# -*- Mode:Python; explicit-buffer-name: "Alliance.py<crlcore/helpers>" -*- # # This file is part of the Coriolis Software. # Copyright (c) UPMC 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved # # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ # | C O R I O L I S | # | Alliance / Hurricane Interface | # | | # | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | # | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr | # | =============================================================== | # | Python : "./crlcore/helpers/Alliance.py" | # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ import os import os.path import sys import Hurricane from Hurricane import DbU from Hurricane import DataBase from Hurricane import Layer import CRL from CRL import Environment from CRL import AllianceFramework from CRL import RoutingGauge from CRL import RoutingLayerGauge from CRL import CellGauge from helpers import ErrorMessage from helpers import Debug import helpers.RealTechnology import helpers.SymbolicTechnology allianceFile = '<allianceFile has not been set>' class AddMode ( object ): Append = 1 Prepend = 2 Replace = 3 @staticmethod def toEnvironment ( mode ): if mode == AddMode.Prepend: return Environment.Prepend if mode == AddMode.Replace: return Environment.Replace return Environment.Append class Gauge ( object ): Vertical = 1 Horizontal = 2 PinOnly = 3 Default = 4 @staticmethod def toRlGauge ( value ): if value == Gauge.Vertical: return RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical if value == Gauge.Horizontal: return RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal if value == Gauge.PinOnly: return RoutingLayerGauge.PinOnly if value == Gauge.Default: return RoutingLayerGauge.Default return None def xmlToConf ( xmlPath ): hasExtention = False components = xmlPath.split(os.sep) filename = components[-1] if filename.endswith('.xml'): hasExtention = True filename = filename[:-4] if filename.endswith('.conf'): hasExtention = True filename = filename[:-5] filename = filename.replace('.','_') confPath = os.sep.join(components[:-1] + [filename]) if hasExtention: confPath += '.conf' return confPath def _loadAllianceConfig ( af, allianceConfig ): env = af.getEnvironment() entryNo = 0 for entry in allianceConfig: entryNo += 1 try: if len(entry) != 2: raise ErrorMessage(1,['Malformed entry in <allianceConfig>.' ,'Must have exactly two fields ("key", <value>).' ,str(entry) ]) key, value = entry if key == 'DISPLAY': env.setDISPLAY(value) if key == 'CATALOG': env.setCATALOG(value) if key == 'SCALE_X': env.setSCALE_X(value) if key == 'IN_LO': env.setIN_LO(value) if key == 'IN_PH': env.setIN_PH(value) if key == 'OUT_PH': env.setOUT_PH(value) if key == 'OUT_LO': env.setOUT_LO(value) if key == 'POWER': env.setPOWER(value) if key == 'GROUND': env.setGROUND(value) if key == 'CLOCK': env.setCLOCK(value) if key == 'BLOCKAGE': env.setBLOCKAGE(value) if key == 'PAD': env.setPad(value) if key == 'WORKING_LIBRARY': env.setWORKING_LIBRARY(value) if key == 'SYSTEM_LIBRARY': for libraryEntry in value: if len(libraryEntry) != 2: raise ErrorMessage(1,['Malformed system library entry in <allianceConfig>.' ,'Must have exactly two fields ("path", <mode>).' ,str(libraryEntry) ]) libPath, mode = libraryEntry env.addSYSTEM_LIBRARY(library=libPath,mode=AddMode.toEnvironment(mode)) except Exception, e: ErrorMessage.wrapPrint(e,'In %s:<Alliance> at index %d.' % (allianceFile,entryNo)) try: env.validate() except Exception, e: ErrorMessage.wrapPrint(e,'In %s:<Alliance>.' % (allianceFile)) sys.exit(1) return def loadRoutingGaugesTable ( routingGaugesTable, fromFile ): global allianceFile allianceFile = fromFile af = AllianceFramework.get() for gaugeName in routingGaugesTable.keys(): gaugeDatas = routingGaugesTable[gaugeName] technology = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology() gauge = RoutingGauge.create(gaugeName) entryNo = 0 for entry in gaugeDatas: entryNo += 1 try: if len(entry) != 2: raise ErrorMessage(1,['Malformed entry in <routingGaugesTable[%s]>.' % gaugeName ,'Must have exactly two fields ("METAL_LAYER", (parameters_list)).' ,str(entry) ]) if len(entry[1]) != 9: raise ErrorMessage(1,['Malformed entry in <routingGaugesTable[%s]>.' % gaugeName ,'Parameters list must have exactly nine fields:' ,' (direction, type, depth, density, offset, pitch, wire_width, via_width, obs_dw)' ,str(entry) ]) gauge.addLayerGauge( RoutingLayerGauge.create( technology.getLayer(entry[0]) , Gauge.toRlGauge(entry[1][0]) # Direction. , Gauge.toRlGauge(entry[1][1]) # Type. , entry[1][2] # Depth. , entry[1][3] # Density. , DbU.fromLambda(entry[1][4]) # Offset. , DbU.fromLambda(entry[1][5]) # Pitch. , DbU.fromLambda(entry[1][6]) # Wire width. , DbU.fromLambda(entry[1][7]) # Via width. , DbU.fromLambda(entry[1][8]) # Obstacle dW. ) ) except Exception, e: ErrorMessage.wrapPrint(e,'In %s:<routingGaugesTable> at index %d.' % (allianceFile,entryNo)) af.addRoutingGauge(gauge) return def loadCellGaugesTable ( cellGaugesTable, fromFile ): global allianceFile allianceFile = fromFile af = AllianceFramework.get() for gaugeName in cellGaugesTable.keys(): gaugeDatas = cellGaugesTable[gaugeName] gauge = None try: if len(gaugeDatas) != 4: raise ErrorMessage(1,['Malformed gaugeDatas in <cellGaugesTable[%s]>.' % gaugeName ,'Parameters list must have exactly four fields:' ,' (terminal_metal, xy_common_pitch, slice_height, slice_step)' ,str(gaugeDatas) ]) gauge = CellGauge.create( gaugeName , gaugeDatas[0] # pinLayerName. , DbU.fromLambda(gaugeDatas[1]) # pitch. , DbU.fromLambda(gaugeDatas[2]) # sliceHeight. , DbU.fromLambda(gaugeDatas[3]) # sliceStep. ) except Exception, e: ErrorMessage.wrapPrint(e,'In %s:<cellGaugesTable> at index %d.' % (allianceFile,gaugeDatasNo)) if gauge: af.addCellGauge(gauge) return def loadAllianceConfig ( table, fromFile ): global allianceFile allianceFile = fromFile af = AllianceFramework.get() db = DataBase.getDB() technology = db.getTechnology() if not technology: technology = Hurricane.Technology.create(db,'Alliance') _loadAllianceConfig( af, table ) env = af.getEnvironment() return