// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) SU 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | S e a b r e e z e - Timing Analysis | // | | // | Author : Vu Hoang Anh PHAM | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./Elmore.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "hurricane/Net.h" #include "hurricane/Segment.h" #include "hurricane/DebugSession.h" #include "hurricane/Error.h" #include "seabreeze/Elmore.h" #include "seabreeze/Node.h" #include "seabreeze/SeabreezeEngine.h" namespace Seabreeze { using namespace std; using Hurricane::Error; using Hurricane::DBo; using Hurricane::DbU; using Hurricane::Net; using Hurricane::Cell; using Hurricane::Instance; using Hurricane::Property; using Hurricane::PrivateProperty; using Hurricane::Component; using Hurricane::Segment; using Hurricane::DebugSession; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "Elmore" Elmore::Elmore ( Net* net ) : _seabreeze(nullptr) , _contacts () , _checker () , _tree (new Tree()) {} Elmore::~Elmore () { cdebug_log(199,0) << "Elmore::~Elmore() " << endl; delete _tree; } const Configuration* Elmore::getConfiguration () const { return _seabreeze->getConfiguration(); } void Elmore::contFromNet ( Net* net ) { for ( RoutingPad* rp : net->getRoutingPads() ) { for ( Component* component : rp->getSlaveComponents() ) { Contact* contact = dynamic_cast( component ); if (not contact) continue; _contacts.insert( contact ); } } } void Elmore::buildTree ( RoutingPad* rp ) { if (not rp) { cerr << Error( "Elmore::buildTree(): NULL RoutingPad, aborting." ) << endl; return; } Contact* rootContact = nullptr; for ( Component* component : rp->getSlaveComponents() ) { Contact* contact = dynamic_cast(component); if (contact) { rootContact = contact; break; } } if (not rootContact) { cerr << Error( "Elmore::buildTree(): No Contact anchored on %s." , getString(rp).c_str() ) << endl; return; } cdebug_log(199,1) << "Elmore::buildTree()" << endl; cdebug_log(199,0) << "Root contact " << rootContact << endl; _checker.insert( rootContact ); Node* rootNode = new Node( nullptr, rootContact ); double R = 0; double C = 0; setRC( &R, &C, rootContact, nullptr ); rootNode->setR( R ); rootNode->setC( (C == 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1/C ); Segment* segment = nullptr; size_t count = 0; for ( Component* component : rootContact->getSlaveComponents() ) { segment = dynamic_cast( component ); if (not segment) continue; ++count; } if (count != 1) { cerr << Error( "Elmore::buildTree(): Terminal contact has more than one segment (%d), aborting.\n" " (on %s)" , count , getString(rootContact).c_str() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(199,-1); return; } buildFromNode( rootNode, segment ); cdebug_log(199,0) << "Elmore::buildTree() - Finished" << endl; cdebug_tabw(199,-1); _tree->print( cerr ); } void Elmore::buildFromNode ( Node* rootNode, Segment* toSegment ) { if (not rootNode->contact()) { cerr << Error( "Elmore::buildFromNode(): rootNode has no contact, aborting." ) << endl; return; } _tree->addNode( rootNode ); cdebug_log(199,1) << "Elmore::buildFromNode()" << endl; cdebug_log(199,0) << "rootNode->_contact=" << rootNode->contact() << endl; cdebug_log(199,0) << "toSegment=" << toSegment << endl; Contact* opposite = dynamic_cast( toSegment->getOppositeAnchor( rootNode->contact()) ); if (not opposite or (rootNode->parent() and (opposite == rootNode->parent()->contact())) ) { cdebug_tabw(199,-1); return; } cdebug_log(199,0) << "opposite=" << opposite << endl; double Rb = 0; double Cb = 0; opposite = buildBranch( &Rb, &Cb, opposite ); if (not opposite) { cerr << Error( "Elmore::buildFromNode(): Branch end up on NULL Contact, pruned." ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(199,-1); return; } cdebug_log(199,0) << "Reached fork " << opposite << endl; Node* node = new Node( rootNode, opposite); node->setR( Rb ); node->setC( (Cb == 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1/Cb ); cdebug_log(199,0) << "R=" << Rb << " C=" << Cb << endl; int count = 0; for ( Component* component : opposite->getSlaveComponents() ) { count += (dynamic_cast(component)) ? 1 : 0; } cdebug_log(199,0) << "Node's contact has : " << count << " segments" << endl; if (count == 1) { _tree->addNode( node ); } else if (count > 2) { for ( Component* component : opposite->getSlaveComponents() ) { Segment* segment = dynamic_cast( component ); if (not segment) continue; cdebug_log(199,0) << "| " << segment << endl; Contact* target = dynamic_cast( segment->getOppositeAnchor(opposite) ); if (not target) { cerr << Error( "Elmore::buildFromNode(): Segment missing opposite anchor. pruned." ) << endl; continue; } cdebug_log(199,0) << "target=" << target << endl; if (not _checker.count(target)) { buildFromNode( node, segment); } } } cdebug_tabw(199,-1); } Contact* Elmore::buildBranch ( double* R, double* C, Contact* current ) { cdebug_log(199,1) << "Elmore::buildBranch()" << endl; cdebug_log(199,0) << "current=" << current << endl; while ( true ) { _checker.insert( current ); int count = 0; Segment* segment = nullptr; for ( Component* component : current->getSlaveComponents() ) { segment = dynamic_cast( component ); if (not segment) continue; Contact* opposite = dynamic_cast( segment->getOppositeAnchor(current) ); if (opposite and (_checker.count(opposite)) != 0) { setRC( R, C, current, segment ); cdebug_log(199,0) << "current=" << current << endl; cdebug_log(199,0) << "segment=" << segment << endl; cdebug_log(199,0) << "R=" << *R << endl; cdebug_log(199,0) << "C=" << *C << endl; } ++count; } if (not count) { cerr << Error( "Elmore::buildBranch(): Contact seems to be a dead end, pruning.\n" " (on %s)" , getString(current).c_str() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(199,-1); return nullptr; } else if (count != 2) { break; } Contact* next = nullptr; for ( Component* component : current->getSlaveComponents() ) { segment = dynamic_cast( component ); if (not segment) continue; cdebug_log(199,0) << "| " << segment << endl; Contact* opposite = dynamic_cast( segment->getOppositeAnchor(current) ); cdebug_log(199,0) << "opposite=" << opposite << endl; if (opposite and (_checker.count(opposite) == 0)) next = opposite; } if (not next) { cerr << Error( "Elmore::buildBranch(): Wire loop detected.\n" " (on %s)" , getString(current).c_str() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(199,-1); return nullptr; } current = next; } cdebug_tabw(199,-1); return current; } void Elmore::setRC ( double* R, double* C, Contact* contact, Segment* segment ) { double Rcont = getConfiguration()->getRct(); //double Hcont = DbU::toPhysical( contact->getHeight(), DbU::UnitPower::Nano ); //double Wcont = DbU::toPhysical( contact->getWidth (), DbU::UnitPower::Nano ); double Wcont = DbU::toLambda( contact->getWidth () ); double Acont = Wcont * Wcont; *R += Rcont * Acont; if (not segment) { *C = 0; } else { double Rseg = getConfiguration()->getRsm(); double Cseg = getConfiguration()->getCsm(); //double Lseg = DbU::toPhysical( segment->getLength(), DbU::UnitPower::Nano ); //double Wseg = DbU::toPhysical( segment->getWidth (), DbU::UnitPower::Nano ); double Lseg = DbU::toLambda( segment->getLength() ); double Wseg = DbU::toLambda( segment->getWidth () ); double Aseg = Lseg * Wseg; cdebug_log(199,0) << "Elmore::setRC() on " << segment << endl; cdebug_log(199,0) << " Lseg=" << Lseg << " Wseg=" << Wseg << " Aseg=" << Aseg << endl; *R += Rseg * Aseg; *C += (Aseg) ? 1/(Cseg*Aseg) : 0.0; } } void Elmore::clearTree () { _tree->clear(); _checker.clear(); } double Elmore::delayElmore ( RoutingPad* rp ) { return _tree->computeElmoreDelay( rp ); } void Elmore::toTree ( ostream& os ) const { _tree->print( os ); } string Elmore::_getTypeName () const { return "Seabreeze::Elmore"; } string Elmore::_getString () const { string s = "<" + _getTypeName() + ">"; return s; } Record* Elmore::_getRecord () const { Record* record = new Record ( _getString() ); if (record != nullptr) { record->add( getSlot("_seabreeze", _seabreeze) ); record->add( getSlot("_contacts" , &_contacts) ); record->add( getSlot("_checker" , &_checker ) ); record->add( getSlot("_tree" , _tree ) ); } return record; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "ElmoreProperty" Name ElmoreProperty::_name = "Seabreeze::Elmore"; ElmoreProperty::ElmoreProperty ( Net* net ) : PrivateProperty() , _elmore (net) { if (net) { SeabreezeEngine* seabreeze = dynamic_cast( ToolEngine::get( net->getCell(), "Seabreeze" )); if (not seabreeze) { cerr << Error( "ElmoreProperty::ElmoreProperty(): Cannot find SeabreezeEngine on %s." , getString(net->getCell()).c_str()) << endl; } _elmore.setSeabreeze( seabreeze ); } cdebug_log(199,0) << "ElmoreProperty::ElmoreProperty() on " << net << endl; } ElmoreProperty* ElmoreProperty::create ( Net* net ) { ElmoreProperty* property = new ElmoreProperty( net ); property->_postCreate(); return property; } Name ElmoreProperty::staticGetName () { return _name; } Name ElmoreProperty::getName () const { return _name; } string ElmoreProperty::_getTypeName () const { return "ElmoreProperty"; } string ElmoreProperty::_getString () const { string s = PrivateProperty::_getString (); s.insert ( s.length() - 1 , " " + getString(&_elmore) ); return s; } Record* ElmoreProperty::_getRecord () const { Record* record = PrivateProperty::_getRecord(); if ( record ) { record->add( getSlot( "_name" , _name ) ); record->add( getSlot( "_elmore", &_elmore ) ); } return record; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "ElmoreExtension" Elmore* ElmoreExtension::create ( Net* net ) { cdebug_log(199,1) << "ElmoreExtension::create() " << net << endl; Elmore* elmore = get( net ); if (not elmore) { ElmoreProperty* property = new ElmoreProperty( net ); net->put( property ); elmore = property->getElmore(); } cdebug_tabw(199,-1); return elmore; } void ElmoreExtension::destroy ( Net* net ) { cdebug_log(199,1) << "ElmoreExtension::destroy() " << net << endl; Property* property = net->getProperty( ElmoreProperty::staticGetName() ); if (property) net->remove( property ); cdebug_tabw(199,-1); } Elmore* ElmoreExtension::get ( Net* net ) { Elmore* elmore = nullptr; Property* property = net->getProperty( ElmoreProperty::staticGetName() ); if (property) elmore = static_cast( property )->getElmore(); return elmore; } } // Seabreeze namespace.