." ) parser.add_option ( "--openmp" , action="store_true" , dest="openmp" , help="Enable the use of OpenMP in Gcc." ) parser.add_option ( "--ninja" , action="store_true" , dest="ninja" , help="Use Ninja instead of UNIX Makefile." ) parser.add_option ( "--clang" , action="store_true" , dest="clang" , help="Force use of Clang C/C++ compiler instead of system default." ) parser.add_option ( "--make" , action="store" , type="string", dest="makeArguments" , help="Arguments to pass to make (ex: \"-j4 install\")." ) parser.add_option ( "--project" , action="append" , type="string", dest="projects" , help="The name of a project to build (may appears any number of time)." ) parser.add_option ( "-t", "--tool" , action="append" , type="string", dest="tools" , help="The name of a tool to build (may appears any number of time)." ) # SVN repository relateds. # Have to be ported to Git. #parser.add_option ( "--svn-tag" , action="store" , type="string", dest="svnTag" , help="Explicitly select a SVN tag (for SVN related commands)." ) #parser.add_option ( "--svn-method" , action="store" , type="string", dest="svnMethod" , help="Allows to sets the svn checkout method (svn+ssh://coriolis.soc.lip6.fr)." ) #parser.add_option ( "--svn-status" , action="store_true" , dest="svnStatus" , help="Check status against the SVN repository." ) #parser.add_option ( "--svn-diff" , action="store_true" , dest="svnDiff" , help="Perform a diff against the SVN repository." ) #parser.add_option ( "--svn-update" , action="store_true" , dest="svnUpdate" , help="Update to the latest SVN version *or* the one given by svn-tag." ) #parser.add_option ( "--svn-checkout" , action="store_true" , dest="svnCheckout" , help="Checkout the latest SVN version *or* the one given by svn-tag." ) # Miscellaneous. parser.add_option ( "--user-tarball" , action="store_true" , dest="userTarball" , help="Regenerate a tarball from checked out sources (in <root>/tarball/." ) parser.add_option ( "--tarball" , action="store_true" , dest="tarball" , help="Regenerate a tarball (in <root>/tarball/." ) parser.add_option ( "--rpm" , action="store_true" , dest="doRpm" , help="Regenerate RPM packages." ) parser.add_option ( "--deb" , action="store_true" , dest="doDeb" , help="Regenerate Debian/Ubuntu packages." ) # Katabatic/Kite specific options. parser.add_option ( "-D", "--check-db" , action="store_true" , dest="checkDb" , help="Enable Katabatic/Kite data-base checking (*very* slow)." ) parser.add_option ( "-u", "--check-deter" , action="store_true" , dest="checkDeterminism", help="Enable Katabatic/Kite determinism checking (*very* slow)." ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if options.gui: ErrorMessage = safeImport( 'builder' , 'ErrorMessage' ) QApplication = safeImport( 'PyQt4.QtGui' , 'QApplication' ) BuilderGui = safeImport( 'builder.BuilderGui', 'BuilderGui' ) try: app = QApplication( sys.argv ) app.setOrganizationName ( 'Sorbonne Universite' ) app.setOrganizationDomain( 'lip6.fr' ) app.setApplicationName ( 'CoriolisBuilder' ) gui = BuilderGui( options.conf ) gui.show() rcode = app.exec_() sys.exit( rcode ) except ErrorMessage as e: print( e ) if showTrace: traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) sys.exit(2) except Exception as e: print( '[ERROR] An exception occured while running the Qt application.' ) print( ' {}'.format(e) ) if showTrace: traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) sys.exit(2) else: ErrorMessage = safeImport( 'builder' , 'ErrorMessage' ) Builder = safeImport( 'builder.Builder', 'Builder' ) try: builder = Builder() builder.loadConfiguration( options.conf ) if options.showConf: builder.showConfiguration () sys.exit(0) if options.quiet: builder.quiet = True if options.release: builder.buildMode = "Release" if options.debug: builder.buildMode = "Debug" if options.static: builder.enableShared = "OFF" if options.doc: builder.enableDoc = "ON" if options.checkDb: builder.checkDatabase = "ON" if options.checkDeterminism: builder.checkDeterminism = "ON" if options.verboseMakefile: builder.verboseMakefile = "ON" if options.rootDir: builder.rootDir = options.rootDir if options.noBuild: builder.doBuild = False if options.noCache: builder.noCache = True if options.rmBuild: builder.rmBuild = True if options.ninja: builder.ninja = True if options.clang or options.llvmtoolset: builder.clang = True if options.macports: builder.macports = True if options.devtoolset: builder.devtoolset = options.devtoolset if options.llvmtoolset: builder.llvmtoolset = options.llvmtoolset if options.bfd: builder.bfd = "ON" if options.qt4: builder.qt4 = True if options.openmp: builder.openmp = True if options.makeArguments: builder.makeArguments = options.makeArguments #if options.svnMethod: builder.svnMethod = options.svnMethod #if options.svnTag: builder.svnTag = options.svnTag #if options.svnStatus: builder.svnStatus ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) #elif options.svnUpdate: builder.svnUpdate ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) #elif options.svnDiff: builder.svnDiff ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) #elif options.svnCheckout: builder.svnCheckout ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) if options.userTarball: builder.userTarball ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) elif options.tarball: builder.svnTarball ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) elif options.doRpm: builder.doRpm () elif options.doDeb: builder.doDeb () else: builder.build ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) except ErrorMessage as e: print( e ) if showTrace: traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) sys.exit(e.code) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print( '\n[ERROR] Interrupted by user\'s request (CTRL+C)' ) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)