Katabatic - Routing Toolbox

Grid< GCellT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Grid< GCellT >, including all inherited members.

BaseGrid(const Box &)BaseGridprotected
getBoundingBox() constBaseGridinline
getColumn(unsigned int) constBaseGridinline
getColumns() constBaseGridinline
getGCell(unsigned int index) constGrid< GCellT >inline
getGCell(const Point p) constGrid< GCellT >inline
getGCell(const Point p1, const Point p2) constGrid< GCellT >inline
getGCellDown(const GCellT *gcell) constGrid< GCellT >inline
getGCellLeft(const GCellT *gcell) constGrid< GCellT >inline
getGCellRight(const GCellT *gcell) constGrid< GCellT >inline
getGCells()Grid< GCellT >inline
getGCellsColumn(unsigned int column, unsigned int rowStart, unsigned int rowStop)Grid< GCellT >inline
getGCellsRow(unsigned int row, unsigned int columnStart, unsigned int columnStop)Grid< GCellT >inline
getGCellUp(const GCellT *gcell) constGrid< GCellT >inline
getIndex(unsigned int c, unsigned int r) constBaseGridinline
getRawSize() constBaseGridinline
getRow(unsigned int) constBaseGridinline
getRows() constBaseGridinline
getXGrads() constBaseGridinline
getYGrads() constBaseGridinline
Grid(const Box &)Grid< GCellT >inlineprotected

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