\subsubsection{Name} Inst -- Creation of instances \subsubsection{Synopsys} \begin{verbatim} Inst ( model , name , param , map ) \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Description} Instantiation of an instance. The type of the instance is given by the \verb-model- parameter. The connexions are made thanks to the \verb-map- parameters. \subsubsection{Parameters} \begin{itemize} \item \verb-Model- : Name of the mastercell of the instance to create (mandatory argument) \item \verb-name- : Name of the instance (optional)\\ When this argument is not defined, the instance has a name created by default. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a layout as well. Indeed, the placement of the instances is much easier when the conceptor has chosen himself the name f the instances.</para> \item \verb-param- : Arguments of the mastercell (optional : only for mastercells which require it) \item \verb-map- : Connexions in order to make the netlist\\ \end{itemize} \indent \verb-param- and \verb-map- are dictionnaries as shown in the example below. \subsubsection{Example} \begin{verbatim} Inst ( 'DpgenAnd2' , param = { 'nbit' : 4 } , map = { 'i0' : in0 , 'i1' : in1 , 'q' : out , 'vdd' : vdd , 'vss' : vss } ) \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Errors} Some errors may occur : \begin{itemize} \item \verb-Error in Inst : the model Model does not exist.-\\\verb-Check CRL_CATA_LIB.-\\Either one has made a mistake in the name of the model, either the environment variable is not correct. \item \verb-Error in Inst : port does not exist in model Model.-\\One port in map is not correct. \item \verb-Error in Inst : one input net is not dimensionned.-\\The size of the output nets is automatically calculated bus the input nets must be dimensionned before being connected. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{See Also} \hyperref[ref]{\emph{Introduction}}{}{Introduction}{secintroduction}