// This file is part of the Coriolis Project. // Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM // Universite Pierre et Marie Curie // // Main contributors : // Christophe Alexandre // Hugo Clément // Jean-Paul Chaput // Christian Masson // // The Coriolis Project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // The Coriolis Project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with the Coriolis Project; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // // License-Tag // // Date : 29/01/2004 // Author : Christophe Alexandre // // Authors-Tag #include using namespace std; #include "vlsisapd/configuration/Configuration.h" #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/Net.h" #include "hurricane/Instance.h" #include "hurricane/Plug.h" #include "hurricane/Timer.h" #include "crlcore/ToolBox.h" #include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h" using namespace CRL; #include "nimbus/NimbusEngine.h" using namespace Nimbus; #ifdef HAVE_HMETIS_LIB #include "metis/MetisGraph.h" #endif #include "metis/MetisEngine.h" namespace Metis { const Name MetisEngine::_toolName = "Metis"; MetisEngine::MetisEngine ( Cell* cell ) : Inherit (cell) , _configuration(new Configuration()) , _step (0) , _actualGraphs () , _newGraphs () , _globalEdgeCut(0) { #ifdef HAVE_HMETIS_LIB NimbusEngine* nimbus = NimbusEngine::get ( getCell() ); if ( nimbus == NULL ) throw Error ("Nimbus must be created before Metis, on cell <%s>" ,getString(getCell()->getName()).c_str()); _actualGraphs = new MetisGraphs(); _newGraphs = new MetisGraphs(); _actualGraphs->push_back ( new MetisGraph(this,nimbus->getGrid()->getRoot()) ); // What the fuck does this loop do? // forEach ( Net*, inet, getCell()->getNets() ) { // if ( inet->isGlobal() ) continue; // if ( inet->isSupply() ) continue; // } #endif // HAVE_HMETIS_LIB } MetisEngine::~MetisEngine () { delete _configuration; } MetisEngine* MetisEngine::create ( Cell* cell ) { MetisEngine* metis = new MetisEngine(cell); metis->_postCreate(); return metis; } void MetisEngine::_preDestroy () { #ifdef HAVE_HMETIS_LIB for (MetisGraphs::iterator mgit = _actualGraphs->begin(); mgit != _actualGraphs->end(); ++mgit) delete *mgit; for (MetisGraphs::iterator mgit = _newGraphs->begin(); mgit != _newGraphs->end(); ++mgit) delete *mgit; delete _actualGraphs; delete _newGraphs; #endif // HAVE_HMETIS_LIB Inherit::_preDestroy(); } bool MetisEngine::isHMetisCapable () { #ifdef HAVE_HMETIS_LIB return true; #else return false; #endif // HAVE_HMETIS_LIB } Record* MetisEngine::_getRecord () const { Record* record = Inherit::_getRecord(); if (record) { record->add ( getSlot("step", _step) ); } return record; } void MetisEngine::run () { #ifdef HAVE_HMETIS_LIB cmess2 << " o hMetis quadri-partition step." << endl; Timer timer; timer.start(); NimbusEngine* nimbus = NimbusEngine::get ( getCell() ); forEach ( GCell*, igcell, nimbus->getPlacementLeaves() ) { if ( not igcell->hasSubGCells() ) throw Warning("You must first progress in Nimbus before calling Metis"); if ( igcell->getSubGCells().getSize() < 2 ) throw Error("Metis needs at least 2 Nimbus subboxes"); } _globalEdgeCut = 0; linefill output (" ",cmess2); for ( MetisGraphs::iterator mgit = _actualGraphs->begin(); mgit != _actualGraphs->end(); ++mgit ) { MetisGraph* graph = *mgit; try { _globalEdgeCut += graph->part ( output ); } catch ( MetisGraph::TooLowNVTXSException& e ) { if ( cmess2.enabled() ) cerr << "\n"; cerr << Warning("Impossible to part graph, only %d nodes",e._nvtxs); } for ( size_t id=0; id < graph->_partResultVector.size(); ++id ) { _newGraphs->push_back ( new MetisGraph(this ,graph ,graph->_partResultVector[id]->first ,graph->_partResultVector[id]->second ) ); } } output << "\n"; for ( MetisGraphs::iterator mgit=_actualGraphs->begin(); mgit != _actualGraphs->end(); ++mgit ) delete *mgit; delete _actualGraphs; _actualGraphs = _newGraphs; _newGraphs = new MetisGraphs (); save ( ++_step ); timer.stop(); cmess2 << " - Refine placement done in " << getString(timer.getUserTime()) << "s." << endl; if ( getRefreshCb() != NULL ) getRefreshCb() (); #else throw Warning ( "hmetis library is needed to use Metis ToolEngine" ); #endif // HAVE_HMETIS_LIB } void MetisEngine::save ( unsigned step ) { #ifdef HAVE_HMETIS_LIB //for ( MetisGraphs::iterator mgit=_actualGraphs->begin(); mgit != _actualGraphs->end(); ++mgit) // (*mgit)->save ( step ); grabPlacementModificationFlag (); #else throw Warning ( "hmetis library is needed to use Metis ToolEngine" ); #endif /* HAVE_HMETIS_LIB */ } int MetisEngine::getGlobalEdgeCut () const { return _globalEdgeCut; } const Name& MetisEngine::staticGetName () { return _toolName; } const Name& MetisEngine::getName () const { return _toolName; } MetisEngine* MetisEngine::get ( Cell* cell ) { return dynamic_cast ( ToolEngine::get(cell,_toolName) ); } bool MetisEngine::_reInit() { #if 0 #ifdef HAVE_HMETIS_LIB for (MetisGraphs::iterator mgit=_actualGraphs->begin(); mgit != _actualGraphs->end(); ++mgit) delete *mgit; for (MetisGraphs::iterator mgit=_newGraphs->begin(); mgit != _newGraphs->end(); ++mgit) delete *mgit; delete _actualGraphs; delete _newGraphs; _actualGraphs = new MetisGraphs(); _newGraphs = new MetisGraphs(); NimbusEngine* nimbus = NimbusEngine::get ( getCell() ); bool partToBeDone = false; forEach ( GCell*, igcell, nimbus->getPlacementLeaves() ) { Instances instances = getCell()->getInstancesUnder(**igcell); if ( instances.getSize() >= getNumberOfInstancesStopCriterion() ) { if ( not partToBeDone ) { partToBeDone = true; ++_step; } _actualGraphs->push_back ( new MetisGraph(this,instances,igcell) ); } } if ( not partToBeDone ) throw Warning("Not enough instances to part, minimum is %d",getNumberOfInstancesStopCriterion()); return true; #else throw Warning ( "hmetis library is needed to use Metis ToolEngine" ); #endif // HAVE_HMETIS_LIB #else return false; #endif } unsigned int MetisEngine::computeQuadriPartitions ( Cell* cell, int& xsplits, int& ysplits ) { size_t gates = getInstancesCount ( cell ); Box ab = cell->getAbutmentBox(); double aspectRatio = (double)(ab.getWidth()) / (double)(ab.getHeight()); if ( aspectRatio >= 1.0 ) { xsplits = ((int)(trunc ( aspectRatio +0.5 ) )) * 2; ysplits = 2; } else { xsplits = 2; ysplits = ((int)(trunc ( (1.0/aspectRatio)+0.5 ) )) * 2; } int partitionSizeStop = Cfg::getParamInt("metis.numberOfInstancesStopCriterion",45)->asInt(); double quadPartitions = log((double)gates / (double)(partitionSizeStop*xsplits*ysplits) ) / log(4.0) + 1.0; return (unsigned int)(quadPartitions); } void MetisEngine::doQuadriPart ( Cell* cell ) { if ( not isHMetisCapable() ) throw Error ("Metis::doQuadriPart(): HMetis wasn't found at compile time <%s>" ,getString(cell->getName()).c_str()); // MetisEngine* metis = MetisEngine::get ( cell ); // if ( metis != NULL ) // throw Error ("Metis::doQuadriPart(): Metis already exists on <%s>" // ,getString(cell->getName()).c_str()); // NimbusEngine* nimbus = NimbusEngine::get ( cell ); // if ( nimbus != NULL ) // throw Error ("Metis::doQuadriPart(): Nimbus already exists on <%s>" // ,getString(cell->getName()).c_str()); NimbusEngine* nimbus = NimbusEngine::get ( cell ); if ( nimbus == NULL ) nimbus = NimbusEngine::create ( cell ); MetisEngine* metis = MetisEngine::get ( cell ); if ( metis == NULL ) metis = MetisEngine ::create ( cell ); int xsplits; int ysplits; size_t partitions = computeQuadriPartitions ( cell, xsplits, ysplits ); for ( size_t part=0 ; partprogress ( xsplits, ysplits ); metis-> run (); xsplits = 2; ysplits = 2; } } } // End of Metis namespace.