
SetRefIns -- Defines the new "reference instance" for placement


SetRefIns ( ins )


This function defines the new "reference instance", used as starting point in the relative placement functions.\\
\indent It's regarding the abutmentbox of the instance \verb-ins- that the next instance is going to be placed, if using the appropriate functions.\\
\indent Note that the more recently placed instance becomes automaticaly the "reference instance", if SetRefIns isn't called.

    \item \verb-ins- : defines the new "reference instance"

Place      ( myInst1, NOSYM, 0, 0 )
PlaceRight ( myInst2, NOSYM       )

SetRefIns  ( myInst1 )
PlaceTop   ( myInst3, SYM_Y       )

\indent \verb-myInst3- is on top of \verb-myInst1- instead of \verb-myInst2-.

Some errors may occur :
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] SetRefIns : the instance doesn't exist.-\\If the instance has not been instanciated, it is impossible do to any placement from it.
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] SetRefIns : the instance ...is not placed.-\\If the instance has not been placed, it is impossible do to any placement from it.
\subsubsection{See Also}
