// -*- C++ -*-

namespace OpenChams {
/*! \class Net::Connection
 *  This class describe a Connection in a Net.
 *  A connection is a couple (instanceName, connectorName) used to represent all the connectors linked to a net.

/*! \fn Net::Connection::Connection(Name instanceName, Name connectorName)
 *   \brief creates a new connection.
 *   \param instanceName  the name of the instance.
 *   \param connectorName the name of the instance's connector.

/*! \fn inline Name Net::Connection::getInstanceName() const
 *   \brief returns the name of the instance.

/*! \fn inline Name Net::Connection::getConnectorName() const 
 *   \brief returns the name of the connector.

/*! \class Net
 *  This class describes a Net.

/*! \fn Net::Net(Name name, Name type, bool external, Netlist* netlist)
 *   \brief creates a new net.
 *   \param name     the name of the net.
 *   \param type     the type of the net (LOGICAL, POWER, GROUND, ...).
 *   \param external if true, then the net is set as external.
 *   \param netlist  the netlist to which the transistor belongs.

/*! \fn void Net::connectTo(Name instanceName, Name connectorName)
 *   \brief adds a connection to the net.
 *   \param instanceName  the instance's name of the Net::Connection.
 *   \param connectorName the connector's name ot the Net::Connection.

/*! \fn inline Name Net::getName() const
 *   \brief returns the name of the net.

/*! \fn inline Name Net::getType()
 *   \brief returns the type of the net.

/*! \fn inline bool Net::isExternal()
 *   \brief returns true if the net is external.

/*! \fn inline Netlist* Net::getNetlist()
 *   \brief returns the Netlist to which the net belongs.

/*! \fn inline bool Net::hasNoConnections()
 *   \brief returns true if the net has no Net::Connection.

/*! \fn inline const std::vector<Net::Connection*>& Net::getConnections()
 *   \brief returns the list of net's connections.

/*! \fn Port* Net::addPort(Name type, unsigned idx, double x, double y, Name orient)
 *   \brief adds a Port to the net.
 *   \param type   the type of the port.
 *   \param idx    the index of the port.
 *   \param x      the x coordinate of the port.
 *   \param y      the y coordinate of the port.
 *   \param orient the orientation of the port.
 *   \return the newly created Port.

/*! \fn Wire* Net::addWire()
 *   \brief adds a Wire to the net.
 *   \return the newly create Wire.

/*! \fn inline bool Net::hasNoPorts()
 *   \brief returns true if net has no Port.

/*! \fn inline const std::vector<Port*>& Net::getPorts()
 *   \brief returns the list of net's Port.

/*! \fn inline bool Net::hasNoWires()
 *   \brief returns true if net has no Wire.

/*! \fn inline const std::vector<Wire*>& Net::getWires()
 *   \brief returns the list of net's Wire.