// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Hurricane {
/*! \class Layer
* \brief Layer description (\b API)
* \section secLayerIntro Introduction
* Layers are divideds in three categories:
* - Layer : the base class, it supplies a generic interface
* sufficent for most manipulations. However, there are cases
* when a specific derived class may be needed. Mostly when
* assembling the symbolic layers.
- BasicLayer : they represents the real process layers (GDS ones).
* They possesses the following characteristics:
* - Each BasicLayer is associated with an unique bit in the
* Layer::Mask. This bit is used to find if a symbolic layer
* contains that particular BasicLayer.
- No dimension extentions. Database objects drawn with those
* layers have rectangles the exact size specified by the
* user. This is mandatory if you want to create a real layout
* (by opposition to a symbolic one).
- They have a \b material field hinting the purpose of the
* layer (is a routing metal, a cut, a diffusion and so on).
- They may have an associated blockage layer (for routing
* layers).
* - Symbolic Layers : used to draw the various components of
* a symbolic layout. They are made of a list of BasicLayers and
* how to extend their dimensions from the user specified sizes.
* - RegularLayer : contains one BasicLayer, use for wires.
- ViaLayer : contains three BasicLayer, for contact between
* metal layers. The BasicLayers must be of \c (metal,cut,metal)
* materials.
- ContactLayer : contains four or five BasicLayers, for contact
* towards active layers or transistor gates. The fifth optional
* parameter is the well. Materials of the components must be of
* type \c (metal,cut,active,diffusion[,well])
- DiffusionLayer : contains three BasicLayer, for diffusion area.
* Materials of the components must be of type
* \c (active,diffusion,well).
- TransistorLayer : contains three to four layers, for representing
* digital transistors. Materials are of type :
* \c (gate,active,diffusion,well).
* Like for the Technology object, a layer must not be deleted,
* else all components located on it will have a dangling
* pointer to an deleted object ...
* \subsection secBasicLayerOrder BasicLayer Creation Ordering
* The creation order is significant regarding the metal connectivity.
* The metal & cut layers must be created in alternately fashion,
* for example:
* BasicLayer | Material | Layer::Mask
* |
\c cut0 | \c cut | \c 0x00000010
* |
\c metal1 | \c metal | \c 0x00000020
* |
\c cut1 | \c cut | \c 0x00000040
* |
\c metal2 | \c metal | \c 0x00000080
* |
\c cut2 | \c cut | \c 0x00000100
* |
\c metal3 | \c metal | \c 0x00000200
* |
* \subsection secLayerLookup Looking Up a Layer from a Mask
* A BasicLayer is uniquely associated to a bit in the
* Layer::Mask. But, multiple symbolic layers could be built
* over that BasicLayer. In that case all those layers will
* have the same mask. For the mask lookup functions not
* to be confused, we introduce the concept of working layer
* in all the symbolic layers with the same mask, this is the
* one that will be returned.
/*! \typedef Layer::Mask
* This type represents a mask bit field characterising
* efficiently the constituents of any kind of layer. It
* associates to each basic layer a bit and to each symbolic
* layer the union of the bits corresponding to its basic
* layers.
// Accessors
/*! \function Technology* Layer::getTechnology() const;
* \Return the technolgy owning the layer.
/*! \function const Name& Layer::getName() const;
* \Return the name of the layer.
/*! \function const Layer::Mask& Layer::getMask() const;
* \Return the mask associated to the layer.
/*! \function const Layer::Mask& Layer::getExtractMask() const;
* \Return the mask used for extraction.
* Two differents basic layers have different masks but may have
* same extraction masks (ie CP layer which represent poly and
* CPG which represent poly used to realize transistor gates).
/*! \function const DbU::Unit& Layer::getMinimalSize() const;
* \Return the minimal size allowed for a rectangular layout pad on this
* layer.
/*! \function const DbU::Unit& Layer::getMinimalSpacing() const;
* \Return the minimal spacing between two pads on this layer.
/*! \function const DbU::Unit& Layer::getPitch() const;
* \Return the pitch between two routing wires on this layer.
* Only significant for metal.
/*! \function BasicLayers Layer::getBasicLayers() const;
* \Return the collection of basic layers within this layer.
* \remark For a basic layer the collection contains this one only.
/*! \function const Layer* Layer::getTop() const;
* \Return The uppermost layer of that layer. On BasicLayer, it is always
* the layer itself. In symbolic layers the meaning depends on the
* object structure.
* \remark In symbolic layers, top & bottom are not related to the Layer::Mask
* but to the \e structuration of the layer. It is advisable that
* the designer create layers and symbolic layers in way that ensure
* the top layer is indeed the one with the greater mask.
/*! \function const Layer* Layer::getBottom() const;
* \Return The lowermost layer of that layer. On BasicLayer, it is always
* the layer itself. In symbolic layers the meaning depends on the
* object structure.
/*! \function const Layer* Layer::getOpposite( const Layer* source ) const;
* \Return This method is only meaningful for ViaLayer. It returns the metal
* Layer opposite to the one given in arguments.
/*! \function Layer* Layer::getMetalAbove() const;
* \Return The metal working layer whose mask is immediatly above
* this one.
/*! \function Layer* Layer::getMetalBelow() const;
* \Return The metal working layer whose mask is immediatly below
* this one.
/*! \function Layer* Layer::getCutAbove() const;
* \Return The cut working layer whose mask is immediatly above
* this one.
/*! \function Layer* Layer::getCutBelow() const;
* \Return The cut working layer whose mask is immediatly below
* this one.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Layer::getEnclosure() const;
* \Return The maximal enclosure, of all layers.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Layer::getExtensionCap() const;
* \Return The maximal extension cap, of all layers.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Layer::getExtensionWidth() const;
* \Return The maximal extension width, of all layers.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Layer::getEnclosure(const BasicLayer* layer) const;
* \Return The enclosure, for the given layer.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Layer::getExtensionCap(const BasicLayer* layer) const;
* \Return The extension cap, for the given layer.
/*! \function DbU::Unit Layer::getExtensionWidth(const BasicLayer* layer) const;
* \Return The extension width, for the given layer.
// Predicates
/*! \function bool Layer::above(const Layer* layer) const;
* \Return \true, if \c layer is above this one.
/*! \function bool Layer::below(const Layer* layer) const;
* \Return \true, if \c layer is below this one.
/*! \function bool Layer::contains(const Layer* layer) const;
* \Return \true if the \c \ is completely included in the layer
* \c \ (that is if the basic layers of \c \ are
* a sub-set of the basic layers of \c \), else \false.
/*! \function bool Layer::intersect(const Layer* layer) const;
* \Return \true if the \c \ and the layer \c \ have at
* least a common basic layer, else \false.
/*! \function bool Layer::isWorking() const;
* \Return \true, if this layer is the working one, that is, the
* one that will be returned for any layer with it's Layer::Mask.
// Mutators
/*! \function void Layer::setName(const Name& name);
* sets or changes the layer name.
* \remark An exception is thrown if the name is empty or if there is an
* other layer with that name.
/*! \function void Layer::setMinimalSize(const DbU::Unit& minimalSize);
* Sets the minimal size of a pad on this layer.
/*! \function void Layer::setMinimalSpacing(const DbU::Unit& minimalSpacing);
* Sets the minimal spacing between two pads on this layer.
/*! \function void Layer::setEnclosure(const BasicLayer* layer, DbU::Unit& enclosure);
* Sets the enclosure for the given BasicLayer.
/*! \function void Layer::setExtentionCap(const BasicLayer* layer, DbU::Unit ecap);
* Sets the extention cap for the given BasicLayer.
/*! \function void Layer::setExtentionWidth(const BasicLayer* layer, DbU::Unit ewidth);
* Sets the extention width for the given BasicLayer.
//! \name Layer Collection
// \{
/*! \typedef Layers
* Generic collection representing a set of layers.
/*! \typedef LayerLocator
* Generic locator for traversing a collection of layers.
/*! \typedef LayerFilter
* Generic filter allowing to select a subset of layers matching
* some criteria.
/*! \def for_each_layer(layer, layers)
* Macro for visiting all the layers of a collection of layers.
// \}